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,最快更新最新章节!In the information of Nangongjade, wasLi Xiangjun'sfragmentarypast.
南宫玉儿的情报里,是李湘君零零碎碎的过去。AppearedfromherinJinTianchengin childhoodtoweringstarts, untilshebecomeson the eve ofswallowsovereign, thisnamevanishedto endtowering.
从她小时候突兀地出现在靖天城开始,直到她当上燕皇前夕,这名字突兀地消失结束。Fromthisinformation, He Yun Xiaocannot seewhatproblemonly.
单从这情报来看,何云霄倒也看不出什么毛病。Thisalsomadehimfeel better. At leastdoes not havestone hammerLi Xiangjun.
……At nightfall, He Yun Xiaoreturns to ownroom, actuallydiscovered that Li Xiangjunsmilinglysitsin the roomhe.
" LiMiss? "
「李姑娘?」Li Xiangjunsaid with a smile: " What's wrong, doesn't welcomeme? "
" Without. " He Yun Xiaoentertains the guesthastily, butalwaysseemsworried.
「没有没有。」何云霄连忙招待起客人,但总显得心事重重。He Yun Xiaothisabsent-mindedappearance, naturallycannot hide the truth from the mental perceptionsuch as the swallowsovereign of torch.何云霄这副心不在焉的模样,自然瞒不过慧眼如炬的燕皇。
" Sirwhat is not quite probably happy. " Li Xiangjunprobeswas asking.
" Has? " He Yun Xiaospunks up.
「有吗?」何云霄强打起精神。Li Xiangjunemptynarrows the eye, " was lovelorn? "
" Pū. " He Yun Xiaoteaspurtsin the open area.
" Youguessalsoguesses a crediblepoint. " He Yun Xiaois scratching the tea of mouth, complained.
「你猜也猜个靠谱点的吧。」何云霄擦着嘴边的茶水,抱怨道。HunanMonarchlets go, " is very difficultto imagineexcept for the woman, but alsothere is anything to makeyouabsent-minded. "
The He Yun Xiaoquitefeelingblushes with shame, has hislasciviousreputation, spread toYanfromQi?何云霄颇感汗颜,他好色的名声,已经从齐国传入燕国了吗?
" Ioccasionally am also forproper businessworriedgood. "
" Cannot look. " Li Xiangjunsitsnear the table, the small handrests one's chin in one's hands, stares the bigeyeto stare atHe Yun Xiaoto look.
「看不出来。」李湘君坐在桌边,小手托腮,瞪大眼睛盯着何云霄看。He Yun Xiaonaturallycannotraise " Chinese catalpato suspectyouweakly " , butisdescribes the fact saying: " Negotiated peace a accident. " 何云霄自然不会去提「梓弱怀疑你」,而是描述事实道:「议和出了一点岔子。」
" Accident? Whataccident? "
「岔子?什么岔子?」He Yun Xiaoquitelooks atLi Xiangjunsurprisedly, in the heart the startledsay/way: Doesn't sheknow? Sheasswallowsovereign, to the peace negotiationprogress, was inferiorunexpectedly do oneselfunderstand?何云霄颇为惊奇地看着李湘君,心中惊道:她不知道?她身为燕皇,对议和进度,竟不如自己了解吗?
" Missmayknow, inthatpeace negotiationconference, the actions of southwestking? "
" Canguess correctlyprobably. Doesn't healwaysagreeto negotiate peace? "
「大概能猜到。他不是一向不同意议和吗?」He Yun Xiaoshakes the head, " thisdifference. Before holding the officialpeace negotiationconference, ourpersonnelandsomeswallowsidepersonnel, have reached an agreementinsomerequests. " 何云霄摇了摇头,「这次不同。开正式议和会议前,我方人员和燕方部分人员,在一些要求上已经达成一致。」Li Xiangjunnods, " thisIknow. Then? "
" Then, the southwestkingin the conference, reveals to the public the agreement1510places that weachieve. "
「然后,西南王在会议上,把我们达成的协议一五一十地公之于众。」Li Xiangjunstares the bigeye, exclaims: " In this...... has the ghost! "
李湘君瞪大眼睛,惊叹道:「这……有内鬼!」He Yun Xiaonods.何云霄点了点头。At this time, Li Xiangjunshowedexpressionsuddenly, thendespisedlooks atHe Yun Xiao, said: " Youare the suspicion, do Ifudge? "
这时,李湘君露出恍然的表情,然后鄙夷地看着何云霄,道:「你是怀疑,我动了手脚?」He Yun Xiaosaidawkwardly: " Ido not have, ismodel/patternmissshe...... " 何云霄尴尬道:「我没有,是范姑娘她……」Li Xiangjunair/Qicourageouspats the desktop, said: " Leakedthismatternot to investigate thoroughly, both sidesshouldbe responsible. Myperson may divulge, yourpeoplewill also possibly divulge. Whyyouconcludearemehave problems! "
李湘君气得勐拍桌面,道:「泄密这事尚未查清楚,双方理应都有责任。我的人可能会泄露,你们的人也可能会泄露。你凭什么就断定是我这边出了问题!」He Yun Xiaoscalp tingles, " IbelieveLiMiss. " 何云霄头皮发麻,「我相信李姑娘。」
" You, ifreallybelievesme, when passing through the gatewill look distressed? IfmyLi Xiangjundoes not think the peace talks, maylive in seclusion and decline visitorsgreatly, howto braveby the risk that the grandfatherpunishes, moves unnecessarilyforyouover! The one had only known, shouldthrowin the trash canyourletter/believesinitially! "
" LiMiss...... "
" Iwalked! "
" Yeah! The girlshold your steps. "
「哎!姑娘留步。」Li Xiangjunsets outto walktoward the entrance, He Yun Xiaogoes forwardto blockherhastily.
李湘君起身往门口走,何云霄连忙上前拦住她。WhopredictsLi Xiangjunto get angry, iron corewalksoutward, bypassedHe Yun Xiaodirectly, does not returnwalks.
谁承想李湘君黑着脸,铁了心地往外走,直接绕过何云霄,头也不回地走了。He Yun Xiaosees the human wall unable to block, acts the small hand who catchesLi Xiangjun.何云霄见人墙拦不住,出手去抓李湘君的小手。Whoknew the softsmall handjustto enter the palm, pulled outby the master of small hand.
The gripping devicesare not good, He Yun Xiaohas touse the finalunique skill, onestepslenderwaist that goes forwardto graspLi Xiangjun.
The waistwas graspedfrom the backbyHe Yun Xiao, Li Xiangjunthencould not take a walkthoroughly. Sheputs out a handto break offHe Yun Xiaoto hold the arm of herwaist, has not actually movedbecause of the disparatestrengthdisparityslightest.
" Youlet looseme. "
" Missfirstlistened tometo say. "
" Ido not listen, youfirstlet loose. "
「我不听,你先放开。」Forworking loose, Li Xiangjundoes not even hesitateto step on the foot of He Yun Xiaowith the small feet. Howeverhas little effect, is almost useless.
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为您提供大神峡谷悠哉河蟹的《身为反派被女主喜欢怎么办》最快更新,!Chapter 195 don't youbelieveme? Freereading: https://!
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,最快更新最新章节!Ifotherfemalelordssodid not speak the truthto shout in confusion, a He Yun Xiaopalm of the handclappedearlyonbuttocks. What a pityis not ripewithLi Xiangjun, does the influence is not good.
" Missfirstlistened tometo say. The Chinese catalpais good atobservingweakly, is longfor the military strategist, herwordscommontruth, Icannot do withoutlistening. "
" Youonlybelieveher, doesn't believeme? " Even ifwere graspedfrom the backbyHe Yun Xiao, Li Xiangjun must lean the face, stareshimto speak.
" Iknowwith the Chinese catalpaafter allweaklyfor a long time. " He Yun Xiaosaid.
" Youlet looseme! " PeacefulLi Xiangjun of a whilemade.
" Iandmiss, although the acquaintanceis not long, but the actions of missIlookat heart. Who the missis, myHe Yun Xiaois clear. However, QiMissionnot justmy one person, was not saidbymecalculates. Therefore, ifIstronglysupport the miss, will cause the Chinese catalpaweakdisaffectionon the contrary. "
" How can you? " Li Xiangjundoes not struggle, the toneis also gentler.
「那你要怎样?」李湘君不挣扎了,语气也平和很多。He Yun Xiaoheartpossible, continued: " Missis intelligent. So long asweholdinthat the ghost, misspurefromvindicable. " 何云霄心道有戏,继续说:「姑娘聪慧。我们只要抓住那个内鬼,姑娘的清白自可证明。」
" ThisInaturallycando. Howeveris not worthwhiletoothersshowed. "
「这我自然会做。不过犯不着向别人证明。」Person of He Yun Xiao to bosomsaidearnestly: " The puremiss of misscannot care, butIcare. " 何云霄对怀中的人儿认真道:「姑娘的清白姑娘可以不在乎,但我在乎。」
The He Yun XiaowordstransmitfromLi Xiangjun, pass to herear, makingherwhole bodyonestiff, the heartjumpedcrazily.何云霄的话语从李湘君背后传来,传到她的耳朵里,令她全身一僵,心脏狂跳。Hasflash that Li Xiangjun'sinnermost feelingshadoneto hesitate.
有那么一瞬间,李湘君的内心产生了一丝犹疑。However, thishesitatesto be suppressedquicklybyher.
不过,这丝犹疑很快被她压制下来。Asplaying with the will of the peopleexpert, swallowsovereignmostexcels, is usesperson the heartdesire, hesitationand otheropportunities. Someinnumerablelearning from another's mistakes, swallowsovereignwill not allowoneto hesitateto go badhergood deed.
作为玩弄人心的好手,燕皇最擅长的,便是利用人心中的欲望、犹疑等可乘之机。有无数前车之鉴,燕皇绝不会允许一丝犹疑坏了她的好事。Li Xiangjunsilenta while, after suppressinghesitated, the moodrestoresto the condition that shewants.
" Youcanlet loosemenow. " Shesaid.
「你现在可以放开我了。」她说。Sister-in-law'sbody and dreamtreasurenot the slightest difference, He Yun Xiaoadmitted mistakessuddenly the person, has not hatedto let go. After allprevious and dreamtreasureis intimate, isbefore over half a month.
" Youlet go, Ido not walkand that's the end. " Li Xiangjunwas huggedfor a long timebyHe Yun Xiao, the elegantfaceblushes, biteslipto say.
「你松手吧,我不走就是了。」李湘君被何云霄抱得久了,俏脸发红,咬着唇儿道。He Yun Xiaolets go, thendiscovered that LiMissis turning away fromhim.何云霄松手,然后发现李姑娘还是背对着他。
" LiMiss? "
「李姑娘?」He Yun XiaocirclestoLi Xiangjunin front, halfsquatting downbodyobserves, howeverdiscoveredcourageous, the sister-in-lawblushed.何云霄绕到李湘君面前,半蹲下身子去观察,勐然发现,大姨子脸红了。Blushed?
脸红了?Shybringsobservedashamed, perfect.
啧啧啧,羞涩中带着一丝被观察的羞耻,完美。DetectsLi Xiangjun'sbadvision, the He Yun Xiaohastilyopen system. Does not lookdoes not know,thinksthiswaveresults inhaogandu, has not thought that not onlydoes not fall, but alsoforcefullyfromoriginalthirty, risetonow50entire!
" Youalsolooked,onmyfacehasflower? " Somebodyexpressed the disaffection.
「你还看,我脸上有花吗?」某人表示不满。He Yun Xiaolooks athastilyelsewhere. " In brief, Iwill helpLiMissfindghost. " 何云霄连忙把目光转向别处。「总而言之,我会帮李姑娘找到内鬼的。」
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为您提供大神峡谷悠哉河蟹的《身为反派被女主喜欢怎么办》最快更新,!Chapter 195 don't youbelieveme? Freereading: https://!
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