“叛逆!”InRoyal Palace, Zhou Qingcomplexionis pale, the fistthump thumpmakes noise the desktophammer, in the eyefullisdensekilling intent, the news that obviously, inQi Countyspreadshad also arrived athishere.王宫之中,周擎面色铁青,拳头将桌面锤得咚咚作响,眼中满是森森杀意,显然,齐郡中传出的消息也已到了他这里。InbigYour Highness, but alsohasmanymilitary officers and ministers, at this timetheyarecomplexionare also unpredictable, King Qihascounter-hearttheseyearsalmostto be well-known, butwhodidn't expect, in the today'sradicaleruption.
在大殿下,还有着诸多将领与大臣,此时他们也都是面色变幻莫测,齐王有反心这些年几乎人尽皆知,但谁都没想到,会在今日彻底的爆发。„NowKing Qirebels, how do youfeel to?” The Zhou Qingvisiontakes a fast look around, swift and fiercelooksto the feudal officials.
“如今齐王反叛,你们觉得应当如何?”周擎目光扫视下来,凌厉的看向众臣。Heknows,theseyear of Imperial Familydecline, intheseministermilitary officers, somepeoplebyKing Qi Palacecorrosion, the standpointhad been swungunavoidably, after allwhoknows, the King Qi Palaceback, isthatGreat Wu Dynastyis supporting.
他知道,这些年皇室式微,这些大臣将领中,也不免有人被齐王府所侵蚀,立场有所摇摆,毕竟谁都知晓,齐王府的背后,是那个大武王朝在支持。ThisKing Qi Palacewill decideto support oneself, perhapswasGreat Wu Dynastygave the support, ifImperial Familyreallythrew offbyKing Qiwhen the time comes, thentheirthesepresentcrusades against the King Qiperson, feared that did not have the good end.
此次齐王府会决定自立,说不定是大武王朝给予了支持,如果到时候皇室真的被齐王掀翻,那么他们这些如今讨伐齐王的人,怕也都是没好下场。Therefore, suddenly, the atmosphere in main hallunexpectedlyissomewhatsilent.
于是,一时间,大殿内的气氛竟是有些寂静。„Honorable King, King Qiimposing manneris fiercenow, is hardto be a worthy opponent, might as wellcedethatQi Countyand otherplaces, alleviatesitsoffensive, the peace negotiation, exempts the freshconflictas far as possible.”Hassoundtogetherto resoundsuddenly.
The peoplelook, sees onlythatmaking noise, unexpectedlyisLiu Hou.
众人望去,只见得那出声者,竟是柳侯。ThisLiu Houis the father of Liu Xi, theseyear and King Qi Palaceverynearlywalks.
这柳侯就是柳溪之父,这些年和齐王府走得很近。Zhou Qinghearing this, is complexionextremegloomy, hestares atLiu Hou, the corners of the mouthis raisingwipes the ridicule, said: „According to the meaning of Liu Hou, Inot onlycannotcrusade against the rebel, instead can also cede territory the summation?”周擎闻言,则是面色极为的阴沉,他盯着柳侯,嘴角掀起一抹讥讽,道:“按照柳侯之意,我不仅不能讨伐叛逆,反而还得割地求和?”
The Liu Housurfacedoes not need, heto faceZhou Qingthatto eat the personvisionwhite/in vain, the lookis calm, said: „ThatHonorable Kingmayhave confidence,eradicatesKing Qi?”柳侯面白无须,他面对着周擎那吃人般的目光,神色却是从容,道:“那王上可有把握,铲除齐王?”
The Zhou Qingfive fingersgrip tightly, creakto make noise, King Qi Palacehas satnowin a big way, in addition the Great Wu Dynasty'ssupport, this timerebels, somewhatpreparesinevitably, thereforehe, does not daredefinitelyreally to suppressKing Qieven.周擎五指紧握,嘎吱作响,齐王府如今已经坐大,再加上大武王朝的支持,此番叛乱,必然是有几分准备,所以就算是他,也不敢肯定真的能够镇压齐王。Zhou Qingboth eyesshut, hedeeplyattractedseveraltones, is returning to normal the mood in heart, thenhisboth eyesopeninggradually, in the eyefullis the cold and gloomycolor: „Even ifthis Kingdied in battle, will not compromiseagain.”周擎双目微闭,他深吸了几口气,平复着心中的情绪,然后他双目渐渐的睁开,眼中满是森冷之色:“就算本王战死,也不会再与人妥协。”Hearscoldkilling intent in Zhou Qingsound, those presentheartisonecold, it seems like that this time, betweenImperial FamilyandKing Qi Palace, will want a life and deathwarinevitably.
听到周擎声音中的冷冽杀意,在场的人心头都是一凛,看来这一次,皇室与齐王府之间,势必要生死一战了。„Honorable KingthisismustfallourGreat Zhouin the water and fire.”Liu Houindifferently said.
“王上这是要陷我们大周于水火之中啊。”柳侯淡淡的道。„NowourGreat Zhou'sstrengthhow, Honorable King aren't clear? Relied on the Great Zhou'sstrength, does not know one's placewithKing Qi Palaceat most, butthatGreat GeneralWei Canglan, does not listen to the imperial edict, stays and defends one's postBlue Billow County, thistimewill not pay attention to the rebellion of King Qi Palace.”
“如今咱们大周的力量如何,王上自己还不清楚吗?凭大周的实力,顶多与齐王府不分上下,而那大将军卫沧澜,也是不听王命,坐守沧澜郡不出,想必此次也不会理会齐王府的叛乱。”„Therefore, forcinghoweveris, insteadletsmyGreat Zhouloss of life.”
The Liu Houwords, reverberatein the main hall, letsmanyministermilitary officersiscomplexionis gloomy, somehad the sharp qimilitary officer, is the despondency, wantsto comealsoto understand the presentGreat Zhou'ssituation.柳侯的话,回荡在大殿内,让得诸多大臣将领都是面色晦暗,一些原本有所锐气的将领,也是士气低落下来,想来也是明白了如今大周的局势。Zhou Qingis looking in the main hall the lowmorale, a complexionpaleness.周擎望着大殿内低迷的士气,面色一片铁青。„The Liu Houwords, pouring are also laughable, ifcedes territory the summation, in the futureQi Yuanwill press on step by stepsurely, untilmyGreat Zhouthoroughannexation, in my opinion, the word of Liu Hou, takes the say/way!”
“柳侯的话,倒也是可笑,若是割地求和,日后齐渊必定步步紧逼,直到将我大周彻底吞并,在我看来,柳侯之言,才是取死之道!”Butis silent in the main hall, has the limpidsneeringsoundto get upsuddenlytogether.
The suddensound, makingmanymilitary officerofficials in main hallstare, turning the head, thenseesthatmain hallentranceplace, the slenderyoungsterformwalkedtogether.
突如其来的声音,让得大殿内的诸多将领臣子一愣,转过头来,便是见到那大殿门口处,一道修长的少年身影走了进来。„Your Highness Zhou Yuan?”
“周元殿下?”Lookscomes the person, everyoneis startled.
瞧得来人,所有人都是一怔。Liu Houlooked atZhou Yuanone, sneers saying: „Your Highnessis young, whatnaturallymakesnot to think the consequence, at the Great Zhoupresentstrength, goes toandKing Qi Palacewithwhatbumpshardly?”柳侯看了周元一眼,冷笑道:“殿下年少轻狂,自然做什么都不想后果,以大周如今的力量,拿什么去和齐王府硬碰?”„Ilooked that Your Highnessyougo to the rear palaceto treat, hereis the discussing official businessplace, is not the place of deliberately creating trouble.”
The Zhou Yuanlookis light, said: „Liu Hou, it seems likeQi Yuanhas not madeyouknowallinformation.”周元神色淡淡,道:“柳侯,看来齐渊并没有将所有信息都让你知晓。”
The Liu Houlookconcentrates, said: „Yourwhatmeaning?!”柳侯眼神一凝,道:“你什么意思?!”Zhou Yuanlookcoldis staring athim, the corners of the mouthraisewipe the ridicule, said: „Youdo not wantto know, whythatQi Yuanurgentis not about toKing Qi Palace, escaped fromGreat Zhou Citydirectly?”周元眼神冷冽的盯着他,嘴角掀起一抹讥讽,道:“你就不想知道,为何那齐渊火急火燎的连齐王府都不敢待,就直接逃出了大周城吗?”
The Liu Houtauntsmiles, said: Is "Oh?thisrelatedwithYour Highness? ”柳侯嘲讽一笑,道:“哦?难道这还和殿下有关不成?”Heridiculedin a tone with, but where expectedZhou Yuanto selectnodsunexpectedly, said: „It seems likesome of youralsobrains, thatQi Yuanalsoreallyfeared that Icome backahead of time, otherwiseheescaped from the Great Zhou Cityopportunitynot to have.”
他本是语带讥讽,但哪料到周元竟是点了点头,道:“看来你还有些脑子,那齐渊还真是怕我提前回来,不然他就连逃出大周城的机会都没了。”Such remarks, in the main hallmanyministergeneralsarelook at each other in dismay, butlooks at the appearance, obviouslyhas not taken seriouslyZhou Yuanthiswords, your trivialCultivating Qi Realmlittle fellow, canmakeKing Qibe afraidis not about to Great Zhou City? Simplyis the hugejoke.
此言一出,大殿内诸多大臣将军都是面面相觑,不过看模样,显然都并没有将周元此话当真,你一个区区养气境的小家伙,也能够让齐王害怕得不敢待在大周城?简直就是天大的笑话。„Runs off at the mouth.”Liu Housneersto say.
“信口胡说。”柳侯冷笑道。In the palace, Zhou Qing is also the frownedhead, the Zhou Yuan'swords, indeedseemsomewhatwildly arrogant, buthe is also somedoubts, after all the Zhou Yuanpasttemper, did not seem likemeets the idle talkboast.
殿中,周擎也是皱了皱眉头,周元的话,的确显得有些骄狂,但他也是有些疑惑,毕竟周元以往的性子,不像是会空口大话的。Thatwhy, will Zhou Yuansaythiswordsunexpectedly?
那为什么,周元竟会说出这种话来?Zhou Yuanhas not paid attention tothesevision, butis sideways, the line of sightlooksto the main hall.周元没有理会那些目光,只是侧过身来,视线看向大殿外。Detected that hisaction, out the main hallinterconnectionwithZhou Qing, the surprisedvision, goes.
察觉到他的举动,大殿内连同周擎,都是将惊疑的目光,投向门外。Under the gaze of thatnumerousvision, has the seriousmail-armor and helmetsoundto get upsuddenly, then, everyonesawagain,wearsheavyarmortogether the grandioseform, is treading the seriousfootsteps, enters into the main hall, finallyinthatmain hallcenter, the singlekneekneels down.
在那众多目光的注视下,忽有沉重的甲胄声响起,再然后,所有人都是见到,一道身披重甲的壮硕身影,踏着沉重的脚步,迈入大殿,最后在那大殿中央,单膝跪下。Hetook down the helmetslowly, the low and deepsound, reverberatesin the main hall.
他缓缓的取下了头盔,低沉的声音,回荡于大殿中。„Humble GeneralWei Canglan, greetingsHonorable King!”
哗!In the main hall, everyone'svisionisshockingis looking atthatform, evenZhou Qing is also fiercestanding up, unbelievableis looking below Wei Canglanform.
大殿内,所有人的目光都是震惊的望着那道身影,甚至连周擎也是猛的站起身来,难以置信的望着下方卫沧澜的身影。SinceBlack Poison Kingencroached uponBlue Billow County in the past, asGreat GeneralWei Canglan, had not enteredGreat Zhou Cityagain, did not listen toanyimperial edictto dispatchagaintime.
自从当年黑毒王侵犯沧澜郡后,身为大将军的卫沧澜,再未曾进过大周城,也再没有听过任何一次的王命调遣。Everyonethinks that hewill choose the independence, butwhodidn't expect, inthisKing Qi Palaceannounced this day of rebelling against, hewill arrive atGreat Zhou Cityunexpectedlyagain . Moreover, iswiththissubmitting tostance.
所有人都以为他将会选择自立,但谁都没想到,在这齐王府宣布反叛的这一天,他竟会再次来到大周城,而且,还是以这种臣服的姿态。ThatLiu Hou is also complexionchanges, if the Wei CanglanchoicehelpsGreat ZhouImperial Family, thatwithout doubtis the hugeboost.
那柳侯也是面色一变,如果卫沧澜选择帮助大周皇室,那无疑是巨大的助力。Makinghimfeel that whatis inconceivable, whydid not listen to the imperial edictWei Canglan, will makesuchchoiceunexpectedly.
只是,让得他感到不可思议的是,为何一直都不听王命的卫沧澜,竟然会做出这样的选择。„Humble Generalwas besottedin the past, Your Highnessremindedfortunately, inheartashamed, looks atHonorable Kingto sendmeto go to battle, subjugates the rebel!”Wei Canglansinkingsound said.
“末将以往执迷不悟,亏得殿下点醒,心中惭愧,望王上派我出征,征讨叛逆!”卫沧澜沉声道。In the main hall, strangevisionlooktonearbyZhou Yuan, evenZhou Qing is also the lookis surprised, theydo not know,actuallyZhou Yuanmadeanything, can actually somakeWei Canglantake a stand.
大殿内,一道道诡异的目光看向一旁的周元,甚至连周擎也是眼神惊疑不定,他们不知道,周元究竟做了什么,竟然能够让得卫沧澜如此表态。Facesthesesurprisedvision, Zhou Yuanis smiling, lookstoZhou Qing, said: „Royal Fatherdoes not needanxiousthatKing Qirebel.”
面对着那些惊疑的目光,周元则是一笑,看向周擎,道:“父王不必忧虑那齐王叛逆。”Heextendsboth hands, patted the racketgently.
他伸出双手,轻轻拍了拍。Therefore, under the gaze of thatnumerousvision, the black robeperson's shadow, entersfromthatpalaceoutsidetogether, isarrives in the main hall, the singlekneekneels down, soundhoarsely said: „Below Black Poison CityCity Lord, the long timehears the Great Zhouprestige, todayturnsespecially, hopeeffectserve somebody faithfully!”
于是,在那众多目光的注视下,一道黑袍人影,自那殿外走进,也是来到大殿内,单膝跪下,声音嘶哑的道:“在下黑毒城城主,久闻大周威名,今日特来投靠,愿效犬马之劳!”Black Poison CityCity Lord? Black Poison King?!黑毒城城主?黑毒王?!Such remarks, in the main hallimmediatelycrash-bangdrawing back a piece of person, everyoneisdumbfoundedis looking atBlack Poison King, obviouslyregardingthisname, is not strange.
此言一出,大殿内顿时哗啦啦的退开一片人,所有人都是目瞪口呆的望着黑毒王,显然对于这个名字,并不陌生。However, afterfrightening, whatis followingis the confusion of brain, obviouslythisaspecttheya littlecould not understand.
不过,在惊吓之后,随之而来的是满脑子的混乱,显然这个局面他们有点看不懂了。ThisBlack Poison KingisOverlord in Black Abyss, is in itself the Absolute Beginning Realmstrength, thisand otherominouspeople, said that for a long timeheard the Great Zhouprestigemustturn, thisexpression, will beindividualdoes not believeobviously.
这黑毒王乃是黑渊中的霸主,本身更是太初境的实力,这等凶人,说久闻大周威名要来投靠,这种言辞,显然是个人都不会相信。Therefore, the Zhou Qing'scorners of the mouthalsotwitchedslightly, the Great Zhou'sprestigehow, isn't heclear? Wantsachievingto makeAbsolute Beginning Realmexpertbe well-knownto turn, thatsimplyindream of a fool.
所以,周擎的嘴角也是微微抽搐了一下,大周的威名如何,他还不清楚吗?想要达到让一个太初境强者闻名来投靠,那简直就是在痴人说梦啊。Therefore, the people in main hall, aftersilentlong time, visionas if by prior agreementgoes tothatto standinnearbyZhou Yuan.
于是,大殿内的众人,在沉默了半晌后,目光都是不约而同的投向那立在一旁的周元。Doesthisaspect, obviouslyheis a instigator.
搞出这个局面的,显然他就是始作俑者。However, regardingthesevision, Zhou Yuanlooks but not see, helookstothatcomplexionpalealternateLiu Hou, the lightsound, reverberatesin the main hall.
不过,对于这些目光,周元则是视而不见,他只是看向那面色青白交替的柳侯,淡淡的声音,在大殿中回荡起来。Butthistime, is actually no onedaresto belittle the words of thisyoungsterpersonagain.
但这一次,却是再没人敢小觑这个少年人的话语。„Does not know the present, Liu HouwhetheralsothoughtourGreat Zhoudoes needto cede territory the summation?”
( End of the month, everyonehadticket to throwtoVenerable Yuan, thanks.)
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