VY :: Volume #10

#941: The 1st confrontation

Zhao Mushen is situated in void, his look calm looks is attempting the Heaven Abyss Territory people who withdraw from the space crack, then the vision shifts to Zhou Yuan, said with a smile pale: Chief Pavilion Lord Zhou Yuan, did this plan to walk?” 赵牧神立于虚空,他神色波澜不惊的望着试图从空间裂缝退出的天渊域众人,然后目光转向周元,淡笑道:“周元总阁主,这就打算走了吗?” Zhou Yuan smiles, said confidently: Our these forces, are not your opponent, but I now could not have been victorious you, what doesn't walk to remain is making?” 周元一笑,坦然道:“我们这些人马,可不是你们的对手,而我现在也还打不过你,不走留着做什么?” Zhao Mushen shows a faint smile, said: Listens to your meaning, but thought that now can't be victorious I? Is it possible that later was OK?” 赵牧神微微一笑,道:“听你的意思,只是觉得现在打不过我?莫非以后就可以了?” Shrugging that Zhou Yuan shows neither approval nor disapproval. 周元不置可否的耸耸肩。 Meanwhile he carries in the palm of behind, they were making a hand signal to Yi Qiushui, making them make the best use of the time to leave through the space slit immediately. 同时他背在身后的手掌,对着伊秋水他们打了一个手势,让他们抓紧时间立即通过空间缝隙离开。 Zhao Mushen does not know Zhou Yuan's these petty actions, he is only interested looks at he. 赵牧神似是不知晓周元的这些小动作,他只是饶有兴趣的看着他。 It seems like your excellency interested in me very much?” Zhou Yuan detected asking that the Zhao Mushen look, the brow selects. “看来阁下对我很感兴趣?”周元察觉到赵牧神的眼神,眉头微挑的问道。 Why said?” “为什么这么说?” Can make your Sir Law Domain personally make a move, first round made us bump into this, so took great pains, has not calculated that was interested?” Zhou Yuan said. “能够让得你们那位法域大人亲自出手,在这第一轮就令得我们碰上,如此煞费苦心,还不算感兴趣吗?”周元道。 Zhao Mushen smiles, said: Your feeling is very keen.” 赵牧神笑笑,道:“你的感觉很敏锐啊。” Zhou Yuan saw that the opposite party denied continually is disinclined to do, both eyes were also empty narrowed the eyes, with this Zhao Mushen preliminary contact, the opposite party was seemingly gentle, but deep in one's heart has the extreme arrogance actually. 周元见到对方连否认都懒得做,双目也是虚眯了一下,与这赵牧神初步的接触下来,对方看似平和,但实则内心深处有着极端的傲气。 He looks at Zhou Yuan's that look, does not bring slight contemptuous , when you see the ants of under foot, to it will not have any contemptuous emotion. 他看周元的那种眼神,不带丝毫的轻蔑,因为当你看见脚下的蝼蚁时,也不会对它产生什么轻蔑的情感。 Zhou Yuan, do not want to delay the time, if do not move, I can put the Heaven Abyss Territory's person to depart safely, I indeed have no interest big in one crowd of trash.” Zhao Mushen is looking at the people who gradually enter the space crack, said with a smile pale. 周元,不要想拖延时间了,如果你别动,我可以放天渊域的人安全离去,我对一群杂鱼的确是没多大的兴趣。”赵牧神望着正在陆续进入空间裂缝的众人,淡笑道。 You know, words that I make a move now, their casualty will be big.” “你知道,我现在出手的话,他们死伤会不小的。” Zhou Yuan complexion is tranquil, said: Good, I am motionless.” 周元面色平静下来,道:“好,我不动。” The Zhao Mushen happy expression, resembled wear a look of believed his words. 赵牧神面带笑意,似是相信了他的话。 Therefore on void, two people confront, but under that several hundred Heaven Abyss Territory's teams, then has some meaning in a panic, one after another sneaked in the space crack all. 于是虚空上,两人对峙,而在那下方,数百名天渊域的队伍,则是带着一些仓惶之意,陆陆续续的尽数钻进了空间裂缝之中。 Yi Qiushui arrives finally, she is looking at the two people on sky, in the beautiful pupil full is the anxious meaning, how she does not know that Zhou Yuan this was observed closely by Zhao Mushen. 伊秋水走到最后,她望着天空上的两人,美眸中满是焦急之意,她如何不知道周元这是被赵牧神盯住了。 But she also understands, now she must do, is hurries to leave, stays here, will only become Zhou Yuan's to implicate. 但她也明白,现在她要做的,是赶紧离开,留在这里,只会成为周元的拖累。 Yi Qiushui took a deep breath, element suddenly shakes, has the countless branch to depart from its universe bag unexpectedly, hiding the sky and covering the earth was pounding to Zhou Yuan, belt/bring everywhere shadow. 伊秋水深吸一口气,忽的素手一抖,竟是有着无数树枝从其乾坤囊中飞出,铺天盖地的对着周元砸了过去,带起漫天阴影 But the same time, she no longer hesitant, broke in the space slit decisively, rapid vanishes does not see. 而同时间,她不再犹豫,果断的冲入了空间缝隙之中,迅速的消失不见。 Also is Yi Qiushui throws everywhere branch the time, Zhou Yuan's eyes flash, the next flash, his form is to change into black light directly disappears to go together. 也就是伊秋水丢出漫天树枝的时候,周元的目光一闪,下一瞬间,他的身影直接是化为一道黑光消失而去。 These everywhere branches, throw in void, has the shadow birth under the sunlight. 那些漫天树枝,投掷在虚空,在阳光之下有着阴影诞生。 But Zhou Yuan phantom, then jumps in these shadow, is hard to imagine the speed that by one type, quietly like demon, to space slit violently shoots. 周元所化的虚影,便是在这些阴影中跳跃,以一种难以想象的速度,悄无声息如鬼魅般,对着空间缝隙暴射 Shadow Immortal Technique! 影仙术 In the midair, Zhao Mushen looks at the form that Zhou Yuan is vanishing, has not actually lost one's temper, but smiles one pale, said: Really is good marvelous movement Origin Technique, no wonder dares to stay here.” 半空中,赵牧神望着周元消失的身影,却并没有动怒,只是淡笑一声,道:“真是好奇妙的身法源术,难怪敢留在这里。” Lotus flower light seal of his forehead, blooms the glimmer in this time. 他眉心的莲花光印,在此时绽放出微光。 In Zhao Mushen double pupil, has lotus flower appear(ance), that flickers, in the eye pupil has divine light to bloom, the whole world as if in his eyes becomes three-dimensional as well as clear. 紧接着,赵牧神的双瞳内,也是有着莲花出现,那一瞬,眼瞳内有神光绽放,整个世界仿佛都是在他的眼中变得立体以及清晰起来。 dark(ness) draws back the powder, shadow vanishes. 黑暗退散,阴影消失。 But that changes into black light to jump Zhou Yuan in shadow, saw clearly by him. 而那化为黑光跳跃于阴影中的周元,也是被他看得清清楚楚。 It seems like you are really unwilling.” “看来你还真是不甘心呢。” Zhao Mushen chuckle, said: „To escape from my hand, perhaps does not have you to think is so easy.” 赵牧神轻笑一声,道:“不过想要从我手中逃掉,恐怕也没你想的那么容易。” You really think that I was previously confronting with you? At that time, I have locked you by the secret technique, therefore my following attack, where regardless of you fled, could not hide.” “你真以为先前我只是在与你对峙吗?那个时候,我已以秘术将你锁定,所以我接下来的攻击,不论你遁逃到哪里,都躲不掉的。” Zhou Yuan, you were too weak.” 周元,你太弱了。” Zhao Mushen both hands close up, in the palms, has to wipe the glimmer to congeal appears, the next flash, the glimmer starts to pull open with his double palm pull-up , one roughly inch about light shuttle forms gradually rapidly. 赵牧神双手合拢,掌心之间,有着一抹微光凝现出来,下一瞬间,微光开始随着他的双掌拉开而拉升,渐渐的,一枚约莫寸许左右的光梭迅速成形。 That light/only shuttle assumes the streamline, when state-of-art glittering extreme sharp gloss, slightly shake, was torn continually void. 那光梭呈流线型,尖端闪烁着极端锋锐的光泽,微微震荡时,连虚空都被撕裂。 Around the light shuttle, is twining nine color gloss, seemingly gorgeously. 光梭周围,缠绕着九彩光泽,看上去绚丽至极。 But this type gorgeous, also contains the fatal crisis. 而这种绚丽之下,又蕴含着致命的危机。 Full speed is plundering Zhou Yuan that goes to the space slit illness/quick, felt in this flash a fluctuation forming of extreme danger, this command his corner of the eye jumped jumping, at once his speed rises suddenly again. 全速对着空间缝隙疾掠而去的周元,也是在这一霎那感觉到了一股极端危险的波动成形,这令得他眼角跳了跳,旋即他的速度再度暴涨。 Origin Qi in within the body in the eruption of this time to hold nothing back. 体内的源气在此时毫无保留的爆发出来。 Shuā! 唰! After two breaths, Zhou Yuan appear(ance) outside the space slit, then a foot must step into. 两息之后,周元出现在了空间缝隙之外,然后一脚就要踏入其中。 On void, the Zhao Mushen look is still faint, he counts on the fingers gently a ball, has the whispering sound to get up. 虚空上,赵牧神神色依旧淡漠,他屈指轻轻一弹,有低语声响起。 Nine Spirits Soul Breaking Shuttle.” 九灵破魂梭。” Whoosh! 咻! The sound falls that flickers, the light shuttle between palms trembles slightly, is vanishes to go directly. 声落的那一瞬,掌心间的光梭微微一颤,直接是消失而去。 buzz! 嗡嗡 May only have the strength extremely powerful talent to induce, exuded the slight mighty waves void, wiped the flowing light that slightly cannot be observed to bring the fatal crisis, penetrates the space directly, after Zhou Yuan's vest violently shoots went. 可唯有实力极强的人才能够感应到,虚空泛起了细微的波澜,一抹微不可察的流光带起致命的危机,直接是穿透空间,对着周元的后背心暴射而去。 When that light/only shuttle shoots, already half the Zhou Yuan's skin that foot treads into the space slit also gets up in this time stabbing pain, that induces the extremely dangerous attack. 当那光梭射来的时候,已经半只脚踏入空间缝隙的周元的皮肤也是在此时刺痛起来,那是感应到了极其危险的攻击。 That induction makes him know, if were hit, even if his has small accomplishment fleshly body, perhaps can still by piercing easily. 那种感应让得他知道,如果被击中,就算是他这有所小成肉身,恐怕也会被轻易的洞穿。 However Zhou Yuan also knows, at this time he cannot stop, otherwise Zhao Mushen will stop his escape route thoroughly, at that time, is facing so domineering Zhao Mushen and Myriad Ancestors Territory's elite team, he is a narrow escape. 不过周元也知晓,此时他不能停下,否则赵牧神就会彻底阻拦他的退路,那个时候,面对着如此强势的赵牧神以及万祖域的精锐队伍,他可谓是九死一生。 Therefore he without hesitation, is steps into the space slit directly, the space fluctuation emerges, covers his form. 所以他毫不犹豫,直接是踏入空间缝隙之内,空间波动涌现,将他的身影掩盖。 Whoosh! 咻! However, in that flash that the Zhou Yuan form vanishes, wipes the light shuttle to come air-splitting, similarly pursues that space to fluctuate together, flashes to pass. 不过,也就是在周元身影消失的那一瞬间,一抹光梭破空而来,同样是追逐着那一道空间波动,一闪而逝。 Origin Qi between Heaven and Earth fluctuates gradually subsides. 天地间的源气波动渐渐的平息下来。 Zhao Mushen is situated in void, his look faint looks at that to restore the tranquil space slit, say/way that thought aloud: If you can live from my Nine Spirits Soul Breaking Shuttle, even if you have good luck ever.” 赵牧神立于虚空,他眼神淡漠的望着那恢复平静的空间缝隙,自言自语的道:“如果你能从我的九灵破魂梭中活下来,那就算你命大吧。” His, the Divine Palace Ranking first ten people, besides Wu Yao, Su Youwei, the Wang Xi three people, others, must pay the enormous price even the slightest misstep. 他这一手,神府榜前十的人,除了武瑶,苏幼微,王曦三人外,其余人稍有不慎,就得付出极大的代价。 Because this Soul Breaking Shuttle, once hits, will then break Divine Soul of opposite party, it may be said that was vicious to pinnacle. 因为这破魂梭一旦击中,便会将对方的神魂震碎,可谓是凶狠到了极致 He previously locked Zhou Yuan's aura, this shuttle, does not wipe to extinguish Zhou Yuan Divine Soul, will not diverge. 他先前锁定了周元的气息,此梭一出,不将周元神魂抹灭,绝不会散去。 In recent years, dies in his shuttle above powerful enemy, does not know many. 这些年来,死在他这一梭上面的强敌,已经不知有多少。 Now, perhaps wanted many one. 如今,或许又要多一个了。 Great Venerable said seizes you..., but present, perhaps can only look that can bring a corpse to go back...” “原本大尊是说将你擒回去...但现在来看,恐怕只能看能不能带个尸体回去了...” Zhao Mushen shakes the head, a little helpless smiling, then he looked that does not look at that space slit, turns around directly ease departure. 赵牧神摇摇头,有点无奈的笑笑,然后他看也不看那空间缝隙,直接转身悠然的离去。 Regarding opponent of this rank, he really could not raise the big interest. 对于这种级别的对手,他实在是提不起多大的兴趣。 However is good because, convenient solution. 不过好在,顺手解决了。 Then, he should also enjoy this Nine Territories Conference, hopes Wu Yao, Su Youwei they, will not disappoint him too. 接下来,他也该享受这场九域大会了,希望武瑶,苏幼微她们,不会让他太失望吧。
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