WSSH :: Volume #38

#3735: Instead kills

The place of core disciple cultivation. 核心弟子修炼之地。 When Shangguan Xiongfeng acts to Duan Lingtian, one group of core disciples on the scene, that inner-sect elder Zhang Jin, basically thought that Duan Lingtian must die without doubt. 上官雄风段凌天出手的时候,在场的一群核心弟子,还有那内宗长老张进,基本上都觉得段凌天必死无疑。 The strength that even if Duan Lingtian showed in the past is astonishing, and even the present had marched into the boundary of low-rank God King. 哪怕段凌天过去展现出来的实力惊人,乃至现在已经步入了下位神王之境。 But, Shangguan Xiongfeng is actually a strength exceeds most inner-sect elder core disciples, the itself talent and perception can also arrange first Echelon in the Hidden Fog sect present age. 但,上官雄风却是一个实力胜过大多数内宗长老的核心弟子,本身天赋、悟性在雾隐宗当代也能排进第一梯队 On Rule Profound Truth, Shangguan Xiongfeng will not compare Duan Lingtian to be weak. 法则奥义,上官雄风不会比段凌天弱。 On cultivation base, Shangguan Xiongfeng even better. 修为,上官雄风更胜一筹。 Divine Tool, two people most also put out Divine Tool. 神器,两人最多也就拿出中品神器 Bloodline Strength, Duan Lingtian as coming from the person of Myriad Heavenly Planes, the non- Gods Plane indigenous people, naturally does not have. 血脉之力,段凌天作为来自诸天位面之人,非众神位面原住民,自然是没有。 But Shangguan Xiongfeng has. 上官雄风却有。 Naturally, Duan Lingtian also has the swordsmanship embryonic form of unexpected comprehension, although has not been the genuine swordsmanship, but the might also cannot be underestimated. 当然,段凌天也有意外领悟的剑道雏形,虽然还算不上真正的剑道,但威力也不容小觑。 However, on swordsmanship embryonic form, but also being insufficient makes Duan Lingtian span among the cultivation base disparity with Shangguan Xiongfeng, as well as Bloodline Strength disparity. 然而,就剑道雏形,还不足以让段凌天跨越和上官雄风之间的修为差距,以及血脉之力差距。 The swordsmanship embryonic form, most is impartial with Bloodline Strength. 剑道雏形,最多和血脉之力持平。 Does the cultivation base disparity, make up by what? 修为的差距,靠什么弥补? Duan Lingtian must die without doubt.” 段凌天必死无疑。” Day being jealous person with outstanding ability.” “天妒英才。” ...... …… Saw that Shangguan Xiongfeng plunders like the goshawk, acts to Duan Lingtian, and acts, then takes out the Divine Tool direct under killer, does not leave ground, surrounded one group of core disciples, in the heart is one was a pity. 眼看上官雄风如苍鹰般掠出,对段凌天出手,且一出手,便是取出中品神器直接下杀手,丝毫不留余地,围观的一群核心弟子,心中都是一阵可惜。 Many people look to the Duan Lingtian's time, in the eye reveals the color of intermittent pitying, simultaneously at heart also the feeling of like grieve for like. 不少人看向段凌天的时候,眼中更流露出阵阵怜悯之色,同时心里也有一种兔死狐悲的感觉。 Hidden Fog sect that four remote antiquity Elder hanger-on disciples, usually know one's place fortunately. 雾隐宗那四位太上长老门下弟子,平时安分守己还好。 Once under the killer to some Hidden Fog sect disciple, absolutely is that person of nightmare. 一旦对某个雾隐宗弟子下杀手,绝对是那人的梦魇。 Dares to play tricks on my Long Xiao, damn!” “胆敢戏弄我龙霄,该死!” Long Xiao stands in the distant place, both hands surrounds in the chest front, looks to sneer looks at Duan Lingtian, in the eye covers entirely the color of taking pleasure in others' misfortunes. 龙霄立在远处,双手环抱于胸前,面露冷笑的看着段凌天,眼中布满幸灾乐祸之色。 Duan Lingtian, having the strength of spirit is the good deed......, but, without the skill, actually still plays the strength of spirit there, was the stupid behavior. If there is a next life, learns to cultivate the behavior well low-key.” 段凌天,有骨气是好事……但,没本事,却还在那里玩骨气,就是愚笨行为了。若有来世,好好学会低调做人吧。” Long Xiao passes message to Duan Lingtian, among the expressions satirizes the meaning of smiling completely. 龙霄传音给段凌天,语气间满是讽笑之意。 The voice falls, he then saw Duan Lingtian to have the movement, acted unexpectedly outrageously, welcomes that threatening Shangguan Xiongfeng. 话音落下,他便看到段凌天有了动作,竟然也是悍然出手,迎上了那来势汹汹的上官雄风 Praying mantis arm, when car(riage)!” “螳臂当车!” On the Long Xiao face satirizes to smile is thicker. 龙霄脸上讽笑更浓。 But now, others, basically also similar idea. 而现在,其他人,基本上也都差不多的想法。 Duan Lingtian, today you, if can not die in me, my then also your two good fortune pill!” 段凌天,今日你若能在我手下不死,我便还你那两枚造化丹!” Shangguan Xiongfeng facing Duan Lingtian of approach, the tone is cold, during the spoken languages, has the meaning of teasing, as if has eaten Duan Lingtian to be the same. 上官雄风面对迎上来的段凌天,语气冷然,言语之间,更带着戏虐之意,仿佛已经吃定了段凌天一般。 Perhaps even you want, you still dead also!” “恐怕就算你想还,你也没命还了!” Under is in the glare of the public eye, the people heard Duan Lingtian to respond to Shangguan Xiongfeng's. 众目睽睽之下,众人听到了段凌天上官雄风的回应。 Then, they then seeing with amazement: 然后,他们便骇然的看到: The Duan Lingtian supernatural power rises suddenly from top to bottom, Space Rule Profound Truth, further appeared unexpectedly, many three Profound Truth fusions show, exceeded Shangguan Xiongfeng in Rule comprehension at one fell swoop. 段凌天浑身上下神力暴涨之间,空间法则奥义,竟是进一步显现了出来,多种三奥义融合展现,一举在法则领悟方面超越了上官雄风 Then, in his hand, a , once appeared, then after making the divine sword of people palpitation appeared, coordinates the swordsmanship embryonic form, with the stance of steamroll, has actually pressed the Shangguan Xiongfeng's offensive thoroughly. 然后,当他的手中,一柄一经出现,便令得众人心悸的神剑出现以后,配合剑道雏形,却又是以碾压的姿态,彻底压过了上官雄风的攻势。 Present Shangguan Xiongfeng, besides has not used Bloodline Strength, other methods are unretentive. 要知道,现在的上官雄风,除了还没有动用血脉之力,其余手段都是毫无保留的。 How possibly?!” “怎么可能?!” Bloodline Strength that the Shangguan Xiongfeng previous quarter tranquil complexion, the twinkling big change, the blood light winding, had not planned to use simultaneously from top to bottom, will erupt shortly. 上官雄风前一刻还平静的脸色,瞬息大变,同时浑身上下血光缠绕,原本不打算用的血脉之力,顷刻间爆发而出。 However, even so, still cannot retrieve the disadvantage. 然而,即便如此,仍然挽回不了劣势。 Duan Lingtian does not act already, acts, then makes him thoroughly desperate. 段凌天不出手则已,一出手,便让他彻底绝望。 Before Shangguan Xiongfeng not only never expected that Duan Lingtian, Space Rule that displays has also retained, what cannot think, Duan Lingtian actually has high-grade Divine Tool! 上官雄风不只没想到段凌天之前施展的空间法则还有所保留,更想不到的是,段凌天竟然拥有上品神器 Now, the divine sword in Duan Lingtian hand, impressively is a high-grade divine sword, coordinates the swordsmanship embryonic form, as well as his Space Rule, has pressed his offensive thoroughly. 现在,段凌天手中的神剑,赫然是一柄上品神剑,配合剑道雏形,以及他的空间法则,彻底压过了他的攻势。 Escapes!!” “逃!!” At this moment, Shangguan Xiongfeng realized oneself are not the Duan Lingtian opponent, spells again must die time without doubt, decisive wish by oneself is separated from own offensive, flees to walk. 这一刻,上官雄风意识到自己不是段凌天对手,再拼下去必死无疑的时候,果断想要让自己脱离自己的攻势,遁逃而走。 Otherwise, he must die without doubt! 否则,他必死无疑! However, his response, eventually was somewhat slow. 然而,他的反应,终究是有些慢了。 !! 咻!! The sword glow that the space storm condenses, plunders by the high-grade divine sword, contains the swordsmanship embryonic form, once were acted, then just like in the darkness has delimited the meteor, noticeable, making one be hard to blink. 空间风暴凝聚的剑芒,透过上品神剑掠出,蕴含剑道雏形,一经出手,便宛如黑暗中划过的流星,引人瞩目,令人难以眨眼。 Bang!! 轰!! A loud sound, the sword glow , the Shangguan Xiongfeng's offensive was crushed all. 一声巨响,剑芒所至,上官雄风的攻势尽数被粉碎。 Then, is Shangguan Xiongfeng oneself. 然后,是上官雄风本人。 The sword glow falls on his body, shortly will wreak havoc. 剑芒落在他的身上,顷刻间肆虐开来。 „” “啊” Became the previous quarter of everywhere blood fog in the body by the space wind explosion thoroughly, the Shangguan Xiongfeng that sad and shrill and painful calling out sound, resounds through the surroundings, only hears person of scalp tingles presence, absolutely terrified! 在身体彻底被空间风暴炸成漫天血雾的前一刻,上官雄风那凄厉而痛苦的嘶喊声,响彻周围,只听得在场之人一阵头皮发麻,毛骨悚然! You want, also wants me to be willing to receive is good.” “你想还,也要我愿意收才行。” Under is in the glare of the public eye, Duan Lingtian holds the sword to stand in void that in everywhere blood fog scatters, tone indifferent saying. 众目睽睽之下,段凌天持剑立在漫天血雾飘散的虚空之中,语气漠然的说道。 This moment Duan Lingtian, stands there, is proudly independent, just like sword god. 这一刻的段凌天,立在那里,傲然独立,宛如剑神。 This...... this...... this......” “这……这……这……” „Amn't I having a dream? Did Senior Brother Shangguan Xiongfeng, die?” “我不是在做梦吧?上官雄风师兄,死了?” Shangguan Xiongfeng, in our Hidden Fog sect core disciple, the strength may arrange first three has...... even in that core disciple the strength to arrange to the first person, does not dare to say the person who can kill, did die in Duan Lingtian's?” 上官雄风,我们雾隐宗核心弟子中,实力可排进前三的存在……连那核心弟子中实力可以排到第一之人,都不敢说能杀死的人,死在了段凌天的手里?” That said...... on the strength that Duan Lingtian shows now, is the first person in our Hidden Fog sect core disciple sufficiently?” “那岂不是说……就段凌天现在展现出来的实力,足以位列我们雾隐宗核心弟子中的第一人?” Also is the first person in our Hidden Fog sect core disciple...... do not want is too many. You felt, the homicide Shangguan Xiongfeng, Elder Feng will let off him?” “还位列我们雾隐宗核心弟子中的第一人……不要想太多。你觉得,他杀了上官雄风,风长老会放过他?” Disciple who Shangguan Xiongfeng, and even the Elder Feng hanger-on most loves, moreover some people said, Shangguan Xiongfeng possibly is the Elder Feng biological grandson, is the biological son of Elder Feng illegitimate child outside.” 上官雄风,乃至风长老门下最疼爱的弟子,而且有人说,上官雄风可能是风长老的亲孙,是风长老在外的私生子的亲生儿子。” ...... …… Surrounded one group of core disciples, at present happened frighten ignorant a moment later, get back one's composure in abundance, looks again to the Duan Lingtian's vision, filled with amazement and inconceivable. 围观的一群核心弟子,在被眼前发生的一幕吓懵片刻之后,纷纷回神,再次看向段凌天的目光,充满了骇然和不可思议。 This Duan Lingtian......” “这段凌天……” Zhang Jin also dumbfounded, on strength that Duan Lingtian comes out now, even if kills him, feared that is also is similar to kills the chicken. 张进也呆住了,就段凌天现在出来的实力,哪怕是杀他,怕也是如同杀鸡。 His strength, although is stronger than most inner-sect elder, but most is also equivalent to Long Xiao, slightly was inferior compared with Shangguan Xiongfeng. 他的实力,虽然比大多数内宗长老都强,但最多也就和龙霄相当而已,较之上官雄风略有不如。 „...... Impossible...... is not impossible!!” “不……不可能……不可能!!” Long Xiao stands in the distant place, satirized a face that smiles completely, the radical solidification, displacing is with amazement, in the eye covers entirely the unbelievable color. 龙霄立在远处,原本满是讽笑的一张脸,彻底凝固,取而代之是骇然,眼中更布满难以置信之色。 Long Xiao, you want to kill me a moment ago.” 龙霄,你刚才想杀我。” While Long Xiao face inconceivable dull is startled in the place, the Duan Lingtian's vision, has fallen on his body. 正当龙霄一脸不可思议的呆怔在地的时候,段凌天的目光,已是落在了他的身上。 The murderous intention in eye, making Long Xiao fight a shiver, first recovered, along with, even if turned around directly, wanted to leave. 眼中的杀机,令得龙霄打了个寒战,第一时间回过神来,随即便直接转身,想要离开。 His strength was inferior to Shangguan Xiongfeng. 他的实力连上官雄风都不如。 But Shangguan Xiongfeng put in an appearance to kill by Duan Lingtian one, let alone is he? 上官雄风都被段凌天一个照面杀死,更何况是他? Escapes!” “逃!” Present Long Xiao , is only left over this thought that is only thinking the place of cultivation returns to his teacher, Duan Lingtian then does not have the means to kill him again. 现在的龙霄,也只剩下这个念头,只想着逃回他师尊的修炼之地,段凌天便没办法再杀他。 Meanwhile, he turns around to fly to escape, while takes out the soul bead of his teacher, the preparation passed on a message makes his teacher save him. 同时,他一边转身飞遁,一边取出他的师尊的魂珠,准备传讯让他的师尊救他。 Not “不” However, Duan Lingtian that teleport blocks the form in his way, that wields the sword glow that comes, makes him pass on message radically without enough time. 然而,段凌天瞬移拦在他去路上的身影,还有那挥动而来的剑芒,却让他根本来不及传讯。 Long Xiao had not planned and Duan Lingtian fights, in addition the innermost feelings fear, now facing the Duan Lingtian's offensive, even if makes a move to resist in a hurry, is futile. 龙霄本就没打算和段凌天交手,再加上内心恐惧,现在面对段凌天的攻势,哪怕仓促间出手抵挡,也是徒劳无功。 Bang!! 轰!! When the space storm wreaks havoc again, Long Xiao's body, followed to explode everywhere blood fog, on step Shangguan Xiongfeng's footsteps. 当空间风暴再次肆虐之时,龙霄的身体,也跟着炸成了漫天血雾,步上了上官雄风的后尘。 After this appears, one group of core disciples who the scene just recovered, fall into the delay again. 当这一幕出现之后,现场刚回过神来的一群核心弟子,再次陷入呆滞之中。 Whiz! Whiz! Whiz! 嗖!嗖!嗖! ...... …… Meanwhile, some forms rush to the scene one after another, really after receiving here the message of matter, Hidden Fog sect Elder and disciple who the first batch rush to the scene. 与此同时,相继有一些身影火速赶到现场,真是收到这边发生的事情的消息后,第一批赶到现场的雾隐长老和弟子。 However, they noticed that the blood fog that only then that drops floating, Duan Lingtian that crosses the hands behind the back the vertical form. 然而,他们看到的,只有那飘然落下的血雾,还有段凌天那负手而立的身影。 Now, the high-grade divine sword, had been taken back in storage ring by Duan Lingtian. 现在,上品神剑,已是被段凌天收回了纳戒之中。 What situation?” “什么情况?” Did not say that Shangguan Xiongfeng and Long Xiao can kill Duan Lingtian? Their people?” “不是说上官雄风龙霄要杀段凌天吗?他们人呢?” Ding Yiming, I am receive your pass on message to give, won't you be deceiving me?” 丁一明,我是收到你的传讯给过来的,你不会在骗我吧?” ...... …… One group of people who just arrived , a face compelled, to glance to the left right to look ignorant, has not seen Shangguan Xiongfeng and Long Xiao's form, had a deceived feeling. 刚到的一群人,纷纷一脸懵逼,左顾右望,都没看到上官雄风龙霄的身影,都有一种被欺骗的感觉。 Duan Lingtian?” 段凌天?” Tang Chun also arrived, sees Duan Lingtian of is well, cannot bear relax, is thinking seems like own pass on message has an effect. 唐淳也到了,看到平安无事的段凌天,忍不住松了口气,想着看来是自己的传讯起了作用。 A moment later, the come person are getting more and more. 片刻之后,来的人越来越多。 But at this time, on one group of core disciples on the scene, just now recovered one after another. 而这时,原本就在场的一群核心弟子,方才相继回过神来。 Facing person who they called question, they first were an eye of reveal looked panic-stricken that together purple form that set up after not far away, then pressed the sound saying: Shangguan Xiongfeng and Long Xiao, were just killed by Duan Lingtian.” 面对他们叫来的人的‘质疑’,他们先是目露惊恐的看了立在不远处的那一道紫色身影后,然后压着声音说道:“上官雄风龙霄,刚刚被段凌天杀死。” Thinks that Duan Lingtian will be killed by Shangguan Xiongfeng, actually without thinking of him instead killed Shangguan Xiongfeng...... then, Long Xiao wants to escape, he pursues is a sword, killed Long Xiao.” “原以为段凌天会被上官雄风杀死,却没想到他将上官雄风反杀了……然后,龙霄想逃,他追上去又是一剑,就将龙霄杀了。” Today's matter, feared that was hard to end...... Elder Feng and Elder Lei, will not give up absolutely.” “今天的事情,怕是难以收场了……风长老雷长老,绝对不会善罢甘休。” Yes. Although Shangguan Xiongfeng and Long Xiao must first kill Duan Lingtian, Duan Lingtian can only be the self-defense......, but, who knows, something, without are so simple.” “是啊。虽说是上官雄风龙霄先要杀段凌天,段凌天只能算是自卫……但,谁都知道,有些事情,没那么简单。” Is strange, blames Duan Lingtian to have no status background.” “要怪,就怪段凌天没什么身份背景吧。” ...... …… With one crowd originally on the core disciple opens the mouth on the scene, one group of people who just rushed, immediately is dumb as a wooden chicken. 随着一群原来就在场的核心弟子开口,刚刚赶到的一群人,顿时又是一阵呆若木鸡。 „Did Duan Lingtian, kill Shangguan Xiongfeng and Long Xiao?” 段凌天,将上官雄风龙霄杀了?” Tang Chun hears the words of these core disciples, is a delay of face and with amazement, looks again to the Duan Lingtian's vision, seems looking at a completely strange stranger. 唐淳听到那些核心弟子的话,也是一脸的呆滞和骇然,再次看向段凌天的目光,仿佛在看着一个完全陌生的陌生人。 That said that Duan Lingtian present strength, even if compares it him, is only not weak? 那岂不是说,段凌天现在的实力,哪怕比之他,都是只强不弱? Puts in an appearance to cut to kill Shangguan Xiongfeng, even if he, cannot achieve! 一个照面斩杀上官雄风,哪怕是他,也做不到啊! Xiao'er!!” 霄儿!!” Strong wind!!” “雄风!!” At the same time that one group of people who while just arrived were frightened, two angry old roaring sounds, spread over the entire Hidden Fog sect station just like the thunderclap. 正当刚到场的一群人都被吓到的同时,两道愤怒的苍老咆哮声,又是宛如炸雷般传遍了整个雾隐宗驻地。
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