WSSH :: Volume #42

#4149: Breakthrough! The world rewards, God Emperor mystical place!

Southern Celestial Continent, the god country stands in great numbers, in any god country, the king monarch sovereign is the recognized strongest person, only then most powerhouse, can command side Shenguo. 天南大陆,神国林立,任何一个神国之内,国主都是公认的最强之人,也只有最强者,才能统领一方神国。 In this world, because of existence of rule reward, slaughters rises from all directions, so long as outside city, no matter who, was possibly killed. 在这个世界,因为规则奖励的存在,以至于杀戮四起,只要在城外,不管是谁,都可能被杀死。 In the city, is relatively steadier, but is actually not the percentage hundred steady. 城内,相对平稳一些,但却也不是百分百平稳。 If this time, in Feiyang Divine Kingdom national capital, in Feiyang Divine Kingdom recognized safest place, actually has reign of terror. 如这一次,在‘飞扬神国’的国都,飞扬神国内公认的最安全的地方,却是下起了一场腥风血雨。 A young girl, enters the national capital, is born like Asura, slaughters High-Rank God Emperor. 一个少女,进入国都,如同修罗降世,杀戮上位神帝 Round trip like wind. 来去如风。 If the king monarch sovereign, must be able to kill her!” “如若国主在,必能杀了她!” In Feiyang Divine Kingdom national capital, shortly after the young girl leaves, some Mid-rank God Emperor and low-rank God Emperor gathers, flies high vertical looks at the opposite party to go far away the direction that the complexion is extremely ugly. 飞扬神国国都之内,在少女离开后不久,一些中位神帝、下位神帝聚集在一起,凌空而立的望着对方远去的方向,脸色极其难看。 What they do not know: 只是,他们不知道的是: Although the young girls walked, but has not actually given up. 少女虽然走了,但却没就此罢休。 The direction that she goes to now, has the destination of her trip. 她现在去的方向,有她此行的目的地。 Previously, by High-Rank God Emperor that she killed, told her, the place of that Feiyang Divine Kingdom king monarch sovereign closed-door cultivation......, but that Feiyang Divine Kingdom king monarch sovereign, was low-rank God Venerable! 先前,被她杀死的一个上位神帝,告诉了她,那飞扬神国国主闭关修炼之地……而那飞扬神国的国主,是下位神尊 low-rank God Venerable...... wants is not much stronger, even if I do not beat, can still maintain life.” “下位神尊……只要不是强得离谱,我就算不敌,也能保命。” If can kill him...... the rule reward, is inevitably rich!” “如若能杀死他……规则奖励,必然非常丰厚!” The young girls, are the Duan Lingtian's four Senior Sisters, Lang Chunyuan. 少女,正是段凌天的四师姐,狼春媛 Mentioned also skillfully. 说来也巧。 Also perhaps is not fortunately. 也或许不是凑巧。 After Lang Chunyuan enters the place of Trial of God, the person of taking possession, unexpectedly is also a young girl, but completely unlike her. 狼春媛进入神之试炼之地以后,附身之人,竟然也是一个少女,只不过跟她本人长得完全不一样。 Is only the nameless young girl in Feiyang Divine Kingdom national capital nearby small village, after Lang Chunyuan takes possession, actually suddenly becomes the High-Rank God Emperor powerhouse! 原本只是飞扬神国国都附近一个小村的无名少女,在狼春媛附身之后,却是一举成为了上位神帝强者! Moreover, enters the national capital, cuts to kill High-Rank God Emperor to surpass two numbers! 而且,入国都,斩杀上位神帝超过两手之数! ...... …… At the same time, enters major influence Heaven's Chosen of place of Trial of God with Duan Lingtian and Lang Chunyuan, influence, is like a fish in water. 同一时间,和段凌天狼春媛一起进入神之试炼之地的各大势力天骄,势力强的,都是如鱼得水。 Filled recall to this world, thought that three years short are too too short. 一个个都对这个世界充满了留恋,觉得三年时间太短太短。 But the strength weak person, was chased down either, either the body dying say/way disappears. 而实力弱的人,要么被追杀,要么身死道消。 This is a world of law of the jungle, is not the analogy that outside spoke thoughtlessly, but was the true law of the jungle...... your strength is weak, I killed you, you did not have, I had the rule reward. 这是一个弱肉强食的世界,不是外面随口说的比喻,而是真正的弱肉强食……你实力弱,我杀了你,你没了,我有规则奖励。 Your I do not have the enmity, but I am capable of killing you, kills you to have the rule reward, that is I kills your reason! 你我无仇,但我有能力杀你,杀你有规则奖励,那便是我杀你的理由! In this world, slaughters has to let the reason that the person is unable to reject. 在这个世界,杀戮有让人无法拒绝的理由。 The rule reward, enhances various aspect strengths! 规则奖励,提升各方面实力! Really does not want to go out...... to be only a pity, the time arrived, we by automatic transmission.” “真的不想出去了……只可惜,时间到了,我们会被自动传送出去。” Really is a good place...... now, I was about to break through!” “真是一个好地方……现在,我都快突破了!” In this world, opportunity does the rule reward that not only the murder obtains...... have the chances of various mystical places and other ways that Supreme keeps it is said?” “在这个世界,机遇不只是杀人得到的规则奖励……据说也存在至强者留下来的各种秘境和其它方式的机缘?” ...... …… How others, Duan Lingtian naturally do not know. 其他人如何,段凌天自然是不知道。 Present Duan Lingtian, only knows, oneself was about to break through. 现在的段凌天,只知道,自己快突破了。 Before entering the place of Trial of God, he does not have completely consolidated cultivation base High-Rank God Sovereign......, but now, is only six months, he not only consolidated cultivation base, moreover is capable of attacking the boundary of God Emperor! 神之试炼之地前,他只是没有完全巩固修为上位神皇……而现在,只是半年时间,他不只巩固了一身修为,而且有能力冲击神帝之境! low-rank God Emperor, the tentacle may and...... hopes that this time can break through in one vigorous effort!” “下位神帝,触手可及……希望这一次能一鼓作气突破!” When discovered oneself are away from the boundary of low-rank God Emperor to be getting more and more near, the Duan Lingtian's mood instead returned to normal, exceptionally calm. 在发现自己距离下位神帝之境越来越近的时候,段凌天的心情反而平复了下来,异常的冷静。 After ten days . 十日后。 The place of remote cultivation Duan Lingtian looks for casually, wells up to disperse extremely powerful aura suddenly, and aura spreads rapidly, made neighbor the strength weak person or the monster beast gives way to traffic in abundance. 段凌天随便找的偏僻修炼之地,突然涌散出一股极其强盛的气息,并且气息迅速蔓延开来,令得附近实力较弱的人或妖兽纷纷避让。 At the same time, forms, leaves from the nearby rapidly. 同一时间,一道道身影,也从附近迅速离开。 Some that people of aura that break through to God Emperor!” “那是有人突破到神帝的气息!” „The aura of boundary of God Emperor, low-rank God Emperor, just broke through, cultivation base did not have stably......” 神帝之境的气息,下位神帝,刚突破,修为还没稳固……” Nearby some people, although is only God Sovereign, but actually also through detected a moment ago the aura that confirmed the master of aura just broke through to the boundary of God Emperor. 附近的一些人,虽然只是神皇,但却也通过刚才察觉到的气息,确认了气息的主人刚突破到神帝之境。 Some people march into the boundary of God Emperor, means that a God Emperor mystical place will soon open...... to hurry, making Sovereign come!” “有人步入神帝之境,也意味着一个神帝秘境即将开启……赶紧回去,让宗主过来!” „The God Emperor mystical place...... brings back to the prefectural city this news, the belt/bring to mansion main Sir there, should be able to obtain the good reward?” 神帝秘境……将这消息带回府城,带到府主大人那里,应该能得到不俗的奖励吧?” „The God Emperor mystical place opens, must find the way to inform the God Emperor powerhouse......, so long as the news passes on, obtains the opposite party to confirm, afterward must have the advantage.” 神帝秘境开启,必须想办法通知到神帝强者……只要消息传过去,得到对方确认,事后肯定少不了好处。” ...... …… The person of this world, the breakthrough said that the boundary of God Emperor, can obtain the world to reward, a God Emperor mystical place. 这个世界之人,突破道神帝之境,能得到天地奖励,一处神帝秘境。 This matter, Duan Lingtian previously does not know, has not heard. 这件事,段凌天先前并不知道,也没听说过。 But breaks through in him to that flash of boundary of God Emperor, in his mind, suddenly were many such partial information, and present cave, will be broken by a sudden strength shortly. 而在他突破到神帝之境的那一刹那,他的脑海中,却又是突然多了这么一部分信息,并且眼前的山洞,也在顷刻间被一股突如其来的力量震碎。 Was broken together, vast mountain lineage/vein that the cave is. 一同被震碎的,还有山洞所在的一大片山脉。 Bang!! 轰!! Rumble!! 轰隆隆!! ...... …… Duan Lingtian treads spatially, but at the same time, on the face also brings to have a lingering fear the color. 段凌天踏空而起的同时,脸上也带着心有余悸之色。 This emerging out of thin air strength, gives him a weak feeling, in just that flash of eruption, he even felt oneself must die without doubt! 这股凭空出现的力量,给他一种无力的感觉,在刚爆发的那一刹那,他甚至都觉得自己必死无疑! However, what makes his surprised is, this strength, has not become any destruction to other party unexpectedly, but destroys a surrounding mountain range. 然而,让他惊讶的是,这股力量,竟然没对他造成任何的破坏,只是破坏周围的一片山脉。 However, while the mountain range by the disintegration destroys, the god knowledge that he extends, can find that many lives are on the wane. 不过,在山脉被崩碎破坏的同时,他延伸出去的神识,可以发现不少生命凋零。 Obviously, this strength, is not does not aim at the life, but does not aim at him, does not aim at him! 显然,这股力量,不是不针对生灵,而是不针对他,也只是不针对他! At the same time, in the Duan Lingtian's mind, emitted an information baseless...... 同一时间,在段凌天的脑海之中,也凭空冒出了一段信息…… God Emperor mystical place. 神帝秘境。 High-Rank God Sovereign breaks through to the boundary of God Emperor, will obtain ‚the God Emperor mystical place world reward. 上位神皇突破到神帝之境,将获得‘神帝秘境’的天地奖励。 The God Emperor mystical place, needs 20 God Emperor also to open, just now can smoothly enter...... is precisely by the situation of transmission, enters. 神帝秘境,需要二十个神帝同时开启,方才能顺利进入其中……且是以传送的形势,进入其中。 To the God Emperor cultivation base boundary, without request, so long as is God Emperor on the line. 神帝修为境界,没要求,只要是神帝就行。 These information......” “这些信息……” The information in mind, Duan Lingtian is certain oneself do not know in the past, when general that also without contacting, has emerged out of thin air probably, making him be astonished however, is somewhat pleasantly surprised. 脑海中的信息,段凌天可以肯定自己过去不知道,也没接触过,就好像是凭空出现的一般,让他讶然之余,又有些惊喜。 God Emperor mystical place. 神帝秘境。 To God Emperor, has the mystical place of enormous chance, only then God Emperor may enter. 一处对神帝而言,有着极大机缘的秘境,只有神帝可入。 Needs 20 God Emperor jointly to open?” “需要二十个神帝共同开启?” However, after thinking of this point, Duan Lingtian was actually somewhat depressed, that said......, even if this God Emperor mystical place appeared, I still need to wait for another 19 God Emperor to arrive, can open it?” 不过,想到这一点后,段凌天却又是有些郁闷了,“那岂不是说……就算这神帝秘境出现了,我也需要等另外十九个神帝到场,才能将之开启?” Which 19 do God Emperor...... to look?” “十九个神帝……到哪去找?” In the Duan Lingtian heart is depressed, during the front is void, the space is turbulent, is following close on a giant void door, at the right moment appearance in Duan Lingtian's at present. 正当段凌天心中郁闷之时,前方虚空之中,空间动荡,紧跟着一扇巨大的虚空之门,也适时的出现在段凌天的眼前。 This void gate, like being indomitable spirit, greatly incomparable, but above, has 20 arrangement neat being in charge impressively, and is the right hand is in charge! 这虚空之门,如同顶天立地,巨大无比,而在上面,赫然有着二十个排列整齐的掌印,且都是右手掌印! 20 God Emperor with hand according to being one of them, injects the God Emperor supernatural power, can open the God Emperor mystical place!” “二十个神帝用手按在其中,注入神帝神力,便可开启神帝秘境!” But this, is the information that in the Duan Lingtian mind emerges out of thin air. 而这,也是段凌天脑海中凭空出现的信息。 These information, if nothing unexpected happens, stem from Supreme...... God Sovereign enter the boundary of God Emperor, will present the God Emperor mystical place unexpectedly. That God Emperor breaks through to the boundary of God Venerable, whether also has the God Venerable mystical place?” “这些信息,如无意外,都是出自于至强者……神皇进入神帝之境,竟然会出现神帝秘境。那神帝突破到神尊之境,是否也有神尊秘境呢?” Furthermore...... God King breaks through to the boundary of God Sovereign, has the God Sovereign mystical place?” “再者……神王突破到神皇之境,是否有神皇秘境?” Duan Lingtian cannot bear the secretly thought. 段凌天忍不住暗道。 While Duan Lingtian thinks deeply about unceasingly, the form, governing empties to come from the distant place together, the speed is extremely fast, in an instant is similar to changes to together the water current, flows before the Duan Lingtian's body. 而在段凌天不断思索的同时,一道身影,自远处御空而来,速度极快,转眼间便如同化作一道水流,一路流到段凌天的身前。 A moment later, the water shadow form, appears the true body, with person that is a middle-aged man who wears the blue long gown. 片刻之后,水影般的身影,显现出真身,和人那是一个身穿蓝色长袍的中年男子。 After the middle-aged man comes, knit the brows to look at Duan Lingtian one slightly, subsequently asked with the tone of occupying a commanding position: Boy, this God Emperor mystical place, after is you break through the boundary of God Emperor, world reward that appears?” 中年男子现身之后,微微皱眉看了段凌天一眼,继而用居高临下的语气问道:“小子,这神帝秘境,是你突破神帝之境后,所出现的天地奖励?” Duan Lingtian was taking a look at the present middle-aged man up and down, when the opposite party comes, he then through the supernatural power aura of opposite party, seeing the opposite party is Mid-rank God Emperor. 段凌天原本在上下打量着眼前的中年男子,在对方一路过来的时候,他便通过对方的神力气息,看出对方是中位神帝 Now, saw opposite party so impolite spoke to oneself, the Duan Lingtian eyes narrowed the eyes slightly, in the eye seam killed intent to flash past. 现在,看到对方如此不客气的跟自己说话,段凌天双眼微微眯起,眼缝中杀意一闪而过。 Gets rid of him...... 是将他干掉…… Waits to sufficiently collect 20 God Emperor, after opening the God Emperor mystical place, gets rid of him again? 还是等凑够二十个神帝,开启神帝秘境后,再将他干掉? Finally, Duan Lingtian decides to wait. 最终,段凌天决定等待一下。 God Emperor, without is so easy to sufficiently collect 20......, even if behind can sufficiently collect, certainly must wait for a lot of time. 神帝,没那么容易凑够二十个……就算后面能凑够,肯定也要等不少时间。 „Is Mid-rank God Emperor...... the person of that Celestial Spirit Province prefectural city?” 中位神帝……是那天灵府府城之人?” Duan Lingtian guessed secretly. 段凌天暗自猜测。 Here, from that Celestial Spirit Province prefectural city, is not far, „, if the person of that prefectural city, the news that so long as I broke through a moment ago passes on enough opens, should be able to come simultaneous/uniform 20 God Emperor quickly.” 这里,距离那天灵府府城,并不远,“如果是那府城之人,只要刚才我突破的消息传得足够开,应该很快能来齐二十个神帝。” Now, Duan Lingtian also knows, in the Celestial Spirit Province range, counts God Emperor in prefectural city to be most. 现在,段凌天也知道,天灵府范围内,就数府城之内的神帝最多。 Under Celestial Spirit Province the major cities, each one basically also only has God Emperor, moreover mostly is only low-rank God Emperor. 天灵府下面各大城市,各自基本上也都只有一个神帝,而且大多都只是下位神帝 Outside city open country, hunting and killing of boundary of some actually many God Emperor, but these people are , is scattered, very difficult to crowd together them. 城市之外的‘野外’,倒是有不少神帝之境的猎杀者,但这些人的所在,却都非常分散,很难将他们凑在一起。 Boy, I am speaking to you, haven't you heard?” “小子,我在跟你说话,你没听到?” The middle age sees Duan Lingtian not to respond him, immediately felt oneself suffered the shame, he is Mid-rank God Emperor, just broke through to the boy of boundary of low-rank God Emperor, dares to disregard him? 中年见段凌天不搭理他,顿时感觉自己遭受了羞辱,他可是中位神帝,一个刚突破到下位神帝之境的小子,也敢无视他? Courts death? 找死吗? Does not want dead, shuts up.” “不想死,就闭嘴。” However, facing the anger of middle age, Duan Lingtian, although has to respond him, but an opens the mouth, then made the middle age be startled, subsequently inconceivable of whole face. 然而,面对中年的怒意,段凌天虽然有搭理他,但一开口,便令得中年一怔,继而满脸的不可思议。 Obviously has not thought, Duan Lingtian will speak to him, dares to speak to him like this. 显然是没想到,段凌天会这么跟他说话,敢这样跟他说话。 Haha......” “哈哈……” When the middle age has not recovered completely, big laughter transmits, immediately the golden light flashes before together, Mid-rank God Emperor arrival that excels at Metal Rule. 正当中年还没完全回过神来之时,一阵大笑声传来,随即一道金光闪现,一个擅长金系法则中位神帝到来。 This Mid-rank God Emperor, is person of the youth appearance, he laughs to come, after the appearance, looks ridiculing color looks to the blue robe middle age, Tan five, your Mid-rank God Emperor, has not thought that also has by one day of low-rank God Emperor threat.” 中位神帝,是一个青年模样之人,他大笑而来,到场后,面露揶揄之色的看向蓝袍中年,“谭五,你一个中位神帝,没想到也有被下位神帝威胁的一天。” Said accurately, by the low-rank God Emperor threat that just breaks through today.” “准确的说,是被一个今日刚突破的下位神帝威胁。” Speaking of afterward, this youth face on smile, even more bright, bright, has the meaning of thick taunt. 说到后来,这青年脸上的笑容,越发的灿烂了起来,灿烂中,带着浓浓的嘲讽之意。
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