VWUUTS :: Volume #1

#2: Startled changes

„......” “嘎……” A sharp brake sound resounds on the road, the blood crossflow, a woman lay down on the street, under the body full was the blood, had the traffic accident! 一阵尖利的刹车声在公路上响起,鲜血横流,一个女人躺在了马路上,身下满是鲜血,出车祸了! Well?” “咦?” He Yi knit the brows, the vehicle changes down suddenly. 何艺皱了皱眉,车子骤然降速。 Asked you, saved my wife, her had been hit, asking you......” about 50 -year-old high and low middle-aged man to throw the sob saying: Asked you to lead her to go to the hospital.” “求求你,救救我的老婆,她被人撞了,求求你……”一个大约50岁上下的中年男人扑上来哭泣道:“求求你带她去医院。” Oh? 哦? He Yi parking of without hesitation, said: Lu Chen, saves others first!” 何艺不假思索的停了车,说:“陆尘,先救人!” Um.” “嗯。” I just about to get out, the vision glance, actually discovered that a black automobile sped away to come, to hit the guard rail direct impact from the alley! 我刚要下车,目光一瞥,却发现一辆黑色汽车从小路上疾驰而来,撞断了护栏直冲了过来! It is not wonderful, this is...... I smelled the plot flavor! 不妙,这是……我闻到了阴谋的味道! Among the electric light flint the automobile has hit, I responded that must keep off with the body in front of He Yi, the He Yi attractive cheek flew the startled color: Does not want......” 电光火石间汽车撞了上来,我反应不及,只得用身体挡在何艺前面,何艺漂亮的脸蛋飞起惊色:“不要……” Bang!” “嘭!” With the bang sound, He Yi black racing car was hit to slide the road, but I am a head blank, under the huge impulse, He Yi fell on the driver seat, on the fair forehead presented a bloodstain. 伴随着巨响声,何艺的黑色跑车被撞得滑行出了公路,而我则是脑袋一片空白,巨大的冲击力下,何艺倒在了驾驶座上,白皙的额头上出现一丝血痕。 I go all out shook head, in the thick smoke, two whole face ugly and ferocious-looking people flushed, in the mouth was foul-mouthed: Had a look at that female death!” 我拼命的晃了晃脑袋,浓烟中,两个满脸横肉的人冲了过来,口中骂骂咧咧道:“看看那女的死了没有!” Really is the deliberate murder! 果然是蓄意杀人! I move hurriedly, the hands and feet has not been injured, but, carries on the back some aches. 我急忙动了动,手脚并未受伤,只是后背上有些疼痛。 Held He Yi to leave the vehicle, she already stupor in the past. 扶着何艺出了车子,她已经昏迷了过去。 Oh Shit, a boy, on a bit faster!” 妈-的,还有一个小子,快点上!” The two flushed, in the hand is taking an iron rod respectively, has hit rashly. 那两人冲了过来,手里各拿着一根铁棍,不由分说的打了上来。 Pu! 噗! Iron rod numerous hitting on my shoulder, the web ache transmits. 铁棍重重的打在我的肩膀上,钻心疼痛传来。 I cannot control that many, here is almost the unpopulated area, little has the vehicles to pass, I and He Yi fell into others carefully planned murder. 我也管不了那么许多,这里几乎是无人区,很少有车辆通过,我和何艺落入了别人精心策划的谋杀中。 Flies a foot, tramples on a lower abdomen of guy, he pain must cover the belly to squat immediately. 飞起一脚,踹在其中一个大汉的小腹上,他立刻痛得捂着肚子蹲下去。 I protect He Yi hurriedly in front, fast runs toward the road on, can only hope that some people passed through. 我急忙将何艺护在胸前,飞快往公路上跑去,只能希望有人经过了。 On the shoulder transmits sad ache once more, a faint trace blood appears by the white shirt in my front, He Yi remains unconscious, the eye shuts tightly, long eyelash that chilly beautiful. 肩膀上再次传来沉闷的疼痛,一丝丝鲜血透过白色衬衫出现在我的胸前,何艺昏迷不醒,眼睛紧闭,长长的睫毛那么凄美。 These time must protect her, cannot make her be injured again, even if defeats the surname life!” In this quarter, I was warning myself time and time again at heart. “这一次一定要保护好她,不能再让她受伤,哪怕拼掉姓命!”在这刻,我一次一次在心里告诫着自己。 Staggering along arrived on the road, the heaven has eyes, a private car speeds away. 跌跌爬爬的来到了公路上,苍天有眼,一辆私家车疾驰而来。 I keep off in the road center hurriedly, the following two goons brandish the iron rod to clash once more. 我急忙挡在路中心,后面两个打手挥舞铁棍再次冲来。 Opens the vehicle door!” “打开车门!” The middle-aged man who my loud [say / way], may drive does not want to provoke the right and wrong obviously, shrinking does not dare to open the door. 我大声道,可开车的中年男子显然不想招惹是非,畏畏缩缩的不敢开门。 Your Dammit opens the door to me!” I layer on layer fight with the fists on the vehicle door, the glass splits, he has opening the door fast. “你tmd的给我开门!”我重重一拳打在车门上,玻璃裂开,他只好飞快的开门。 Convenient the He Yi advancement car(riage), I shouts greatly: Hurry up, sends her to hospital!” 顺手的把何艺推进车里,我大喊道:“快点,送她去医院!” The middle-aged man must nod, in the eye actually flies panic-stricken, two guys pursued. 中年男子只得点头,眼中却飞起惊恐,两个大汉已经追了上来。 I could not leave, returns to turn around to protect the vehicle to drive away. 我已经是走不掉了,回转身护着车子开走。 Oh Shit, this boy daring misdemeanor, butchered him!” 妈-的,这小子竟敢坏事,宰了他!” On the guy face full is scar, grinned fiendishly to throw. 大汉脸上满是刀疤,狞笑着扑了过来。 I do not have too to struggle, the beforehand wound was too heavy, the whole body feels weak, kneeling down slowly on the ground. 我没有太多挣扎,之前的伤已经太重了,浑身乏力,缓缓的跪倒在地上。 Bang!” “嘭!” After the brain, receives one time to hit hard, the burning feeling transmits, dizzy, whole person numerous lying of poured above the road. 脑后受到一次重击,火辣辣的感觉传来,天旋地转,整个人重重的趴倒在了公路之上。 ...... …… A darkness, anything cannot see clearly. 一片黑暗,什么都看不清。 Did I die? 我死了吗? One after another was asking itself, nobody replied. 一句一句的问着自己,却无人回答。 I kneel in the darkness, suddenly sad desperate, before mother just before the end words as if near ear: Lu Chen, Take good care of yourself...... 我跪在黑暗中,忽然悲伤绝望,妈妈临终前的话语仿佛就在耳边:陆尘,好好照顾自己…… Mom, sorry, I have not achieved.” “妈妈,对不起,我没有做到。” Mom, I quite fear......” “妈妈,我好怕……” Is sobbing unceasingly, actually cannot open the mouth, cannot make any sound boundlessly, the whole person frightened and covers desperately. 不断的哭泣着,却张不了口,发不出任何声音,整个人被无边的恐惧与绝望笼罩。 , The ear broadcasts sound suddenly 忽地,耳边传来声音 Who this boy does not know is, what to do?” “这小子也不知道是谁,怎么办?” What to do? Has buried, Oh Shit, is this boy is meddlesome, he is courts death!” “怎么办?埋了,妈-的,都是这小子多事,他是自己找死!” Soon, I felt that the body is deeper and deeper, the consciousness completely vanishes finally. 不久之后,我感觉到身体越陷越深,意识终于完全消失。 ...... …… Late at night, the tranquil mountains and plains deserted village, new earth appear in the paddies. 深夜,宁静的山野荒村,一片新土出现在田地里。 Puchi! 噗嗤! Suddenly a light sound, an arm emerges as the times require. 忽然一声轻响,一条手臂破土而出。 Looks down to moisten the full soil arm, I almost am unable to believe that I was buried alive was so long, unexpectedly had not died, is this possible? 低头看着沾满泥土的手臂,我几乎无法相信,自己被活埋了那么久,居然还没有死去,这怎么可能? The shock turns around, discovers behind the soil in shallow holes still to turn out, I was buried 20 centimeters depth probably, the soil is very loose, such judgment words, the air perhaps enough breathes, had the explanation that did not die. 震惊转身,发现身后浅坑里的泥土兀自翻出,我大概被埋入20厘米的深度,泥土很松,这么判断的话,空气或许足够呼吸,就有不死的解释了。 „......” “呃……” Sends out a groan, after the brain, transmits the tear severe pain, that makes a staggering blow that my stupor was nearly killed be possible to really be heavy, but can escape dies, is actually the unfortunate great good fortune. 发出一声呻吟,脑后传来撕裂般的剧痛,那让我昏迷险些丧命的一闷棍可真是够重的,不过能够逃过一死,却是不幸中的大幸。 Observed the situation in all directions, all over the sky the stars, are the evening. 四处环视了一下,满天繁星,已经是晚上了。 My cell phone lost does not see, clothing on the shoulder by blood dyed red, was moved slightly then transmits one to rip the severe pain of heart intermittently. 我的手机已经丢失不见,身后肩膀上的衣物更是被鲜血染红,略微动弹便传来一阵阵撕心的剧痛。 When rejoices, was actually worried she who the He Yi situation, was admitted to the hospital is safe? Why these people must kill her, many riddles have not untied...... 庆幸之余,却又担心何艺的情况,被送往医院的她是否安全?为什么那些人要杀她,还有,还有许多谜团尚未解开…… Cannot think that many, went home to say first again, in the belly cluck makes noise, how long also did not know hungrily. 想不了那么多了,先回家再说,肚子里咕咕作响,也不知道饿了多久了。 The step limp arrived on the road, some doubts, when He Yi bitter experience danger, I unexpectedly without hesitation goes to keep off to injure for her with own body, this for what? 步履蹒跚的来到了公路上,有些疑惑,当何艺遭遇危险的时候,我竟然不假思索的用自己的身体去为她挡去伤害,这到底都是为了什么? Shook the head, why god knows is. 摇了摇头,天知道到底是为什么。 The suburb public transportation were extremely few, waits for a half hour to come one finally, driver with damn the expression visits me who boarded: Buddy, your falling down canal?” 郊区的公交车极少,等了半个多小时终于来了一辆,那司机用见鬼的表情看着上车的我:“哥们,你掉下水道了?” I nod smile: „, Really is almost unlucky.” 我点头一笑:“差不多,真晦气。” Jolts, the cell phone loses disappears, He Yi gives my Card luckily also, in this case, the following life has the safeguard, tomorrow evening will be the «Heaven's End» open saying child, cannot control the forces of nature in the game depending on my ability, at least will mix a food to eat or not have the issue. 一路颠簸,手机丢失不见了,幸好何艺给我的那张卡还在,这样的话,接下来的生活还是有保障的,明天晚上就是《天纵》开放的曰子,凭我的能力在游戏里就算不能呼风唤雨,至少混一口饭吃还是没有问题的。 Traces the back of the head, the ache, in the heart has a suspicion slightly throughout, underwent that heavy blunt instrument to stroke, perhaps the skull must burst, how long was also buried by the soil did not know, did I live to walk? 摸了摸后脑勺,还是微微疼痛,心中始终有个疑团,经受了那么重的钝器击打,恐怕脑壳都要破裂了,又被泥土埋了不知道多久,我是怎么活着走出来的? Turns head to have a look in the dim light of night my buried that region, has not developed the region, looks like buries the post very much likely randomly the appearance, low grave mounds stand in great numbers. 回头看看夜色中我被埋的那片区域,是个未开发区域,看起来很像是乱葬岗的样子,一座座低矮的坟头林立。 Has thought for a long time, I ridiculed myself suddenly: Ok, can live is coming back well, thinks that many do do.” 想了好久,我忽地嘲笑自己:“算了,能活着回来就好,想那么多干嘛。” ...... …… Returns to the dwelling time the weather entire was black, what I live is the one-bedroom room, monthly rent 2200 rmb, um, almost lives on the money owed last month does not get up, had been lucky giving money generously of brothers can get through the difficult time, naturally, the boy lent money to my price takes away a both hands sword of Low Rank God-tier level to satisfy a craving from my hand, but Soul's Trial almost will stop several days later also takes, these equipment in fact not too many values. 回到住处的时候已经天色全黑了,我居住的是一室一厅房,月租2200rmb,嗯,就在上个月差点就欠费住不起了,多亏了一个兄弟的慷慨解囊才得以渡过难关,当然,那小子借钱给我的代价就是从我手里拿走了一个低阶神器级的双手剑过过瘾,不过灵恸过几天也差不多停服了,那些装备事实上并没有太多价值。 Steps onto the gloomy staircase, the pulling out coming out key of custom, actually does not think that a person's shadow fled from my door. 走上阴暗的楼梯,习惯的掏出来钥匙,却不想一个人影从我的房门里窜了出来。 How Fuck ! you come back to the present, over the two days What's Up? went, doesn't meet the telephone?” 靠!你怎么到现在才回来,这两天干什么去了,连电话都不接?” Who I listened depending on the sound am. 光凭声音我已经听出来是谁了。 Brothers who Du Shi San, I most am better, so-called are better, is I wants your good thing, you want my good thing. And Du Shi San from the primary school classmate to university, the relations are good, has not shared besides the girlfriend, among us almost does not have what secret, naturally, reason that the girlfriend has not shared, that is because I do not have the girlfriend from the start, but the Du Shi San girlfriend has traded, changes the clothes to be quicker than the woman. 杜十三,我最要好的兄弟,所谓要好,就是我要你的好东西,你要我的好东西。跟杜十三从小学同学到大学,关系非常好,除了女朋友没有共享之外,我们之间几乎没有什么秘密,当然,之所以女朋友没有共享,那是因为我压根没有女朋友,而杜十三的女朋友则换了一茬又一茬,比女人换衣服还要快。 Taking advantage of the dim light, Du Shi San visits me, amazed [say / way]: Lu Chen, do you do that distressedly? Oh, I heard, you were killed by [Chaos Illumination] delete the number...... Ok, [Chaos Illumination] such as says culmination now, has hoodwinked the public in China, your [Ancient Sword Dream] truly is unable with it contending.” 借着昏暗的灯光,杜十三看着我,惊诧道:“陆尘,你怎么搞得那么狼狈?唉,我听说了,你被烛影乱杀得删号……算了,烛影乱现在如曰中天,在中国已经是一手遮天了,你们古剑魂梦确实无法与之抗衡。” I show a faint smile, am patting the shoulder of Du Shi San, said: All right, sees through, [Chaos Illumination] now pinnacle for a while, but flourishes and decline, moreover was killed deletes the number, minor matter, the young people, want optimistically.” 我微微一笑,拍着杜十三的肩膀,说:“没事,看开点,烛影乱现在盛极一时,但是盛极必衰,而且不过是被杀得删号而已,小事一件而已,年轻人,要乐观一点。” Optimistic your younger sister......” Du Shi San is resigned-looking: Is I comforts your, you comfort my......” “乐观你妹……”杜十三一脸无奈:“到底是我来安慰你的,还是你来安慰我的……” 13, you how here?” I stare saying: Tomorrow evening is the Heaven's End open saying child, don't you go back to prepare to keep in stock well to run up to my What's Up??” “13,你怎么在我这里?”我瞪眼道:“明天晚上就是天纵开放的曰子,你不好好回去准备库存跑到我这里干什么?” Du Shi San has nipped a cucumber, reveals the panic-stricken color: „Did you cross silly? Will official opening of Heaven's End at 12 : 00 pm, turn tomorrow?” 杜十三咬了口黄瓜,露出惊骇之色:“你过糊涂了?天纵的正式开放是在今天晚上12点啊,怎么变成明天了?” What? Today?! Today...... Is several?” I am somewhat blurry. “什么?今天?!今天……是几号?”我有些迷糊。 10 th, not?” “10号,难道不是吗?” 10 th......” “10号……” I was shocked all of a sudden, I and He Yi meeting is 8 th, today is actually 10 th, I already stupor in soil a day a night? How is this possible?! 我一下子愣住了,我和何艺的见面是8号,今天却是10号,难道说,我已经在泥土里昏迷了一天一夜?这怎么可能?! Hello, you are all right, Brother?” “喂,你没事吧,兄弟?” Du Shi San is patting my shoulder, asked: Appearance that is absentminded? Today is 10 th, has what not to be right?” 杜十三拍着我的肩膀,问:“怎么失魂落魄的样子?今天是10号,难道有什么不对吗?” I deeply inspired, said: All right, said that today Heaven's End must open, how do you have free time to run up to here to stroll?” 我深吸了口气,笑着说:“没事,这么说今天天纵就要开放了,你怎么还有空跑到我这里闲逛?” „, Your does not have conscience!” The Du Shi San saliva scatters: Several days cannot contact with you, I worried that you do have to hang to come to have a look, since you came back, I went back, almost before 12 : 00 proficient, we play to say goodbye! Said quickly that what ID you plan to call, is Fallen Dust?” “靠,你个没良心的!”杜十三口水四溅:“几天联系不到你,我担心你有没有挂掉才过来看看,既然你回来了,那我回去了,差不多在12点前到家,我们游戏里再见!快说,你打算叫什么id,还是落尘吗?” I do not know that you, what didn't call probably?” “我不知道,大概不是了,你呢,叫什么?” I do not know, the person who snatches were too many, I wanted to call the natural brother and handsome variant anything, but looks like the opportunity of snatching is not big.” “我也不知道,抢注的人太多了,我本来想要叫潇洒哥、英俊侠什么的,不过看起来抢注到的机会不大。” Um, you go back first, waited for the Novice village to relate again is not late.” “嗯,那你先回去吧,等出了新手村再联系也不迟。” Good, I walked first, had several jin (0.5 kg) to cut the beef to you dry, wants to drink several cups with you, you came back was too late, next time.” “好,我先走了,给你带了几斤干切牛肉,本来想跟你喝几杯,你回来的太晚了,下次吧。” I raise one's head to have a look, truly, on table is putting one bag of beef, one bottle of white liquor, raise at heart warm feeling, mixed that many years, has brothers. 我伸头看看,确实,桌子上放着一袋牛肉,还有一瓶二锅头,心里不禁升起一股暖意,混了那么多年,好歹有个兄弟。 13 walked, pull-off long the shade mark under the street light, he is not the master in the game, even can include the newbie ranks, others can leave behind a legend on Jiang Hu, he can only leave behind a back. 13走了,在路灯下拖出长长的影迹,他在游戏里算不上高手,甚至可以列入菜鸟的行列,别人在江湖上都能留下一段传说,他只能留下个背影。
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