„Thisfellowcan, wantto receivemefor the disciplebefore, nowseesHan Yulookswithmyimage, receivedHan Yu, is really the wild ambition.”
“这家伙可以啊,以前就想收我为徒,现在看到韩玉长得跟我像,就收了韩玉,真是狼子野心。”Han Juecriticizes, seesLi Daokongto receivediscipleHan Yu, heis inexplicable.韩绝暗骂,看到李道空收徒韩玉,他莫名不爽。Waits forLi Daokongto come back, musttidy up.
Since doing obeisanceinto the Li Daokonghanger-on, Han Yucultivation baseincreases day by day, healsolearnsmanyswordDao God, becomestrueSword Cultivator.
自从拜入李道空门下后,韩玉的修为与日俱增,他还习得不少剑道神通,成为真正的剑修。Li Daokongis very goodtoHan Yu, evenalsogives a Han YuHeavenly Daospirit treasurerank the sword.李道空对韩玉很好,甚至还送给韩玉一把天道灵宝级别的剑。Heavenly Daospirit treasureregardingSage, is the raretreasure.天道灵宝对于圣人而言,都是少有的宝贝。Sees this sword, impression of Han JuetoLi Daokonghas changed for the better.
看到这把剑,韩绝对李道空的印象又有所好转。SinceLi Daokongis the sinceritytreatsHan Yu, thatto the Han Jueface.
既然李道空是真心对待韩玉,那就是给韩绝面子。Han Yuhad the whereabouts, cultivationsurelywill be in the future problem-free, even ifHan Juedid not open the back doortohim, he can still becomeFang Qiang.韩玉算是有了着落,日后修行必定一帆风顺,即便韩绝不给他开后门,他也能成为一方强者。Li Daokongmay such a disciple!李道空可就这么一位弟子!WhileHan Juewhenspying onHan Yu, somepeoplevisithim.
正当韩绝在窥探韩玉时,有人来拜访他。Li Yao.厉遥。
The Han Juejust rightsafe/without matter, thenmakeshercome.韩绝正好无事,便让她进来。
Before Li Yaoarrives at the Han Juebody, althoughtwo peoplehave the reality of dao companion, butshehas not displayedtoodissolutely, somewhatwas still respectful.厉遥走到韩绝身前,虽两人已有道侣之实,但她并没有表现得太放肆,仍有些恭敬。„Heavenly DaoDestinylist is very whether important, Iwantto compete for the Saintposition.”Li Yaospoke frankly.
“天道气运榜是否很重要,我想争夺圣位。”厉遥直言道。Han Juesaid: „YouGreat Principle Golden Immortalcultivation base, is farfrom the Saintposition.”韩绝道:“你才大罗金仙修为,距离圣位还远。”„Truly, but the accumulation of Destinyalsorequires the time.”
“确实远,但气运之积累也需要时间吧。”Li Yaosaidearnestly: „Hidden SectSagethe more better, Li Daokonghaspotentialproving DaoSanctificationvery much, but after heafter all is powerful, joinsus, Idid not feel relievedtohim.”厉遥认真说道:“隐门圣人越多越好,李道空很有潜力证道成圣,但他毕竟是强大后才加入我们,我对他不放心。”Han Juesmilesto ask: „Thisnotlikeyou.”韩绝笑问道:“这可不像你。”HelplessLi Yaosaid: „Good, is actually otherdirect disciplecommonideas.”厉遥无奈道:“好吧,其实是其他亲传弟子共同的想法。”Han Jueat heartslightlyonewarm.韩绝心里微微一暖。Hedid not think that direct discipleare selfish, ifthinks ofoneself, definitelyalllooks forHan Jueto want the method of proving Daoin turn.
他不觉得亲传弟子们自私,若都是为自己着想,肯定全都轮流来找韩绝要证道之法。TheyelectLi Yaoto come, it is estimated thatissettles onLi Yaowithhisrelations, is easierto convincehim.
他们推选厉遥来,估计是看中厉遥与他的关系,更容易说服他。Han Juecanseefavourability, butfavourabilityis notpermanentinvariable, sixstarfavourabilityalsopossiblydrop.韩绝能看到好感度,但好感度又不是恒久不变的,六星好感度也可能下降。„How do youthink?”Han Jueasked.
“你是怎么想?”韩绝问道。Li Yaosaid: „Iplanto bringWu Daojian (Grasping Principles Sword)andXi XuanFairy Maiden, Xuan QingjunandChang Yue'erto go outto establish the Destiny Sect of femaleorfemalelife, suchsecthas not appearedtemporarily, has an opportunity.”厉遥道:“我打算带着悟道剑、曦璇仙子、宣晴君、常月儿出去创立女子或者雌性生灵的气运教派,这样的教派暂时还未出现,有机可乘。”Han Juefeelsfeasible, asked: „Xing Hongxuanand don't Tu Ling'er, whygo?”韩绝觉得可行,问道:“邢红璇与屠灵儿呢,为何不去?”Li Yaosaid: „Miss Xingsaid that musttry hardto cultivate, has a childtoyou, gives birth to a Heaven's Chosen, Tu Ling'ersaidownstatusis special, is not suitable.”厉遥道:“邢姑娘说要努力修炼,给您生孩子,生出一位天骄来,屠灵儿说自己身份特殊,不适合出去。”Han Juedoes not know whether to laugh or cry.韩绝哭笑不得。Thesetwogirlsdefinitelywantto seize the chanceto look forhim.
这两个丫头肯定是想趁机找他。„Un, youcanchoosesomefemale disciplefromHundred Mountains Immortal Plain, whenyoudecideto go out, the directopens the mouth, Icanhear, does not needto look forme.”
“嗯,你们可以从百岳仙川内挑选一些女弟子,等你们决定出去时,直接开口,我能听到,不用来找我。”„Many thanksSect Master!”
“多谢门主!”„Un? AlsocalledSect Master?”
“嗯?还叫门主?”Li Yaoonehear, the complexionblushes, butsheis coy, cannotchange a statement.厉遥一听,脸色羞红,但她扭扭捏捏,还是没能改口。Han Juehas not demanded, makingherdraw back.韩绝也没有强求,让她退下。
After several months .
数月后。Li Yao, Xuan QingjunandXi XuanFairy MaidenandChang Yue'erbring more than 500female discipleto depart, thesefemale discipleareImmortal Emperorcultivation base.厉遥、宣晴君、曦璇仙子、常月儿带着五百多位女弟子离去,这些女弟子都是仙帝修为。HasLi Yaoto lead, Han Juewas not worried, ifreallyhas an accident, so long asin the Immortal Worldrange, hecaninduce.
有厉遥带队,韩绝也不担心,真要是出事,只要在仙界范围内,他都能感应到。Timein a flash.
两百四十一年后。„MyLi Yao, transits the discipling fromDivine Might Heavenly Sage With Boundless Karmic Virtue, todayestablishesHoly Mother Cult, receiving the worldshape transformationfemaleis the disciple, spreadsSaint Art, regardless ofrace, regardless ofcultivation base, allmaycomeProfound Orchid DomainQilian Mountain Rangeto ask.”
The Li Yaosoundresounds throughAll Heavens and Myriad Realms, the toneis dignified, makingHan Jueverygratified, heralreadycanassume sole responsibility for an important task.厉遥的声音响彻诸天万界,语气庄严,让韩绝很欣慰,她已经能独当一面。Thisname......
只是这名字……Han Juewas crooked.韩绝想歪了。Regardless the prejudice of previous generation, Holy MotherinImmortal Worldis very highstatus, does not allowto tarnish.
抛开前世的偏见,圣母在仙界是很高的身份,不容玷污。Otherdirect disciplehave not cometo look forHan Jue, makesHan Jueverysatisfiedactually.
其他亲传弟子并没有来找韩绝,倒是让韩绝很满意。Quasi-Sagecango out, thisis the iron rule!准圣才能出去,这是铁律!
Do not change!
不得改变!Only ifHan Jueagreed!
嗯。Is the doublesign.
就是双标。Han Juefromninelong livealreadyto be close, heis not in no moodto cultivate, thensets outto observesermon.韩绝距离九万岁已经接近,他没心情修炼,便起身出观讲道。
……13th Heavenly Layer, Heavenly Racemain hall.十三层天,天族大殿。Ji Xianshensitsin the emperorplace, the complexionfluctuatesYinclearly, Immortal God in palacediscuss spiritedly.纪仙神坐在帝座上,脸色阴晴变幻,殿上的仙神们议论纷纷。„Holy Mother CultCult Masterit is saidisGreat Principle!”
“圣母教的教主据说是大罗!”„Isn't Divine Might Heavenly Sage With Boundless Karmic VirtueMaster of Hidden Sect?”
“功德无量神威天圣不就是隐门之主?”„Ha, ourHidden Sectbackgroundis abundant, was shocked?”
“哈哈哈,我们隐门底蕴雄厚,被震惊到了吧?”„Holy Mother Cultstandsinitially, is the Hidden Sectsupport, Heavenly Raceshouldgoto congratulate, isDukeimperial edictAll Heavens.”
“本仙觉得可以。”Immortal Goddiscussedveryvigorously, Hidden SecttransportedtoomanyImmortal EmperortoHeavenly Race, alreadywas equivalent tohalfHidden Sect.仙神们讨论得很起劲,隐门给天族输送了太多仙帝,已经相当于半个隐门。Heavenly Divine GeneralnoticesJi Xianshen is not right, speaksto ask: „Heavenly Ancestor, what are youthinking?”天神将注意到纪仙神不对劲,出言问道:“天祖,您在想什么?”Such remarks, the groupgodis peaceful, alllookstoJi Xianshen.
此言一出,群神安静下来,全都看向纪仙神。SomeImmortal Godlooksbecomesubtle, once when theyfromHidden Sect, Li Xuanaodepartshad urgedthem, do not forget the ownrealstatus.
一些仙神的眼神变得微妙,他们都是来自隐门,李玄奥离去时曾叮嘱过他们,别忘了自己的真实身份。Theyare the Hidden Sectdisciples!
他们是隐门弟子!IfJi Xianshendaresto expressdiscontentedlytoHidden Sect, theyare surely intolerable.
倘若纪仙神敢对隐门表达不满,他们必定不能容忍。In their opinion, withoutHidden Sect, wherehasHeavenly Racetoday!
在他们看来,没有隐门,哪有天族今日!Ji Xianshensaid: „The Holy Mother Cultestablishment, Heavenly Racenaturallymustcongratulate, butProfound Orchid Domainis the Section Cultdomain, recentlySection Cultpreparedto attackMonster Race, forms an alliancewithHeavenly Race......”纪仙神道:“圣母教成立,天族自然要祝贺,只是兰沉域乃是截教的地盘,最近截教准备攻打妖族,又与天族结盟……”Immortal Godknit the brows.仙神们纷纷皱眉。ButSection Cult the Sagesect, Holy Mother CultinSection Cultdomainestablish cult, has the conflictsurely, regardless ofHeavenly Racehelpsanyonenot be good.截教可是圣人教派,圣母教在截教的地盘立教,必定起冲突,天族无论帮谁都不好。Heavenly Divine Generalalsofrowns.天神将也皱起眉头。Hidden Sect, isSection Cult, theycannot stir up.
无论是隐门,还是截教,他们都惹不起。Great Divine Generalopens the mouth saying: „Actuallywehave no needto consider thoroughly, Holy Mother Cultmust certainlyvisit, as forSection Cult, wehelpswith every effortwell, compared withProfound Orchid Domain, the Section Cultambitionis bigger.”大神将开口道:“其实我们用不着多虑,圣母教肯定要拜访,至于截教,我们尽力帮忙就好,比起兰沉域,截教的野心更大。”
An oldimmortalfollowsto open the mouth saying: „IfSection Cultdoes makeHeavenly Raceprobablymake the choice?”
一名老仙跟着开口道:“倘若截教让天族必须做出选择呢?”Great Divine Generalis silent.大神将沉默。„ExtinguishingSection Cult is!”
A Hidden Sectdisciplesnort/hum said that toneextremes.
一名隐门弟子哼道,语气狂狷。OtherHidden SectImmortal Godspoke the support.
其他隐门仙神纷纷出言支持。Theycome fromHidden Sect, knowingLi Yaois not simplein the Hidden Sectposition, the relationsare very easyto choose.
他们来自隐门,知晓厉遥在隐门地位不简单,关系很容易抉择。Ji Xianshencriticizes, what are oneselfthinking?纪仙神暗骂,自己在想什么?Backs onHan Jue, whatdreads?
背靠韩绝,忌惮什么?MustchooseHoly Mother Cult!
……Section Cult, inDao Monastery.截教,一座道观内。Huang Zuntianis sitting in meditation, a discipleto/clashes, said: „Qilian Mountain Range that Cult Master, Holy Mother Cultoccupiesisspiritlineage/vein that Iteach, can this should do?”黄尊天正在打坐,一名弟子冲进来,道:“教主,圣母教占据的奇连山脉是我教的一条灵脉,这可如何是好?”Holy Mother CultCult Mastertransits the discipling fromDivine Might Heavenly Sage With Boundless Karmic Virtue, theyhave tobe discrete, does not dareeasilyto offend.圣母教教主师承功德无量神威天圣,他们不得不谨慎,不敢轻易得罪。Huang Zuntianopens eyes, said: „Qilian Mountain Rangeturns over toHoly Mother Cultdirectly, sends peopleto goto visit, offers the bigritual, is on good termswithHoly Mother Cult.”黄尊天睁眼,道:“奇连山脉直接归圣母教,派人前去拜访,送上大礼,与圣母教交好。”Hismoodis joyful.
他心情愉悦。In his opinion the appearance of Holy Mother Cultis the good deed.
在他看来圣母教的出现乃是好事。Han Juetake action, mustsupporthimfinally!韩绝终于出手,要支援他!
After Holy Mother Cultexpands, collaborateswithSection Cult, should not be too strong!圣母教壮大后,与截教联手,不要太强!CanaffectSection Cultas forHoly Mother Cult, Huang Zuntianwas not worried.
至于圣母教会不会影响到截教,黄尊天根本不担心。Hehas thought are one Hidden Sectdisciple, Section CultCult Mastercancomparewith the trust of Han Jue?
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