VY :: Volume #10

#935: Going through a strategic pass

The fragment was twined by brush bristles, finally gathering all in the Zhou Yuan's palm. 碎片被毫毛缠绕,最后尽数的汇聚于周元的掌心。 But at this time, Zhou Yuan just now can clear sees clearly them, these fragments do not know that is what material quality, that above inscribes some incomplete ancient traces, is sending out a fluctuation of inexplicable formidable. 而此时,周元方才能够清晰的看清楚它们,这些碎片不知是何材质,那上面铭刻着一些残缺的古老纹路,散发着一种莫名强大的波动。 Zhou Yuan stares at these fragments, the eye pupil is shrinking suddenly, because he identified, these fragments, seem like some sacred treasure fragment! 周元凝视着这些碎片,眼瞳忽然一缩,因为他辨认了出来,这些碎片,似乎是某种圣宝的碎片! No wonder even he can feel some dangerous aura. 难怪连他都是能够感觉到一些危险的气息 Does not know that actually this Lu Hai and the others must come from where, moreover these incomplete sacred treasure fragments, obviously after some extremely formidable and wonderful refinement, otherwise, depending on Lu Hai several people, should be are impossible to display that light tower to suppress. 只是不知道这卢海等人究竟是从何得来的,而且这些残缺的圣宝碎片,明显是经过某种极为强大与神妙的炼制,不然的话,光凭卢海几人,应该是不可能施展出那种光塔镇压的。 Zhou Yuan, you dare to seize our treasures!” 周元,你敢夺我们之宝!” But at this time, that Lu Hai four people are also the complexion big changes, said sternly: Also fast also comes, otherwise my five side top influences decide however want your Heaven Abyss Territory to give a view!” 而此时,那卢海四人也是面色大变,厉声道:“还不速速还来,否则我五方顶尖势力定然要你天渊域给个说法!” Their within the body Origin Qi must revolve. 他们体内源气就要运转起来。 However Zhou Yuan complexion is indifferent, float before Lu Hai four people of back of the head places sword light fierce without hesitation punctures half inch, immediately after pricking four human brains, has the blood to flow. 不过周元面色冷漠,悬浮于卢海四人后脑处的剑光毫不犹豫的猛的前刺半寸,顿时刺入了四人脑后,有着鲜血流淌下来。 The back of the head transmits the stabbing pain, in the Lu Hai four people of eyes was also the color of passing over gently and swiftly fear, quickly stopped Origin Qi revolving, does not dare to move. 后脑勺传来刺痛,卢海四人眼中也是掠过恐惧之色,急忙停止源气运转,再不敢动弹。 Really thinks my not under killer?” Zhou Yuan indifferently said. “真以为我不会下杀手吗?”周元淡淡的道 However precisely this faint tone, making Lu Hai and the others the heart tremble, finally Lu Hai with difficulty said: Zhou Yuan, you win, are the table manners so why ugly?” 然而正是这种淡漠的语气,令得卢海等人心头一颤,最终还是卢海艰难的道:“周元,你已经取胜了,何必吃相这么难看?” They know this fragment are the sacred treasure fragments, moreover after can refine greatly, the key is this thing indeed is not their five side influence all, if did to lose here, they were really hard to confess. 他们知晓这碎片乃是圣宝碎片,而且还经过大能炼制,关键是此物的确不是他们五方势力所有,若是在这里搞丢了,他们实在是难以交代。 The Zhou Yuan vision is staring in the hand the float fragment, has not actually paid attention to Lu Hai, he hesitates slightly, suddenly counts on the fingers a ball. 周元目光盯着手中悬浮的碎片,却是并没有理会卢海,他微微沉吟,忽然屈指一弹。 Buzz! 嗡! sword light erupts suddenly, jabbed into their heads in the Lu Hai four people of panic-stricken desire vision certainly directly. 剑光猛然爆发,直接是在卢海四人惊骇欲绝的目光中刺进了他们脑袋之内。 „!” “啊!” They called out pitifully to make noise, but the next quarter, had not actually felt that death aura, in they were hurried regard, see only wreak havoc of swift and fierce Sword Qi together in the mind, brought the severe pain, simultaneously made the Origin Qi turmoil in their within the body get up. 他们惨叫出声,不过下一刻,却并没有感觉到死亡的气息,他们急忙内视,只见得一道凌厉的剑气在脑海中肆虐,带来剧痛,同时令得他们体内的源气动乱起来。 Suddenly their gearing is unable to move, can only revolution Origin Qi, expel Sword Qi in brain strongly. 一时间他们连动都无法动弹,只能竭力的运转源气,驱逐着脑中的剑气 Zhou Yuan unemotional passes through from four people. 周元面无表情的从四人身旁走过。 Lu Hai can feel, but actually does not dare to lose concentration, he knows that this time their mission was the complete failure, moreover went for wool and came back shorn, the sacred treasure fragment that then even was granted was taken away... that thing by Zhou Yuan, but was really not their several Divine Palace Realm juniors can have, even were only the fragment. 卢海能够感觉到,但却不敢分神,他知道这次他们的任务算是彻底失败了,而且偷鸡不成蚀把米,连那被赏赐下来的圣宝碎片都被周元夺去了...那东西,可真不是他们几个神府境小辈就能有的,即便只是碎片。 Therefore, Lu Hai when pursuing mind wreak havoc Sword Qi , can only the grieved drop blood looks at the Zhou Yuan form to go far away. 所以,卢海在驱逐着脑海中肆虐剑气时,也只能心痛的滴血的望着周元身影远去。 But in their vision, Zhou Yuan has not actually been seizing the flag anxiously, but is the form moves, appear(ance) in mountain peak place of distant place that avalanche. 而在他们的目光中,周元却并没有急着夺旗,而是身影一动,出现在了远处那座崩塌的山峰处。 His sleeve robe wields, Origin Qi sweeps across, lifts that giant stone. 他袖袍挥动,源气席卷间,将那一座座巨石掀开。 Quick saw that was rumbled the Dragon Gu Palace super dark horse that by him acts recklessly. 很快的就见到了那被他轰得不知死活的龙蛊宫的超级黑马。 That ten several sacred treasure fragments of Zhou Yuan in the hand offers a sacrifice, float outside Dragon Gu Palace dark horse body, his within the body also spread some changes, next quarter , has several fragments to shoot from his within the body. 周元将手中那十数枚圣宝碎片祭起,悬浮于龙蛊宫黑马身体外,紧接着他体内也是传出了一些异动,下一刻,又是有着数枚碎片从他的体内射了出来。 Zhou Yuan sees that this well satisfied smiles. 周元见状,这才心满意足的一笑。 In these five fellow hands, is really grasping several sacred treasure fragments respectively, moreover this type of fragment should from same sacred treasure, and this also passes through some super to be able inevitably greatly the refinement, otherwise, relies on several Divine Palace Realm to show sacred treasure mighty energy, that simply is fantasy story. 这五个家伙手中,果然都是各自握着数枚圣宝碎片,而且这种碎片应该是来自同一种圣宝,并且这必然还经过某位超级大能的炼制,不然的话,凭借着几个神府境就想要展现出圣宝一丝威能,那简直就是天方夜谭。 This precisely Zhou Yuan heart movement place. 正是周元所心动的地方。 If these sacred treasure fragments used well, without doubt will add one to kill for him. 这些圣宝碎片若是用得好了,无疑会为他平添一个杀器。 Now Nine Territories Conference at present, the war is unavoidable, many method is good after all. 如今九域大会就在眼前,大战在所难免,多一个手段终归是好的。 The Zhou Yuan sleeve robe wields, receives the fragment, the Dragon Gu Palace super dark horse that no matter also that faints, the form moves, this arrived at that side giant flag place, puts out a hand to extract downward it. 周元袖袍一挥,收起碎片,也不管那昏死的龙蛊宫超级黑马,身影一动,这才来到了那一面巨大的旗帜处,伸手将其拔了下来。 On the flag, there is radiance to overflow. 旗帜上面,有光芒流溢。 Zhou Yuan puts out a hand to shake, radiance lets fall, finally formed light glow scroll in his palm. 周元伸手一抖,光芒垂落而下,最后在他的掌心形成了一道光芒卷轴 This scroll, then enters the Abyss of Fallen certificate. 卷轴,则是进入陨落之渊的凭证。 Zhou Yuan grasps scroll, turns around, in that mountain range, then raises hand downward, in the hand scroll erupts radiant radiance. 周元手握卷轴,转过身来,往下那山脉之中,然后举起手来,手中卷轴爆发出璀璨光芒 But in the mountain range, Heaven Abyss Territory two thousand forces see this, immediately bursts into the deafening cheers. 而山脉中,天渊域两千人马见到这一幕,顿时爆发出震耳欲聋的欢呼声。 Chief Pavilion Lord formidable!” 总阁主威武!” Chief Pavilion Lord is invincible!” 总阁主无敌!” When the certificate falls to the Zhou Yuan hand, explained that cuts Nine Dragons, their Heaven Abyss Territory successfully passed, has entered Abyss of Fallen truly with the qualifications that other eight territories competed with! 当凭证落到周元手中,就说明斩九龙这一关,他们天渊域顺利通过,拥有了真正进入陨落之渊与其他八域竞争的资格! However everyone is very clear, function of Zhou Yuan in this pass/test big, if not he beheads to seize the flag, their here wants to eat up the opposite party, definitely will pay the extremely serious price. 但是所有人都很清楚,周元在这一关之中的作用有多大,如果不是他斩首夺旗的话,他们这边想要吃下对方,必然会付出极为惨重的代价。 Lu Xiao is looking at this, is the look is a little complex. 吕霄望着这一幕,也是神色有点复杂。 Nearby Han Yuan said in a low voice: I said that fortunately you are not Chief Pavilion Lord, perhaps otherwise, our Heaven Abyss Territory must end this year.” 一旁的韩渊则是低声道:“我说还好你不是总阁主,不然的话,今年咱们天渊域恐怕都是要完了。” The Lu Xiao corners of the mouth twitched, but has not refuted to make noise finally, super dark horse that because after seeing these top influences hidden, he just understands that beforehand he is view the sky from the bottom of a well and arrogance how, his strength, at best with Lu Hai and the others in a level, but if must make him face the enemies of five same ranks, he is impossible to win. 吕霄嘴角抽搐了一下,但最终还是没反驳出声,因为在见到这些顶尖势力中隐藏的超级黑马后,他方才明白以前的他是多么的坐井观天以及自大,他的实力,充其量和卢海等人处于一个层次,但如果要让他面对着五位同等级的敌人,他是万万不可能取胜的。 But Zhou Yuan, actually achieved. 周元,却做到了。 This indicated that the Zhou Yuan's ability were too more than him. 这说明周元的能力比他强太多了。 But surges upward to compare with the Heaven Abyss Territory's morale, forces of that five side top influences is becomes dejected, they made so many preparations for today, didn't expect were defeated finally. 而与天渊域的士气高涨相比,那五方顶尖势力的人马则是变得垂头丧气起来,他们为了今日做了那么多的准备,没想到最终还是失败了。 „, Allows to pass through.” “诸位,让路吧。” The Zhou Yuan vision looks to forces of five side top influences, indifferently said. 周元目光看向五方顶尖势力的人马,淡淡的道 In mountain range, several thousand form look at each other in dismay, finally depressed retreat. 山脉之中,数千道身影面面相觑,最终沮丧的退去。 The Zhou Yuan line of sight shifts to Heaven Abyss Territory's forces, pale sound said: „The Heaven Abyss Territory people, along with me go to that Abyss of Fallen to rush, now does not know that many people want looks at my Heaven Abyss Territory to drop from the throne, but I actually want to make this Primordial Heaven know, my Heaven Abyss Territory, after all one of the Nine Territories!” 周元视线转向天渊域的人马,淡声道:“天渊域众人,随我去那陨落之渊闯一闯吧,如今不知多少人都想要看着天渊域从王座上跌落,但是我却想让这混元天知晓,我天渊域,终归还是九域之一!” Heaven Abyss Territory two thousand forces hearing this, are the look is all stimulated, the new tide rushes, in the heart has the heroic spirit to ascend. 天渊域两千人马闻言,皆是神色亢奋,新潮澎湃,心中有豪气升腾。 Respectfully follows the life of Chief Pavilion Lord!” “谨遵总阁主之命!” Neat roared to resound through mountain forest. 整齐的咆哮响彻山林 The Zhou Yuan form moves, grasps scroll, takes the lead to turn around to that heavily mountain range beside violently shoots to go. 周元身影一动,手持卷轴,率先转身对着那重重山脉之外暴射而去。 Whoosh! Whoosh! 咻!咻! Behind that several thousand forms, have transited just like the locust air-splitting, the momentum is astonishing. 在那后方,数千道身影破空而过,宛如蝗虫过境,声势惊人。 ... ... Beside boundless heavily mountain range. 苍茫的重重山脉之外。 Heaven and Earth of distant place presents shatter, the scene myriad, the faintly visible rivers drop from the clouds, stands upside down like the giant mountain, was changed just like the basic rule continually, filling is mystical and unknown. 远处的天地呈现破碎,其中景象万千,隐约可见河流从天而降,有如巨人般的大山倒立,宛如连基本的规则都被改变,充满着神秘与未知。 In that is Abyss of Fallen. 那里面就是陨落之渊 Once had many Law Domain expert the place of die. But at this time, in the Abyss of Fallen surrounding, eight side forces, distinguishing right from wrong stands. 曾经有诸多法域强者陨落之地。而此时,在陨落之渊外围,有八方人马,泾渭分明的而立。 That is forces of eight territories. 那是八域的人马 They rushed had cut Nine Dragons, took the lead to gather outside Abyss of Fallen. 他们闯过了斩九龙,率先汇聚于陨落之渊外。 But at this time, the vision of many pondering, are looking at rear area in that vast mountain range. 而此时,其中不少玩味的目光,都是望着后方那辽阔的山脉中。 Because only has Heaven Abyss Territory's appear(ance) now. 因为现在就只有天渊域的人马尚未出现 Is it possible that lost in this pass/test? If so, that may really be interesting, for these years, under cut Nine Dragons, has the Nine Territories influence cut to fall finally? 莫非,是折戟于这一关了?如果是这样,那可就真是有意思了,这么多年来,斩九龙这一关,终于有九域势力被斩落马下了? Xu Ming looks the happy expression, in the eye full is the meaning of ridicule. 徐暝面露笑意,眼中满是讥讽之意。 That Jiu Gong also shakes the head secretly, this Heaven Abyss Territory, it seems like really must have bad luck... 九宫也是暗暗摇头,这天渊域,看来真是要倒霉了... Zhao Mushen is indifferent. 赵牧神漠不关心。 The Wu Yao look is tranquil, she also has not looked at the rearward, if Zhou Yuan really loses, that somewhat is actually disappointing, but, her deep in one's heart is clearest, can insist in the past in that hopeless situation person, and overturns finally, small cuts Nine Dragons to stop him, perhaps some are unlikely. 武瑶神色平静,她同样没有看向后方,如果周元真的就此折戟的话,那倒是有些让人失望,不过,她内心深处最明白,一个当年在那种绝境都能坚持下来并且最终翻盘的人,一个小小的斩九龙就想阻拦住他的话,恐怕有些不太可能。 Only has Su Youwei, the white hands gets hold of slightly, on the simple and beautiful cheeks, holds slight worry. 唯有苏幼薇,玉手微微握紧,清丽的脸颊上,噙着一丝细微的担忧。 People hundred condition. 众人百态。 Therefore in so the time, Zhou Yuan is also leading Heaven Abyss Territory's forces, tears the dense fog in mountain range, enormous and powerful appear(ance) during the gaze of that many vision. 于是也就是在这般时候,周元率领着天渊域的人马,撕裂山脉中的迷雾,浩浩荡荡的出现在了那诸多目光的注视之中。 Venerable Yuan 元尊 Venerable Yuan 元尊
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