Chapter 534Sage Monarch of Darkness, invinciblename
第534章黑暗圣君,无敌之名Han Jueis silent.韩绝沉默。Listens to the Li Muyiwords, was his firstresponsethisoldboy?
听完李目一的话,他的第一反应是这老小子怎么了?Whyto think that Han Juewill helphim?
凭什么认为韩绝会帮他?Li Muyias ifsaw through the idea of Han Jue, said: „You, ifhelpsme, from now henceforth, Sage, ifdaresto planyou, Iwill firmly supportyou, Iwill also arrange in orderancestorto recommendyoutoHuman Cult, in the futurewill have the opportunityto goto listen toGreat Dao.”李目一似乎看穿了韩绝的想法,道:“你若助吾,从今以后,圣人若敢算计你,吾会坚决支持你,吾还会向人教列祖引荐你,日后有机会前去听大道。”Empress NuwacantranscendenceHeavenly Dao, Han Juesuspect that beforehandtheseSagealreadymarch intohigherrealm, Human CultasfirstDestiny Sect, itsbackgroundnatureis immeasurably deep.女娲娘娘都能超脱天道,韩绝早就怀疑以前的那些圣人已经步入更高的境界,人教作为第一个气运教派,其底蕴自然深不可测。
The lightis not enoughto moveHan Juelike this.
只是光这样不足以打动韩绝。After all must brave hardships and dangers!
毕竟要涉险!Han Juesaid: „Iwill consider.”韩绝道:“我会考虑的。”Li Muyiknits the brows, byhim the understandingofthisboy, considersto reject.李目一皱眉,以他对这厮的了解,考虑就是拒绝。Hepursuesasks: „Youwantanything, saidalthough.”
他追问道:“你想要什么,尽管说。”Han Juesaid: „Does not wantanything, Ishortly afterproving Dao, copes the enemy who youcannot deal with, I must guard againstyourJunior Brotherto sneak attackmydao fieldmomentarily, forces someone to do something against his will.”韩绝道:“不是想要什么,我才证道不久,去对付你都对付不了的敌人,我还得防备你的师弟们随时偷袭我的道场,强人所难。”These wordshearLi Muyito be awkward.
The atmospherebecomesquiet.
The Li Muyicountless wordsstop upin the chest, is unable to mention.李目一千言万语堵在心口,无从说起。Han Juesaid: „Ithinkagain, this matteris important, tradesto beyou, is impossibleto complydirectly?”韩绝道:“我再想想吧,此事事关重大,换做你,也不可能直接答应吧?”„Good.”
“好吧。”HelplessLi Muyisaid.李目一无奈道。
The dreamlandended.
The consciousness of Han Juereturns to the reality, hestartsto evolve: „Iwantto know the enemy who Li Muyisaidwhois?”韩绝的意识回到现实中,他开始演化:“我想知道李目一所说的敌人是谁?”Needsto deduct10 billionyears of life-span, whethercontinue
继续!In the Han Juemindappearsform, thispersonwearsblackdao robe, the bigsleeveflutters, the long hairlike the waterfall, in the foreheadgrowsoneto set upright the eye.韩绝脑海里浮现出一道身影,此人身穿黑色道袍,大袖飘动,长发如瀑,眉心间长着一只竖目。Sage Monarch of Darkness: cultivation baseunknown, Chaos Demon God黑暗圣君:修为未知,混沌魔神Chaos Demon God!混沌魔神!Oh!
乖乖!Cannot provoke!
招惹不起!cultivation baseunknown, explained that is at least higher than Han Juerealm.修为未知,就说明至少比韩绝的境界高。PerhapsHan Juecandefeat the opposite party, but the opposite partyalsohasto killhispossibility.
It is not ableinstakill, unable for the enemy.
无法秒杀,就不能为敌。Han Jueputs downthis matterfor the time being, does not goto manageit.韩绝暂且将此事放下,不去管它。„The followingarrangeddisciplesgo out, cannotgo toLi MuyiGreat Thousand World.”
“后面安排弟子们出去,决不能去李目一的大千世界。”Han Juethinkssilently,as for the Li Muyifuturerequestdream, hedisregardsdirectly.韩绝默默想到,至于李目一日后的托梦,那他直接无视。Hedoes not fearto offendLi Muyi, waits forSage Monarch of Darknessto succeed, Li Muyicultivationfalls suddenlysurely, evensuffers the heavy losses, maydegenerate intoweakestSage.
他也不怕得罪李目一,等黑暗圣君成功,李目一的道行必定暴跌,甚至遭遇重创,或许会沦为最弱圣人。Thesedepend onHeavenly DaoDestinySage, the foundationis not steady.
……Years may wrinkle.
A newsspreads overImmortal Worldsuddenly, earth-shaking.
一则消息忽然传遍仙界,惊天动地。Heavenly CourtdefeatsDragon Race, henceforthDragon Raceis the Heavenly Courtdependency, thisDragon RacecontainsTrue Dragon Raceas well asotherdragonrace.天庭击败龙族,从此龙族为天庭的附庸,此龙族包含真龙族以及其他龙种族。
After Heavenly Daorestarts, Dragon Racereach to the clouds, relies ontyrannicalmortal bodyaptitudeto lord over the vastness, the prestigeis extremely high.天道重启后,龙族横空出世,凭借着强横的肉身资质独霸汪洋,威望极高。Giving up of Dragon Racemakesall living thingsfall the visiononHeavenly Court, Immortal Godis legitimate!龙族的俯首称臣使得众生将目光落在天庭上,仙神正统!Whenall living thingsare the bigwrist/skill of Heavenly Courtshocks, secluded from the worldHundred Mountains Immortal Plaincalmlydoes not have the wave, foreveris tranquil.
当众生为天庭的大手腕而震惊时,与世隔绝的百岳仙川无风无浪,永远平静。In a flash, is500years.
一晃眼,又是五百载过去。Han Juejustsermonfinished, heteachesInviting Spirit ArttoHidden Sectin1 millionlives, declared that thisdivine abilityissecret technique, can not use, ifusuallyabuses, will encounterbacklash.韩绝刚讲道结束,他将请神术传授给隐门内百万生灵,宣称此神通乃是秘法,不得使用,若是平时乱用,将会遭到反噬。Regarding the Han Juewords, alldisciplesbelieve that does not doubt.
对于韩绝的话,所有弟子都坚信不疑。Indirect discipleonly then the small number of people have usedInviting Spirit Art, thereforemostdiscipleshold the awetoInviting Spirit Art.亲传弟子之中只有少数人用过请神术,所以大部分弟子对请神术还是抱有敬畏。
Before Han Juearrives atFusang Tree, makingFusang Treeopenover a hundredSpace and Timevortex.韩绝来到扶桑树前,让扶桑树打开上百个时空漩涡。Heusesdivine senseto sweep off, theseSpace and Timestrongs and weaks, strongest was still Li MuyiGreat Thousand World.
他用神念扫去,这些时空强弱不等,最强的仍是李目一的大千世界。Andsixsideworlddo not haveHeavenly DaoDestiny, does not turn over to the Heavenly Daomanages.
After Han Jueobservation, there is a decision.韩绝观测后,有了决定。Returns to Dao Monastery, hecontinuesto cultivate.
十年后。Han Duotianbrings1000Honorary Discipleto arrive under Fusang Tree, theseHonorary DisciplealreadyachieveEmperor Realm, cultivation baseis unable to growagain.韩堕天带着一千名记名弟子来到扶桑树下,这些记名弟子已经达到帝境,修为无法再增长。Fusang Treeopens a Space and Timevortex, said: „Entersfromhere.”扶桑树打开一个时空漩涡,道:“从这里进。”
Before thisSpace and TimevortexisHan Jue, elects, is not too strong , is not too weak, 1000Immortal Emperorgo, at leastcanmonopolize the power in a place.
此时空漩涡乃是韩绝之前选好的,不算太强,也不算太弱,一千名仙帝进去,至少能独霸一方。Han Duotianturns aroundto looktothousandHonorary Disciple, said: „After, finds the placeto take root, firstunderstood that the situation in this/shouldworld, thenmakes the plan.”韩堕天转身看向千位记名弟子,道:“到了之后,找地方扎根,先了解该天地的情况,再做打算。”
The disciplesnodin abundance, laterunder the direction of Han Duotian, plunges into the Space and Timevortex on treeone after another.
弟子们纷纷点头,随后在韩堕天的指引下,接连跳入树上的时空漩涡中。Thisgroup of disciplescan beinHonorary Disciplepeakonebatch, theirdepartures are also the important matters, causesotherdisciplesto whoop.
这批弟子算得上记名弟子中最为顶尖的一批,他们的离去也算是大事,引得其他弟子议论纷纷。Goes to the fact outside Heavenly Daoaboutthem, Han Juehas not concealed, happen tostimulatesHidden Sect, makingthemhave the cohesive force.
After several months .
数月后。Han Jueobtains the Li Muyirequestdreamto promptagain, thishedisregardstimedirectly.韩绝再次得到李目一的托梦提示,这一次他直接无视。Li Muyistartsto brush the screencrazily, Han Juewithoutbeing at the breakthroughcondition, Systemwould have noto helphimshield.李目一开始疯狂刷屏,韩绝没有处于突破状态,系统也就没有帮他屏蔽。Continues for a month later, Li Muyigave up, no longerholds the dream.
持续一个月后,李目一放弃了,不再托梦。Li Muyitoyourhatredpromotion, presentlyHatred Valueis4stars李目一对你的仇恨提升,当前仇恨度为四星Han Juedoes not care.韩绝根本不在意。Li Muyiis unable to defend oneselfin any case, has no free timeto retaliatehim.
反正李目一自身难保,也没空报复他。Alsoin the past few months.
又过去数月。Li Daokongcomesto visitHan Jue.李道空前来拜访韩绝。„Sect Master, Iwantto go outinformed and experienced, imitatesShi Dudao, challengesAll Heavensalmighty!”Li Daokonglookfirmsaying.
“门主,我想出去历练,效仿石独道,挑战诸天大能!”李道空眼神坚定的说道。Han Jueasked: „Don't youfearSage?”韩绝问道:“你不怕圣人?”„Wantsnotdepart Heavenly Dao, Sage unable personallytomytake action, whatImustdoisstrongestQuasi-Sage, happen toneedsSageto giveme the pressure, forcingmeto grow.”
“只要不离开天道,圣人无法亲自对我出手,我要做的是最强准圣,正好需要圣人给我压力,逼迫我成长。”„Did youthink?”
“你想好了吗?”Han Jueaskedseriously, Li DaokongalreadywasQuasi-Sage, the standard of conforming.韩绝严肃问道,李道空已经是准圣,符合出去的标准。Li Daokongnods.李道空点头。Han Juesaid: „Ipass onyourdivine ability , helping yourinvincibleQuasi-Sage!”韩绝道:“我传你一神通,助你无敌准圣!”Heliftshandonefinger/refers, inheritancememoryswamps into the Li Daokongminddirectly.
他抬手一指,传承记忆直接涌入李道空的脑海里。Great Dao divine ability, Myriad Lives Sword!大道神通,万生剑!
The worldmyriad thingsallmaymelt the sword!
天地万物皆可化剑!ThisisHan Juemost powerfulswordDao God.
After several days .
数日后。Li Daokongopens eyes, exclaims: „Thisdivine ability......”李道空睁眼,惊叹道:“此神通……”Han Juetranquilsay/way: „Icreation, youare the secondgraspingperson.”韩绝平静道:“我所创造,你是第二位掌握之人。”
The Li Daokonglook changes, kneels downimmediately, line of kowtowingrituals.李道空色变,立即跪下,行磕头之礼。„Sect Mastergreat kindness, Daokongalwaysdoes not forget, even ifthis lifedestroy both body and soul, mustfightforHidden Sect!”
“门主大恩大德,道空永世不忘,今生纵然形神俱灭,也要为隐门而战!”Li Daokongtoyourfavorable impressionpromotion, presentlyfavourabilityis6stars李道空对你的好感提升,当前好感度为六星Myriad Lives Swordis extremely powerful, henevercultivationsodivine ability, evendoes not haveto experience.万生剑太过强大,他从未修行过如此神通,甚至都没有见识过。Han Juecanthisdivine abilityinstructioninhim, be no different thanhimworks as being in direct linedisciple.韩绝能将此神通传授于他,无异于将他当嫡传弟子。At this moment, the heart of Li DaokongtoHan Juethoroughlychanged, becomingsuch asdirect discipleis ordinary.
这一刻,李道空对韩绝的心彻底变了,变得如亲传弟子们一般。Han Juesaid: „Daokong, do not disappointme, Imostanticipateyou, ifHidden Sectis bornsecondSage, I feel you , the hopeisyou.”韩绝道:“道空,不要让我失望,我最期待你,隐门若诞生第二位圣人,我觉得是你,也希望是你。”„Subordinatedoes not disappoint the expectation of Sect Master!”
“属下绝不辜负门主之期望!”„Goes, rushes out the invinciblenameto come backagain.”
The voicefalls, Li Daokongwas then movedHundred Mountains Immortal PlainbyHan Jue.
话音落下,李道空便被韩绝挪出百岳仙川。Hefloatinupper air, the sunlightsprinkles, the whiterobeflutterswith the wind, on his handsomefaceappearsagain the proudfacial expression.
他悬浮在高空中,阳光洒下,白袍随风飘动,他那英俊的脸上再次浮现出自傲的神情。„Hasthisdivine ability, IcansurelyinvinciblyinImmortal World!”
“有此神通,我定能无敌于仙界!”„Shi Dudao, did youprepare?”
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