Chapter 540worldmyriad things, allformysword【Askedmonthly ticket】
第540章天地万物,皆为吾剑【求月票】„Iwantto know whether behindDao Heavenly Demonis hiding a biggerplot?”
“我想知道道天魔背后是否藏着更大的阴谋?”Han Juethinkssilently,inhim, Void Returning Divine Realmis more powerful than Immortal World, does Heavenly Demondareto attackVoid Returning Divine Realm, Dao Heavenly Demonalsohas a need forImmortal World?韩绝默默想到,在他心里,归墟神境比仙界强大,天魔都敢袭击归墟神境,道天魔还用得着来仙界?Needsto deduct10 billionyears of life-span, whethercontinue
没有Han Jueselects the eyebrow, relaxesat heart.韩绝挑眉,心里松了一口气。Notgood!
没有就好!It seems likesometimes are really overthought.
看来有时候自己真的是想多了。Is it possible thatHeavenly Emperoris not in dangerinVoid Returning Divine Realm, butis in dangerinForbidden Area of Darkness?
算了!Without a biggerplotis good!
没有更大的阴谋就好!Han Juecloses eyes , to continue to comprehendExtreme Source Great Dao.韩绝闭目,继续参悟极源大道。
The timecontinuesto pass.
时间继续流逝。Onepassesyear after year, the Hundred Mountains Immortal PlainsurroundingHeavenly Demonquantityalsoinincreasesover time.
一年年过去,百岳仙川周围的天魔数量也在随着时间的流逝而增多。100yearslater, the number of Hundred Mountains Immortal PlainnearbyHeavenly Demonbreaks through1 million.
一百年后,百岳仙川附近的天魔之数突破百万。Li Xuanaocomesto visitHan Jue.李玄奥前来拜访韩绝。Han JuemakeshimenterDao Monastery.韩绝让他入道观。„Sect Master, Heavenly Demonalreadymakesin the discipleflustered, canarrangemeand other disciplesto go outto exterminateHeavenly Demon?”
After Li Xuanaosalutes, respectfulasking.李玄奥行礼后,恭敬的问道。Han Juetranquilsay/way: „Heavenly Demonis unable to intrudedao field, nothing to be afraid.”韩绝平静道:“天魔无法闯入道场,不足为惧。”hearsword, Li Xuanaostarts to speak but hesitates.
闻言,李玄奥欲言又止。Han Jueasked: „To askanything, saiddirectly.”韩绝问道:“想问什么,直接说。”Li Xuanaodeeplyinspires, said: „Youralreadyfor a long timedoes not havesermonvery much, because ofHeavenly Demon, manyyears ago Sagescollaborates, mustcopes withHeavenly Demon, butHeavenly Demonare getting more and more now, Sagedoes not have the achievement, perhapsSages......”李玄奥深吸一口气,道:“您已经很久没有讲道,想必是因为天魔,多年前诸圣联手,应当就是对付天魔,但如今天魔越来越多,圣人没有作为,恐怕诸圣……”
The followingwordshehas not said.
后面的话他没有说下去。Han Juesaid: „What do youactuallywantto say?”韩绝道:“你到底想说什么?”Li Xuanaosaid: „When suchtimeismyHidden Sectrectifies names, ifHidden SectcanexterminateHeavenly Demon, all living thingsallowemeand otherbigcause and effect, Ithought that youpossiblyarenowstrongestSage, otherwisetheseSagehave looked for trouble, yourwhy not did take actionendthisdisaster?”李玄奥道:“此等时机正是我隐门正名之时,若是隐门能诛灭天魔,众生皆欠我等一个大因果,我觉得您可能是当今最强的圣人,否则那些圣人早就来找麻烦,您何不出手结束这一劫难?”Han Juehas not spoken, tranquilis staring atLi Xuanao.韩绝没有说话,平静的盯着李玄奥。Li Xuanaois disturbed, lowers the head.李玄奥忐忑,低下头去。Han Juesets outslowly.韩绝缓缓起身。„Preparessermon.”
“准备讲道。”These wordsresound throughentireHidden Sect.
这句话响彻整个隐门。1 milliondisciples are all excited, wells upin abundancetoward the place of sermon.
百万弟子皆是激动起来,纷纷朝着讲道之地涌去。As always, sermonhundredyears.
一如既往,讲道百年。Inhundredyears, mostdiscipleshave broken through.
百年内,绝大多数弟子都有所突破。In the past after Han Juesermonfinished, departeddirectly, butthesedid not havetime.
以往韩绝讲道结束后都是直接离去,但这一次没有。Hesits in meditationon the summit, overlooks the immersionin the grasping principlescondition1 milliondisciples, is deluded.
他打坐在山顶上,俯视沉浸于悟道状态的百万弟子,皆是如痴如醉。Hestartsto observeentireImmortal World.
他开始观测整个仙界。eyeandplace, field littered with corpses, blood streamto becomesea.
目及之处,尸横遍野,血流成海。Heavenly Demonis found in the Immortal Worldhundredterritories, evenstartsto invadeeachmortal world.天魔遍布仙界百域,甚至开始入侵各个凡界。Heavenly Daolifedanger.天道生灵危也。Sagecannot be victoriousDao Heavenly Demon, Heavenly Daoall living thingsdoes not beattrillionHeavenly Demon.圣人打不过道天魔,天道众生也不敌亿万天魔。Han Jueis silent.韩绝默然。Long time.
“尔等。”Han Jueopens the mouthto saysuddenly,awakensHidden Sectallgrasping principlesdisciplesdirectly.韩绝忽然开口道,直接唤醒隐门所有悟道弟子。
The disciplesraise the head, look atMaster of Hidden Sect that the divine lightten thousandzhang (3.33 m), are keeping aloof, allreveals the color of respect.
弟子们纷纷抬头,望着神光万丈、高高在上的隐门之主,皆是流露出崇敬之色。Wheneveryonesobers, Han Jueopens the mouthto sayslowly: „The tribulation of Heavenly Demonbegins inThirty Three Layer Heaven, Sagescollaborates, passes onDestinyin the body of SageQiu Xilai, leader of Qiu Xilai and Heavenly DemonfightsbesideChaos, alreadysomeyears.”
待所有人清醒,韩绝缓缓开口道:“天魔之劫始于三十三层天,诸圣联手,传气运于圣人求西来之身,求西来与天魔之领袖在混沌之外大战,已有些岁月。”„How you do seeregardingthistribulation?”
The voicefalls, the discipleslook at each other in blank dismay.
话音落下,弟子们面面相觑。Honorary Discipledoes not dareto open the mouth, direct disciplehad not repliedimmediately.记名弟子都不敢开口,亲传弟子们也没有立即回答。At this time, a discipleflew the vault of heaven, knelt downin the midair, salutedtoHan Jue.
这时,一名弟子飞上天穹,在半空中跪下,向韩绝行礼。Chu Shiren!楚世人!„Ancestral Master, the disciplethinks that Hidden Sectcannotagainhidden, this/shouldtake action, beforeisImmeasurable Tribulation, canavoid, Heavenly Daocanrestart, butHeavenly DemonfromChaos, Sagesbesets with a crisis, if the Heavenly Demonslaughterworldsucceeds, Iand otherscanlive on dishonorably where?”
“师祖,弟子认为隐门不能再隐,该出手了,之前是无量大劫,可以避开,天道能重启,但天魔来自混沌之外,诸圣都陷入危机之中,若是天魔屠世成功,我等又能在何处苟活?”Chu Shirenholds the fist in the other hand saying that loud and clear, is very firm.楚世人抱拳说道,掷地有声,十分坚决。Such remarks, inHundred Mountains Immortal Plainresounds the echoingsoundcontinuously.
此言一出,百岳仙川内响起此起彼伏的附和声。„Right, Heavenly Demondamn, Isee with one's own eyesthemto liveto rip the life, cruel.”
“没错,天魔可恶,我亲眼看到他们生撕生灵,残忍至极。”„TheseHeavenly Demonlooked is very evil, cannot kill.”
“这些天魔一看就很邪恶,根本杀不死。”„IfImmortal Worldperished, Heavenly Daodid not have, Hidden Sectdo not faceHeavenly Demon?”
“若是仙界亡了,天道没了,隐门还不是要面对天魔?”„Yes, ourcultivationgoalis notlives, ifImmortal Worldfalls to the enemy, wherewedo goto live?”
“是啊,我们修行的目的不就是活下来,若是仙界沦陷,我们去哪儿活?”„clear/painSeniorsaidwell, shouldextinguishHeavenly Demon!”
……Listens the words that the disciplesare filled with righteous indignation, in the Han Jueheartto be filled with all sorts of feelings.
After hewantsto wait for the breakthrough, beforekillsDao Heavenly Demon, butheis away from the breakthroughto returnsometime.
他之前想等突破后再去杀道天魔,但他距离突破还有一段时间。Ifwaitsagain, perhapsImmortal Worldreallymustbe conquered by killing.
若是再等下去,恐怕仙界真的要被血洗。Han Juesets outslowly, seeshimto stand up, alldisciplesshut up, does not dareto sayagain.韩绝缓缓起身,看到他站起身来,所有弟子闭嘴,不敢再言。Sees onlyHan Jueto lift the right handslowly, the index fingerrefers to the day.
只见韩绝缓缓抬起右手,食指指天。Yin-Yang Protecting Life Sun and Moonrotatesinhimbehind, divine lightshinesHundred Mountains Immortal Plain, this momenthethatgreat.阴阳护生日月在他身后转动,神光普照百岳仙川,这一刻的他是那么的伟岸。„Worldmyriad things, allformysword.”
The Han Juesoundresounds, theseistimeHundred Mountains Immortal Plain, All Heavens and Myriad Realmsallcanhearincessantly.韩绝的声音响起,这一次不止是百岳仙川,诸天万界皆能听到。
The Hidden Sectdisciplesconcentrate all one's attention on, the atmospheredoes not dareto breathe, closelyis staring atHan Jue.隐门弟子们屏气凝神,大气都不敢喘,紧紧盯着韩绝。In an instant, the worldtremblesgreatly!
The sea of clouds in vault of heavenchanges intooneone after another whitegreatsword, the mountain above landcondenses one stone dagger that the sharp qisoars to the heavens, the innumerableliveswere frightened, trillionHeavenly Demonare on nettles.
苍穹上的云海接连化为一把把白色巨剑,大地之上的高山凝聚出一把把锐气冲天的石剑,无数生灵被吓到,亿万天魔惴惴不安。SuchsceneperformanceinImmortal Worldandmortal worldeachcorner!
高山化剑!Blood Seasword!血海化剑!Treessword!
树木化剑!Flowers and plantssword!
尘埃化剑!Fallen leafsword!
落叶化剑!Except the land, the thing of allnon-spiritwisdomallchange into the sword!
Such Ghost Godgreat masterscenemadeworldall living thingsshock.
The Hidden Sectdisciples in Hundred Mountains Immortal Plainalsofind the situation outside dao field, the one by oneopeningmouth, stares dumbfounded.百岳仙川内的隐门弟子们也瞧见道场外的情况,一个个张大嘴巴,瞠目结舌。Theyheard the Han Juesound, in other wordsso the worlddrastic changeis the Han Juebehavior.
他们都听到了韩绝的声音,也就是说如此天地剧变乃韩绝所为。Sect Masterwantstake actionto exterminateHeavenly Demon!门主要出手诛灭天魔!Dao Supreme, Li Yao, Zhao Xuanyuan, Zhou Fanand the otherslooks atbloodlinesBenstretch/openall, is hard to takeexcitedly.道至尊、厉遥、赵轩辕、周凡等人无不是看得血脉贲张,激动难耐。Goodoverbearingdivine ability!
……Having hair dishevelledHan Tuoandwhole bodyareHan Ming of bloodare looking up toall aroundgreatsword, looks the unbelievablecolor.
披头散发的韩拓、浑身是血的韩命仰望着四周的一座座巨剑,面露难以置信之色。Theyhidein the mountains, the resultsurroundingmountainsandtreesallchange into the sword.
“这……”Han Tuois unreadable, the soundhefeltsomewhatfamiliar, why could also not rememberfamiliar.韩拓难以理解,刚才的声音他觉得有些熟悉,又想不起为何熟悉。WhatHan Jueusesis the Saintsound, aggressivedignified, in additionHan Tuoalready is very longhas not seen the father, inseveral thousandyearshave experienced the innumerablelives, thatstillremembers the clearfather'svoice, even ifremembers,stillhas a difference from the Han JueSaintsound.韩绝用的是圣音,霸气威严,再加上韩拓已经很久没有见过父亲,数千年内经历过无数生灵,那还记得清自己父亲的声音,就算记得,也与韩绝的圣音有所差别。Han Mingactuallyclearremembering.韩命却清楚的记得。„Histake action...... hisalready......”
The Han Minglookis complex, the heartis shivering.韩命眼神复杂,心都在颤抖。Undertwo peoplegazes, sizeallswordsshoot up to the skyall around, killsineachdirection.
A Zuntiandemonbyworldmyriad things the swordexterminates, frightensotherHeavenly Demonboundlesslyto escape.
After theirmortal bodiesare broken, changes into the flying ashdirectly, the opportunity of simplynot having recovered!
他们的肉身碎后,直接化为飞灰,根本没有复原的机会!Shortly, above the All Heavens and Myriad Realmsland, the innumerableswordshadesspeed away, the blood of Heavenly Demonsprinkles the expansive skyhorizontally, changes into the bloodfog, fills the vault of heaven.
顷刻间,诸天万界的大地之上,无数剑影疾驰,天魔之血横洒长空,化为血雾,弥漫苍穹。Above the bareland, all living thingslook up tothismiracle, shocks, pleasantly surprised, to be survivor of disaster to well uptheirheartsorrowfully.
More and more liveskneel down, worship the vault of heaven, somestartswail.
越来越多的生灵跪下,朝拜天穹,也有的开始嚎啕大哭。Finallyhasalmighty of take actionsalvation!
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