WDIDWAMGABi :: Volume #7 Mission.5

#50 Part 2: 2020 the valentine days defines DLC.1

Mister, you should get out of bed.” “先生,您該起床了。” The ear transmits graceful and happy twittering, Li Yexing subconscious covers with more than half Zhang Lian the quilt, then enclasped the bosom slender petite silver hair young girl, he arrived at oneself face on the cheek of young girl makes an effort to rub rubbing, then exuded the satisfied groaning sound. 耳邊傳來優雅而甜蜜的呢喃,李夜行下意識的將被子蓋過半張臉,然後抱緊了懷裡纖細嬌小的銀髮少女,他將自己的臉抵在少女的臉蛋上使勁蹭了蹭,然後發出了滿足的哼哼聲。 „... The mister, is really...” The perfect maid who puts on the black silk has sighs gently, she lowers the head, looks at Li Yexing that hates to get out of bed, light helpless with filling with favoring of affections drowns no being out of sorts on her fine face fuses together. “啊...先生,真是的...”穿著黑絲的完美女僕有輕輕嘆了口氣,她低下頭,看著賴床的李夜行,淡淡的無奈與滿懷愛意的寵溺在她精緻的面龐上毫無違和的融合在一起。 Roples of February/two months is very cold, even can say the cold weather, even Li Yexing such long-term life in the Roples person, is still hard to escape from the fetter of warm bedding. 二月的洛普勒斯還很寒冷,甚至可以說天寒地凍,即便是李夜行這樣長期生活在洛普勒斯的人,也難以逃脫溫暖被窩的束縛。 Riitta thinks, finally compromised, she slips off the black silk short skirt of strapless slowly, the pure white skin was brought the black silk of purple wild rose pattern to hollow out the underwear gable, the maid who the ash sends lifts the corner/horn of bedding cautiously, then in the steam before while bedding disperses, worms one's way into rapidly. 麗塔想了想,最終還是妥協了,她緩緩褪下露背的黑絲短裙,潔白的皮膚被帶著紫色薔薇花紋的黑絲鏤空內衣包覆,灰發的女僕小心翼翼的掀開被褥的一角,然後趁著被窩裡的熱氣散出來之前迅速鑽了進去。 Riitta... good cool...” Feels behind the soft actually valuable ice-cold touch, Li Yexing cannot bear frown mutters low voice. “麗塔...好涼...”感受到背後柔軟卻寶冰冷的觸感,李夜行忍不住皺起了眉頭小聲喃喃道。 Mister... good hot...” By black net and purple rose gable soft snow white is as good as the Li Yexing fiery musculi dorsi gently, Riitta the pure white sprout/slender white hand link the Li Yexing chest front, clamps between Li Yexing and Liz, resembling feels the chest front sudden low temperature, Liz gently „”, her reluctant partly is opening the ruby common eyes, after the discovery was Riitta, she closed the eye, rubbed rubbing toward the Li Yexing bosom while convenient. “先生...好熱...”被黑色的網與紫色的薔薇花包覆著的柔軟雪白輕輕抵上李夜行火熱的背肌,麗塔將自己素白的柔荑環過李夜行胸前,夾在李夜行和緹莉莉絲之間,似是感受到了胸前突如其來的低溫,緹莉莉絲輕輕的“哦”了一聲,她不情不願的半睜著紅寶石一般的雙眼,在發現是麗塔之後,她重新閉上了眼睛,順便往李夜行的懷裡蹭了蹭。 Mister...” After the moment, Riitta rubbed the shoulder of Li Yexing, she opened the red lips low voice twittering to say lightly: Mister, fell asleep?” “先生...”片刻后,麗塔蹭上了李夜行的肩膀,她輕啟朱唇小聲呢喃道:“先生,睡著了嗎?” No, awaking...” Li Yexing replied low voice: Does not find out the bedding, is quite cold...” “沒,醒著呢...”李夜行小聲回答道:“不想出被窩,好冷啊...” Always felt before the mister, will not hate to get out of bed like this...” Riitta slightly is pressed the brow to say in a soft voice: To be honest, I somewhat worried, the body of mister can become because of the long-time non- movement slow?” “總覺得先生以前不會這樣賴床呢...”麗塔微蹙著眉頭輕聲道:“老實說,我有些擔心,先生的身體會不會因為長久不運動而變得遲鈍了呢?” Slow? Is insufficient...” The Li Yexing small sound track, in the expression brings is not indefinite, after all, since the previous request ended, Li Yexing truly idled much, the exercise that various types maintain the physical ability basically does not do, the leisure time did not look that the news is accompanies Liz to play the game, occasionally bickers with Nandou, then must deal with the high-frequency heavy physical labor per week... “遲鈍?不至於吧...”李夜行小聲道,語氣中帶著不確定,畢竟,自從上次委託結束后,李夜行確實懈怠了不少,各種保持體能的鍛煉基本都不做了,閑暇時間不是看新聞就是陪緹莉莉絲玩遊戲,偶爾和喀南鬥鬥嘴,然後還要應付每周的高頻率重體力勞動... The stature has not lost shape, is really a miracle. 身材沒有走形,真是個奇迹。 In Li Yexing is still feeling for own body intertwines, Liz suddenly adjusted a posture , the body of Li Yexing tied tight subconsciously. 就在李夜行還在為自己的身體感到糾結時,緹莉莉絲忽然調整了一下姿勢,緊接著,李夜行的身體下意識的緊繃了起來。 Quite hot, good warm...” Liz rubbed rubbing gently, the complexion slightly flood red, always does not have on the expression face to reappear light blushing. “好燙,好暖和...”緹莉莉絲輕輕蹭了蹭,臉色微微泛紅,總是沒有表情的臉上浮現出淡淡的紅暈。 Detected that Li Yexing tying tight of muscle difference, pastes is gawking in Li Yexing back Riitta slightly, will then place the Li Yexing chest front hand to search following the abdominal muscles slowly, after several seconds, her corners of the mouth brought back a happy expression. 察覺到李夜行的肌肉異樣的緊繃,貼著在李夜行背後的麗塔微微一愣,然後將放在李夜行胸前的手順著腹肌緩緩探了下去,幾秒后,她的嘴角勾起了一絲笑意。 Mister, good physical strength...” Riitta said in a soft voice. “先生,好體力...”麗塔輕聲道。 Hand takes away, do not make...” Li Yexing hiss cold air, then small sound track. “手拿走,別鬧...”李夜行嘶了一口涼氣,然後小聲道。 Riitta, noisy.” Liz who the Li Yexing bosom, has kept silent opens the eye unemotional say/way suddenly. “麗塔,鬧。”李夜行的懷裡,一直默不作聲的緹莉莉絲忽然睜開眼睛面無表情道。 Hehe, this is young lady's meaning...” On the face reappears the cunning smile, Riitta that self-satisfied appearance seemed steals the small fox of chicken to be the same, she gathered the ear of Li Yexing to say in a soft voice: Mister, do not blame Riitta...” “呵呵,這可是小姐的意思...”臉上浮現出狡黠的微笑,麗塔那得意的樣子就好似偷到了雞的小狐狸一般,她湊到李夜行的耳邊輕聲道:“先生,可別怪罪了麗塔啊...” Then, Riitta's head sank in the bedding, after the moment, Li Yexing held breath cold air, he hot frowns, said in a low voice: Riitta, slow point...” 說罷,麗塔的腦袋沉進了被窩裡,片刻后,李夜行倒吸了一口涼氣,他熱不住皺起了眉頭,低聲道:“麗塔,慢點...” Also has not known how long, Riitta drilled from the bedding, she lies on the body of Li Yexing, charming licks the corners of the mouth, on the face has the light feeling of satisfaction. 也不知過了多久,麗塔從被窩裡鑽了出來,她趴在李夜行的身上,嫵媚的舔著嘴角,臉上帶著淡淡的滿足感。 Looks to press in own chest front Riitta, has a look at Liz who face is eager to try, Li Yexing to think again, then the decisive aperture said: Got out of bed.” 看著壓在自己胸前的麗塔,再看看身旁一臉躍躍欲試的緹莉莉絲,李夜行想了想,然後果斷開口道:“起床了。” In Riitta's screams, Li Yexing raised quilt fiercely, the cold air attacks on Li Yexing each corner instantaneously, Liz could not bear hit trembling, she looks at Li Yexing, in the eye reveals a complaint. 在麗塔的驚呼聲中,李夜行猛地掀起了身上的被子,冷空氣瞬間侵襲李夜行身上的每一個角落,就連緹莉莉絲也忍不住打了哆嗦,她看著李夜行,眼中流露出一絲怨念。 Disregarded Liz's look attack forcefully, Li Yexing lost Riitta on the bed, then on the steam while quilt has not dissipated thoroughly covers the quilt directly in two people, he went against getting out of bed of is tumbling coldly, then wrapped the clothes neatly and quickly carelessly on the body, then rushed out through the door. 強行無視了緹莉莉絲的眼神攻擊,李夜行將麗塔丟在了床上,然後趁著被子上的熱氣沒有徹底消散直接將被子蓋在了兩人身上,他頂著寒冷連滾帶爬的下了床,三下五除二便將衣服胡亂套在了身上,然後奪門而出。 Mister! The coat put on instead!” Riitta in bedding finds out half head, is shouting to Li Yexing, after long time, out of the door transmitted Li Yexing some responses of being perfunctory, is a xi xi su su sound, as well as thinking aloud of Li Yexing: Quite cold, female horse, is good his female horse cold...” “先生!上衣穿反了!”被窩裡的麗塔探出半個腦袋,對著李夜行喊道,半晌后,門外傳來了李夜行有些敷衍的回應,緊接著便是一陣窸窸窣窣的聲響,以及李夜行的自言自語:“好冷,女馬的,好他女馬的冷...” Is listening to the Li Yexing low voice complaint, Riitta has turned the head to look to with Liz in bedding, actually discovered that Liz is also visiting her. 聽著李夜行小聲的抱怨,麗塔轉過頭看向同在被窩裡的緹莉莉絲,卻發現緹莉莉絲也在看著她。 The red eye pupil and grey eye pupil hit in the same place, after long time, two girls smile. 紅色的眼眸與灰色的眼眸撞在一起,半晌后,兩個女孩相視一笑。 Young lady, you yesterday and did the mister, come several times?” Recalled when Li Yexing flees in panic the appearance, Riitta cannot bear somewhat curiously asked to Liz. “小姐,您昨天和先生,來了幾次?”回想起李夜行倉皇逃竄時的樣子,麗塔忍不住有些好奇的對緹莉莉絲問道。 Liz thinks, extends the pure white small hand from the bedding, raised up four fingers. 緹莉莉絲想了想,從被窩裡伸出素白的小手,豎起了四根手指。 Four times...” Riitta nods, small sound track: No wonder...” “四次嗎...”麗塔點了點頭,小聲道:“怪不得...” „It is not four times...” Liz's unemotional small sound track: Is four hours.” “不是四次...”緹莉莉絲面無表情的小聲道:“是四個小時。” Instantaneously, the smile on Riitta face stiffened, after long time, the neutral tone that she somewhat regrets said: I worked as one chapter not to understand that forgave the master laborious bad maid...” 瞬間,麗塔臉上的笑容僵住了,半晌后,她有些懊悔的輕聲道:“我又當了一回不懂得體諒主人辛苦的壞女僕嗎...” ...................... ...................... The cold water strokes on the face, a final feeling of weariness will drive out, Li Yexing gains ground, looks that in the mirror leads of dark pouche, on the face flashes through a lingering fear. 冷水擊打在臉上,將最後的一點倦意驅除,李夜行抬起頭,看著鏡子中帶著黑眼圈的自己,臉上閃過一絲后怕。 Luckily slides quickly, otherwise feared that takes one drop not to remain...” “幸虧溜得快,不然怕是要一滴都不剩了...” Scratches the clean face with the towel, Li Yexing steps on the slipper to come to the office, enters the room, he then discovered that southern Cameroon is sitting before own desk, grasps the mouse not to know that is looking at anything. 用毛巾擦乾淨臉,李夜行踩著拖鞋來到辦公室,一進屋,他便發現喀南正坐在自己的辦公桌前,握著滑鼠也不知道在看些什麼。 Sits my boss chair?” On the face has the happy expression, Li Yexing to tease to southern Cameroon: You such anxiously high-rank?” “又坐我的老闆椅?”臉上帶著笑意,李夜行對著喀南打趣道:“你就這麼急著上位?” „? What nonsense are you speaking?” With worn out sound, southern Cameroon after computer screen found out the head, sees the instance of southern Cameroon that face, Li Yexing has a scare, seeing only that face is like oneself, at present is hanging the heavy dark pouche, immortal cultivation excessively prepares the appearance that harnesses west the crane to go to at any time. “啊?你在說什麼鬼話?”伴隨著有氣無力的聲音,喀南從電腦屏幕後探出了頭,看到喀南那張臉的瞬間,李夜行嚇了一跳,只見那張臉和自己一樣,眼下掛著沉重的黑眼圈,一副修仙過度隨時準備駕鶴西去的樣子。 I depend, how were you?” Li Yexing surprised asking. “我靠,你這是怎麼了?”李夜行驚訝的問道。 „Was my? Shouldn't you ask yourself? My BOSS?” On the face has the serious complaint, the line of sight of southern Cameroon on the body of Li Yexing unceasing has swept, after long time, she said: Daily does like this, does to do middle of the night, BOSS, didn't you plan to live 50 years old?” “我這是怎麼了?你不該問問你自己嗎?我的BOSS?”臉上帶著沉重的怨念,喀南的視線在李夜行的身上不斷的掃過,半晌后,她才道:“天天都這樣搞,一搞就搞到大半夜,BOSS,你是不是不打算活過五十歲了?” „Can I live 50 years old...?” Li Yexing some do not determine to say. “我能活到五十歲...吧?”李夜行有些不確定道。 Considers as finished...” Southern Cameroon column that somewhat bored beckoning with the hand, looks the weary condition the chin, is speaking thoughtlessly to ask: That astringent maid? Wasn't asks you to get out of bed? Quick noon I had not had the breakfast, her person?” “算了...”有些無聊的擺了擺手,面露疲態的喀南柱著下巴,隨口問道:“那個澀女僕呢?不是去叫你起床了嗎?都快中午了我還沒吃到早飯,她人呢?” Hehe...” Li Yexing flexure scratched the head, on the face showed the awkward smile. “嘿嘿...”李夜行撓了撓頭,臉上露出了尷尬的笑容。 Looks that Li Yexing that brings the face that owes the flat smile, southern Cameroon understood instantaneously, she said in a low voice: It seems like I must prepare to look for the family/home, after all your 40 years old exactly...” 看著李夜行那張帶著欠扁笑容的臉,喀南瞬間明白了,她低聲道:“看來我要準備找下家了,畢竟你連四十歲都活不過...” Doesn't matter, I am young...” Li Yexing shrugs, he puts on to hang the coat after gate, then said to southern Cameroon: I go out for a walk, do you have the thing that what wants me to bring?” “沒關係,我還年輕...”李夜行聳了聳肩,他穿上掛在門后的外套,然後對喀南道:“我出去走走,你有什麼想要我帶回來的東西嗎?” Comes half fried chicken , the beer in refrigerator must not have, having two box to come back...” Southern Cameroon waves to say. “來半隻炸雞,還有,冰箱里的啤酒要沒了,帶兩箱回來...”喀南揮了揮手道。 Also drinks?” Li Yexing whispered low voice: Eating doesn't record to hit? Did you forget you couple of days ago that miserable type?” “還喝酒?”李夜行小聲嘀咕道:“記吃不記打?你是忘了你前兩天那副慘樣了?” Black tattoo on shoulder shivers, southern Cameroon gains ground, is selecting the eyebrow stubborn say/way: Beer,... is not Vodka...” 肩膀上的黑色紋身一陣顫抖,喀南抬起頭,挑著眉毛倔強道:“啤酒而已,又...又不是伏特加...” Ok, yourself are pondering over, if in our office came out to drink to drink, that may lose disgraced sent greatly, have't the Italian men can jump the reactionary gang to swing in your grave mound?” Li Yexing is supporting the doorframe single-handed, wears the shoes while said. “算了,你自己琢磨著吧,咱們事務所里要是出來了喝酒喝死的,那丟人可就丟大發了,義大利佬還不得在你墳頭上跳黑幫搖?”李夜行單手撐著門框,一邊穿著鞋子一邊道。 Hears the Li Yexing words, southern Cameroon lifts to start directly, takes off the shoes to lift in the hand to strike an attitude then to pound, Li Yexing looked, hurried to open the door to run. 聽到李夜行的話,喀南直接抬起腳,脫下鞋子舉在手中作勢便要砸過去,李夜行一看,趕緊推開門跑了出去。
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