WOTMW :: Volume #10

#955: Presents( monthly ticket 2300 in addition)

The essential choice was placed in front of Leylin. 关键的选择摆在了雷林面前。 Is the heaven, while is the hell. 一边是天堂,一边则是地狱。 After entering the Third Layer fan locks, can seek for the inheritance of that Nightmare King, but if entered the privacy of opposite party to remember that consequence was simply dreadful. 进入第三层迷锁之后就可以寻找那位梦魇之王的传承,但如果进入了对方的隐私记忆,那后果简直不堪设想。 Naturally, opposite party thoughts Leylin was also unpredictable, perhaps the opposite party wants to share own memory with afterward Magus, but attempted to seek for the inheritance benefit under to these Magus pain the killer! 当然,对方的心思雷林也捉摸不定,或许对方就是想和后来的巫师分享自己的记忆,而对那些妄图寻找传承利益的巫师痛下杀手呢! What is more essential is...... All survey methods are invalid, I do not know that the channel opposite is any situation......” “更加关键的是……所有的探测手段无效,我根本不知道通道对面是什么情况啊……” The Leylin's scalp tingles with numbness faintly. 雷林的头皮隐隐发麻。 He is a quite conservative person, although had taken the inferior danger, but has over 70-80% assurances to do. 他是一个相当保守的人,虽然曾经冒过很多次险,但都是有着七八成以上的把握才去做。 The situation that but now this type 55 open, instead made him fall into during the hesitation. 但现在这种55开的情况,反而令他陷入了踌躇当中。 I most hated the luck, this type of pondering over uncertain thing, the critical deceased person...... Leylin complained simply. “我最恨运气了,这种琢磨不定的东西,简直要害死人……”雷林抱怨道。 His luck is very ordinary, is not good not to go bad, but is very repugnant this meeting one's fate with resignation the situation. 他的运气很一般,不好也不坏,但却很讨厌这种听天由命的情况。 But now, the aspect was actually beyond control he. 但现在,局面却由不得他了。 Crash-bang! Surrounding Dreamscape void unceasingly shatter, quick must affect his here, once were involved, perhaps not samsara in Dreamscape, but is twisted Devour by numerous Dreamscape directly, meets a cruel death, cannot preserve including True Spirit! 哗啦啦!周围的梦境虚空不断破碎,很快就要波及到他这里,一旦被卷入进去,恐怕就不是在梦境当中轮回,而是直接被众多的梦境扭曲吞噬,粉身碎骨,连真灵都保不住! What to do? Chooses one casually? This probability, rather also......” “怎么办?随便选一个么?这种概率,未免也……” Leylin anxious, this feeling novelty, making him somewhat taste very much. 雷林紧张了起来,这种感觉非常之新奇,令他很是有些回味。 Hum...... 呜呜…… Left...... In left channel, I felt faintly massive chaotic Coordinate and concepts, should be the Third Layer fan lock!” “左边……在左边的通道当中,我隐隐感觉到了大量混乱坐标与概念,应该是第三层的迷锁!” After massive analyses, Leylin clenched teeth to make the decision. 大量的分析过后,雷林咬牙做出了决定。 But at this moment, hum the shout resounds from him, making the Leylin's complexion continually change. 但就在这时,呜呜的呼喊声从他身上响起,令雷林的脸色连变。 He lowers the head fiercely, looked that to position that sound sends out, that is his Dimensional Bag! 他猛地低头,看向声音发出的位置,那是他的次元袋 Is it!!!” The silver ray flashes through, afterward one volume of plain beast skin scroll appear in front of Leylin, above as if did not have the dry bloodstain, the bright red desire drops. “是它!!!”银色的光芒闪过,随后一卷古朴的兽皮卷轴就浮现在雷林面前,上面似乎还有未干涸的血迹,鲜红欲滴。 sound and ray, even are shatter Space, starts to twist in front of this Scroll. 声音、光线、甚至是破碎的空间,在这份卷轴前面都开始扭曲起来。 This is...... Strength of Distortion! Ancient Shadow of Distortion Magus Strength!” “这是……扭曲之力上古扭曲之影巫师力量!” Leylin was muttering: With is Ancient Magus, even the ally, Shadow of Distortion stays behind read remnantly is also alarmed by Nightmare King?” 雷林喃喃着:“同为上古巫师,甚至还是战友,扭曲之影留下的残念也被梦魇之王惊动了么?” Endless Strength of Distortion formation, even two dark red color Space Passage were also affected, starts the bending strain under the huge distortion ripple, finally fusion in one. 无尽的扭曲之力形成,甚至两个暗红色空间通道也受到了影响,在庞大的扭曲波纹之下开始弯曲变形,最后融合在了一起。 Humming sound! After the ray diverges, two channel originally have combined, has formed gate of the huger Space, blood red Dreamscape Force rune is uncertain above glittering . 嗡嗡!等到光芒散去之后,原本的两个通道已经合二为一,形成了一个更加庞大的空间之门,血红色的梦境之力符文在上面闪烁不定。 Really is sly Nightmare King, unexpectedly has also left behind this!” “真是狡猾的梦魇之王,居然还留下了这一手!” Now instead does not have chosen, Leylin touches the nose, the eye stares is floating spatial beast skin scroll, the facial color cloudy clear uncertain a meeting, finally received in Scroll the hand. 现在反而没得选择了,雷林摸了摸鼻子,眼睛盯着浮空的兽皮卷轴,面色阴晴不定了一会,最后还是将卷轴收入了手中。 The Scroll surface is soft, with the pressure of Leylin finger, but gets down slightly hollowly a curve, did not have beforehand strange again, seems most common Magic Scroll. 卷轴的表面非常柔软,伴随着雷林手指的压力而微微凹陷下去一个弧度,再也没有了之前的灵异,仿佛就是一份最为普通的法术卷轴 But present Leylin, does not dare to despise the opposite party slightly. 但现在的雷林,可不敢丝毫小看对方。 In this, but also seal Ancient Shadow of Distortion Strength, even is Will?” Looks at the opposite party as if with deciding oneself, Leylin also can only shrug the arm, accepts directly. “在这当中,还封印着上古扭曲之影力量,甚至是意志么?”看着对方似乎跟定了自己,雷林也只能耸了耸肩膀,直接收下。 In any case his here is only wisp of soul, the worst case scenario also discards this clone, made the main body once more severe wound, after having the strength of self-preservation, naturally fearless, dared to spell! 反正他这里只是一个分魂,最坏的情况也只是舍弃这个分身,令本体再次重伤而已,拥有自保之力之后,自然就无所畏惧,敢于拼一把! No matter you hope that I make anything, advantage from the beginning must give me first!” “不管你希望我做什么,一开始的好处总得先给我了!” In the middle of the Leylin pupil the none remaining dodges, receives directly Scroll, entered in the middle of the gate of Space in big strides. 雷林眸子当中精光一闪,直接将卷轴收好,大踏步进入了空间之门当中。 The fans lock Third Layer. 迷锁第三层 Really...... Here Dreamscape pollution degree terrifying, only has left behind the purest concept......” “果然……这里的梦境污染程度更为恐怖,只留下了最为纯粹的概念……” Leylin discovered one could not feel their body, can only exist in the Soul Source Will form of essence, the surroundings as if are the endless starry sky universe, has been full of the feeling of weightlessness, but his oneself as if alone small boat roams through in the difficult situation sea. 雷林发现自己已经感受不到自己的身体了,只能以最为本质的灵魂本源意志形式存在,周围似乎是无尽的星空宇宙,充满了失重的感觉,而他自身则仿佛一艘孤零零的小舟在惊涛骇浪的海洋中遨游。 The surroundings do not have any concept of existence, only then endless void. 周围没有任何存在的概念,只有无尽的虚空。 Under this status/mode, if no first propelling force, Leylin will not doubt itself maintains this status/mode, until the destruction of world. 在这种状态之下,如果没有第一推动力的话,雷林丝毫不怀疑自己会一直保持这个状态,直到世界的毁灭。 After losing the body, regarding the induction of time also slow, does not know several seconds later, is several thousand years later, Leylin felt one insist self- this concept gradually was also vanishing. 失去了身体之后,对于时间的感应也迟钝了起来,也不知道过了几秒钟,还是数万年之后,雷林感觉自己所坚持的“自我”这个概念也在渐渐消失了。 No! It is not good! Must insist, once the self- concept vanishes, that will link True Spirit to annihilate thoroughly......” “不!不行!必须坚持住,一旦自我的概念消失,那连真灵都会彻底湮灭……” Leylin quickly grasps the meaning of something fiercely, the formidable Will strength controlled oneself all thought thoughts instantaneously, the entire body one condensed clearly. 雷林猛地一个激灵,强大的意志力瞬间控制住了自己所有的思维念头,整个身体一下凝聚清晰了起来。 Shouted...... Here fan lock three are any structures, unexpectedly unceasingly is dissipating including the essential concept of Magus......” “呼……这里的迷锁三层到底是什么结构,居然连巫师的本质概念都在不断消散……” Having insisted after self- concept, Leylin looks both hands that one condense, on the face has the color of fear. 坚持了自我的概念之后,雷林看着自己重新凝聚的双手,脸上有着后怕之色。 Here is the place of losing...... Also was Nightmare King has forgotten own place......” “这里是失落之地……也是梦魇之王遗忘了自身的地方……” Several pieces of black feathers fall, afterward Leylin discovered a black crow toward oneself flying. 几片黑色的羽毛落下,随后雷林就发现一只黑色的乌鸦朝着自己‘飞’了过来。 In this not any material object, only then in the middle of void of concept, presents a crow is very strange matter, but those who made the Leylin surprise was this crow can maintain unexpectedly acts on free will ability that. 在这个没有任何实物,只有概念的虚空当中,出现一只乌鸦本来就是非常奇怪的事情,而更加令雷林诧异的是这只乌鸦居然能够保持自由行动的能力 Met again! Sir!” The black crow has combed under feather, greets happily. “再次见面了!先生!”黑色的乌鸦梳理了下羽毛,愉快地打着招呼。 Where have we seen?” Leylin is the surprise asks very much. “我们在哪里见过么?”雷林很是诧异地问道。 Um! Regarding me in some moment of future, but existed to you in the past, my future shape is an owl of one-eyed.” “嗯!对于我来说是在未来的某一刻,而对你来说则是存在于过去,我未来的形态将会是一只独眼的猫头鹰。” The crow spoke some god gods to talk on endlessly. 乌鸦说话有些神神叨叨的。 One-eyed! Owl!” After Leylin remembers instantaneously oneself have promoted level 5, encounters the recollection of Dreamscape curse, in the middle of that time Dreamscape slit, he obtained presenting of owl, starting from that time, he attempted to contact Dreamscape Strength. “独眼!猫头鹰!”雷林瞬间就想起了自己晋升五级之后所遭到梦境诅咒的回忆,在那次的梦境缝隙当中,他就获得了猫头鹰的馈赠,也是从那个时候开始,他才尝试接触梦境力量 Sorry! Who are you?” Leylin had doubts to ask directly. “抱歉!请问你到底是谁?”雷林直接将自己心里的疑惑问了出来。 I? I am only set of one pile of concepts, so long as there is a Dreamscape place, will have my exists......” “我么?我只是一堆概念的集合,只要有梦境的地方,就会有我的存在……” Leylin has the premonition, this does not only know that is the thing of crow or owl has not spoken the truth obviously, but he has not intertwined in this issue. 雷林有着预感,这只不知道是乌鸦还是猫头鹰的东西明显没有说实话,但他也没有纠结于这个问题。 You said that here is Nightmare King forgets own place? Is what meaning? His real death? Is under whose hand?” “你说这里是梦魇之王遗忘自身的地方?是什么意思?他真的陨落了么?是谁下的手?” So long as Nightmare King does not want dead, that does not have anybody to make his death, but here, he gave up own existence concept, therefore his clear death, a True Spirit fragment has not stayed behind......” “只要梦魇之王不想死,那就没有任何人能够令他陨落,但在这里,他放弃了自身存在的‘概念’,因此他真真切切的死亡了,就连一丝真灵碎片都没有留下……” The crow understood the Ancient matter probably. 乌鸦对于上古的事情好像十分了解。 Gave up own concept of existence, isn't that commits suicide? Originally when Nightmare King invades Gods World, has saved must die the heart?” “放弃了自身存在的概念,那不就是自杀么?原来早在梦魇之王入侵诸神世界的时候,就已经存了必死之心么?” Leylin has the premonition, perhaps that Nightmare King Ardy already died, after the blood fights Secret plane, Ardy that but also has is only one group of good-for-nothings. 雷林有着预感,或许那位梦魇之王阿迪早就死了,在血斗秘境之后,还存在的阿迪只是一堆行尸走肉而已。 But the opposite party is extremely really formidable, to could not achieve including the suicide formidable, therefore can also draw support from the help of Gods? 但对方实在太过强大,强大到了连自杀都做不到,因此还必须借助诸神的帮助么? Really...... Some high-grade Magus Spirit issues, this Nightmare King was too more or less serious, I later cannot turn into his such......” “果然……高级巫师或多或少都有一些精神问题,这个梦魇之王就太严重了,我以后可不能变成他那样……” The example of this Magus senior, has given a Leylin very good caution. 这位巫师前辈的例子,给了雷林一个很好的警示。 True level 8 limit Magus, so long as do not want dead, that death basically is a impossible matter, resembles Shadow of Distortion, died obviously for several thousand years, can find the opportunity to come out in the same old way to stir the wind to stir the rain, but Nightmare King strove for wholeheartedly, true death...... 真正的八级极限巫师,只要自己不想死,那陨落基本就是一件不可能的事情,就好像扭曲之影,明明已经死了数万年,照样可以找机会出来搅风搅雨,但梦魇之王一心求死,就真正的死了…… That...... Magus, told the goal that I you came!” “那么……巫师,告诉我你来的目的!” The crow opens black beak, in the middle of two black soybeans same eyes as if has one to tease. 乌鸦张开黑色的喙子,两只黑豆一样的眼睛当中仿佛有着一丝戏谑。 I......” Leylin clenched teeth, said: I hope that can obtain the inheritance of Nightmare King, most at least must find to dodge the Dreamscape Force failure the method!” “我……”雷林咬了咬牙,还是说了出来:“我希望能够获得梦魇之王的传承,最起码也要找到规避梦境之力衰竭的方法!” Grasps Dreamscape Force? Quack...... That is not the simple matter, you determined that can such do?” “掌握梦境之力?呱呱……那可不是什么简单的事情,你确定要这么做么?” The crow asked finally. 乌鸦最后问道。 I am definite!” The Leylin sinking sound complies, in the middle of the eye has to seek the truth does not hesitate the firmness of death. “我非常确定!”雷林沉声答应,眼睛当中有着为求真理而不惜陨落的坚定。 Quack! Very good! I saw the Ardy shadow on you......” “呱呱!很好!我在你身上看到了阿迪的影子……” The crow is top-notch, the body had the strange change fiercely. 乌鸦呱呱叫着,身上猛地起了奇异的变化。 Crash-bang, its build inflates fiercely, turned into dragon from the pigeon size instantaneously, the black has emitted the dense and numerous black scales like the snake nape of the neck on, beak lengthens the broaden, edge has revealed just like the shark denticle same canine. 哗啦啦,它的体形猛地膨胀起来,瞬间就从鸽子大小变成了一头恶龙,黑色如蛇般的脖颈上冒出密密麻麻的黑色鳞片,喙子变长变宽,边缘处露出了宛若鲨鱼锯齿一样的尖牙。 kā chā! The scarlet lightning chops to fall together, center this only Black Strange Dragon forehead, together the blood line slowly opened, turned into blood red third vertical eye! 咔嚓!一道血色的闪电劈落,正中这只黑色怪龙的额头,一道血线缓缓张开,变成了血红色的第三只竖眼 This...... This is......” fierce change, shocked Leylin directly. “这……这是……”剧烈的变化,直接将雷林惊呆了。 Accepts it! This came from presenting of Dreamscape World!” “接受它吧!这是来自梦境世界的馈赠!” Black strange Dragon roared, third blood red vertical eye of forehead turned into light fiercely, fell into the Leylin's forehead. 黑色的怪龙咆哮道,额头的第三只血红色竖眼猛地化成了一道光,落入雷林的额头。 Huge tearing feeling transmits, goes directly to the True Spirit pain to make Leylin at present one black, fell into the middle of the faint directly. 庞大的撕裂感觉传来,直达真灵的痛苦令雷林眼前一黑,直接陷入了昏厥当中。 Massive Dreamscape Force throw generally just like the Tsunami, afterward his form thorough package, has formed a huge blood red cocoon. 大量的梦境之力宛若海啸一般扑来,随后将他的身影彻底包裹,形成了一个巨大的血红色茧子。 Time when the Dreamscape tide declines, middle blood red cocoon already disappearing trace, only then the black crow also stays is in-situ. 等到梦境潮汐衰落下去的时候,最中间的血红色茧子已经不见了踪影,只有黑色的乌鸦还停留在原地。 Old friend! After I help your this time, all favours ended on consumption......” “老朋友!我帮你这一次之后,所有的人情就都消耗完了……” The crow was muttering to the air, the form was gradually unreal, disappears in the middle of endless void. 乌鸦对着空气喃喃说着,身影渐渐虚幻,消失在了无尽的虚空当中。
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