WT :: Volume #8

#718: Dead end

Boris sits in the stone, is stroking the ring on oneself, that is the jackdaw ring that ferrite builds. Different with the gem ring of aristocrat, this ring that is built by the ferrite has no decoration, has no special effect. It is only an ordinary iron ring, that is night watchman's symbol. Also is on present Boris came from the Kislev faith token only. 鲍里斯坐在石头上,抚摸着自己手上的戒指,那是一枚纯铁打造的寒鸦戒指。和贵族的宝石戒指不同,这枚由纯铁打造的戒指没有什么装饰,也没有什么特殊的功效。它只是一枚普通的铁质戒指,那是守夜人的象征。也是如今鲍里斯身上唯一来自基斯里夫的信物。 That close the incomparably remote state...... that makes the oneself glory add the body, makes oneself fall into the abyss the state...... to stroke the ring, Boris fell into the deep recollection. 那个近在咫尺却又无比遥远的国度……那个让自己荣耀加身,又让自己跌入深渊的国度……抚摸着戒指,鲍里斯陷入了深深的回忆中。 He saw Dannis that to be possible clearly the cheek of person, saw the splendid Ban Dar Ka imperial palace. Saw them once the happy past. These happy days...... Dannis lies in the sound that on the oneself shoulder laughed heartily...... 恍惚间,他又看到了丹尼斯那张清纯可人的脸蛋,又看到了富丽堂皇的班达迦皇宫。看到了他们曾经美好的过去。那些甜蜜的日子……丹尼斯趴在自己肩上欢笑的声音…… Boris recalled. His oneself also has to acknowledge, this feeling was getting more and more pale. Although misses one, keeps oneself from extricating oneself as before. However...... as if with the lapse of time, the missing native land, missed the time of lover to be getting fewer and fewer. 鲍里斯又回想了起来。只是,就连他自己也不得不承认,这种感觉越来越淡了。虽然思念一来,依旧让自己无法自拔。但是……似乎随着时间的推移,思念故土,思念恋人的时间越来越少了。 Here climate and Kislev do not have much difference many, are colder. Boris very surprised oneself such change. However from heart, he as if gratified oneself such change. Misses few point, the oneself pain are few point. At least, regardless times of these missing, ordinary time, he and others not different. 这里的气候和基斯里夫没有太大区别,最多就是更冷一些。鲍里斯很惊讶自己这样的改变。但是从内心深处,他似乎又欣慰自己这样的改变。思念少一分,自己的痛苦就少一分。至少,抛开这些思念的时刻,平常时间,他和别人无异。 Lya does not know when arrived at the side, she sits down silently, tranquil looks at side man. 莉莉娅不知道什么时候来到了身边,她默默坐下,平静的看着身边的男人。 Boris is somewhat awkward, he very long had not gazed by the girl like this. When oneself is an aristocrat, this is very ordinary. Since oneself was exiled Wall, then without this situation happened. Wall does not have the woman......, if must say that is frost Witch that in each castle is stationed in turn. However, these Witch usually basically looked that will not look at soldier one eyes. They are always that ice-cold arrogant, revealing of no mood. 鲍里斯有些尴尬,他已经很久没有被女孩这样注视了。当自己还是一个贵族的时候,这算是很平常的了。但是自从自己被流放到长城,便没有这种情况发生了。长城没有女人……如果一定要说有,那便是每座城堡里轮流驻扎的冰霜女巫。然而,这些女巫平时基本上连看都不会看士兵一眼。她们从来都是那么冰冷高傲,没有一丝情绪的流露。 Naturally, Boris is also indifferent. He will not have an idea like other soldier to Ice Witch. 当然,鲍里斯也无所谓。他不会像别的士兵那样对霜寒女巫有所想法。 „Are you missing the oneself hometown, the family member?” “你在思念自己的家乡,亲人?” Lya asked in a soft voice. Her vision is very gentle, in the meantime, is very sharp. The girl noticed that Boris caresses that Ironring ring lightly, then guessed correctly. 莉莉娅轻声问到。她的目光很温柔,同时,也很锐利。女孩看到鲍里斯轻抚那枚铁环戒指,便猜到了一些。 Un......” “嗯……” Facing the Lya's gentle inquiry, Boris answered in a soft voice. He loosens touches the hand of ring, as if must pull out the recollection to be the same. 面对莉莉娅轻柔的提问,鲍里斯轻声答到。他松开抚摸戒指的手,仿佛要抽开回忆一般。 You will have the opportunity to go back. When this wave of Beastman was eliminated, or after being led away,......” “你还会有机会回去的。等这一波野兽人被消灭了,或者被引开了之后……” I will not go back.” “我不会回去了。” Boris interrupted her words. 鲍里斯打断了她的话。 Lya somewhat surprised looks at at present this man. A complex mood raises in her 莉莉娅有些惊讶的看着眼前这个男人。一种复杂的情绪在她心里升起 You?...... Why?” “你?……为什么?” Lya's surprised asking. 莉莉娅惊讶的问到。 Tribe has the graciousness to me, you have saved me twice. I cannot abandon the tribe for the third time. The life-saving efforts, I will remember, at least, before I make the repayment, I will not go back.” “部落对我有恩,你们救过我两次。我不能第三次抛弃部落。救命之恩,我会记住的,至少,在我做出报答之前,我不会回去的。” Boris firm reply. 鲍里斯坚定的回答到。 The Lya looks at present man, various types of taste interweave at heart. She knows that the heart of Boris here, he does not long for returning to Kislev, returns to that familiar homeland, that familiar state. However, when Boris said that he did not go back, Lya heartfeltly felt one type was happy and joyful. Even anticipates and an excitement. 莉莉娅看着眼前的男人,心里各种滋味交织。她知道鲍里斯的心不在这里,他渴望回到基斯里夫,回到那个熟悉的家园,那个熟悉的国度。但是,当鲍里斯说出他不回去时,莉莉娅又由衷感到了一种开心、愉悦。甚至是期待和一丝兴奋。 Boris, although I also hope that you stay behind. However I want to say that...... a person does not need to hide and restrain the oneself emotion. Which your heart, you should pursue it. The tribe has saved you, but that also has the reason, my father hopes that you fight for the tribe, they want to recruit a warrior. Rather than unpurposed saves you. If your heart here , does not need to demand oneself.” 鲍里斯,虽然我也希望你留下。但是我想说……一个人没必要隐藏和克制自己的情感。你的心在哪,你就应该去追逐它。部落救过你,但是那也是有原因的,我父亲希望你为部落而战,他们希望招募到一个勇士。而不是毫无目的的救你。如果你的心不在这里,那么,没必要强求自己。” Lya spoke in a low voice. Then, she then somewhat regretted...... the woman...... is really hypocritical. To retain this man obviously at heart. However on the mouth urged him to leave. The moment, Lya feels oneself really somewhat artificial. 莉莉娅低声说到。说完,她便有些后悔了……女人啊……真是口是心非。明明心里希望留住这个男人。但是嘴上却劝他离开。有一刻,莉莉娅觉得自己真的有些做作。 However the response of next second of Boris made her feel a calmness and steadiness but actually. 但是下一秒鲍里斯的反应倒让她感到了一丝安稳。 Thank you, Lya. However, I have the criterion that I cultivate the behavior. My Boris has the graciousness to report, having a grudge must report. Likes hating distinctly. Initially, indeed was you saved me, and more than once. This benevolence, my Boris remembers forever. Someday I will return to Kislev again. However, is not today.” “谢谢你,莉莉娅。但是,我有我做人的准则。我鲍里斯有恩必报,有仇必报。爱恨分明。当初,的确是你们救了我,而且不止一次。这份恩情,我鲍里斯会永远记得。或许有一天我会再回到基斯里夫。但是,不会是今天。” A few days later, the tribe cavalries directed the skeleton prairie the Beastman army. Although in name prairie. However late autumn the season, here could not have seen any green. Looking into the distance, the surroundings all are white one piece. The prairie died when the early fall season, the waiting will approach in the summer of next year temporary rebirth. 几天后,部落骑兵们将野兽人大军引到了骸骨草原。虽说名字上还是草原。但是深秋时节,这里已经看不到任何绿色了。放眼望去,周围全是白茫茫的一片。草原在初秋时节就死了,等待来年夏季来临时短暂的重生。 Reason that directs here Beastman big Unit, is not because here can start ambushes anything, by forest ambush, Beastman skill, but high tribe first-grade. Big Chief decides to direct here to fight a decisive battle Beastman finally , because area this smooth topography. In the tribe the main fight strength is a cavalry, just like fires from horseback Unit. The open topography helps the light cavalry engine move the advantage, the battle efficiency will display in a big way. 之所以将野兽人部队引到这里,不是因为这里可以发动伏击什么的,论森林伏击,野兽人的本事可是高过部落一等。大酋长最终决定将野兽人引到这里决战,是因为这一带平坦的地势。部落中主要的战斗力量是骑兵,犹如是骑射部队。开阔的地势有利于轻骑兵发动机动优势,将战斗力发挥到最大。 But jungle or mountainous region, then greatly limited the advantage of cavalry. Moreover, the women and children enter the mountain valley to seek asylum, is quite easy to hide oneself. 而丛林或者山地,则大大限制了骑兵的优势。另外,妇女儿童们走进山谷避难,也比较容易隐藏自己 Boris looks at this boundless wilderness, remembered the past Kislev north and south civil war. In the snowslide campaign, countless North Knight charge under ten thousand beast galloping, merely one time, then ripped open the Snow Eagle Regiment defense line directly. Only this service, the north allied armies destroy the capital city. 鲍里斯看着这无边的荒原,想起了当年的基斯里夫南北内战。在雪落战役中,数不尽的北境骑士在万兽奔腾下冲锋,仅仅一次,便直接撕开了雪鹰军团的防线。仅此一役,北方联军直捣都城。 Now, in the broad great plains, the calling out sound of wild animal is indistinct, is actually not able to summon them again......, if Great Lord Rod because of were good. He has certainly the means...... even a person, still withstand/top half regiment sufficiently. Remembers Rod, a Boris sigh. Perhaps oneself lifetime, is unable to exceed this person. 如今,广阔的大平原上,野兽的嚎叫声隐隐约约,却无法再次召唤它们……若是罗德大领主在就好了。他一定有办法……即便一个人,也足以顶半个军团。想起罗德,鲍里斯不禁一声叹息。恐怕自己有生之年,也无法超越这个人了。 The distant place, in the horizon under be continuous snowy mountain, started to present one after another to just like the ant colony black long-line. 远处,绵延雪山下的地平线上,开始出现了一道道犹如蚁群般的黑色长线。 Boris and all tribe soldiers know that is Beastman vanguard Unit. Should come came eventually. 鲍里斯和所有部落战士都知道,那是野兽人的先锋部队。该来的终究还是来了。 He noticed that Lya is riding the white warhorse, stands in the first row of team. As first wave of attack main force cavalry Unit. In few infantry's as ground defense fronts. Its quantity are miserable, Boris guessed that cannot over 500 people...... this only several hundred people of Unit, then probably resist the Beastman fierce general attack in the following fight. Boris suspected that this simply is the suicide -type duty. But oneself, in the center of this team. 他看到莉莉娅正骑着白色战马,站在队伍的第一列。作为第一波进攻的主力骑兵部队。寥寥无几的步兵作为地面上的防御战线。它的数量少得可怜,鲍里斯猜测不会超过五百人……这区区几百人的部队,便要在接下来的战斗中抵御野兽人凶猛的总攻。鲍里斯怀疑这简直就是自杀式的任务。而自己,就在这支队伍的中央。 Is good has the tribe sharpest Ungol light cavalry protection because of the both sides. These wear skin armor, grasped the hunter of lance short bow to constitute the nucleus of tribe. According to the tactic, the fight from the beginning, the Ungol light cavalries will then welcome on own initiative go forward, with the bow and arrow harassment enemy, leads away Beastman part of Unit, to reduce in ground infantry front pressure. But other light cavalry Unit in big Chief under leads to the Beastman main force to initiate the circuitous back to clash personally. Impact light cavalry Unit that Lya directs is responsible for supporting momentarily. 好在两侧有部落最精锐的乌果尔轻骑保护。这些身穿皮甲,手持长矛短弓的猎人构成了部落的中坚力量。按照战术,战斗一开始,乌果尔轻骑们便会主动迎上前,用弓箭骚扰敌人,将野兽人的一部分部队引开,以减少地面上步兵战线的压力。而其他轻骑部队则在大酋长的亲自带领下对野兽人的主力发起迂回背冲。莉莉娅所指挥的冲击型轻骑兵部队负责随时支援。 Regardless of the tactic arranges exquisitely, Boris always thought that this fight does not have the odds of success. According to scouting the judgment, the Beastman quantity has several thousand. The disparity in strength, any tactic talked nonsense. 只是,无论战术安排得多精妙,鲍里斯总觉得这场战斗还是毫无胜算可言。根据斥候的判断,野兽人的数量足足有好几千。实力上的差距,任何战术都是扯淡。 After the long distance pursues, meets head-on has become the tribe only choice. Boris once suggested that consumes Beastman by the guerrilla warfare slowly. However, only then the people of tribe know their oneself situation, the light cavalries can the guerrilla warfare, but large numbers of civilian herdsmen may not have this ability......, once Beastman cannot catch up with the light cavalries, will then fold to chase down the herdsman...... such, without the herdsmen and large quantities of domestic animals of combat capability then becomes on the Beastman board to prey...... 只是,被长距离追击后,迎战已成为了部落唯一的选择。鲍里斯曾建议靠游击战慢慢消耗野兽人。但是,只有部落的人知道他们自己的情况,轻骑兵们可以游击,但是大批平民牧民可没有这个能力……一旦野兽人们追不上轻骑们,便会折回来追杀牧民……那样,没有战斗能力的牧民和大批牲畜便成为了野兽人的板上鱼肉……
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