WSSH :: Volume #45

#4411: Supreme birth

Heavenly Sand Territory. 天沙境 Dark blue billows city. 沧澜城。 Dark blue billows city, is in Heavenly Sand Territory has the big city that Supreme assumes, in Heavenly Sand Territory lofty of position, is not weak in Lanxiao the city and Wuyang city. 沧澜城,也是天沙境内有至强者坐镇的大城,在天沙境的地位之崇高,丝毫不弱于蓝晓城、舞阳城。 Naturally, it is well known, the present Wuyang city, has abandoned, the original liveliness is not, with demise of five respected families, the order avalanche, the rule was shattered, changed to a ruins city. 当然,众所周知,现在的舞阳城,已经废了,原本的繁华不在,随着五大家族的灭亡,秩序崩塌,规则破灭,化作了一座废墟城市。 In Outer World Region, similar matter, will often happen. 界外之地,类似的事情,时常会发生。 A big city, was possibly flower-decked on the day before, but next day, actually because of an accident, but is completely disillusioned, becomes one in Outer World Region innumerable ruins city. 一座大城,可能前一天还繁花似锦,可第二天,却因为一场变故,而彻底破灭,成为界外之地无数废墟城市中的一员。 If past Duan Lingtian went to some ruins cities, their pasts, often have the liveliness of some time, but the time is brutal, in an instant is the vicissitudes. 如昔日段凌天去过的一些废墟城市,它们的过去,往往也有着某个时代的繁华,只不过时间无情,转眼已是沧海桑田。 The dark blue billows city, five big first-grade families, Supreme assume personal command respectively. 沧澜城,共有五大一等家族,各有一位至强者坐镇。 Five respected families, occupy the dark blue billows city optimal resources. 五大家族,占据沧澜城最优资源。 The following other families, including more than ten second-rate families, can only rely upon their breaths to earn a living, after all the strength is inferior to the person, was pressed by others is also having nothing to complain. 下面的其它家族,包括十几个二等家族在内,都只能仰仗他们的鼻息过活,毕竟实力不如人,被人家压着也没什么可埋怨的。 But under this environment, major second-rate families' powerhouses, makes all-out efforts, wants to go a step further, steps into the boundary of Supreme! 而在这个环境之下,各大二等家族的强者,也都铆足了劲,想要更进一步,踏入至强者之境! Second-rate family, once is born Supreme, will advance into first-grade family directly! 二等家族,一旦诞生一位至强者,将直接跻身一等家族行列! But today's dark blue billows city , is not quiet. 而今日的沧澜城,却又是并不平静。 Bang!! 轰!! Rumble!! 轰隆隆!! ...... …… Sky over the dark blue billows city, when does not know, is cloudy, the thunder and lightning winding, seeming like must rain, but has not had the rain to fall for a very long time. 沧澜城上空,不知何时,已是乌云密布,雷电缠绕,看起来像是要下雨,但却久久不曾有雨落下。 Broadminded within, the horizon shines a glare suddenly, made to appear the dim dark blue billows city because of the dark cloud coping, seemed experiencing the daytime to the night in an instant, again to the change of daytime. 豁然间,天边突然亮起一道强光,令得原本因为乌云盖顶而显得昏暗的沧澜城,仿佛在刹那间经历了白昼到夜晚,再到白昼的变化。 Bang!! 砰!! A as if earth-shaking startling thunderclap sound, falls from the day transmission, fearful sound wave, even shook the entire dark blue billows city to vibrate slightly several. 一声仿佛惊天动地的惊雷声,从天传递而落,可怕的声波,甚至震得整个沧澜城都为之微微震动了几下。 Again then, all looks up under day visual in the dark blue billows city, the form, soars from the mansion in dark blue billows city sky over together, then arrived at the sky of dark blue billows city again. 再然后,在沧澜城内所有抬头望天之下的目视之下,一道身影,自沧澜城的一座府邸上空腾空而起,再然后到了沧澜城的上空。 The horizon sweeps across to fall like the waterfall general thunder and lightning, submerges that person's shadow together. 天边如同瀑布一般的雷电席卷而落,将那一道人影淹没。 Again then, the space reverses, the thunder and lightning, and even making up dark clouds, were swept across inside...... 再然后,空间扭转,连带雷电,乃至一道道弥补的乌云,都被席卷到了里面…… This, only looks at many people to look startled the color. 这一幕,只看得不少人面露愕然之色。 „Is this...... what's the matter?” “这是……怎么回事?” Looks at the tranquil sky, the previous quarter returns the difficult situation, but at this moment actually seems incomparably peaceful, if not personally sees, is inconceivable can have such big change. 看着平静的天空,前一刻还惊涛骇浪,而这一刻却显得无比安静,若非亲眼所见,难以想象会有这么大的变化。 At this moment, sky over the five broad mansions in dark blue billows city inner city, has form together presents, subsequently these five forms, simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform gathered in one. 这一刻,沧澜城内城的五座广阔府邸上空,都有一道身影呈现,继而这五道身影,也齐齐汇聚在了一起。 Really has not thought, sixth Supreme Being of our dark blue billows city present age, can be Meng Family that fellow!” “真是没想到,我们沧澜城当代的第六位至强,会是孟家的那个家伙!” One of them, sobbed the sigh to say. 其中一人,唏嘘感叹说道。 „The old fogy, with me is a person of time, in the past the talent perception was not then weaker than me......, if not behind has to experience a big disaster, delayed his step, perhaps already first my achievement Supreme Being.” “那老家伙,跟我是一个时代的人,当年天赋悟性便不比我弱……若非后面有经历一场不小的劫难,拖延了他的步伐,或许早就先我一步成就至强了。” Has saying that this fellow luck good...... I heard, last millennium heavenly tribulation , he was injured, although is only the minor wound, but actually is also he is close to invincible High-Rank God Venerable High-Rank God Venerable moving toward the symbol of decline like this, if cannot break through achievement Supreme Being, falls from the sky under heavenly tribulation , is only sooner or later matter.” “不得不说,这家伙运气不错……我听说,上一次千年天劫,他都受伤了,虽只是轻伤,但却也是他这样的接近无敌上位神尊上位神尊走向没落的标志,若不能突破成就至强,在天劫之下殒落,只是迟早的事情。” „His breakthrough...... our dark blue billows city, will present sixth Supreme Being! Meng Family, will become the dark blue billows city's sixth first-grade family!” “他这一突破……我们沧澜城,将出现第六位至强孟家,也将成为沧澜城的第六个一等家族!” „, Greeted...... we five running these industries with the following these younger generations, put out respectively, apportioned Meng Family. Starting today, Meng Family, will treat as an equal to our five respected families!” “诸位,跟下面的那些晚辈打声招呼吧……我们五家掌管的那些产业,各自拿出一些,分给孟家。从今日起,孟家,也将和我们五大家族平起平坐!” ...... …… Achievement Supreme! 成就至强者 The sky of dark blue billows city five big first-grade family mansions, five big Supreme gather together exchanges, obviously not only knew that previously hidden entered the clouds, by the person of day variation likely whirling away, but also saw that the opposite party must be promoted to become Supreme immediately! 沧澜城五大一等家族府邸的上空,五大至强者聚在一起交流,显然不只认识先前隐入云端,被天变异象卷走之人,还看出对方马上要晋级成为至强者了! As Supreme, they have similar experience, carried off by the strength of the world, is involved in a space, undergoes the baptism, transforms a strength, becomes Supreme thoroughly! 身为至强者,他们都有类似的经历,被天地之力带走,卷入一个空间,经受洗礼,蜕变一身力量,彻底成为至强者 This process, does not have any crisis. 这个过程,没有任何危机。 As long as is individual, so long as this step, can become Supreme smoothly! 但凡是个人,只要到了这一步,都能顺利成为至强者 However, wants to arrive this step, is actually the countless sufferings and hardships, needs in some aspect, to meet the requirements of achievement Supreme Being, thus welcomed the world to approve, the thunder and lightning took a bath, the space refine the body, finally achievement Supreme Being! 然而,想要走到这一步,却是千难万难,需要在某个方面,达到成就至强的要求,从而迎来天地认可,雷电洗身,空间炼体,最终成就至强 Nowadays, that dark blue billows city second-rate family Meng Family in which Supreme close to invincible High-Rank God Venerable, arrived this step, carried off by the strength of the world. 现如今,那沧澜城二等家族孟家的其中一位接近无敌上位神尊至强者,正是走到了这一步,被天地之力带走。 Then, is the thunder and lightning takes a bath, the space refining up the body, achievement Supreme Being. 接下来,便是雷电洗身,空间炼体,成就至强 This, is only a flow. 这,只是一个流程。 In five big first-grade families' Supreme eyes, Meng Family, comes back again, is Supreme, can with existence that they treat as an equal. 在五大一等家族的至强者眼中,孟家的这一位,再回来的时候,便是至强者,可以和他们平起平坐的存在。 Although the opposite party enters the boundary of Supreme Being initially, but they, not necessarily on ratio to Fang Qiang, even if among them some people tens of thousands years ago Supreme on achievement. 虽然对方只是初入至强之境,但他们这些人,也不见得就比对方强,哪怕他们当中有人在几万年前就成就了至强者 Steps into the boundary of Supreme Being, wants to go a step further, countless sufferings and hardships. 踏入至强之境,想要更进一步,千难万难。 It is precisely for this reason, in Supreme, most people's strength, in a level...... is the strength is then stronger, that also possibly because of the difference of his main body, the difference of ethnic group. 也正因如此,至强者中,大多数人的实力,都是在一个层面的……便是实力强些,那也可能只是因为他本体的不同,族群的不同。 If human, in this regard, then occupies the weak trend. 如人类,在这方面,则是占据弱势。 The body of human, even if when achievement Supreme, succinct can transform after the world, because the background was inferior that these big monsters and different kind lives, therefore the effect of transformation, is still inferior to these other lives. 人类的身体,就算在成就至强者的时候,经过天地洗练得以蜕变,但因为底子不如那些大妖和异类生命,所以蜕变的效果,也不如那些其它生命。 But, even so, human Supreme of body, is not in any big monster and different kind life does not have tenth Supreme exists to compare. 但,即便如此,人类至强者的身体之强,也不是任何大妖和异类生命中没成至强者的存在所能比拟的。 ...... …… Sky over the dark blue billows city, the day falls the phenomenon. 沧澜城上空,天降异象。 In second-rate family Meng Family, there is a form together governing to empty to go, was whirled away by the strength of the world. 二等家族孟家之中,有一道身影御空而去,被天地之力卷走。 This, many people saw. 这一幕,很多人都看到了。 Knows the person of Supreme breakthrough scene, realized that Meng Family must have Supreme, Meng Family, these is to rise time thoroughly!” 一些知道至强者突破景象之人,也都意识到孟家要出至强者了,“孟家,这一次是要彻底崛起了!” Meng Family, had/left Supreme!” 孟家,出至强者了!” Meng Family, will become our dark blue billows city present age's sixth first-grade family!” 孟家,将成为我们沧澜城当代第六个一等家族!” ...... …… Various dark blue billows city places, are flooding similar opinion. 沧澜城各处,都充斥着类似的言论。 But in Meng Family mansion, then has been exciting happy talks and laughters, Old Ancestor sect achievement Supreme! Our Meng Family, over!” 孟家府邸之内,则早已是一片兴奋的欢声笑语,“老祖宗成就至强者了!我们孟家,出头了!” Really has not thought that our Meng Family, there is Supreme one day! This, is in our Meng Family history first Supreme?” “真是没想到,我们孟家,也有出至强者的一天!这,也将是我们孟家历史上第一位至强者吧?” Yes...... past, our Meng Family, although has also had many powerhouses, but historically strongest, incomparably is close to existence of invincible High-Rank God Venerable on one. Supreme, did not have in the past.” “是啊……昔日,我们孟家虽然也出过不少强者,但历史上最强的,也就一位无比接近无敌上位神尊的存在而已。至强者,过去从没出过。” And other Old Ancestor sect returns, our Meng Family, will advance into the dark blue billows city first-grade family!” “等老祖宗归来,我们孟家,将跻身沧澜城一等家族!” Haha...... in a moment ago, me received that five big first-grade family some friends' pass on message, they said, their families have been gathering the discussion, ceded some industries to give us Meng Family.” “哈哈……就在刚才,我收到那五大一等家族一些朋友的传讯,他们说,他们家族已经在聚起来商议,割让一些产业给我们孟家了。” My this life, can see Meng Family to have today, then dies, not regretted!” “我这一生,能看到孟家有今日,便是死,也无憾了!” ...... …… Meng Family high and low, a piece rouses. 孟家上下,一片振奋。 But when Meng Family, in a spacious luxurious courtyard, a youth, looks the exciting color, in the eye also flashes through wiped the haze. 而在孟家之内,一座宽敞奢华的院落中,一个青年,面露兴奋之色之余,眼中也闪过了一抹阴霾。 Snort!” “哼!” That blue dawn city Wang Family, I came to seek a marriage alliance past, looks down upon me completely...... is also not because, my Meng Family does not have Supreme, is the background insufficient?” “那蓝晓城汪家,昔日我上门求亲,完全看不起我……还不是因为,我孟家没出过至强者,底蕴不够?” However nowadays, our Meng Family, had/left Supreme! Moreover my lineage/vein Old Ancestor...... moreover, is my blood relative lineage/vein!” “而现如今,我们孟家,出了一位至强者!而且还是我这一脉的老祖……而且,还是我嫡亲一脉!” However I, am the only child who Old Ancestor hands down from generation to generation!” “而我,算是老祖传下来的唯一一根独苗!” Own that Old Ancestor has regards as important itself, he knows. 自家那位老祖有多看重自己,他是知道的。 Past, because of cultivating, he lacked same strange medicine, was that Old Ancestor thorough dangerous spot, brought strange medicine for him, making his rood of cultivation by unimpeded. 昔日,因为修炼,他缺一样奇药,也是那位老祖深入龙潭虎穴,为他取来奇药,让他的修炼之路得以一路畅通。 That Old Ancestor, regards as its handing down from generation to generation a hope of blood relative lineage/vein him completely! 那位老祖,完全将他视为其传下来的嫡亲一脉的希望! Waits for Old Ancestor returned, I then raise a mouth with Old Ancestor, is I must marry that blue dawn city Wang Family woman...... Old Ancestor, even if not act directly, still definitely said that makes the family act.” “等老祖归来,我便跟老祖提一嘴,是我要娶那蓝晓城汪家的女人……老祖,就算不会自己直接出面,也肯定放话让家族出面。” By that time, I must have a look at...... that to be only actually the past has had Supreme blue dawn city Wang Family, but also there is any energy, rejects discussing marriage of this young master!” “到了那时,我倒是要看看……那只是昔日出过至强者的蓝晓城汪家,还有什么底气,拒绝本少爷的提亲!” Snort! Past, this young master wants to bring that Wang Luoyu works as the main room/wife...... now, she also only matched to become a lowly concubine!” “哼!昔日,本少爷是想将那汪落雨取来当正房……可现在,她也就只配当个卑贱的妾!” ...... …… When Meng Family young generation of direct descendant juniors, Meng Yuzheng, in eye shining, vision deep place, revealed several points of chilly color. 孟家年轻一辈嫡系子弟,孟玉铮,眼中精光四射之余,目光深处,也流露出了几分清冷之色。 ...... …… No matter in Wuyang city five big Supreme some people fall from the sky, the matters of five respected family destruction, the dark blue billows city had/left matter of the Supreme, places in Heavenly Sand Territory, is the important matter. 不管是舞阳城五大至强者中有人殒落,五大家族覆灭之事,还是沧澜城又出了一位至强者之事,放在天沙境内,都是大事。 Two important matters, in tandem, passed to the blue dawn city. 两件大事,一前一后,也传到了蓝晓城。 But in the blue dawn city, these two things passes on noisily, even in the blue dawn city second-rate family Wang Family mansion also more and more people know, the Wang Family head of household, Wang Family Great Elder, actually left Wang Family. 而在蓝晓城内,这两件事情传得沸沸扬扬,甚至蓝晓城二等家族汪家府邸之内也越来越多人知道的时候,汪家家主,还有汪家大长老,却都离开了汪家 Naturally, in the strict sense, cannot say that leaves Wang Family, but enters in space Divine Tool that the Wang Family generation handed down from generation to generation. 当然,严格意义上,不能说是离开汪家,而是进了汪家世代传下来的一件空间神器之内。 In space Divine Tool, wears a youth of purple clothes to fly high to stand. 空间神器之内,身穿一袭紫衣的青年凌空而立。 Nowadays, space that the surroundings are, performing is boundless one piece, looks in all directions not to look at the end...... 现如今,周围所在的空间,尽是苍茫一片,四顾望不到尽头…… But in the opposite of purple clothes youth, wears the light azure long gown, the young-looking elderly old person, stands there, vision tranquil looks at Duan Lingtian, cannot see any mood. 而在紫衣青年的对面,一个身穿浅青色长袍,鹤发童颜的老人,立在那里,目光平静的看着段凌天,看不出任何情绪。 less than 10,000 years old, has your so strength, may be called peerless Monstrous Talent...... actually not know where the little brother does come from the influence?” 不足万岁,有你这般实力,堪称绝世妖孽……却不知,小兄弟来自何方势力?” The azure robe old person, is Wuyang city second-rate family Wang Family one of the two remote antiquity Elder, is Wang Family present age two existences close to invincible High-Rank God Venerable. 青袍老人,正是舞阳城二等家族汪家的两位太上长老之一,也是汪家当代两位接近无敌上位神尊的存在。 In his opinion, present youth, so Monstrous Talent unparalleled, possibly is not only loose cultivator! 在他看来,眼前的青年,如此妖孽无双,绝不可能只是一个散修 loose cultivator, the destiny is good, difficult in so age to this step. 散修,气运再好,也难在这般年纪到这一步。 Senior.” “前辈。” Duan Lingtian tone light opens the mouth, you , to chat with me, compared notes to say with me again, how?” 段凌天语气淡淡开口,“你若想跟我闲聊,与我切磋完再说,如何?” Actually impatient person.” “倒是个急性子。” The azure robe old person shakes the head contemptuously smiles, immediately the muddy vision changes, becomes incomparably swift and fierce, in view of this, then makes the old man ask for advice the method of your junior!” 青袍老人摇头轻蔑一笑,随即浑浊的目光一变,变得无比凌厉,“既如此,便让老夫领教领教你这小辈的手段!” Next flickers, old person imposing manner soars to the heavens, the whole person just like changing to a sharp sword, swept across to kill toward Duan Lingtian! 下一瞬,老人身上气势冲霄,整个人宛如化作了一柄利剑,向着段凌天席卷杀去!
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