„Ido not dareto have the expectation, butlistens toSageto arrange.”
The Huang Zuntiansinkingsoundsaid, the headfollowsto get downlowly.黄尊天沉声说道,头跟着低下去。Heaven's SeveringCult Masteris staring atHuang Zuntian, has not spoken.天绝教主盯着黄尊天,没有发话。In the main hallfalls intosilent.
大殿内陷入寂静中。Long time.
良久。Heaven's SeveringCult Mastersaidspookily: „Huang Zuntian, can youthinkSanctification?”天绝教主幽幽道:“黄尊天,你可想成圣?”
The Huang Zuntianeyelidjumpscrazily, said: „Naturallythinks, butIwantto protectSection Cult, withoutSection Cult, there would be nomytoday.”黄尊天眼皮狂跳,道:“自然想,但我更想守护截教,没有截教,就没有我之今日。”Heaven's SeveringCult Mastersaid: „AllDestiny Sectwill compete for the newSaintseat, mySection Cultonly thenyouare most entitled, Iwill pave the wayforyou, youmustdoexpandsSection Cult, growsSection CultDestiny.”天绝教主道:“各方气运教派都将角逐新圣席位,吾截教只有你最有资格,吾会为你铺路,你要做的就是壮大截教,增长截教气运。”Huang Zuntianknits the browsto ask: „Jing Tiangong?”黄尊天皱眉问道:“景天公呢?”Heaven's SeveringCult Mastersnort/humsaid: „Hehas revolted, hisheartfollowsDarkness Forbidden Lord, whyotherwise does hepass onsituated inyou?”天绝教主哼道:“他早已叛变,他的心跟着黑暗禁主,否则他为何传位于你?”Huang Zuntianis silent.黄尊天沉默。„This matter decided that inten thousandyears, Iwant the Section Cultdiscipleto surpass100 millionnumbersbroken, the Divine Realmquantity500!”Heaven's SeveringCult Mastersnort/humsaid.
“此事就这么定了,万年内,吾要截教弟子超过一亿之数,神境数量破五百!”天绝教主哼道。Huang Zuntiancriticizes, is really the lionbigopens the mouth.黄尊天暗骂,真是狮子大张口。Divine Realmmaynot havethatgoodtraining!神境可没有那么好培养!HoweverfacingSage, Huang Zuntiandoes not dareto say a non-character.
After leavingSagedao field, Huang ZuntianfliesThirty Three Layer Heaven, hethinks ofHidden Sect.
唉。When did the masterssummonme?
主人何时将我召唤回去?Hidden Sectalready was so strong, whyalsowantsmeto be dormant?隐门都已经这么强了,为何还要我蛰伏?Is it possible that does hehave a biggerwildnessto look?
莫非他有更大的野望?Huang Zuntiandoes not dareto continueto thinkdownward,perhapswantsto get down to againbySagebe detected.黄尊天不敢继续往下想,再想下去恐怕要被圣人察觉。Firstforgetsthis matter!
……Years may wrinkle.
More than 800yearspass by.
八百多年过去。【Examinesyouralreadyfullyfiveto long live, lifemakes great strides forwardonestep, youhave the followingchoice】
【检测到你已经满五万岁,人生又迈进一步,你有以下选择】【One, goes outimmediately, holdsHeavenly Daoalone, mayobtaindivine abilityinheritance and oneGreat Daofragmentandsupreme treasuretime】
【一,立即出关,独掌天道,可获得一次神通传承、一块大道碎片、一件至宝】【Two, low-keycultivation, pursueexceedsHeavenly Dao, mayobtain the oneGreat DaofragmentandQuasi-Sageleveldao fieldGuard】
【二,低调修炼,追求超越天道,可获得一块大道碎片、一尊准圣级道场守卫】Han Jueopens the eye, looks the smile.韩绝睁开眼睛,面露笑容。Finallycame!
The Han Juedirect selection'ssecondoption.韩绝直接选择第二个选项。【Youchooselow-keycultivation, pursueexceedHeavenly Dao, obtains the oneGreat DaofragmentandQuasi-Sageleveldao fieldGuard】
The Han JueGreat Daofragmentaccumulatesfinally, has reachednine.韩绝的大道碎片终于积满,已达九块。Quasi-Sageleveldao fieldGuard is also very good.准圣级道场守卫也很不错。Thistime, Han Jueplansto duplicateThree Pure OnesSaint Ancestor.
这一次,韩绝打算复制三清圣祖。Three Pure OnesSaint Ancestoralreadyturns tohim, in additionSimulated Trialhashisdata, thereforechooseshimto have no issue.三清圣祖已经投靠他,再加上模拟试炼有他的数据,所以选择他没有任何问题。【Startsto duplicatedao fieldGuard】
【开始复制道场守卫】Han Jueputs outnineGreat Daofragments, itsfusion.韩绝拿出九块大道碎片,将其融合。About the newGreat Daosensibility, Han Juehas the plan.
关于新的大道感悟,韩绝早已有打算。Hewantscreationto leavecanGreat Yi Unrestrained Dharma BodycompletelyfusionGreat Dao divine ability.
After nineGreat Daofragmentsfuse, the glarejumpspresently, submerges the Han Juefigure, hefollowsto enterduring the Great Daosensibility.
……Immortal World, an island.仙界,一座海岛。
A white hairyoungstersits in meditationon the summit, the surfaceeastern North Koreaday, the whole bodyis twining the naked eyeobviousfresh breeze.
正是天。radiancedrops from the cloudstogether, fallsin the face of the day.
The dayopens an eye, saw that a young-looking elderlyoldDaoistcomes.
The oldDaoistsaidwith a smile: „Does day, wantsto cultivate, needsasks, why notdo obeisancemyMaster?”
The dayreplied: „Ihave the completename, namedYi Tian, as foracknowledging as teacher, Ido not need.”
天回答道:“我已有完整的名字,名为遗天,至于拜师,我不需要。”Yi Tian?遗天?
The oldDaoistpondered over, has not understoodthismeaning.
老道人琢磨了一下,没有参透此名的意思。„Does not acknowledge as teacher, you can only cultivationwith the instinct, whencango out of the boundlessvastness?”
“不拜师,你就只能用本能修炼,何时才能走出无边汪洋?”„Whosaid that Ido practiceby the instinct?”
“谁说我靠本能修炼?”Yi Tianlooks the color of disdaining.遗天面露不屑之色。Does not wait for the oldDaoistto continueto inquire,Yi Tiandid not saypatiently: „Leavesquickly, ifcomesagain, not taking it illmeis impolitetoyou!”
The oldtaoist priestknits the brows, said: „Is your babysohow tenacious?”
老道士皱眉,道:“你这娃娃怎如此固执?”Yi Tianleapsoneto stand up, the facial featuresrapidlybecomefierce, a white hairelongates, changes intoseveral thousandpoisonous snakes, the thinbodystarts the ballooningmuscle, the imposing mannersuddenlychanges, fiendish aura that soars to the heavenscauses the daychanges, thunder cloudssuddenlycollection.遗天腾地一下站起身来,面容迅速变得狰狞,一头白发拉长,化为数千毒蛇,消瘦的身躯开始鼓胀肌肉,气势陡然一变,冲天的煞气引得天变,雷云骤集。
The oldtaoist priestchanges countenance, frightensimmediatelydisappears.
The Yi Tianfacial featuresrelax, withchangingoriginal condition, seeming like the human and animalsis harmless.遗天的面容缓和,跟着变回原貌,看起来人畜无害。Thisalreadyis notfirstbygreat cultivator that heexpels.
这已经不是第一位被他赶跑的大修士。Hebothersomelyextremelybothersome, whyalways do somepeoplereceivehimfor the disciple?
他烦不胜烦,为何总是有人来收他为徒?Hehas the method and divine abilitycultivationinborn, does not needto acknowledge as teacher!
他天生就有修行之法以及神通,根本不需要拜师!Is bornfromhimtotoday, over the past thousand years, hiscultivation basealreadyhad achievedRank NineImmortal Emperor, surrounding areaover a hundredislandallacknowledge allegianceinhim.
自他诞生至今日,已然过去千年,他的修为已经达到九转仙帝,方圆上百座海岛皆臣服于他。Heenjoyssuchlifevery much, does not wantto leavethispiece of vastness.
他很享受这样的生活,并不想离开这片汪洋。At this time, a threegreateagleflew, fellbeforehim, saidrespectfully: „King, the north sidepresentsoneperson, floatsinmarine, hisaurais powerful, the dizzyconfusesdoes not awake, oursubordinatesbitehim, is completely too tough to bite.”
这时,一只三头巨鹰飞来,落在他面前,恭敬道:“大王,北边出现一人,漂浮在海上,他气息强大,晕迷不醒,我们的手下咬他,完全咬不动。”hearsword, Yi Tiancame the interest, immediatelyjumpsto leap, fliesto examine.
闻言,遗天来了兴趣,当即纵身一跃,飞过去查看。Inside and outsideseveral tens of thousands of, in the seacircles the innumerablebirds, in the sea levelalsohasmanyshape transformationsealivesnot to leap the sea level.
数万里外,海洋上盘旋着数不胜数的飞禽,海面上还有不少未化形的海洋生灵跃出海面。Has a whole bodyintheircenteris the man of bloodis floating.
在它们中央有一名浑身是血的男子漂浮着。ImpressivelyisHan Tuo.
赫然是韩拓。Han Tuoreceived very seriouswound, the jointplacecansee the densewhite bones.韩拓受了很严重的伤,关节处能见到森森白骨。Yi Tianswiftlycatches up, frightenslivesall aroundto avoid.遗天迅速赶来,吓得周遭的生灵们纷纷避开。HisvisionfallsonHan Tuobody, the browslightlywrinkle.
他的目光落在韩拓身上,眉头微皱。Whydoes not know, Han Tuoauramakeshiminexplicablysomewhatintimate.
不知为何,韩拓的气息让他莫名有些亲近。Hehasto plantto meet the similarsurprisedfeeling.
他有种遇到同类的惊奇感。Heliftshandonemove, Han Tuois separated from the sea level, fallsinhishand.
他抬手一招,韩拓脱离海面,落在他手上。HeholdsHan Tuoto turn aroundto depart, suddenlyvanishesin the horizon.
……Hundred Mountains Immortal Plain, inDao Monastery.百岳仙川,道观内。Han Jueopens eyesfiercely, in the eyenonepresently, the imposing manneris greatly threatening.韩绝猛地睁眼,眼中精光大现,气势逼人。„Thisdivine abilitynamedAnger of Primal Chaos God, unifiesmanypower of demon god, achieves mastery through a comprehensive study, formedtodivine ability, annihilates the enemy!”
“此神通名为鸿蒙神怒吧,结合诸多魔神之力,融会贯通,形成的至神通,一击灭敌!”Han Juemuttered, hefollowsto reappearat presentoneline of characters:韩绝喃喃自语,他眼前跟着浮现出一行字:【CongratulatesyourcreationGreat Dao divine abilityAnger of Primal Chaos God】
【恭喜你创造大道神通鸿蒙神怒】Han Jueassigns out the Attribute Listexamination, unexpectedlyalreadyover the past 49 years.韩绝调出属性列表查看,竟然已经过去49年。7749, mysteriously and inexorably, sevenhave the fate.
七七四十九,冥冥之中,七自有定数。Han JuestartsSimulated Trial, triesAnger of Primal Chaos God.韩绝开始模拟试炼,试一下鸿蒙神怒。HitsLi Muyi, instakill!
打李目一,秒杀!HitsQiu Xilai, instakill!
打求西来,秒杀!HitsSouthern ExtremeHeavenly Lord, instakill!
打南极天尊,秒杀!HitsMing JiSage, instakill!
打命机圣人,秒杀!HitsWayless Heavenly Lord, withoutinstakill, butHan Jueis no longer passive, butgets the winning side.
打无法天尊,没有秒杀,但韩绝不再被动,而是占据上风。Han JuechallengesAncestor Xi Tian.韩绝挑战玺天老祖。Anger of Primal Chaos Godscrapes the skintoAncestor Xi Tian, has not caused the least bitdamage.鸿蒙神怒对玺天老祖刮痧,没有造成半点伤害。InSimulated Trial, the utilization of Han JuetoAnger of Primal Chaos Godis even more skilled.
在一场场模拟试炼中,韩绝对鸿蒙神怒的运用越发熟练。Sage Realm, no onecanlook atAnger of Primal Chaos God!圣人之境,没有人能看得住鸿蒙神怒!Even if Heavenly DaoSage, Anger of Primal Chaos God can also striketo cut offHeavenly DaoDestiny, delivershimto go to!
纵然是天道圣人,鸿蒙神怒也能一击斩断天道气运,送其赴死!Han Jueis very satisfied.韩绝很满意。Butin this period of time, dao fieldGuardalreadyduplicatessuccessfully, treatsin the Dao Monasterycorner, waits for the Han Jueinstruction.
而在这段时间里,道场守卫已经复制成功,就待在道观角落,等待韩绝吩咐。„From now henceforth, yourCao Cao, goes tooutsideto cultivate.”
“从今以后,你名曹操,去外面修炼吧。”Han Jueopens the mouthto say.韩绝开口道。Cao Caosalutesimmediately, respectfuldeparture.曹操立即行礼,恭敬的离去。
The Han Juethree-countryarmiesexpandagain a great general.韩绝的三国大军再次扩张一员大将。Hismoodis joyful, assigns out the mailexamination.
他的心情愉悦,调出邮件查看。Quick, hisbrowwrinkles, onlybecause of a mail:
很快,他的眉头就皱起来,只因一条邮件:【Your sonHan Tuois under the Sage Monarch of Darknessattack, is seriously injured】
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