VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#686: Finals( one)

Ninja Calendar on August 6 , 60, long-waited Chūnin test finals finally after the third round of preliminary contest ended one month to launch again. Almost all participants put out full spirit to anticipate oncoming of finals, but Konoha similarly to show the strength of head of Five Great Ninja Villages, this final competition demonstrated that gave many visiting honored guests. 忍历60年8月6日,万众期待的中忍考试决赛终于在第三轮预赛结束后的一个月再度展开。几乎所有的参赛者都是拿出了十足的精神期待着决赛的来临,而木叶同样为了展示五大忍村之首的实力,将这最后的比赛展示给了众多的来访贵客。 The celebrities from upper level various great nations gathers on this day in the Konoha arena, is watches this unprecedented Chūnin test. After all this Chūnin test has exceptionally rare joke, the already exterminated an entire family Uchiha Clan orphan also has the showdown of child of current Kazekage, it can be said that in recent years Chūnin takes a test the most fascinating topic. 来自各大国的名流上层纷纷在这一天汇聚于木叶竞技场内,为的就是观看这一次盛况空前的中忍考试。毕竟这一次的中忍考试可是有着异常难得的噱头,已经被灭门的宇智波一族的遗孤还有现任风影之子的对决,可以说是近几年中忍考试最引人入胜的话题。 But Le Yuan looks that is actually lived to shake the head by the honored guest who this unprecedented duel brings in numerously, regarding Third Hokage of warm conversation is quite more disappointed with Fake Kazekage. He who after all already has received the Orochimaru invasion message, this matter's action without doubt is an exceptionally willful behavior, let alone present Konoha early already is more precarious, he still has not brought to the due attention. 乐渊看着众多被这场盛况空前的决斗引来的嘉宾却是不住摇头,更是对于正在和“假风影”热情交谈的三代目火影颇为失望。毕竟早就已经收到大蛇丸入侵消息的他,此事的举动无疑是一种异常任性的行为,更何况现在的木叶已经风雨飘摇,他依然没有引起足够的重视。 Must say this month, the most noteworthy matter is anything, probably was a short time ago the event of Konoha specially Jōnin Gekkō Hayate tragic death. As one by sabreplay well-known Konoha on especially, even if the Gekkō Hayate body is ill, not possible Quietus dead in Konoha, this explained without doubt present Konoha already had the big problem. 要说这一个多月的时间,最值得注意的事情是什么,大概就是前不久木叶特别上忍月光疾风惨死的事件。作为一名以刀术闻名的木叶特上,就算月光疾风身体抱恙,也不大可能无声无息死在木叶村里面,这无疑说明现在的木叶已经出现了大问题。 Hyūga Clan and Konoha roots as well as numerous Ninja Clan unite in together, so long as Third Hokage wants, makes the big trouble by Ninja quantity basic impossible that Sunagakure and Otogakure invade. 日向一族木叶根部以及众多忍族联合在一起,只要三代目火影愿意,以砂隐村音隐村入侵进来的忍者数量根本不可能惹出多大的麻烦。 The original 1 st in the match field is Uchiha Sasuke VS Gaara of the Sand Waterfall, this most can detonate the fight of entire conference site atmosphere. However and original storyline is ordinary, Uchiha Sasuke learned Kakashi that love late problem, therefore has to press to conduct this competition finally. 原定比赛第一场便是宇智波佐助VS沙暴之我爱罗,这场最能引爆整个会场气氛的战斗。不过还是和原本的剧情一般,宇智波佐助还是学会了卡卡西那爱迟到的毛病,因此不得不将这一场比赛压到了最后进行。 On the scene knows very well one group of people of competition advancement to sob, lets the atmosphere of entire conference site one cold. However is good because of this time examination official Shiranui Genma that substitutes Gekkō Hayate is one extremely the person who is good at watching a person's every mood, before seeing the atmosphere does not oppose immediately, announced that the second competition starts. 在场熟知比赛进程的一群人纷纷唏嘘起来,让整个会场的氛围为止一冷。不过好在这次替代月光疾风的考官不知火玄间是一个极善于察言观色的人,一见现场的氛围不对立马上前宣布第二场比赛开始。 Official match's second Konoha Uzumaki Naruto VS Sunagakure Kankurō, this perhaps and was inferior that beforehand that jokes, but still makes the people of many watching excited. A side from the material knew that from the academy period is lowest ranking, however scores an upset in the Chūnin test greatly has projected on Uzumaki Naruto of official match, the other side similarly is the Fourth Kazekage son. 正式赛第二场木叶漩涡鸣人VS沙隐勘九郎,这或许并不如之前的那一场有噱头,不过依然让众多观看的人兴奋不已。一方从资料上得知是从学院时期就是吊尾车,但是在中忍考试中大爆冷门一直打到正式赛的漩涡鸣人,另一方则同样是四代目风影的儿子。 However the expectation is bigger disappointedly bigger, when Uzumaki Naruto jumps down the field to want with enthusiastically Kankurō contends, Kankurō actually directly raises own right hand to announce the forfeit. 不过期望越大失望越大,就在漩涡鸣人兴匆匆地跳下场想要和勘九郎一决雌雄的时候,勘九郎却直接举起了自己的右手宣布弃权。 This looks like you simply enthusiastically in one day and long-desired goddess bridges over a rampart and second base, wants, when the evening conducts the third base even home run, your girlfriend actually told you her is a day natural disposition barren woman desolate feels disappointed generally. 这简直就像是你兴匆匆地在一天之间和心仪已久的女神跨过一垒、二垒,就要在晚上进行三垒甚至全垒打的时候,你的女友竟然告诉你她是个天生性石女性冷淡一般扫兴。 The first even/including two competitions fizzle out in this form, the training very good this time of honored guest even if watching a sports contest unable to sit still, suddenly in the entire arena is covering the noisy complaint. 一连两场比赛都以这种形式告吹,就算是来观赛的嘉宾的修养很好此时也是坐不住了,一时间整个竞技场内笼罩着嘈杂的抱怨声。 „, I said that do not forfeit? Did to be possible again on the important criminal popular anger, even if you two hit still to start false two, today the great person may be many!” “咳咳,我说你们两个不会也要弃权吧?再这么搞下去可就要犯众怒了,你们两个就算是假打也要开始来两下,今天来的大人物可不少啊!” Even if Shiranui Genma emotional quotient is high, argument to be agile enough, still somewhat feels helpless facing present such situation, immediately draws following one group of two players to ask low voice. 不知火玄间就算是情商再高、口舌足够利索,面对现在这样的情况也有些不知所措,随即拉着下面一组的两位参赛选手小声地问道。 Following one group of person Temari and Nara Shikamaru, originally with the Nara Shikamaru character, so long as he does not want to enter the official match if as expected, feared that troublesome he wished one could oneself invitational meet to leave the stage, now leads a group teacher's request to participate on oneself. 接下来的一组人正是手鞠奈良鹿丸,原本以奈良鹿丸的性格,只要不出意外的话他是根本不想打进正式赛的,怕麻烦的他恨不得自己预选赛就退场了,现在不过是应自己领队老师的要求来参赛。 If were not the beforehand two competitions presented such big careless mistake, even if Shiranui Genma did not say, he must raise the right hand to forfeit directly. However now Shiranui Genma words speaking of this, but the situation becomes such strange, he now is also involuntary, has to brace oneself the nod to comply to participate. 如果不是之前两场比赛出现了这么大的纰漏,就算不知火玄间自己不说,他也要直接举起右手弃权来着。不过现在不知火玄间都把话说到这份上了,而现场的情况又变得这么奇怪,他现在也是身不由己,不得不硬着头皮点头答应参赛。 But another Temari cannot forfeit similarly, because just the Kankurō that extremely not normal automatic forfeit kept the strength, causes with be the pressure that Sand Ninja she bears is very big, cannot make what unusual action to lead to the controversy. 而另一个手鞠同样是不能弃权,由于刚刚勘九郎那极为不正常的自动弃权保留实力,使得同为沙忍的她承受的压力很大,根本不能在做出什么异常举动引来非议。 The third competition normally conducts is to make the atmosphere of arena return to warmer weather finally, but wrestling with wits between Shikamaru and Temari spars is to make one crowd not see many powerful officials of Ninja fight to look looks at steadily. 第三场比赛的正常进行总算是令竞技场的气氛有所回暖,而鹿丸手鞠之间的斗智斗法更是令一群没有见过多少忍者战斗的权贵看得目不转睛。 However the final result of this fight somewhat is regrettable, Shikamaru surrenders to admit defeat by chakra exhausted finally. Caused to look at luxurious one group of people to send out several complaints, after all they see a quite normal competition today. 不过这一场战斗的最终结局却有些令人遗憾,鹿丸最终以查克拉耗尽而投降认输。使得看得正酣的一群人不由发出了几声抱怨,毕竟他们今天来才看到一场比较正常的比赛。 Official match's fourth, started as the showdown of today's competition next to last act. A side is nowadays rich and powerful family Hyūga Clan genius Hyūga Neji, the other side is stems from Otogakure continuously unknown Le Yuan that but amazes the world with a single brilliant feat in the Chūnin competition. 正式赛第四场,原本作为今日比赛压轴的一场对决开始了。一方是现如今豪门日向一族的天才人物日向宁次,另一方则是出自音隐村一直名不见经传但在中忍比赛中一鸣惊人的乐渊 This showdown can say that is as good as fight between Uchiha Sasuke and Gaara, in which participant Hyūga Neji went on stage to detonate the atmosphere of audience immediately, that Hyūga Clan symbolic Byakugan was well-known in entire Ninja World for a long time. 这一场对决可以说丝毫不亚于宇智波佐助我爱罗之间的战斗,当其中的一名参赛者日向宁次一上场顿时引爆了全场的气氛,那日向一族标志性的白眼可是在整个忍界闻名已久。 On, Neji, do not lose to that Otogakure fellow, revenges for Little Lee!” Tenten of same group is shouting to arena in Neji greatly. “上啊,宁次,一定不要输给那个音忍村的家伙,替小李报仇!”同一组的天天对着竞技场内的宁次大喊道。 Almost is exactly the same as Tenten, nearly all cockroach this matter stand that side Neji, after all is the partner in same village, in addition Le Yuan indeed is the risk is too big, almost all people do not hope that Le Yuan rises in this Chūnin test. 天天几乎如出一辙,近乎所有的小强此事都是站在宁次那一边的,毕竟是同一村的伙伴,再加上乐渊的确是危险性太大,几乎所有人都不希望乐渊在这一次的中忍考试中崛起。 Hou, cannot see your call is very big? However can your strength be joined to such call? Talent Neji!” “嚯,看不出你的呼声还是挺大的吗?不过你的实力配得上这样的呼声吗?天才宁次!” Le Yuan looks that less than five meters Hyūga Neji said. Although Shiranui Genma has not announced the competition to start, but Hyūga Neji already aimed at Le Yuan murderous aura. Perhaps has treated as the opponent who Le Yuan in him must defeat, not only for he himself, for his teammate Little Lee. 乐渊看着里自己不到五米的日向宁次如是说道。虽然不知火玄间还没有宣布比赛开始,但是不过日向宁次已经杀气对准了乐渊。恐怕在他心里早就把乐渊当作了必须战胜的对手,不仅仅是为了他自己,也是为了他的队友小李 In Shiranui Genma announced the instance that the competition starts, Hyūga Neji exhibited Gentle Fist the hand style, will be his own Eight Trigrams (gossip) domain to launch, so long as Le Yuan will attack him then to put forth to him just like high sea continuous Gentle Fist to block Le Yuan acupoint completely. 不知火玄间宣布比赛开始的瞬间,日向宁次摆出了柔拳的起手招式,将属于他自己的八卦领域展开,只要乐渊向他攻过来他便会使出犹如怒涛般连绵不绝的柔拳乐渊穴道完全封死。 Konoha Style Gentle Fist Art? Interesting!” 木叶流柔拳法?有意思!” Looks that Neji, waits at ease for an exhausted enemy the appearance that by the static brake and wins by striking only after the enemy has struck, throughout will stop there waits for the attack of Le Yuan, how Le Yuan is not really daring to imagine him to make the so stupid decision. 看着宁次一副以静制动、以逸待劳、后发制人的样子,始终停在那里等待着乐渊的攻击,乐渊实在是不敢想象他怎么会做出如此愚蠢的决定。 Gentle Fist indeed is to make the defensive counter-attack excellent technique, but Le Yuan in the beforehand fight but already had demonstrated own some abilities, the reaction ability ultra-fast adds on the ice Strength, which regardless of put forth is not Hyūga Neji can process, but he still chose drew out the hand by Gentle Fist. 柔拳的确是打防守反击的绝佳技术,但是乐渊在之前的战斗中可是已经展示过自己的部分能力,超快的身体反应能力加上冰的力量,无论使出哪一个都绝不是日向宁次能够处理得了的,可是他依然选择了以柔拳起手。 Ox → Dog → Dragon → Rat → Dog → Boar → Snake,[ Ninja Art: Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique]. Le Yuan meets seal in short less than one second of time, suddenly the rain of shuriken toward opposite Neji, according to the shuriken speed that Le Yuan ejects also has the quantity that Strength as well as branches out, this does not depend on the attack that the avoidance of Neji can launch to avoid. 丑-戌-辰-子-戌-亥-巳,[忍法手里剑影分身之术]。乐渊在短短一秒不到的时间将印接好,一时间手里剑之雨向着对面的宁次袭来,按照乐渊抛出的手里剑速度还有力量以及分出的数量,这绝不是靠着宁次的躲避能够进行回避的攻击。 The competition just started for one second since, Hyūga Neji had met Chūnin to take a test the biggest crisis. Do not look that this[ Shuriken Shadow Clone] looks very simple, but in fact is actually a rank reaches the A level Ninjutsu, and destructive power that displays in the Le Yuan so speed and Strength very astonishing user hand is as good the attacks of equal number of Rasengan. 比赛刚刚开始一秒钟的时间,日向宁次就遇到了中忍考试以来最大的危机。别看这[手里剑影分身]看起来很简单,但实际上却是一个等级达到A级的忍术,并且在乐渊这般速度、力量都很惊人的使用者手中发挥出来的破坏力绝不逊于同等数量的螺旋丸的攻击。 Damn, Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven!” “该死,八卦掌回天!” Perhaps Hyūga Neji understand Le Yuan strength he cannot, but has not thought that Le Yuan came up to come such a big ritual to him. already is unable to conduct him who dodges, can dodge this move only has the move great power that he has hidden. 日向宁次明白乐渊的实力恐怕非他所能及,但是也没有想到乐渊一上来就给他来了这么一份大礼。已经无法进行闪避的他,唯一能够规避这一招的唯有他一直隐藏的招数回天。 In a flash, Hyūga Neji emits massive chakra from chakra acupoint in within the body, releases following own body surface, simultaneously formed an indestructible chakra defense wall with the aid of revolving Strength in own surroundings. 一瞬间,日向宁次从体内的查克拉穴道放出大量的查克拉,顺着自己的体表释放出来,同时借助旋转的力量在自己的周围形成了一道坚不可摧的查克拉防御壁。 The shuriken indeed might that Le Yuan sends out indeed compares favorably with Rasengan, but after all is not Rasengan such energy attack, also bases on kunai to create as flight item them. 乐渊发出的手里剑的确威力的确媲美螺旋丸,不过毕竟不是螺旋丸那样的能量攻击,同时作为飞行道具的它们也是基于苦无本身创造出来的。 While hitting great power, as a result of great power rebound Strength, making their flight routes have a displacement, was a little displacement is Neji evaded sufficiently this fatal struck. 在撞击到回天的同时,由于回天的反弹力量,让他们的飞行路线产生了一点偏移,就是这么一点偏移便足以是宁次避过这致命的一击。 However receives this move of Neji not to feel better directly, his great power is very indeed strong, but facing the Le Yuan huge kunai chain blows, each hit made him release the chakra body pain to be hard to take like this. Even if the great power is known as the absolute defense of physics department, however the function of strength mutual . Moreover the vast gap between strengths is still avoidless. 不过正面接下这一招的宁次也不好受,他的回天的确很强,但是面对乐渊这样的庞大苦无连击,每一次撞击都令他释放出查克拉的身体痛苦难耐。就算回天号称物理系的绝对防御,但是力的作用是相互的,而且实力间的巨大差距也无法避免。 Will therefore attack Hyūga Neji that spreads out also to stop displaying of [Revolving Heaven] reluctantly immediately, the bright red blood flows off from his corners of the mouth together. However without and other Chūnin called out in alarm his move, Neji that just stopped then felt anything to be called again with the death travels together. 勉强将所以攻击摊开的日向宁次也不得不立刻中止了[回天]的施展,一道鲜红的血液自他的嘴角流下。不过没等中忍惊呼他这一招,刚刚停下来的宁次便再一次感受到了什么叫做与死亡同行。 In Neji just stopped, Le Yuan of not far away moved again. Before the flash arrives at the Neji body, is smiling to him, made the Neji chill at the same time wanted to use [Revolving Heaven] this to recruit into line of defenses immediately again. 就在宁次刚刚停下之时,不远处的乐渊再一次动了。一瞬间来到宁次身前对着他嘿嘿一笑,令宁次恶寒的同时立马想要再次使用[回天]这一招进行防御。 However after he stops, wanted to continue action already late, a Le Yuan move of imitation[ Shadow of the Dancing Leaf] floated the spatial upside to kick on the chin of Neji. Is good because of Le Yuan, for the following action kept the strength, otherwise this move Neji explodes the fate of head. If, how Le Yuan also in the face of ten thousand people demonstrated that like this anything is called true technique. 不过他停下来之后还想要继续行动已经晚了,乐渊一招模仿[影舞叶]的浮空上段踢踢在了宁次的下巴上。好在乐渊为了接下来的行动留了力,不然这一招上去宁次就是爆头的下场。如果真这样了,乐渊还怎么在万人面前展示什么叫做真正的技术 Was put on Neji of upper air, although had not been kicked, but was blocked him of action only to stay the weightlessness condition to soar high. Le Yuan sees only to pull out eight kunai to throw in a blink in the direction toward Neji. 被一脚提上高空的宁次虽然没有被踢死,但是被封锁了行动的他只能保持着失重的状态高高飞起。乐渊在一眨眼只见掏出八枚苦无向着宁次所在方向掷去。 Dodges, two to flash, three to flash...... Le Yuan times the space jump between kunai in the blue flash that sends out to look dumbfoundedly, at the same time in the midair Hyūga Neji becomes the rags thoroughly, as Le Yuan times stroking was hit rubber ball that will seem like will never crash gently. 一闪、二闪、三闪……乐渊一次次在苦无间的空间跳跃发出的蓝色闪光让一种人看得目瞪口呆,与此同时半空中日向宁次彻底成为了破布,随着乐渊的一次次轻轻“抚摸”被打得像是永不坠落的皮球似的。 After entire 66 dodge continually, Hyūga Neji face already swells pig, injures under Le Yuan Strength control to the body likely, even the internal injury is not. However he after today, was decided absolutely famously, but arrived as the supporting role in Le Yuan famous story. 整整66连闪之后,日向宁次的脸已经肿的像个猪头似的,不过在乐渊力量控制之下只是伤到皮肉,连内伤都算不上。不过他今天以后绝对是出名定了,不过是作为乐渊出名的故事中的配角登场的。 Ninja Art: Ultra-Big Ball Rasengan!” 忍法·超大玉螺旋丸!” In flashed finally finished later Le Yuan arrived at Hyūga Neji behind, the blue small ball that has the blue air current rotation appeared in his hand. Le Yuan trained hard one month of move these to arrive time finally the time of demonstrating the achievement, but changing of this Rasengan was also the first time uses. 在最后一闪结束之后乐渊来到了日向宁次的身后,一枚带着蓝色气流转动的蓝色小球出现在了他的手中。乐渊苦练了一个月的招数这一次终于到了展现成果的时候,而这一螺旋丸的变招也是头一次使用。 In order to guarantee visual effect, Le Yuan was puts the cart before the horse simply the extreme, this move[ Ultra-Big Ball Rasengan] the might was worth discussing, the visual effect was more magnificent much Neji that but the might unseemly, was actually really hit by this move solid installed the rocket-propelled device to crash probably generally fiercely from the sky the ground. 为了保证视觉效果,乐渊简直就是本末倒置到了极点,这一招[超大玉螺旋丸]的威力值得商榷,视觉效果华丽得无与伦比但是威力却实在不像样,被这一招结结实实击中的宁次像是装了火箭推进器一般猛地从天空坠落到地上。 Pounded a giant human form pothole in the ground, Hyūga Neji this time, even if has not died must be based in the first half of the year in Hospital Konoha. 在地面上砸出了一个巨大的人形坑洞,日向宁次这一次就算没死也要在木叶里面常驻上半年。 Third-sama, is this in the legend the Fourth Hokage unique skill? Has not thought that will reappear in a Sound Ninja youngster hand unexpectedly, is really the human affairs is variable!” Orochimaru disguised Kazekage looks at center high-spirited Le Yuan, saw past Namikaze Minato . 三代大人,难道这就是传说中四代目火影的绝技?没想到竟然会在一音忍少年手中重现,真是世事无常!”大蛇丸伪装的风影看着场中央意气风发的乐渊,恍惚间看到了当年的波风水门 Yes, indeed is unexpected!” “是啊,的确是出人意料!” Third Hokage this matter also has such feeling, he but who is gradually old can only sigh at this time silently. 三代目火影此事同样有这样的感觉,不过垂垂老矣的他此时只能默默感叹。
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