VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#706: Small child in such an arrangement

Teacher? Regarding their two looked at one to stand with Aburame Shino and Inuzuka Kiba of Hinata same group subconsciously in one side adviser Yūhi Kurenai, the advisers of their reconnaissance squad without a doubt were such black hair and red eyes beautiful woman Jōnin. However Hinata takes the Konoha wealthy and powerful family Hyuga princess, having such another adviser is normal. 老师?对于和雏田同一组的油女志乃犬冢牙他们两个下意识地看了一眼正站在一侧的指导老师夕日红,他们这个侦察班的指导老师毫无疑问就是这么一个黑发红瞳的美女上忍。不过雏田作为木叶豪族日向的公主,有这么另外一个指导老师非常正常。 However looks that Le Yuan this extremely strange face also has that being in sharp contrast eye, Aburame Shino and Inuzuka Kiba these two little fellows were somewhat strange. How after all can be worth the Hinata such excited adviser saying that should also be the elite of Jōnin rank, do not look at Hinata now is the Yūhi Kurenai student, but said that warm really did not have this to come at present intensely. 不过看着乐渊这张极为陌生的脸还有那黑白分明眼睛,油女志乃犬冢牙这两个小家伙有些陌生了。毕竟能够值得雏田这么激动的指导老师怎么说也应该是上忍级别的精英,别看雏田现在是夕日红的学生,但是说道热情还真没眼前这位来得强烈。 However let alone these two young people have no impression to Le Yuan, rises Jōnin shortly after Yūhi Kurenai is also not familiar with Le Yuan continually. Feels the Le Yuan as if a little impression in her mind vaguely, but actually is what person unable to think. 不过别说这两个年纪不大的人对乐渊没什么印象,连升上上忍没多长时间的夕日红同样对乐渊不熟悉。只是在她的脑海之中依稀觉得乐渊似乎有点印象,不过究竟是什么样的人却怎么也想不起来。 Hyūga Hinata, had almost elite Chūnin by all-round strength present her to especially on level, but by having her Martial Arts destructive power exceeded most Jōnin. Any by Ninja that her self-satisfied attack hits, undying is calculated his vitality is tenacious. 日向雏田,论综合实力现在的她差不多有了精英中忍到特上的水平,而论起她的体术破坏力则超越了绝大多数的上忍。任何被她的得意攻击击中的忍者,不死算他生命力顽强。 This being different from Hyūga Clan powerful destructive power made her very difficult and two coordinates, after all the original setting was they are only one group of scouts, but far exceeded other two's Hinata to have the two faintly drops out , to continue the momentum of progressing by leaps and bounds. 这种有别于日向一族强大破坏力令她很难和其他两人配合,毕竟原本的设定就是他们只是一组侦察兵而已,而远超另外两人的雏田隐隐有将其他两人抛下,继续突飞猛进的势头。 Un Fourth Hokage, I want to apply for long-term village Quest, moreover I want to bring Hinata to have the village to cultivate temporarily, Ok?” “嗯四代目火影,我想申请长期出村任务,另外我想带着雏田暂时出村修炼,可以吗?” Since saw Hinata, Le Yuan then planned that is continue discipline her while convenient, if the luck is good also to help her enough obtain a big chance. Moreover treats with it regarding present Hinata in Konoha wastes the time, might as well while young become stronger. 既然看到了雏田,乐渊便打算顺带着继续对她进行磨练,而且如果运气够好的话还有可能让她获得一个大机缘。而且对于现在的雏田而言与其待在木叶村浪费时间,不如趁着年轻变得更强。 Does not have first to comply regarding Le Yuan proposition Namikaze Minato , after all the Hinata status is not an average person. Even if Le Yuan once were the Hinata teacher, now in this situation wants to bring Hinata to have the village alone is not an easy matter, Hyūga Clan regarded as their Star of Tomorrow Hinata. 对于乐渊的提议波风水门没有第一时间答应,毕竟雏田的身份不是普通人。就算乐渊曾经是雏田的老师,现在这种情况下想要单独带着雏田出村也不是件容易事,日向一族可是将雏田视为他们的明日之星 However by the idea of Namikaze Minato , making Hinata follow Le Yuan to continue to practice is a good deed. After all Hinata other strengthen way people are also hard to direct, her Martial Arts is completely different in Konoha Style Strong Fist and Gentle Fist, Might Guy or Hyūga Clan are hard to meddle in her exercise, even some people want to imitate time is hard to achieve. 不过以波风水门的想法,让雏田跟着乐渊继续修行是一件好事。毕竟雏田的变强方式其他人也难以指点,她的体术完全迥异于木叶流刚拳和柔拳,无论是迈特凯还是日向一族都难以插手于她的锻炼,甚至有人想要模仿的时候都难以做到。 When Le Yuan arrives at the Hyuga mansion with the Hinata step again, Le Yuan understood finally anything is called Queen Aura. Also somewhat timid Hinata in front of Le Yuan, returned to Hyūga Clan to look like changes resembled personally. 乐渊随着雏田的步伐再一次来到日向大宅时,乐渊总算了解到了什么才叫做女王气场。原本在乐渊面前还有些怯懦的雏田,一回到日向一族就像是变了个人似的。 Now where is Otou-sama at?” 父亲大人现在在哪?” Just walked into the Hyūga Clan territory, Hinata then on the one hand grasps Hyuga clan clansman collar cold sound who right just passed by to ask. 刚刚走入日向一族的领地,雏田便一手抓住了右边一个刚刚路过的日向族族人衣领冷声问道。 Hinata Eldest Miss, Patriarch he as if neutralizes the elders to have the matter to consult in the main family mansion, what you also do have to tell?” 雏田大小姐,族长他似乎在宗家大宅中和长老们有事情相商,您还有什么吩咐?” This Hyūga Clan clansman saw is the Hinata inquiry time immediately becomes respectful, on the face brings unequalled respectful, as if receives the obligation to feel the unusual glory to oneself evidently. 这名日向一族的族人见到是雏田询问的时候顿时变得恭恭敬敬,脸上带着无与伦比的恭敬,看样子似乎对自己受到驱使觉得非常的荣耀。 „, Really is troublesome, without your matter......” “切,真是麻烦,没你的事了……” Hinata cast off this Hyuga clansman, obtains news her to lead Le Yuan to go to the Hyuga main family mansion hurriedly. 雏田将这个日向族人甩开,得到了消息的她风风火火地领着乐渊前往了日向宗家大宅。 Patriarch Hyūga Hiashi regarding appearing Le Yuan is also very surprised, but surprised that will be does not dare to idle from now on greeting, after all as Hinata father, Hyūga Hiashi very clear Hinata can have today's level to have the effort of Le Yuan this teacher besides her own effort. 族长日向日足对于出现的乐渊也是很惊讶,不过惊讶过后那是更加不敢懈怠了招呼,毕竟作为雏田父亲,日向日足非常清楚雏田能够有今日的水准除了她自己的努力之外更有乐渊这个老师的努力。 Sits in seat of honor Hyūga Hiashi looks that is carrying the tea not to know is thinking anything's Le Yuan is smiling, two world one asked questions and other answered seem like very harmonious. However quick Hyūga Hiashi will be daily changes to trivially brought at the matter that Hinata practices regarding Le Yuan. 坐在主位的日向日足看着正端着茶水不知道在想些什么的乐渊微笑着,两人间一问一答看起来非常地和谐。不过很快日向日足就将日常琐碎转到了对于乐渊雏田修行的事情上。 Does not know how Mr. Le Yuan prepares to train the daughter, but how long this time is the village about to leave? Three months? A half year? Also or for a long time?” “不知道乐渊先生准备如何训练小女,而这一次出村又准备离开多久呢?三个月?半年?亦或者更长时间?” After all is own daughter, even among two people has not imagined is so intimate, but Hyūga Hiashi still inquired all affairs big or small. 毕竟是自己的女儿,就算两人之间并没有想象中的那么亲密,但是日向日足依然事无巨细地询问道。 Teacup of Le Yuan in the hand put down, looks at one opposite to kneel to sit neatly lowered the head to wait for there Hinata, after long shouted the one breath , said: Hyuga Patriarch please feel relieved, this practicing will not put in Hinata the danger time absolutely, but in the time I am unable to you an accurate number, to range from a half year, to for a year, perhaps will also drag longer, the place that after all practices is somewhat troublesome.” 乐渊将手中茶杯放下,看了一眼对面工工整整地跪坐在那里低头等待着的雏田,长呼了一口气后后说道:“日向族长请放心,这一次的修行绝对不会将雏田置于危险之中,不过时间上我也无法给你一个准确的数字,少则半年,多则一年,也许还会拖得更长,毕竟修行的地点有些麻烦。” Hyūga Hiashi complied finally, after all must depend on the strength speech in Ninja World, can further enhance the Hinata strength, agreed as Hyūga Clan Patriarch him surely. 日向日足最终还是答应了下来,毕竟在忍界还是要靠实力说话的,能够进一步提升雏田的实力,作为日向一族族长的他必定同意。 However two days later Le Yuan prepares the village, the troublesome fellow comes on own initiative. This fellow is not others Hyūga Neji, before seeing only he pursues debt rushed to the Le Yuan two people, are about to leave probably all of a sudden. 不过当两天之后乐渊准备出村的时候,麻烦的家伙主动找上了门。这个家伙不是别人正是日向宁次,只见他像是追债似的一下子冲到了正准备离开的乐渊两人身前。 Hinata Eldest Miss, you cannot leave with this unauthentic fellow! Entire Konoha loves truly your, only then I! My Hyūga Neji is willing on under the mountain of sword the sea of fire for you, even if Sage of Six Paths appears on the path that you go forward, I am still willing to fight for you......” 雏田大小姐,你不能跟这种来路不明的家伙离开!整个木叶村真正爱您的只有我啊!我日向宁次愿意为您上刀山下火海,就算是六道仙人出现在您前进的道路上,我也愿意为您一战……” Hyūga Neji was saying was saying kneels down on the already single knee, must throw shortly directly goes forward to hold the thigh of Hinata. But Hinata actually seemed like already to see through his move early, the right hand got hold of the fist to pound close to the speed fist of 1/5 speeds of sound, in Neji that on face that opened eldest child pair of Byakugan. 日向宁次说着说着就已经单膝跪下,眼看就要直接扑上前去抱雏田的大腿了。而雏田却像是早已经看穿了他这一招似的,右手握紧了拳头以接近五分之一音速的速度一拳砸在了宁次的那张睁得老大一双白眼的脸上。 After the loud sound of bang, simply does not have or simply not to plan Neji that with enough time dodges was walked flies high to reverse N circle later to run upon nearby wall. Neji brings the huge kinetic energy entire to crack-up the wall all of a sudden, according to the sound average person encounters such hitting hard already whole body bone disruption, internal organs explodes dead absolutely. 轰的一声巨响之后,根本没有来得及或者说根本没有打算闪躲的宁次被走得凌空反转了n圈之后一头撞上了一旁的墙壁。宁次带着巨大的动能一下子就将墙壁整个撞碎,根据声响一般人遭遇这样的重击绝对已经全身骨头碎裂,内脏爆裂而死。 After is peaceful, Neji actually felt the hit cheeks stood from the ruins. 而当一切安静之后,宁次却摸着自己被打的脸颊从废墟之中站了起来。 Strength control well, Hinata!” 力量控制得不错,雏田!” Le Yuan looks that Neji gets up from the ground, was saying to shaking the fist Hinata. Although Neji just action made Hinata not feel comfortably, but her cousin, therefore just that fist used the art in the final analysis, not only control own Strength is shifting Strength across the body of Neji to the wall on, but also reduced as far as possible to the Neji sequela. 乐渊看着宁次从地上起来,对着挥拳的雏田称赞道。宁次刚刚的举动虽然令雏田感觉不舒服,但是说到底还是她的堂哥,所以刚刚的那一拳用了巧劲,不但控制着自己的力量穿过宁次的身体将力量转移到墙壁上,而且尽可能减轻对宁次的后遗症。 Is the teacher teaches well!” Heard Le Yuan praise Hinata that just to the Neji cold severe face one red, later to is crawling Neji to reprimand again: Elder Brother Neji, I had said many times, my matter does not need you to manage, moreover Byakugan to me, you be not letting me feel the nausea!” “是老师教得好!”听到乐渊的夸奖雏田那刚刚对着宁次冷厉的脸不由一红,随后对着再度爬起来宁次斥责道:“宁次哥哥,我说过许多次了,我的事情不需要你管,而且别把白眼对着我,你让我觉得恶心!” Byakugan, has Bloodline Limit of perspective/see through ability. Naturally this does not belong to Dōjutsu (Eye Technique) of sexual harasser, although here perspective/see through can conduct a street to penetrate most objects according to eyes power, the object that but sees through Byakugan is actually not the happiness that the average person thinks. 白眼,具备透视能力的血继界限。当然这并非属于色狼的瞳术,这里的透视虽然能够根据瞳力进行条街穿透绝大多数物体,但是通过白眼看到的物体却绝非一般人所想的美好。 To the person uses, Byakugan by the human body that the clothes see often is the human form that various meridians blood vessels compose, does not have the ability of peeping. How however is not again easy-to-use, in this world always does not lack the rare talent in this aspect, the brain of Hyūga Neji makes up ability already to the situation that ordinary person was inconceivable. 对人使用的时候,白眼透过衣服看到的人体往往是各种经脉血管组成的人形,并不具备偷窥的能力。不过再怎么不好用,这世上总不缺少在这方面的奇才,日向宁次的脑补能力已经到了常人难以想象的地步。 Depends on all sorts of brains to make up, can actually achieve the class/flow nosebleed the degree. Also as a result of the custom of Neji, making Hyūga Hinata not have the favorable impression regarding this Hyūga Clan rare talent cousin, on the contrary always one type got angry is flat a he impulsion. 靠着种种脑补,竟然能够达到流鼻血的程度。也正是由于宁次的这种习惯,令日向雏田对于这个日向一族少有的天才堂哥并不具备好感,相反总有一种怒扁他一顿的冲动。 Hinata Eldest Miss I will not give up, I love your truly, this fellow disappeared inexplicably the entire 8 years, harmed you to flow many tears, forgot him, my mind/bosom opened wide for you forever......” 雏田大小姐我不会放弃的,我才是真正爱您的那一个,这个家伙不明不白消失了整整八年,害您流了多少次泪,忘了他吧,我的胸怀永远为您敞开……” Has saying that Hyūga Neji already of this world is morbid state siscon, even if Hyūga Clan, for an inheritance of clan does not forbid person union in a clan, but looks like the Hyūga Neji so crazy person is actually rare. 不得不说这个世界的日向宁次已经是个病态的妹控,就算日向一族为了一族的传承并不禁止一族内的人结合,但是像日向宁次这般疯狂的人却是少有的一个。 Pursues Hinata the matter regarding Hyūga Neji, Hyūga Hiashi until now maintains the attitude that is not encouraging not to forbid, after all regarding his younger brother's son is very tolerant, if the Hyūga Neji talent does not have the new generation who the rise of Hinata is deserves to be strongest, in this situation to facilitate the rise of Hyūga Clan he hopes very much two people can arrive at the same place. 对于日向宁次雏田的这件事情,日向日足一直以来都保持着不鼓励不禁止的态度,毕竟对于他弟弟的儿子还是很宽容的,况且日向宁次的天赋如果没有雏田的崛起是当之无愧的新一代最强,这种情况下为了促成日向一族的崛起他还是很希望两人能够走到一起。 Looks that pesters Hyūga Neji that are not putting, the Hinata patience is also vanishing little, to her can follow close on the Le Yuan step to practice with great difficulty together, this type and Le Yuan were been innumerable by her daydream in the together opportunity, where can by Neji this sticky candy tying down. 看着纠缠着自己不放的日向宁次,雏田的耐心也在一点点消失,对于她而言好不容易能够紧跟着乐渊的步伐一起修行,这种和乐渊在一起的机会可是被她遐想了无数次,哪能被宁次这个牛皮糖给缠住。 Hinata just wants to lift a hand fist to knock down Neji, but she just gripped right fist time big hand already according to her shoulder. Hinata looks the heart that own right side Le Yuan, wants to begin stood still immediately. 雏田正想抬起手一拳将宁次打晕,但是她刚刚握住右拳的时候一只大手已经按在了她的肩膀上。雏田看着自己右侧的乐渊,原本还想动手的心顿时停歇了下来。 Gives me to process, the girl selects gently!” “交给我处理,女孩还是文静点好!” Le Yuan looks that must pull up the arm Hinata that shortly goes on stage to fight, is no longer silent, how regardless of after all to see that this Hyūga Neji is looks his, after did not hit to take him, havenot really can be peaceful. 乐渊看着眼看就要撩胳膊上场战斗的雏田,也是不再沉默,毕竟无论怎么看这个日向宁次都是来找他的,不把他打服了以后还真不得安宁。 Hyūga Hinata retreats toward the one side, even passed these year of Le Yuan strengths in her heart as before is not shakable most powerhouse. 日向雏田向着一旁退去,就算过去了这么些年乐渊的实力在她心中依旧是无可动摇的最强者。 Is you! I will certainly show to Hinata Eldest Miss, I love her truly!” “就是你!我一定会向雏田大小姐证明,我才是真正爱她的那一个!” Hyūga Neji was saying posture that exhibited Gentle Fist, although this Neji words became a lot much, but the strength not only on the mouth skin, oneself strength was also not weak in Le Yuan once that in No. 1 world Chūnin test. 日向宁次说着摆出了柔拳的姿势,虽然这个宁次的话变得多了不少,但是实力却不仅仅在嘴皮上,自身实力同样不弱于乐渊曾经在一号世界中忍考试上遇到的那个。 Oh you were too tender......” Le Yuan to say body fiercely before the body of Hyūga Neji vanished, felt must Neji changed to revolve immediately, chakra in within the body released without any reservation, type 【Revolving Heaven】 must prevent any attack from Le Yuan inevitably. “唉你还太嫩了……”乐渊说着身体猛地从日向宁次的身前消失,感到要遭的宁次顿时变招旋转起来,体内的查克拉毫不保留地释放,一式【回天】势必要阻挡来自乐渊的任何攻击。 【Revolving Heaven】? Perfect defense? 【回天】?完美防御? The number of times is not infrequent by Le Yuan has broken, this great power could block in Ninja World continent same level is as for the attack of high upper strength, the disparity that but Hyūga Neji and Le Yuan see only was really big, to Le Yuan did not need any move, only then can find the engagement in Neji this move to expose to split depending on own eyesight. 乐渊破过的次数不在少数,这回天在忍界大陆中或许能够挡住同级乃至于高上一级实力的攻击,但是日向宁次乐渊只见的差距实在是太大了,大到乐渊根本不需要任何招数,仅凭自身的眼力便能找到宁次这一招内的衔接点破绽。 A fist, merely is a simplest straight punch. Superficially does not have the special strength not to bring huge chakra, depends on a fist that the physical body Strength wields merely. 一拳,仅仅是最简单的一记直拳。从表面上来看既不带着特殊的劲力也没有带着庞大的查克拉,仅仅是靠着肉体的力量挥出的一拳。 But under this fist the absolute defense of Neji disintegrates, but the Neji whole person throws to fly again, was good because of Le Yuan has not wanted this fist murder the meaning, after Neji departed, to enter in the ruins again. 而这一拳之下宁次的绝对防御土崩瓦解,而宁次整个人再一次抛飞出去,好在乐渊没有想要这一拳杀人的意思,宁次飞出后再一次进入到了废墟内。 Breaks down, Neji lying on back on ruins, although Le Yuan receives Strength that Strength however he also lost moved temporarily. 垮啦,宁次仰躺在废墟上,虽然乐渊收了力量但是他也失去了暂时移动的力量 Saw? Among your me the Strength disparity, brave is never wrong, but ignorant is actually the biggest mistake, I have no interest in you, is not in no mood to pay attention to your emotional problem, but be not entangling my student before me, these words I do not want to say second!” “看到了吗?你我之间的力量差距,勇敢从来不是错误,但是无知却是最大的错误,我对你没兴趣,也没心情理会你的感情问题,但是别在我面前缠着我的学生,这句话我不想说第二遍!” It is not in no mood to listen to the Neji answer, Le Yuan took charge of Hinata to leave Konoha. 也没心情听宁次的答案,乐渊直接领着雏田离开了木叶村
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