After the choicecontinues, Han Jueentersin the evolvedillusion.
选择继续后,韩绝进入演化幻象之中。Heopens the eye, arrives at an incomparablydimmysteriousspace, the fronthas the redlightgroup that onegroup of lights and shadeschange, the dense/woodsare red.
他睁开眼睛,来到一片无比昏暗的神秘空间,前方有一团明暗变化的红色光团,森红惊悚。HesawZhou Fan.
他看到了周凡。Zhou Faninthatredlightgroups, hewas covered with the blacktentaclewinding of sharpthornbyone after another, is only left over the soulbody.周凡就在那片红色光团之中,他被一条条长满尖刺的黑色触手缠绕,只剩下魂体。Hereis......
这里是……Han Jueknits the brows, raises eyesto look, thisredlightgroupsare very vast, seem a starterritory, is filling the scarletair/Qi, cannot see the lifeor the ghost.韩绝皱眉,举目望去,这片红色光团无比辽阔,好似一片星域,弥漫着猩红之气,看不到生灵或者亡魂。Hefalls the visiononZhou Fanbody, theseblacktentaclesdo not seem like the entity, is more like the illusion, butis truly absorbingZhou Fan the strength of divine soul.
In Han Juehas doubtshereiswhere, at presentappearsoneline of characters:
就在韩绝疑惑这里是何处时,眼前浮现出一行字:【Purgatory of Extreme Bliss: Chaosdanger land, is the ancientChaos Demon Godwill, enteringconsciousnessinimmersioninextremehappyillusion, is unable to extricate oneself, untilwas swallowedsoulandmortal body】
【极乐炼狱:混沌绝地,乃是古老混沌魔神意志所化,入者之意识将沉浸于极乐幻象之中,无法自拔,直至被吞噬灵魂与肉身】AncientChaos Demon God?
The brow of Han Juewrinklestightly.韩绝的眉头皱得更紧。Evolves the illusionto followshatter, heopens the eye, withinquiring: „WhoisplansZhou Fanto enterPurgatory of Extreme Bliss?”
演化幻象跟着破碎,他睁开眼睛,跟着询问:“是谁算计周凡入极乐炼狱?”【Needsto deduct10 billionyears of life-span, whethercontinue】
继续!In the Han Juemindappearsform.韩绝脑海里浮现出一道身影。Sage Monarch of Darkness!黑暗圣君!Reallyishe!
果然是他!Recentlyhas coveted the Heavenly DaoChaospowerhousealsoonSage Monarch of Darkness!
最近一直觊觎天道的混沌强者也就黑暗圣君!Thisboycourts death.
这厮找死啊。ButZhou FanQi DaoshengDharma Body, doesn't thishit the faceQi Daosheng?周凡可是七道圣的法相所化,这不是打脸七道圣?life-span that consumesfrom the evolution, Sage Monarch of Darknesspossiblyis not the Qi Daoshengopponent.
从演化所消耗的寿命来看,黑暗圣君就不可能是七道圣的对手。Han Jueputs down the distracting thoughts , to continue to cultivate.韩绝放下杂念,继续修炼。depart Heavenly Dao is really the danger, Zhou FanhasQi Daoshengthisbackerin any case, does not needto troublehispersonallytake action.离开天道实在是危险,反正周凡有七道圣这尊靠山,就不需要麻烦他亲自出手。
数十年后。【Examinesyoufullysixto long live, lifemakes great strides forwardonestep, youhave the followingchoice】
【检测到你已满六万岁,人生又迈进一步,你有以下选择】【One, goes outimmediately, preachesAll Heavens, robsHeavenly DaoDestiny, mayobtain the oneGreat Daofragment】
【一,立即出关,布道诸天,抢夺天道气运,可获得一块大道碎片】【Two, low-keycultivation, becomestogether, far away from the cause and effectright and wrong, mayobtain the oneGreat Daofragment, supreme treasureandoneHeavenly Daospirit stones】
【二,低调修炼,自成一道,远离因果是非,可获得一块大道碎片、一件至宝、一块天道灵石】Han Jueopens the eye, the feeling, the timereallypassesquickly.韩绝睁开眼睛,不由感慨,时间过去得真快。Fivelong liveas ifyesterday.
五万岁仿佛就在昨日。Systemwas honest, has not madeHan Juefall into the difficultboundary.系统老实了,没有让韩绝陷入两难之境。Thisrewardtrembled.
只是这奖励太寒颤了。Han Juechooses the secondoptionsilently.韩绝默默选择第二个选项。【Youchooselow-keycultivation, obtains the oneGreat Daofragment, supreme treasureandoneHeavenly Daospirit stones】
【你选择低调修炼,获得一块大道碎片、一件至宝、一块天道灵石】【Congratulatesyouto obtainUnrestrainedsupreme treasureKilling Dao Command】
【恭喜你获得自在至宝杀道令】【Killing Dao Command: Unrestrainedslaughteringsupreme treasure, offers sacrificeslife-spanandDestiny to maketo kill the enemy, saying to be law, cannotexecutionwithnot have the cause and effectlife, non-combatantsituation is not possibleto use】
【杀道令:自在杀伐至宝,献祭寿命、气运可以令杀敌,言出即法,不可诛杀与自己没有因果的生灵,非战斗处境不可使用】Han Jueselects the eyebrow.韩绝挑眉。
It seems likeawesome!
看起来好牛逼!Han Jueputs outKilling Dao Commandimmediately, imaginesunlikehimthis token/order, is more likeonenot to operate the sword of front, threechi (0.33 m), all over the bodyblood red, the faint tracefluorescenceis mobile, is graspingthis token/order, a terrifyingmurderous aurato head ontohim, blowshisblack hairto dance in the breeze.韩绝立即拿出杀道令,此令与他想象中不同,更像是一把未开锋的剑,三尺长,通体血红,有一丝丝荧光流动,握着此令,一股恐怖杀气向他扑面而来,吹得他的黑发飘舞起来。Extraordinary!
了不得!Han Juestartsto recognize the lordit.韩绝开始将其认主。Pasta halfyear, hesuccessfullysurrenderedKilling Dao Command.
This is the first time that hesoused energy, if notfromSystem, hepossiblycould not surrenderthistreasure, evenwas swallowedbythistreasure.
这还是他第一次这般费劲,若非来自系统,他可能根本降服不了此宝,甚至被此宝吞噬。Han JueentersSimulated Trialimmediately, startsto displaythistreasure.韩绝立即进入模拟试炼,开始施展此宝。Consumeslife-spanto be falseinSimulated Trial, thereforehecanspend freelyrecklessly.
在模拟试炼里消耗寿命都是假的,所以他可以肆意挥霍。FacingWayless Heavenly Lord, heoffers sacrifices1 trillionyears of life-span, wields the commandto put outoneto execute the character, Wayless Heavenly Lordchanges into the flying ashat the scene.
好霸道!Han Juerapid heartbeat.韩绝心跳加快。Copes withcommonSage, hedoes not even needto offer sacrificeslife-span, directinstakill.
Is thisUnrestrainedslaughteringsupreme treasure?
这就是自在杀伐至宝?Han Juerapid heartbeat, is equivalent toalternativeBook of Misfortune!韩绝心跳加快,相当于另类厄运书!HoweverBook of Misfortuneiswalksto continue the route, Killing Dao Commandtakes the overbearingroute.
The Book of Misfortuneuseis broader, maykill peopleininvisible, butKilling Dao Commandmustusein the fight, Han Jueis unable to hideinDao MonasteryusesKilling Dao Commandto plot against the enemy.厄运书用途更广,可杀人于无形,但杀道令必须在战斗中使用,韩绝无法躲在道观里用杀道令暗算敌人。Han Juestartsto challengeAncestor Xi Tian, even ifthere isKilling Dao Command, healsosuffersinstakill, thisisin the situation that hehas not avoidedfrom the beginning.韩绝开始挑战玺天老祖,纵然有杀道令,他也惨遭秒杀,这是他一开始没有躲避的情况下。„Ioffer sacrifices3000.0001 trillionyears of life-spanto trydirectly!”
“我直接献祭三千万亿亿年寿命试试!”Han Juethinkssilently, conducts Simulated Trialagain, offers sacrificesdirectlylife-span.韩绝默默想到,再次进行模拟试炼,直接献祭寿命。„Executes!”
“诛!”Han Juewields the commandto enunciate, Killing Dao Commandtremblesin his handsgreatly, the red lightjumpspresently.韩绝挥令吐字,杀道令在他手中巨颤,红光迸现。Ancestor Xi Tian that the distant placekeeps aloofchanges into the flying ashsuddenly.
远方高高在上的玺天老祖忽然化为飞灰。Han Juepleasant surprise.韩绝惊喜。Success?
Can Laozi (father)pull the wrist/skillwithGreat DaoSagefinally?老子终于能跟大道圣人扳手腕?At this moment, Han Juesaw that the Ancestor Xi Tianfigurecondenses, withputting out a character: „Executes.”
就在这时,韩绝看到玺天老祖的身形重新凝聚,跟着吐出一个字:“诛。”Han Juedies a violent deathat the scene.韩绝当场暴毙。Strength of the resistancedoes not have!
一丝抵抗之力都没有!Han Jueopens the eye, a facelingering fear.韩绝睁开眼睛,一脸后怕。„CannotprovokeAncestor Xi Tian, even ifotherwise, offers sacrificescompletelylife-spantaking advantage ofUnrestrainedsupreme treasure, could not killhim.”
“决不能招惹玺天老祖,否则即便借着自在至宝、献祭全部寿命,也杀不了他。”Han Juerestrainingmentality.韩绝收敛心态。Almostinflation.
差点膨胀。Hehas the sense of gratitudetoAncestor Xi Tian.
他不由对玺天老祖产生感激之情。AlthoughOld Ancestordoes not know, buthas drivenandstrikingHan Jue.老祖虽不知,但一直激励、敲打着韩绝。SeriouslyisSage!
当真是圣人!Han Jueputs outHeavenly Daospirit stones, hehas a boldideasuddenly.韩绝拿出天道灵石,他忽然产生一个大胆想法。OtherwisethisnotpromotionBook of Misfortune , to promote Killing Dao Command?
他当即尝试。【Should neverpromotionKilling Dao Command, oncethistreasurepromotesto the Great Daorank, backlashyou, the spirit of birthGreat Dao】
【切勿升级杀道令,一旦此宝升级到大道级别,将反噬你,诞生大道之灵】Saw the character that thislinejumps out ofsuddenly, Han Juefrightenscalls a halt.
看到这行突然跳出的字,韩绝吓得停手。Almostturns over!
Can magical treasurealsoto becomespirit?法宝还能成灵?Han Juehas tohonestpromotionBook of Misfortune.韩绝不得不老老实实升级厄运书。Finally, Book of Misfortuneby the Heavenly Daosupreme treasurepromotionisUnrestrainedspirit treasure.
最终,厄运书由天道至宝升级为自在灵宝。GraspsBook of Misfortune, Han Juecan the clearfeelingthatqi of misfortune, be very intense.
手持厄运书,韩绝能清晰的感受到那股厄运之气,十分强烈。Unknowingly, hetrainedextremelyterrifyingevil creation.
不知不觉中,他培养出了一个极度恐怖的邪物。„Cankill by curseSageto add to the fun?”
“要不要咒死一个圣人助助兴?”Han Juehas a thought.韩绝又产生一个念头。Ok.
算了。So as to avoidcausesImmeasurable Tribulation, nowis good, Sagesdoes not provokehim, but can also maintain the Heavenly Daoorder, protectsImmortal World.
If no Sagesto manageHeavenly Dao, how couldHan Juecultivatessafely.
若无圣人们管理天道,韩绝岂能安心修炼。Is the enemyis the friend, is not the simpledetermination.
是敌是友,并非简单判定。Han JuereceivesBook of Misfortune, pulls oneself together , to continue to cultivate.韩绝收好厄运书,抖擞精神,继续修炼。Heis away fromPrimordial BeginningGreat Principle Golden Immortallate stageto be getting more and more near!
他距离混元大罗金仙后期越来越近!Hehad confidence that breaks throughinten thousandyears!
他有把握在万年内突破!Later in tenlong liveachievesPrimordial BeginningGreat Principle Golden Immortalperfection!
The cultivationspeedis so good!
……Thirty Three Layer Heaven, Buddhismdao field.三十三层天,佛门道场。In the palace, Qiu Xilaisits in meditationonLotus Throne, the whole bodyis lingering the golden light, forms the light beam, Sacred (God Sage/Saint)is dignified.
The light shadowappearsin front ofQiu Xilaitogether.
一道光影出现在求西来面前。„Icanfeel that Han Juegrown stronger.”
The Spirit of Heavenly Daosinkingsound said, the tonefillsanxiously.天道之灵沉声道,语气充满不安。
The Qiu Xilaieyedoes not open the eyes, said: „Is nothing unusual, hisaptitudewas odd, moreoverIdo not have the meansto cope withhimnow, whenmyfuse with the daosaidagain.”求西来眼也不睁,道:“不足为奇,他的资质本就离谱,况且吾现在也没有办法对付他,等吾合道再说。”Spirit of Heavenly Daosaid: „Even ifyourfuse with the dao, not necessarilyishisopponent, only if......”天道之灵道:“纵然你合道,也未必是他的对手,除非……”„Only ifwhat?”
“除非什么?”„Only if you strength of Dao Ancestor.”
“除非你得道祖之力。”„Dao Ancestoris missingfor a long time, where do youknowhim?”
“道祖失踪已久,你知他在哪儿?”„Does not know, butIknowhisthreecorpsedoppelganger, ifyoucanresult initsone, butthenrelaxedexecutionHan Jue.”
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