WSSH :: Volume #39

#3898: God Sovereign Duan Lingtian

Every so often, is such skillful. 很多时候,就是这么巧。 Duan Lingtian in the Gods Plane many years, has to think Myriad Heavenly Planes and common custom plane relatives and friends, but has actually never emerged before the plane battlefield is closed returns to Myriad Heavenly Planes and common custom plane thoughts. 段凌天众神位面多年,不是没想过诸天位面和世俗位面的亲朋好友,但却从未兴起过在位面战场关闭前回诸天位面、世俗位面的心思。 Because he knows that is not realistic. 因为他知道,那不现实。 Initially, he can smuggling from nine quiet battlefields go to the plane battlefield, went to Gods Plane Profound Astral Ground through the plane battlefield again, was because he at that time was only Immortal Emperor, did not have a tenth god. 当初,他能从九幽战场‘偷渡’前往位面战场,再通过位面战场前往众神位面玄罡之地,是因为他当时只是仙帝,还没成神。 After becoming the god, even if there is Five Elements Spiritual God to help him open the space wall barrier again, he does not have the means to enter nine quiet battlefields again, because nine quiet battlefields, only then Spiritual God following Immortal Emperor can enter. 成神之后,即便有五行神灵再帮他打开空间壁障,他也没办法再进九幽战场,因为九幽战场只有神灵以下的仙帝能进入。 Void Splitting Divine Shuttle, buys under the reminder of Dongfang Yannian , otherwise he does not know Imperial War Plane has this thing to sell with Pyongsong. 破空神梭,也是在东方延年的提醒下买的,要不然他都不知道帝战位面的和平城有这东西卖。 Space Rule Clone re-enters Nirvana Heaven, Duan Lingtian has thought many possibilities, but has not actually thought, oneself one back and forth, ran into own teacher Feng Qingyang to be seized the shed by Mi Xuan unexpectedly just in time. 空间法则分身重回寂灭天,段凌天想过很多种可能,但却万万没想到,自己一来回,竟然就正巧遇到了自己的师尊风轻扬弥玄夺舍。 Said accurately, seizes the shed temporarily. 准确的说,是暂时夺舍。 Feng Qingyang's soul, still complete treating in his body, the Mi Xuan soul was just more powerful, occupied the leading power. 风轻扬的灵魂,仍然完好的待在他的身体里面,只不过弥玄的灵魂更加强大,占据了主导权。 Now, was seized the shed from Feng Qingyang by Mi Xuan, just one month. 现在,距离风轻扬弥玄夺舍,也就刚刚一个月的时间。 Un?” “嗯?” Duan Lingtian just came outside Nirvana Heaven Heavenly Emperor Palace, then hears the sharp sound to transmit together, moreover stems from the mouth of his teacher Feng Qingyang. 段凌天刚现身于寂灭天天帝宫外,便听到一道尖锐的声音传来,而且是出自于他的师尊风轻扬之口。 This sound, even the voice changed. 这声音,连声线都变了。 Moreover, the opposite party said his name, was the sound queer place. 而且,对方直呼他的名字,也是让人奇怪的地方。 Teacher?” “师尊?” Duan Lingtian flies high to stand, distant looks at Feng Qingyang, knits the brows slightly. 段凌天凌空而立,遥遥的看着风轻扬,微微皱眉。 Now, no matter the vision, is the makings, he thought that the present person does not seem like his teacher, is more like another person......, but, this figure, this appearance, actually truly is his teacher without doubt. 现在,不管是目光,还是气质,他都觉得眼前之人不像是他的师尊,更像是另外一个人……但,这身形,还有这模样,却又确实是他的师尊无疑。 What's all this about?” “这是怎么回事?” Duan Lingtian somewhat wondered, for a short time toward not seizing shed thinks. 段凌天有些纳闷了,一时半会也没往夺舍方面想。 Few palace lords, he is not Sir Heavenly Emperor.” “少宫主,他不是天帝大人。” At this time, Old Huo and Meng Luo and the others, after discovering Duan Lingtian, is the earliest possible time governing empties close to Duan Lingtian, then set up before the Duan Lingtian body, looked straight ahead Feng Qingyang, protected Duan Lingtian after behind. 这时,火老孟罗等人,在发现段凌天后,也是第一时间御空靠近段凌天,然后立身于段凌天身前,直视‘风轻扬’,将段凌天护在了身后。 They know, even if at this time made their few palace lords escape, was impossible to have the opportunity to escape. 他们知道,这个时候就算是让他们的这位少宫主逃,也不可能有机会逃。 The strength of opposite party, was too powerful. 对方的实力,太强大了。 Had arrived at a year, can the situation that they kill completely! 已经到了一个年头,就能将他们这些人全部杀死的地步! God Sovereign powerhouse. 神皇强者。 That is dominates existence above God King powerhouse. 那是凌驾于神王强者之上的存在。 But in Myriad Heavenly Planes, general Spiritual God, from the boundary of God King, not a short distance. 而在诸天位面,一般的神灵,距离神王之境,都还有一段不短的距离。 Few palace lords, one month ago, Sir Heavenly Emperor the body your was seized the shed, the soul of Sir Heavenly Emperor was suppressed by the opposite party...... now, controls Sir Heavenly Emperor the body, is not Sir Heavenly Emperor, but is the souls of others!” “少宫主,一个月前,天帝大人身体你被人夺舍,天帝大人的灵魂被对方镇压……现在,控制天帝大人身体的,不是天帝大人,而是其他人的灵魂!” By way of the reminder of Meng Luo, Duan Lingtian is also knows that finally what happened. 经由孟罗的提醒,段凌天也总算是知道发生了什么事情。 In a flash, heart because originally saw the joy that own teacher starts, transferred the anger in an instant, a pair of pupil, shortly will become sharp. 一瞬之间,他内心深处原本因为见到自己师尊而兴起的欣喜,刹那间转为了愤怒,一双眸子,也在顷刻间变得锐利了起来。 You want to threaten Sir Heavenly Emperor with few Sovereign, first killed me and others!” “你想拿少宗主威胁天帝大人,先杀了我等!” Meng Luo vision swift and fierce is staring at Feng Qingyang, the cold sound said. 孟罗目光凌厉的盯着‘风轻扬’,寒声说道。 Although knows that own strength bad opposite party many, the opposite party can kill him in an instant, but Meng Luo actually not slightly timid, resolutely however however sets up before the Duan Lingtian body, protects Duan Lingtian behind. 虽然知道自己的实力差对方许多,对方一念之间就能将他杀死,但孟罗却没有丝毫胆怯,毅然而然的立身于段凌天身前,将段凌天护在身后。 But Old Huo and the others, at this time also vision cold severe is staring at Feng Qingyang. 火老等人,此时也都目光冷厉的盯着‘风轻扬’。 „Are you...... Mi Xuan?” “你是……弥玄?” However, while Feng Qingyang stares at Meng Luo and the others, in the eye is flashing through writes off intent, just prepared is moved to kill their times, Duan Lingtian actually opened the mouth, for a while broke Feng Qingyang thought. 然而,正当‘风轻扬’盯着孟罗等人,眼中闪过一抹杀意,刚准备动念头杀他们的时候,段凌天却是开口了,一时打断了‘风轻扬’的念头。 At this moment, remembers that together slightly familiar audio singing that the opposite party made a moment ago, in addition the opposite party can seize to abandon his teacher Feng Qingyang's body, he had guessed correctly who the opposite party is. 此时此刻,想起刚才对方发出的那一道略显熟悉的尖锐声音,再加上对方能夺舍他的师尊风轻扬的身体,他已经猜到了对方是谁。 „, Your this ants boy, but can also remember me.” “没想到,你这蝼蚁般的小子,还能记得我。” Is controlling Mi Xuan of Feng Qingyang body, smiles gloomily, boy, since came, then do not walk...... and other teacher to confess all that honestly I want to know, I give you again happily one, making you give me that to be kept company by brothers Yahiko who you kill!” 控制着风轻扬身体的弥玄,阴森森一笑,“小子,既然来了,便别走了……等你师尊老实交代我想知道的一切,我再给你一个痛快的,让你去给我那被你害死的兄弟弥彦做伴!” Naturally, if Feng Qingyang does not coordinate, I will make you experience suffering to refine the soul dead painstakingly!” “当然,如果风轻扬不配合,我会让你受尽炼魂之苦而死!” Building up the soul...... that is compared with being cut to pieces more painful suffering.” “炼魂……那可是比千刀万剐更加痛苦的折磨。” Be not thinking the suicide, even if you died, I can also after you die soul annihilation instantly, uses my Ghost Clan mystique, your soul captivity.” “你也别想着自杀,哪怕你人死了,我也能在你死后灵魂湮灭的刹那,动用我幽魂族的秘法,将你的灵魂囚禁。” Can recognize him regarding Duan Lingtian, although Mi Xuan is somewhat surprised, but does not have many greatly surprised, after all is not difficult to guess. 对于段凌天能认出他,弥玄虽然觉得有些意外,但却也没多大惊奇,毕竟不难猜测。 Suicide?” “自杀?” Heard the Mi Xuan words, Duan Lingtian first gawked, immediately looked to satirize to smile, Mi Xuan, wants to make me commit suicide, perhaps you did not have that skill!” 听到弥玄的话,段凌天先是愣了一下,随即面露讽笑,“弥玄,想让我自杀,你恐怕还没那个本事!” Can suppress the soul of my teacher unexpectedly, some it seems like your years also progress...... looked like break through to the boundary of High-Rank God King!” “竟然能压制我师尊的灵魂,看来你这些年也有些长进……看来是突破到上位神王之境了!” Past, Duan Lingtian then knew Mi Xuan is position God King. 昔日,段凌天便知道弥玄是中位神王 But his teacher Feng Qingyang, is low-rank God King. 而他的师尊风轻扬,是下位神王 Afterward, his teacher hid in Asura Hell, just like planned that position God King after the breakthrough achievement came out, at the appointed time then did not fear Mi Xuan. 后来,他的师尊躲进了修罗地狱,俨然是打算在突破成就中位神王后再出来,到时便不惧弥玄 To come, his teacher definitely broke through, comes out. 想来,他的师尊肯定是突破了,才出来的。 His teacher has not actually thought that he broke through the boundary of position God King at the same time, Mi Xuan broke through the boundary of High-Rank God King unexpectedly, suppressed him again. 只是,他的师尊却没想到,他突破到了中位神王之境的同时,弥玄竟然突破到了上位神王之境,再次压制他。 ...... …… Above, is Duan Lingtian's guessed personally. 以上,是段凌天的个人猜测。 After all, the present range he left Myriad Heavenly Planes initially, left initially Mi Xuan and their conflict, but also less than hundred years. 毕竟,现在距离他当初离开诸天位面,离开当初弥玄和他们的冲突,还不到百年的时间。 Less than hundred years, he has today's achievement, purely is because he has the big fortuitous encounter. 不到百年的时间,他有今日的成就,纯粹是因为他有大奇遇。 But his teacher, although obtained the Supreme inheritance, actually still needed to cultivate routinely...... as for that Mi Xuan, could not definitely have compared his teacher. 可他的师尊,虽然得到了至强者传承,却仍然需要按部就班的修炼……至于那弥玄,肯定还比不上他的师尊。 „The boundary of High-Rank God King?” 上位神王之境?” Heard the Duan Lingtian's words, Mi Xuan first gawked, immediately could not bear smile, Duan Lingtian, you felt, if I were only the boundary of High-Rank God King, can suppress your to break through achievement High-Rank God King the soul of teacher?” 听到段凌天的话,弥玄先是愣了一下,随即忍不住笑了,“段凌天,你觉得,我若只是上位神王之境,能压制你那已经突破成就上位神王的师尊的灵魂?” You, underestimated your teacher.” “你,太小看你的师尊了。” Naturally, underestimated my Mi Xuan.” “当然,也小看了我弥玄。” Mi Xuan is not difficult to guess correctly that Duan Lingtian thinks, for a while cannot bear to the Duan Lingtian's words snorts contemptuously. 弥玄不难猜到段凌天所想,一时也是忍不住对段凌天的话嗤之以鼻。 Hears Mi Xuan this saying, the Duan Lingtian pupil shrinks slightly. 听到弥玄这话,段凌天瞳孔微微一缩。 Has his teacher, broken through achievement High-Rank God King? 他的师尊,已经突破成就上位神王 But at this moment, sets up Meng Luo before Duan Lingtian body, the sinking sound said to Duan Lingtian: Few palace lords, this person of present are God Sovereign...... . Moreover, is Mid-ranked God Sovereign!” 而就在这时,立在段凌天身前的孟罗,沉声对段凌天说道:“少宫主,这人现在已经是神皇……而且,是中位神皇!” Mid-ranked God Sovereign?!” 中位神皇?!” Has saying that the Meng Luo words, frightened Duan Lingtian. 不得不说,孟罗的话,吓到了段凌天 However, changes mind thinks, thinks own teacher now is High-Rank God King, actually does not beat Mi Xuan, obviously Mi Xuan is not only low-rank God Sovereign is so possibly simple. 不过,转念一想,想到自己的师尊现在已经是上位神王,却还是不敌弥玄,可见弥玄不可能只是下位神皇那么简单。 In the past, Mi Xuan seized shed the body of title temple few palace lord Tang Sanpao, after he ruined, even if Mi Xuan again seizes the shed, impossible and new body perfect conjunction. 当年,弥玄夺舍的封号神殿少殿主唐三炮的身体,被他毁掉以后,弥玄即便再夺舍,也不可能和新的身体完美契合。 Would difference that some. 总会差那么一些。 But his teacher, obtained the inheritance of Supreme, even if only High-Rank God King, there is straight pursues the God Sovereign strength. 而他的师尊,得到了至强者的传承,哪怕只是上位神王,也有直追神皇的战力。 A Mi Xuan soul body, if only low-rank God Sovereign, is not necessarily able to suppress his teacher. 弥玄一灵魂体,如若只是下位神皇,未必能压得住他的师尊。 But Mi Xuan, after hearing the Meng Luo words, raising the head proudly, the vision is overlooking Duan Lingtian, boy, raises my cultivation base, to you no significance......, no matter I am God Sovereign am also good, God King, is not you can be a worthy opponent.” 弥玄,听到孟罗的话后,傲然的抬起头,目光俯瞰着段凌天,“小子,提我的修为,对你来说没什么意义……不管我是神皇也好,神王也罢,都不是你能匹敌的。” Your withdrawing hidden place many years, fear that now didn't have a tenth god?” “你龟缩暗处多年,现在怕是都还没成神吧?” Speaking of afterward, the Mi Xuan expressions, were many for several points to satirize to smile, to become God, was not that simple.” 说到后来,弥玄的语气间,多了几分讽笑,“成神,可不是那么简单的。” to become God?” “成神?” The Mi Xuan words, making Duan Lingtian be able help laughing, but does not have the multi- idle talk immediately, direct moves sideways, then teleport leaves same place, appears again, already in the Mi Xuan nearby. 弥玄的话,让段凌天哑然失笑,但随即也没多废话,直接一个闪身,便瞬移离开原地,再次出现,已是在弥玄的附近。 Meanwhile, his body, powerful aura , the shop disperses. 同时,他的身上,一股强大的气息,随之铺散开来。 Whish!! 哗!! The powerful aura escape, Duan Lingtian flies high to stand, floating, if the immortal, makings outstanding he, in this moment, descends to earth general just like the immortal god. 强大的气息逸散,段凌天凌空而立,飘然若仙,气质超群的他,在这一刻,宛如仙神下凡一般。 This is......” “这是……” Recovered in Meng Luo and Old Huo and the others, just wants to protect the Duan Lingtian's time again, is actually given distant driving back by the aura that on Duan Lingtian lends directly. 孟罗火老等人回过神来,刚想再去护段凌天的时候,却是直接被段凌天身上散发的气息给远远的逼退。 The great strength of this aura, making them feel incomparably depressing. 这股气息之强大,让他们感觉无比压抑。 How this aura...... felt more fearful than Sir Heavenly Emperor.” “这气息……怎么感觉,比天帝大人还要可怕。” Meng Luo and Old Huo two people look at each other one, from each other eye, saw the color of thick shock. 孟罗火老两人对视一眼,都从彼此的眼中,看到了浓浓的震撼之色。 Previously, their Sir Heavenly Emperor returned from Asura Hell, recalls them, they then in its, detected fearful aura. 先前,他们的那位天帝大人从修罗地狱归来,召回他们,他们便在其身上,察觉到了一股可怕的气息。 But that aura, is far less than this aura. 可那股气息,远不如这股气息。 „......” “难道……” Suddenly, in their mind, simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform emitted a thought: 突然之间,他们的脑海中,齐齐冒出了一个念头: Few palace lords, pupil surpasses the teacher? 少宫主,青出于蓝而胜于蓝了? How possibly!!” “怎么可能!!” When Meng Luo and Old Huo shock, that Mi Xuan is also looks to startle the color, in the eye covers entirely the unbelievable color, you...... less than hundred years, how you are possible...... how possible achievement God Sovereign!” 正当孟罗火老震撼之时,那弥玄也是面露骇色,眼中布满难以置信之色,“你……不到百年的时间,你怎么可能……怎么可能成就神皇!” God Sovereign. 神皇 Mi Xuan as Mid-ranked God Sovereign, even if only the soul body, was still familiar with the God Sovereign aura. 弥玄身为中位神皇,哪怕只是灵魂体,仍然对神皇气息熟悉至极。 At this moment, on the present purple clothes youth sends out, the God Sovereign aura...... said accurately, is the low-rank God Sovereign aura. 此时此刻,眼前的紫衣青年身上散发的,正是神皇的气息……准确的说,是下位神皇的气息。 If only the soul body of low-rank God Sovereign, he did not dread. 如果只是下位神皇的灵魂体,他并不忌惮。 The point is that the opposite party is not. 可问题是,对方不是。 The opposite party, is a human that has the mortal body, when soul understanding, there is a mortal body to hold, goes forward or retreats depending upon circumstances, this point has the advantage compared with him. 对方,是一个拥有肉身的人类,灵魂通达之际,有肉身容纳,进可攻,退可守,这一点比他更有优势。 Even if he seized to abandon the bodies of others before, because cannot agree with completely, during the match with people, that body is actually not necessarily able to exempt his extra worries, is not necessarily able to become his escape route. 哪怕他之前夺舍了其他人的身体,但因为不能完全契合,在与人交手之时,那身体却未必能免去他的后顾之忧,未必能成为他的后路。 Human low-rank God Sovereign, by the strength, is actually not weak in him. 一个人类下位神皇,论实力,其实已经不弱于他。 If in the dead spirit world, uses there to help the environment of soul body, he had confidence that kills human low-rank God Sovereign...... to be possible outside, has not actually grasped. 如果是在亡灵世界,利用那里有利于灵魂体的环境,他有把握杀死一个人类下位神皇……可在外面,却没把握。 Is impossible!” “不可能!” Is absolutely impossible!” “绝对不可能!” You definitely used what external object, simulates the God Sovereign aura!” “你肯定是动用了什么外物,模拟出神皇气息!” In a minute, recovering Mi Xuan, cannot stop to shake the head, looks to the Duan Lingtian's vision, even more gloomy and cold at the same time, disclosed that I completely understood you did not need to install meaning. 片刻,回过神来的弥玄,止不住摇头,看向段凌天的目光,越发阴冷的同时,也透露出一股‘我看透你了不用装了’的意思。 :.: :。:
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