ExceedsPanguandDao Ancestor?
那得多强?Han Jueis unable to imagine, achievesPrimordial BeginningGreat Principle Golden Immortal Realm, the lightisGreat DaoSage, howheis unable to imagineitsstrengthsourceis, let alonehigherexistence.韩绝都无法想象,达到混元大罗金仙境,光是大道圣人,他都无法想象其力量本源是怎样的,更别说更高的存在。No matter how, the Wayless Heavenly Lordbackerwas closedinAncient Desolate, thatHan Juedoes not needto fear.
The Han JuevisionfallsinWayless Palaceagain.韩绝的目光再次落在无法宫中。After the Li Muyiwarended, Wayless Heavenly Lordcontinuesto recruit the disciple, preparessermon.
与李目一大战结束后,无法天尊继续招募弟子,准备讲道。Han Juecalculates the ownsonalsoindao field.韩绝算到自己的儿子也在道场中。
罢了。FirstletsWayless Heavenly Lordsermon, after saying, tidied up.
先让无法天尊讲道,讲完之后再收拾。Happen tomakesHeavenly Daoall living thingsgrow strongertaking this opportunity, laterfaces the tribulation of Heavenly Demon to be calmer.
正好让天道众生借此机会变强,以后再面对天魔之劫就能更加从容。Probablyover the past ten years.
The Wayless Palaceclosure, Wayless Heavenly Lordstartssermon.无法宫关闭,无法天尊开始讲道。Han Jueconsiders as finishedsilently, enters the Wayless Palacelifeto surpass10 billionnumbers.韩绝默默算了一下,进入无法宫的生灵超过百亿之数。Wayless Heavenly Lordthiswriting skillis truly big.无法天尊这手笔确实大。
After sermonfinished, heobtains10 billiondisciplesdirectly, inthisgroup of disciplescanselectsomeaptitudepeakdisciples.讲道结束后,他直接获得百亿弟子,这批弟子里怎么也能选拔出一些资质绝顶的弟子。What a pity.
可惜。Wayless Heavenly Lord, youcannot smilefinally.无法天尊,你笑不到最后。How longyoucanliveto look how longsay/wayyoucanspeak.
你能活多久就看你能讲多久的道。Han Jueridiculedsecretly.韩绝暗自讥讽。Onepassesyear after year.
一年年过去。In a flash, hundredyearspass by.
一晃眼,百年过去。InWayless Palace.无法宫内。
A herestretch of the world, the groundlike the water, the skydaytime seems to be white, the innumerablelifesits in meditationon the water surface, hundredyears of sermon, causesmostlivesalreadyshape transformation.
这里仿佛一片天地,地面如水,天空昼白,数不清的生灵打坐在水面上,百年讲道,使得绝大多数生灵已然化形。Han TuoandXie Yuleftrecently.韩拓与解玉离得最近。Xie Yuopens eyesto looktohim, smilesto ask: „Harvestshow?”解玉睁眼看向他,笑问道:“收获如何?”Han Tuosaid with a smile: „Alsogood, you?”韩拓笑道:“还不错,你呢?”Incessantlyisgood!
不止是不错!Pleasantly surprised!
惊喜!Wayless Heavenly Lordlecture of Great Daoheinunderstandsunexpectedlywith ease, besidessudden rise of cultivation base, inhismind is also bornmanyideas, makinghimveryexcited.无法天尊讲的大道他竟然内轻松听懂,除了修为的暴涨,他脑海里还诞生许多想法,让他很兴奋。Xie Yusaidwith a smile: „Is also good, but feels inferior toyou, youalwayssurpriseme.”解玉笑吟吟道:“也还行,不过感觉不如你,你总是令我意外。”Han Tuosmiles, has not saidagain.韩拓笑了笑,没有再接话。Two peoplerelate, althoughgood, buthas the respectivesecret, neveroversteps one's authoritymutually, thisis they are also together very muchcomfortablereason.
两人关系虽好,但都有各自的秘密,从不互相僭越,这也是他们相处得很舒服的原因。At this time, the Wayless Heavenly Lordsoundresounded:
这时,无法天尊的声音响起:„Wayless Cultfirstsermonfinished, from now henceforth, youallare the Wayless Cultdisciple, no matterand otherbeforecame fromwhatteach, mustabandon, Iwill leadyouto move towardpowerfully, IthenamstrongestSage!”
“无法教第一次讲道结束,从今以后,尔等皆为无法教弟子,不管尔等之前来自何教,都必须摒弃,吾将带领你们走向强盛,吾便是最强大的圣人!”Histoneis very strong, is self-confident.
他的语气无比强硬,也充满自信。These wordsmakemostlivesworship.
Only the disciple who a few came from otherreligious sectsis very ill, butdoes not dareto standto touch the mildewhead of Wayless Heavenly Lord.
只有少数来自其他教派的弟子很不适,但也不敢站出来触无法天尊的霉头。„Shortly after the tribulation of Heavenly Demonended, youshouldbe ableto feel, previousSageis extremely small and weak, makesHeavenly Demonrampantsuch, ifIleadHeavenly Dao, will not presentlike that the miserable scene, believes inme, followsme, thiswill be other lifebiggestchances!”
“天魔之劫结束不久,尔等应该能感受到,先前的圣人太过弱小,令天魔猖獗如此之久,若是吾带领天道,绝不会出现那般惨景,信奉吾,追随吾,这将是尔等此生最大的机缘!”„Mylookswildly, unifiesAll Heavens and Myriad Realms, holdsHeavenly Daoalone, leadingHeavenly Daoall living thingsto exceedGreat Dao, exceeds the past and present, is situated in the River of Destinyend, overlooksallvicissitudes.”
“吾之野望,统一诸天万界,独掌天道,带领天道众生超越大道,超越古今,立于命运长河的尽头,俯瞰一切浮沉。”Wayless Heavenly Lordmoresaid that is haughtier.无法天尊越说越狂傲。Han Tuoknits the browsslightly.韩拓微微皱眉。Whydoes not know, resistanceWayless Heavenly Lord of hisinstinct.
“圣人又如何?”Heemitssuch a thoughtsuddenly, madehimin great surprise.
他心里忽然冒出这样一个念头,令他大惊。Properly speaking, listens toWayless Heavenly Lordsermon, heshouldworshipandaweWayless Heavenly Lord, mayhearWayless Heavenly Lordto be arrogant and conceited, hisinexplicableuncomfortable.
The Xie Yusoundfloats: „Do not conflicthim, heis testing.”解玉的声音飘来:“不要抵触他,他在测试。”Whatheusesispasses message.
测试?Han Tuoin great surprise, pinchesto stifle the consciencehastily the disdainingflame.韩拓大惊,连忙掐灭心中的不屑火苗。Meanwhile, hehad the vigilancetoXie Yu.
同时,他对解玉有了戒心。Thisboyis not simple.
这小子不简单啊。Even can the Sagemethodsee through?
连圣人的手段都能看穿?Thinkscarefully, until now, hehas not seen the Xie Yudistressedappearance, regardless offacingwhat kind ofpowerful enemy, is unflustered.
仔细想想,至今为止,他都没有看到解玉狼狈的样子,无论面对何等强敌,都从容不迫。Xie Yufeels the Han Tuovision, shows the smile, doublesmiles with the eyesto narrowtwocrescent moon.解玉感受到韩拓的目光,露出微笑,双目笑得眯成两轮弯月。Wayless Heavenly Lordis still speaking.无法天尊还在讲话。Meanwhile.
Before Han Juehas arrived atWayless Palace, hedoes not haveto rushimmediately, butstandsbefore the gatewaits, supreme treasurehas opened, Yin-Yang Protecting Life Sun and Moondivine lightcamouflageshisfigure.韩绝已然来到无法宫前,他没有立即闯进去,而是站在门前等待,一身至宝已然开启,阴阳护生日月的神光遮蔽他的身形。„Han Jue, what do youwantto make?”
The Qiu Xilaisoundspreads to the ear of Han Jue.求西来的声音传入韩绝的耳中。IncessantlyisQiu Xilai, otherSagealsosend greetings the inquiryin abundance.
不止是求西来,其他圣人也纷纷传音询问。Han Juehad not replied.韩绝没有回答。Reason thattake action, is notfears the woundtoDao Listenerimmediately.
之所以不立即出手,是怕伤到听道者。Reason thatcome, was worried that the Wayless Heavenly Lordpreparationdoes the smallmethodtoDao Listener.
之所以来,是担心无法天尊准备对听道者搞小手段。Wayless Heavenly Lordfeels the appearance of Han Jue, thenended the speech, making10 billiondisciplesdraw back.无法天尊感受到韩绝的出现,便结束讲话,让百亿弟子退下。Bang!
The Wayless Palacefront dooropens, before the gate, raisestogether the light beam.无法宫的大门打开,门前升起一道光柱。„formationmayand othersreturn to the whence, the cultivation, waits formynextsermonquite.”
The Wayless Heavenly Lordsoundresounds, Han Jue can also hear.无法天尊的声音响起,韩绝也能听到。Has the discipleto go out ofWayless Palaceone after another, whentheyseeHan Jue, allgawked, butno onedaresto approach.
The Han Jueimposing manneris very strong, makingthembe awed at the sight.韩绝的气势很强,让他们望而生畏。
The one after anotherdisciplesteps into the light beam, forms a long line, connects the Wayless Palaceinterior and light beam.一名名弟子踏入光柱之中,形成一条长龙,连接无法宫内部与光柱。Wayless Heavenly Lordhas not come outdirectly, it is estimated thatis also waiting forDao Listenerto depart.无法天尊没有直接出来,估计也在等待听道者们离去。Another side.
另一边。Sagesgathersin the Qiu Xilaipalace.诸圣聚集在求西来的宫殿内。Southern ExtremeHeavenly Lordstimulatedasking: „Can Han JuebegintoWayless Heavenly Lord?”南极天尊亢奋的问道:“韩绝要对无法天尊动手了?”Heaven's SeveringCult Mastersighs with emotion: „It is estimated thatyes, hewill not visiton own initiative, oncecomes, must begin.”天绝教主感慨道:“估计是的,他可不会主动拜访,一旦现身,必然是要动手。”Great Emperor Xiaoshows the smile, said: „The Han Jueactmademeadmire, thiswascultivator, wherelooked likeLi Muyi, will only cursein the back!”霄大帝露出笑容,道:“韩绝的行径令吾钦佩,这才是修道者,哪像李目一,只会背地里诅咒!”Fuxialsocame, butLi Muyihas not come.伏羲天也来了,但李目一没来。Li Muyiwas repelledbythem, Southern ExtremeHeavenly LordandHeaven's SeveringCult Masterdid not communicatewithhim.李目一被他们排斥,就连南极天尊、天绝教主也不跟他来往。„Ialsosuspected that beforeHan JueisDarkness Forbidden Lord, is really ashamed.”Heaven's SeveringCult Mastersighed.
“吾之前还怀疑韩绝是黑暗禁主,实在是惭愧。”天绝教主叹气道。Where does the Han Juesoactlook likeDarkness Forbidden Lord?韩绝这般行径哪里像黑暗禁主?Theystartto expectthento haveanything.
The disciple who eachleavesWayless Palacewill shoot a look atHan Jueone, thendoes not dareto look atoneagain.
每一名离开无法宫的弟子都会瞥韩绝一眼,然后不敢再多看一眼。Theyalsothink that Han JueisWayless Heavenly Lordsubordinatealmighty.
他们还以为韩绝是无法天尊麾下的大能。Han TuochattedwithXie Yuis going out of the Wayless Palacefront door, two peopleinexchangeattainment.韩拓跟解玉闲聊着走出无法宫大门,两人在交流心得。At this time, Han TuoglimpsedHan Juesuddenly.
这时,韩拓忽然瞥见韩绝。Thismakeshimbe shocked.
这一眼让他愣住。Whydoes not know, the Han Juefiguremakeshimabsent-minded, inexplicablefeelsintimate.
不知为何,韩绝的身形让他恍惚,莫名的感到亲近。„Who is he?”
“他是谁?”Han Tuoknits the browsto think, the visioncloselyis staring atHan Jue.韩拓皱眉想到,目光紧紧盯着韩绝。Xie Yuopens the mouth saying: „Discourteousdo not regard.”解玉开口道:“非礼勿视。”Han Tuoawakens, takes back the visionhastily.韩拓惊醒,连忙收回目光。Later, Han Tuodoes not dareto look atHan Jueagain, for fear thatangersthismysteriousalmighty.
之后,韩拓不敢再去看韩绝,生怕惹怒这位神秘的大能。Butinhim, the Han Jueformis unable to cancel, makinghimcurious.
但在他心里,韩绝的身影无法抹去,让他充满好奇。Who is thisperson?
此人到底是谁?Han JuenoticesHan Tuocultivation baseto growwell, not only that hismortal bodybloodlinesactuallycontain a rhyme.韩绝注意到韩拓的修为增长不错,不仅如此,其肉身血脉竟然蕴含一丝道韵。Young fellows!
好小子!Worthilyismy son!
不愧是我儿子!Han Juethinkssilently,mostattentioninWayless Heavenly Lordbody, toguardWayless Heavenly Lordto depart.韩绝默默想到,大部分注意力还是在无法天尊身上,以防无法天尊离去。
The Han Tuofollowingteamsteps into the light beam, in the flash, hecannot bearturn head.韩拓跟着队伍踏入光柱,在进去的一瞬间,他还是忍不住回头。Is sparklingcalmlydivine lightHan Jueone side of the Wayless Palacefront door, motionless, just likeis situated in the gods in yearsriverforever, is sending out the boundlessatmosphere, lonelydreary.
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