WSSH :: Volume #45

#4453: Spreads out the Space forces army main mansion

Two, why so.” “两位,又何必如此。” The sigh spreads to the Duan Lingtian's ear, Duan Lingtian knows, this is in two population hole revered spoke, both were certainly generation of Heaven's Chosen, either one fell from the sky, was Outer World Region, and even loss of myriad world.” 叹息声传入段凌天的耳中,段凌天知道,这是两人口中的‘孔界尊’说话了,“两位都是绝代天骄,任何一方殒落,都是界外之地,乃至万界的损失。” In my opinion, then the point till.” “依我看,便点到为止吧。” Kong Jiezun said. 孔界尊说道。 Hole reveres, my intention has decided that you do not need to urge again!” “孔界尊,我心意已决,你不必再劝!” Hole reveres, today, I and he, if unmanned achievement Supreme Being, is doomed only to live a person!” “孔界尊,今日,我和他,若无人成就至强,注定只能活一人!” Two invincible High-Rank God Venerable in field, open the mouth to take a stand in abundance, during the spoken languages, has not planned to give up this life and death showdown obviously, simultaneously in two people eyes, is sprinting flaming war intent. 场中的两个无敌上位神尊,纷纷开口表态,言语之间,显然是没打算放弃这一场生死对决,同时两人的眼中,也冲刺着熊熊战意。 These two......” “这两人……” But Duan Lingtian, realized at this time faintly something, they, want through the life and death showdown, forces itself, breaks through achievement Supreme?” 段凌天,这时也隐隐意识到了一些东西,“他们,是想要通过生死对决,逼迫自己,突破成就至强者?” Present Duan Lingtian, has known, achievement invincible High-Rank God Venerable is difficult, may want to pass invincible High-Rank God Venerable achievement Supreme, is difficult! 现在的段凌天,已然知道,成就无敌上位神尊难,可想要通过无敌上位神尊成就至强者,更是难上加难! Former's difficulty, is much more difficult than achievement Supreme. 前者的难度,就比成就至强者难得多。 Let alone latter! 更别说后者! Therefore, in Outer World Region, and even myriad world historical, invincible High-Rank God Venerable appears, although many, but can achievement Supreme, take a broad view to the present truly, as long as some people know that has is recorded, actually not over 10%! 所以,在界外之地,乃至万界的历史上,无敌上位神尊出现的虽然不少,但真正能成就至强者的,放眼过去到现在,但凡有人知道的,有被记录的,却不超过10%! What concept is this? 这是什么概念? Perhaps...... these two, are not far from the limit.” “或许……这两人,都离大限不远了。” Duan Lingtian secretly thought. 段凌天暗道。 Can let two invincible High-Rank God Venerable so crazy, Duan Lingtian does not think two people are only hotheaded, is they have lived inevitably very for a long time, will even more have a mind to be incapable regarding heavenly tribulation over the following thousand years. 能让两个无敌上位神尊如此‘疯狂’,段凌天可不认为两人只是头脑发热,必然是两人都已经活得非常长久,对于接下来的千年天劫越发有心无力。 Can make invincible High-Rank God Venerable have a mind weak millennium heavenly tribulation ...... at least also should 100,000 years later?” “能让无敌上位神尊都有心无力的千年天劫……至少也该在十万年后吧?” Existence that in other words...... these two invincible High-Rank God Venerable, should over ten long live!” “也就是说……这两位无敌上位神尊,应该都是超过十万岁的存在!” Existence that over ten long live! 超过十万岁的存在! Thinks of this, Duan Lingtian's mind, thorough quiet, the wholeheartedly will invest the forthcoming life and death showdown to go at present. 想到这,段凌天的心神,也彻底沉寂了下来,全身心投入眼前即将开始的生死对决去。 This war, he must observe and emulate earnestly. 这一战,他必须认真观摩。 The powerhouse of this rank, in addition lived the powerhouse of over 100,000 years of years, their fight experiences, are absolutely rich, and unusual detail. 这个级别的强者,再加上都是活了超过十万年岁月的强者,他们的战斗经验,绝对非常丰富,并且非常细节。 This, has very big help to him. 这,对他而言也有很大帮助。 Although he arrived here from common custom plane, in this period also experienced many fights, there is a rich fight experience, but compares with these two, actually has no way to compare completely. 虽说他一路从世俗位面走到这里,期间也经历了许多战斗,也有丰富的战斗经验,但跟这两位比起来,却是完全没法比。 „...... The person is ambitious respectively, you start.” “罢了……人各有志,你们开始吧。” This war, I escort for you, will not have the third party to your anyone of disadvantage!” “这一战,我为你们护航,绝不会有第三方对你们任何一人不利!” Kong Jiezun the voice conveys again, meanwhile is mixing with the long sigh. 孔界尊的声音再次传来,同时还夹杂着长长的叹息。 Obviously, was regretting that present two invincible High-Rank God Venerable, must fall from the sky today eventually a person...... 显然,在惋惜眼前的两个无敌上位神尊,今日终究要殒落一人…… Invincible High-Rank God Venerable life and death showdown.” “无敌上位神尊的生死对决。” At this moment, looks feels at present very real floating shadow mirror, Duan Lingtian only thought own heart is shivering, blood from top to bottom also as if starts to boil. 这一刻,看着眼前感觉非常真实的浮影镜像,段凌天只觉得自己的心都在颤抖,浑身上下的血液也仿佛开始沸腾起来。 The present war, absolutely is he has seen since birth the most peak war. 眼前的这一战,绝对是他有生以来见过的最巅峰的一战。 Wuyang city that time , he although saw the Supreme showdown, but actually cannot see clearly their acts...... 舞阳城那次,他虽然看到了至强者对决,但却根本看不清他们的出手…… But present two invincible High-Rank God Venerable, if places the real world, each other fights, by the Duan Lingtian present strength, is anything does not see clearly inevitably. 而眼前的两个无敌上位神尊,若是放在现实世界,彼此交手,以段凌天现在的实力,必然也是什么都看不清楚。 However, floats the shadow mirror, actually slowed down their speed, enabling Duan Lingtian this observing and emulating also to look clear this war. 然而,浮影镜像,却是放慢了他们的速度,让段凌天这个观摩者也可以将这一战看得一清二楚。 War!” “战!” As invincible High-Rank God Venerable exudes one to drink lightly, two forms, moved almost at the same time. 随着其中一个无敌上位神尊发出一声轻喝,两道身影,几乎在同时动了。 Perfect big complete Space Rule, perfect big complete Time Rule, starts to show in front of Duan Lingtian's, and collided in one! 完美的大圆满空间法则,还有完美的大圆满时间法则,也开始在段凌天的面前展现,并且碰撞在了一起! This fights just started, the Duan Lingtian then wholeheartedly investment observes. 这一战刚开始的时候,段凌天便全身心投入观战中。 First, he watched this war, finally witnesses that Supreme that excelled at Space Rule fell from the sky...... 第一遍,他看完了这一战,最后更是亲眼目睹那位擅长空间法则至强者殒落…… „Is Space Rule, inferior to Time Rule?” 空间法则,不如时间法则?” This was looks this post-war, the first thought in the Duan Lingtian mind braving, but quick was then depressed by him, not necessarily!” 这是看完这一战后,段凌天脑海中冒起来的第一个念头,不过很快便又被他压下了,“未必!” Excels at Time Rule, reason that can win, is completely because he acts the detail!” “擅长时间法则的这位,之所以能胜,完全是因为他出手更加细节!” No matter Space Rule, is Time Rule, to their boundaries, is a qualitative change...... is only, has not thought that Time Rule, but can also use like this.” “不管是空间法则,还是时间法则,到了他们这种境界,都是一种质变……只是,万万没想到,时间法则,还能这样用。” ...... …… Has saying that floats the shadow mirror to observe and emulate one time, to Duan Lingtian, although does not have the explicit inspiration, but also makes him grow in experience greatly, experienced the fearfulness of invincible High-Rank God Venerable that excelled at Time Rule. 不得不说,一次浮影镜像观摩下来,对段凌天虽然没有明确的启发,但却也让他大长见识,见识到了擅长时间法则的无敌上位神尊的可怕。 The relativity, his has not even comprehended Time Rule of small complete boundary, cannot amount to something. 相对比而言,他那甚至都还没领悟到小圆满之境的时间法则,根本上不了台面。 Looks at one again......” “再看一遍……” Again come.” “再来。” ...... …… Observing and emulating repeatedly floats the shadow mirror , Duan Lingtian does not know gradually oneself observed and emulated many times. 一遍遍的观摩浮影镜像,渐渐的,段凌天都不知道自己观摩了多少次。 But he, in these observing and emulating, some discovered, no matter Space Rule, is Time Rule, on comprehension road many puzzled, gradually untied. 而他,也在这一次次的观摩中,有了一些发现,不管是空间法则,还是时间法则,其中领悟路上的很多困惑,也逐渐被解开。 Originally, Space Rule mystery, not only previously understood limited to me......” “原来,空间法则的奥妙,不仅限于我先前所了解到的……” Time Rule, if really crafty wonderful! Read, then made a space fast changing, as if crossed the endless years......” 时间法则,果真诡妙!一念,便让一片空间瞬息万变,仿佛渡过了无尽的岁月……” Space Rule teleport, with, can shake off the control of Time Rule.” 空间法则瞬移,用好了,可以摆脱时间法则的控制。” ...... …… Floats the shadow bead, lets Duan Lingtian in the inn, treated three months of fully. 一枚浮影珠,让段凌天在客栈之内,整整待了三个月之久。 Naturally, Duan Lingtian is also receiving to float the shadow bead, after going out of the door, knows oneself had treated the entire three months in the guest room in inn! 当然,段凌天也是在收起浮影珠,走出房门后,才知道自己已经在客栈的客房内待了整整三个月的时间! These three months , he although does not have to comprehend Space Rule and Time Rule, but actually self-examines the roads of following two big Rule, will have shortcut to walk. 这三个月,他虽然没去领悟空间法则时间法则,但却自问接下来的两大法则之路,都将有‘捷径’可走。 Without thinking for three months crosses quickly...... you to transfer in Guilan City along with me, then goes to that army to advocate the mansion to look for the Cold King senior.” “没想到三个月的时间过得这么快……你随我在桂兰城转上一圈,然后便去那军主府找寒王前辈吧。” Even if three months later, Duan Lingtian had not forgotten itself and Cold King agreement. 哪怕是三个月后,段凌天也没忘了自己和寒王的约定。 Yes, Young master.” “是,少爷。” After three months, Tan Xiuteng looks again to own young master's vision, obviously many several points of color with amazement. 时隔三个月后,谭休腾再次看向自家少爷的目光,明显多了几分骇然之色。 Although, young master that young master. 虽然,少爷还是那个少爷。 But, from young master's vision, he actually clearly discovered that were many something...... 但,从少爷的目光中,他却分明发现多了一些东西…… That is self-confident, is the sharp qi. 那是自信,是锐气。 These three months...... young master's his strength, strove?” “这三个月……少爷他的实力,又精进了?” When the Tan Xiuteng heart shocks, vision deep place, covered entirely the meaning of envying. 谭休腾心中震撼之余,目光深处,也是布满了羡慕之意。 Before, he felt, oneself is also the talent...... 以前,他觉得,自己也算是天才…… But now, in this front, in comparison, he feels at present, oneself these two characters cannot touch on slightly with talent completely. 可现在,在眼前这一位的面前,相比之下,他却又是觉得,自己跟‘天才’这两个字完全沾不上边。 This...... is the true talent, Monstrous Talent!” “这……才是真正的天才,妖孽!” In the Tan Xiuteng heart sighed. 谭休腾心中叹息。 If he has the talent and perception of present person, now perhaps is invincible High-Rank God Venerable, even has possibly taken invincible High-Rank God Venerable this cultivation base boundary as the stepping-stone, stepped into the boundary of Supreme Being, in achievement Supreme World Venerate Realm powerhouse! 若他有眼前之人的天赋和悟性,现在或许已经是无敌上位神尊,甚至可能已经以无敌上位神尊这一修为境界为垫脚石,踏入了至强之境,成就至强者中的‘界尊境强者’! ...... …… Guilan City, as the city that spreading out the space forces controls, inside all industries, turn over to spread out the space forces. 桂兰城,作为衍天军掌控的城市,里面的一切产业,都归衍天军所有。 Therefore, compared with this walks round trip other cities, various industries in Guilan City, appears the order to be safe, various aspects arrange in good order. 所以,比起这一路走来去过的其它城市,桂兰城内的各种产业,也更显得秩序稳当,各方面都打点得井井有条。 If previously, Duan Lingtian in other city, bought some precious things, will stare by the person with high aspirations, and even tracing. 如先前,段凌天在别的城市,买一些贵重些的东西,都会被有心人盯上,乃至追踪。 These people, behind startled was drawn back by him either, either pursues to block the way to seize the treasure after the city in him...... 那些人,要么后面被他惊退,要么在他离城之后追上来拦路夺宝…… But the latter, no is still living. 而后者,至今没一个活着的。 Majority were solved by Tan Xiuteng, there is a small number of two people, although the strength is inferior to Tan Xiuteng, but actually also good, sees Tan Xiuteng unable to take the opposite party in a short time, Duan Lingtian makes a move to strike to kill two people personally. 大多数都被谭休腾解决了,也有少数两人,实力虽不如谭休腾,但却也不俗,见谭休腾短时间内无法拿下对方,段凌天亲自出手将两人击杀。 Is spreads out worthily the space forces completely control the city.” “不愧是衍天军完全掌控的城市。” Duan Lingtian discovered, oneself walked in Guilan City, bought many things, many precious thing, but actually no one tracks until now, hits his treasure the idea. 段凌天发现,自己在桂兰城内走了一圈,买了不少东西,其中不乏珍贵之物,但却至今无人跟踪上来,打他宝贝的主意。 Thus it can be seen in Guilan City good of public security. 由此可见桂兰城内治安之好。 This point, Tan Xiuteng also discovered, cannot bear sighed repeatedly, „before, but heard that this Guilan City public security good...... today to see, really lives up to reputation!” 这一点,谭休腾也发现了,忍不住连声感叹,“以前,只是听说这桂兰城治安好……今日一见,果然是名不虚传!” Walks. Goes to the army main mansion!” “走吧。去军主府!” This strolling strolled, Duan Lingtian also prepared to go to the last leg of tour of this Guilan City, looked for that Supreme Cold King, left Guilan City with him together, and even even/including Gujing, went to even Xiongjing! 该逛的都逛完了,段凌天也准备前往这一次桂兰城之行的最后一站,找那位至强者寒王,与他一同离开桂兰城,乃至连孤境,前往平雄境! army main mansion! 军主府! Hears young master's words, the Tan Xiuteng vision concentrates suddenly, the complexion also enforced, the vision deep place were also simultaneously many for several points disturbed and dreaded. 听到自家少爷的话,谭休腾目光陡然一凝,脸色也随之严肃了起来,同时目光深处也多了几分忐忑和忌惮。 The Guilan City army lord the mansion, is equivalent to place of a country imperial palace yard, is the highest authority is, place of the highest decision. 桂兰城的军主府,便相当于一国之地的皇宫大院,是最高权力所在,最高决策之地。 army lord who spreads out the space forces, that is powerful incomparable Supreme! 衍天军的军主,那可是一位强大无比的至强者 It is said that falls from the sky Supreme in his hands, a more than number! 据说,殒落在他手中的至强者,都不下一手之数!
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