Qiu XilaiandGreat Emperor Xiaowere injured!求西来、霄大帝都受伤了!Han Jueselects the eyebrow, thisDao Heavenly Demonis very strong.韩绝挑眉,这道天魔很强啊。Hecatches the eyeto look, a Thirty Three Layer Heavensilence, has the Dao Heavenly Demonblack holealso , the purplethunderinterweaves, silent is passingconstraining.
他抬眼看去,三十三层天一片寂静,藏有道天魔的黑洞还在,紫雷交织,无声之中透着压抑。Han JuecanfeelDao Heavenly Demonaura, thisboyhas not run away, does heinjuretoSages?韩绝能感受到道天魔的气息,这厮并没有逃出来,那他是如何伤到诸圣?divine senseattack?神念攻击?Han Juecannot think through.韩绝想不通。No matter what, Dao Heavenly Demonhas not enteredHeavenly Dao, healsohas the time.
不管怎样,道天魔还未入天道,那他就还有时间。Whilethese days, Han Juemustgrasp the timestrengthen, strivessoonto be ableinstakillDao Heavenly Demon.
After Han Juelooks at the mail, thencloses eyesdirectly, startsto cultivate.韩绝看完邮件后,便直接闭目,开始修炼。Thirty Three Layer Heavenbecomesbecause of the appearance of Dao Heavenly Demonincomparablysilent, Sagesno longersermon, withoutcultivatorcomesto visit.三十三层天因道天魔的出现变得无比寂静,圣人们不再讲道,没有修行者前来拜访。Thisatmospherespreadswith deep venerationquicklyImmortal World, the Sagesectdisciplesstartsto spread the rumor, said that the Heavenly Daocrisiswill soon arrive!
三百年后。Immortal Worldresounds the sound of Sagesuddenly.仙界忽然响起圣人之音。„I, Southern ExtremeHeavenly LordleadEnlightenment Cultto merge intoDao Sect, presentingSageQiu XilaiisDao Lord!”
“吾,南极天尊率领阐教并入道门,奉圣人求西来为道主!”„I, Heaven's SeveringCult MasterleadSection Cultto merge intoDao Sect, presentingSageQiu XilaiisDao Lord!”
“吾,天绝教主率领截教并入道门,奉圣人求西来为道主!”„I, FuxileadHuman Raceto believeDao Sect, presentingSageQiu XilaiisDao Lord!”
“吾,伏羲天率领人族信仰道门,奉圣人求西来为道主!”„I, Great Emperor XiaoleadDemon RaceandAll Heavensdemon cultivatorto merge intoDao Sect, presentingSageQiu XilaiisDao Lord!”
“吾,霄大帝率领魔族、诸天魔修并入道门,奉圣人求西来为道主!”„I, Qiu XilaileadBuddhismto merge intoDao Sect, starting today, Sage is Dao Sect, Heavenly DaoDestinyallturns over toDao Sect, all living thingsto reflectit!”
“吾,求西来率领佛门并入道门,从今日起,圣人皆为道门,天道气运皆归道门,众生鉴之!”InDao Monastery, Han Jueopens the eye, the expressionis strange.道观内,韩绝睁开眼睛,表情古怪。Sagesunion?诸圣联合?Alsois primarilyQiu Xilai?
等等!Is it possible thattheywant to pour intoQiu Xilaiwithin the bodyHeavenly DaoDestiny, makesQiu XilairesistDao Heavenly Demonagain?
莫非他们想将天道气运全都灌入求西来体内,再让求西来去对抗道天魔?Han Juemorewantsmoreto feel the possibility.韩绝越想越觉得可能。Hecatches the eyeto look, dao field that Qiu Xilaiis was coveredby a giantlightcover, Sacred (God Sage/Saint)is broad.
他抬眼看去,求西来所在的道场被一道巨大的光罩笼罩,神圣而恢宏。Han Jueinquiredsilently: „After Qiu XilaifusesSagesHeavenly DaoDestiny, whethercanexecutionI?”韩绝默默询问:“求西来融合诸圣的天道气运后,是否能诛杀我?”【Needsto deduct10 billionyears of life-span, whethercontinue】
The Han Jueeyelidjumpscrazily, it seems likethencannothavedao field, otherwiseeasyin the sewersto capsize.韩绝眼皮狂跳,看来接下来不能出道场了,否则容易阴沟里翻船。
The Han Jueadjustmentmood , to continue to cultivate, as forDao Heavenly Demon, hisalreadycannot control.韩绝调整情绪,继续修炼,至于道天魔,他已经管不了。FirstexceededQiu Xilaito sayagain!
……Sky over the boundlessvastness, Li DaokongandShi Dudaoopposeto hangabove the clouds.
无边汪洋上空,李道空与石独道对立悬在云端之上。Shi Dudaoknits the brows: „Sagescollaborates, is it possible that black holehideswhatto existfearfully?”石独道皱眉道:“诸圣联手,莫非那黑洞里藏着什么可怕存在?”Li Daokongcoldsound said: „Shi Dudao, fights outwithmewith single-hearted devotion.”李道空冷声道:“石独道,专心与我决胜负。”hearsword, Shi Dudaolooks the impatientcolor, said: „Youat allare notmyopponent, whyhas canpesterme? Can't youlose?”
闻言,石独道面露不耐烦之色,道:“你根本不是吾的对手,为何一直要纠缠吾?你输不起?”„Snort, youdo not haveto winmetruly.”
“哼,你没有真正胜我。”„Howis the truevictory? Killedyou?”
“如何才算真正胜?杀了你?”„Iknowoneperson, hisgreat strengthmademebe sincerely convinced, althoughyouwere strong, tonot makingmedespaired.”
“呵呵。”In the Shi Dudaoeyeflashes throughkilling intent.石独道眼中闪过杀意。
The flutteringsea of cloudsstopssuddenly, ocean wavesalsoforitstatic.
飘动的云海骤然停下,就连海浪也为之静止。Distant place.
远方。Insand beach, Han MingandHan Tuodistantobserving.
沙滩上,韩命、韩拓远远的观战。PresentHan Tuoalreadyis mature, the looksabundantgodis outstanding, but the lookis disclosing the vicissitudes, a white clothingflap flap, the elegant demeanoris with the wind threatening.
如今的韩拓已经成熟,长得丰神俊逸,但眼神透露着沧桑,一袭白衣随风猎猎,风采逼人。AlthoughHan Mingis handsome, maycompare toHan Tuo, inferiormany.韩命虽俊,可比起韩拓来说,逊色不少。„Who is the Senior Liopponent?”Han Tuoasked.
“李前辈的对手是谁?”韩拓问道。Han Mingtranquilsay/way: „Isexistence that yourIam unattainable, do not ask,Senior Lihas not answeredis receivablewefor the disciple.”韩命平静道:“是你我遥不可及的存在,不要多问,李前辈还未答应收我们为徒。”Han Tuoknits the browsto ask: „Senior Liis so fierce, a few wordsmakeSection Cultlet gome, how did youconvincehimto rescuemy? Section Cult, after theyIseize, Ihave seencultivatorsurnamed Huang, later, theyare delicious the tastyentertainmentI, whyis?”韩拓皱眉问道:“李前辈如此厉害,一句话就让截教放走我,你是如何说服他来救我的?还有截教,他们把我抓走后,我见过一名姓黄的修士,之后,他们就好吃好喝的招待我,到底是为什么?”„Brother Han, yourIam all surnamed Han, do youhave the relationswithmy father? Who is my father?”
“韩大哥,你我皆姓韩,你是不是跟我父亲有关系?我父亲到底是什么人?”Han Tuois not silly, so manyyearswanderers, hediscovered that madeis notmother's the method of body refinementtrulyherose, butwashisaptitude.韩拓不傻,这么多年的闯荡,他发现真正令他崛起的不是母亲的炼体之法,而是他本身的资质。In the past the immortalmasterhad not examinedhisspirit root , because hisaptitudewas too strong, commoncultivatorcould not completely understand.
East heoncereturneddefends a cityto look for the parents, butonlyseesmother'stombstone, his fatherwithout a trace, helooked forcultivatorto calculatecause and effect, the fatherhas died.
他曾回东守城找过父母,但只看到母亲的墓碑,他的父亲早已无影无踪,他找修行者算过因果,父亲早就死了。Ifhis fatherhas the bigbackground, is insufficient dead, eitherwas killed.
倘若他父亲有大背景,也不至于死,要么就是被人害死。Oftenthinksinthis, Han Tuois suppressing an angerat heart.
每每想到于此,韩拓心里就憋着一股怒火。Thinks the fatherwas possibly killedby the enemy, hiswithin the bodythatmysteriousandwildstrengthrestrainsto continue.
一想到父亲可能是被仇家害死,他体内那股神秘而狂暴的力量就克制不止。From infancy to maturity, hemostawes the ownfather, if not the direction of father, hehundredyearshad passed away.
The Han Minglooking straight aheaddistant place, said: „A oursurname, Ido not knowyour fatherfortunately, do not want is too many, initially when ran intoyou, youare notalsobegintome, Ievenalsowantto killyou, as forSenior Li, Iandhis some fates.”韩命直视远方,道:“我们只是凑巧一个姓,我不认识你父亲,你别想太多,当初遇到你时,你不是还对我动手,我甚至还想杀你,至于李前辈,我与他有一些缘分罢了。”Han Tuoknits the browsto ask: „ThatSection Cult?”韩拓皱眉问道:“那截教呢?”Han Mingrolled the eyes, said: „How do Iknow? Before they may want to letyouat the point of death, does not endure hardships, after all is the Sagesect, bulliesyou, passing on is not of pleasant to hear, iftheyreallyhave the good intentiontoyou, howto surroundSection Cultyou?”韩命翻了翻白眼,道:“我怎么知道?他们可能就是想让你临死前不遭罪,毕竟是圣人教派,欺负你,传出去不好听,他们真要是对你有好意,岂会把你困住截教?”hearsword, Han Tuofeelsto stand to reason.
他不由自嘲。Sometimesoneselfreallyindulge in fantasy, is it possible thatmeetstooHeaven's Favoured Child, alwaysanticipated does ownancestor have the generation of almighty?
The terrifyinggalesweeps acrossto comealong the sea levelsuddenly, the Han Tuotwopeople of complexionschange, puts outmagical treasureto resist the storm.
恐怖强风忽然沿着海面席卷而来,韩拓二人脸色大变,纷纷拿出法宝抵挡风浪。But can pressure of theyQuasi-Sagekeep offcan it be that?
可准圣之威压岂是他们能挡?Two peoplerespondedwithout enough time,was blownto flydirectly, vanisheswitheverywheresandstormin the horizon.
……Thirty Three Layer Heaven, Buddhismdao field.三十三层天,佛门道场。In the resplendent in gold and jade greenpalace, Sagesgathers.
金碧辉煌的宫殿内,诸圣聚集。Heaven's SeveringCult Masterasked: „Does Qiu Xilai, howfeel?”天绝教主问道:“求西来,感觉如何?”OtherSagealsolooktoQiu Xilai.
其他圣人也都看向求西来。Qiu Xilaihas not maintainedten thousandzhang (3.33 m)true body, butissuch as the mortalgeneralphysique, heopens the eyeslowly, said: „Very good, compared withbefore, evencanactuate the strength of Heavenly Dao.”求西来没有保持万丈真身,而是如凡人一般的身姿,他缓缓睁开眼睛,道:“很不错,比以前强多了,甚至能驱动天道之力。”Fuxipursuesasks: „Can defeatDao Heavenly Demon?”伏羲天追问道:“能否击败道天魔?”
The Qiu Xilailookis complex, said: „Possibly not, but, Dao Heavenly Demon the strength of misfortune is too almost strong, but also is unable execution, hisstrengthto be a higherlevel, ifIwantto exterminatehe, but must fusesHeavenly DaoDestinyandSage Heart......”求西来眼神复杂,道:“可能不行,还差一点,道天魔的厄运之力太强,还无法诛杀,他的力量属于更高层次,吾若想诛灭他,还得将天道气运与圣心融合……”Such remarks, the Sagescomplexionchanges.
此言一出,诸圣脸色一变。Reason thataboutisDao Sect, buttocope withDao Heavenly Demon.
之所以合为道门,只是为了对付道天魔。Maysayaccording toQiu Xilai, oncefuses, thatin the futureQiu Xilaiwill bestrongestSage, even iftheywill separateDestiny, is unable to affectQiu Xilaicultivation.
The most essentialthisboygraspsis extinguishingDao God!
最关键这厮掌握着灭道神通!Inpalacesilent, the atmospherebecomesstrange.
殿内寂静,气氛变得诡异。Qiu Xilaideeplyinspires, said: „The everyonefellow daoist, wealsocalculate that is togetherfourGrand Tribulation, has had the battle, butthisHeavenly Daopeakremainingwe, ouragainhowbattle, isinternal fight, nowDao Heavenly Demonis threatening, ifmadehimswallowHeavenly Dao, wemustdie!”求西来深吸一口气,道:“诸位道友,吾等也算相处四个量劫,有过争斗,但这天道顶端就剩下吾等,吾等再怎么争斗,也是内斗,如今道天魔来势汹汹,若是让他吞了天道,吾等都得死!”„Thiswar, the everyonefellow daoistmustalsoonlybe ableto believeme, Iwill not disappoint the everyonefellow daoist!”
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