VY :: Volume #10

#932: 1 fist

In die city. 陨落城中。 A countless line of sight is looking on the void these light microscopes, in the light microscope is to all have countless boundless Origin Qi erupts, the person's shadow interlocks like the locust, seemingly intense incomparable. 无数道视线望着虚空上那些光镜,光镜内皆是有着无数道磅礴源气爆发,人影如蝗虫般交错,看上去激烈无比。 Nine Territories forces, starts to overcome an obstacle in this time. 九域人马,都是在此时开始闯关。 tch tch, the Myriad Ancestors Territory's strength was really terrifying, defense line that six side top influences composed, simply by easily accomplished tearing...” 啧啧,万祖域的实力真是太恐怖了,六方顶尖势力组成的防线,简直就是被摧枯拉朽的撕裂...” „The dark horse of that six side top influences, really does not dare appear(ance) in the Zhao Mushen front.” “那六方顶尖势力的黑马,真是不敢出现赵牧神的面前。” Power gap was too big, how dares to come up?” “实力差距太大了,怎么敢上去?” Other places are also nothing suspense...” “其他地方也是没有什么悬念啊...” Made a mistake, there is a place, the suspense is actually big...” “错了,有一个地方,悬念倒是不小呢...” Some people are laughing, is looking at a side light microscope on some vision of teasing, precisely Heaven Abyss Territory's forces that in that shines upon, their population compared to five side top influence some disadvantages, but must discuss the independent strength after all, certainly is Heaven Abyss Territory's Divine Palace Realm must a stronger point, therefore the person are even few, but makes forces of five side top influences be hard to break through as before. 有人哄笑着,然后就有些戏谑的目光望着一方光镜,那里面,映照的正是天渊域的人马,他们的人数相对于五方顶尖势力有些劣势,不过毕竟要论起单独的战力,肯定是天渊域的神府境要更强一分,所以即便人少,但却依旧让得五方顶尖势力的人马难以突破。 ... 只是... Some vision looked to a summit place, there, Zhou Yuan got sucked into during surrounding of five super dark horses. 一些目光望向了一座山巅处,那里,周元深陷五位超级黑马的包围之中。 This Zhou Yuan was really crazy, dared to violate the danger alone, he really thinks that the opposite party did have no preparation?” Shaking the head that some people cannot bear, this Zhou Yuan's behavior was extremely really crude. “这周元真的是太狂了,竟敢独自犯险,他真以为对方没有什么准备吗?”有人忍不住的摇头,这周元的行为实在是太过的鲁莽了。 „His is to behead to seize the flag, the words that otherwise attacks normally, Heaven Abyss Territory definitely will damage.” “他这是想要斩首夺旗,不然正常攻伐的话,天渊域这边必然会有所损伤。” Thinks naively, to look at him to do actually right now, that Lu Hai five people, are all influence use full power training every people Divine Palace Realm supreme talent, strength not inferior Chen Xuandong, now five people collaborate, this Zhou Yuan has the big skill, perhaps is difficult to escape a defeat!” “想得倒是天真,这下子看他如何是好,那卢海五人,每一人都是各方势力倾尽全力培养的神府境天骄,实力并不逊色陈玄东,如今五人联手,这周元有再大的本事,恐怕都是难逃一败!” countless people is secret nods, in Primordial Heaven, hidden dragons and crouching tigers does not know many, on Divine Palace Ranking, but is only a few, but only had these essential seasons, the dark horse that these braved, will just now make one exclaim in surprise the depth of Primordial Heaven this water. 无数人皆是暗暗点头,混元天内,藏龙卧虎不知多少,神府榜上者,不过只是少数而已,而唯有到了这些关键时节,那些冒出来的黑马,方才会让得人为之惊叹混元天这水之深。 At present, before Zhou Yuan this , the dark horse of brightest eye, then encounters encircling of several deeply concealing dark horses. 眼下,周元这匹之前最为亮眼的黑马,则是遭遇到了数位深藏不露的黑马的围剿。 Then, Zhou Yuan this super dark horse that captured the countless attention, is continues unprecedented, during this encircles ends low-spirited? 接下来,周元这匹吸引了无数目光的超级黑马,是继续一往无前,还是在这场围剿之中黯然收场? countless people is holding the enormous curiosity regarding this result. 无数人对于这个结果都抱着极大的好奇。 ... ... On the summit, Zhou Yuan looks at that five whole bodies to linger the form that boundless Origin Qi is fluctuating, say/way that somewhat sighed: Worthily is the top influence in Primordial Heaven, really hidden deeply, then, you are the plan on together are alone?” 山巅上,周元望着那五道周身萦绕着磅礴源气波动的身影,有些感叹的道:“不愧是混元天中的顶尖势力,隐藏得真深,那么接下来,你们是打算一起上还是单独?” Lu Hai shows the smile, said: Chief Pavilion Lord Zhou Yuan, do not use this inferior method of goading somebody into action, we know your strength is not weak, therefore we that set of not planning and you plays independent combat.” 卢海露出笑容,道:“周元总阁主,不要用这种低劣的激将法,我们知晓你实力不弱,所以我们也没打算和你玩单打独斗的那一套。” This Lu Hai is also an extremely deceitful person, he understands that their advantages lie in the population, therefore he is how possible, because a Zhou Yuan's point prods the method to give up. 卢海也是个极为狡诈之人,他明白他们的优势在于人数,所以他怎么可能因为周元的一点激将手段就放弃。 Begins! We first a weighing Chief Pavilion Lord Zhou Yuan quality!” Lu Hai calls out suddenly. “动手!咱们先称量一下周元总阁主的成色!”卢海陡然暴喝。 Bang! 轰! On that flash that his sound falls, five vigorous boundless Origin Qi torrent sweep across suddenly, torrent passes through void, came from that directly in all directions, ruthlessly is killing to go to the Zhou Yuan bang, its escape route blockade all. 就在他声落的那一瞬间,五道雄浑磅礴的源气洪流猛然席卷而出,洪流贯穿虚空,直接是自那四面八方呼啸而来,狠狠的对着周元轰杀而去,将其退路尽数的封锁。 The Lu Hai five people make a move are full power, Origin Qi shine void, forms everywhere Origin Qi Star in their behind. 卢海五人一出手便是全力,源气映照虚空,在他们身后形成漫天源气星辰 All not under 30 million Origin Qi background! 皆是不下于三千万源气底蕴 Five people also make a move, that and other offensive are the landslide cracks in the earth, the momentum are scary. 五人同时出手,那等攻势可谓是山崩地裂,声势骇人。 Level that if this time Zhou Yuan fights with beforehand Chen Xuandong, perhaps is only so the offensive, rumbles to kill him sufficiently! 若此时的周元还是和之前陈玄东交手的层次,恐怕光是这般攻势,就足以将他轰杀! However, what making Lu Hai and the others somewhat surprised is, is facing this offensive, the sign that Zhou Yuan has not as if avoided, but unemotional is built on same place. 不过,让得卢海等人有些惊疑的是,面对着这种攻势,周元似乎也并没有躲避的迹象,只是面无表情的立于原地。 Snort, since you court death, that no wonder we!” Lu Hai looks to sneer, this confrontation, the casualty is unavoidable, even if Zhou Yuan is Heaven Abyss Territory's Chief Pavilion Lord, that still can only say that he is stupid. “哼,既然你找死,那就怪不得我们了!”卢海面露冷笑,这种交锋,死伤在所难免,就算周元天渊域的总阁主,那也只能说他自身愚蠢。 Bang! 轰! Under the gaze of that countless vision, five boundless Origin Qi torrent, directly just like angry dragon general bombardment in Zhou Yuan in it place. 在那无数道目光的注视下,五道磅礴源气洪流,直接是宛如怒龙一般的轰击在了周元所在之地。 That instantaneous, everything may become vulnerable, this giant summit is starts to crack. 那瞬间,地动山摇,这座巨大的山巅都是开始在崩裂。 But forces that , both sides slaughter intensely was also shaken by here sound, after they know the situation, forces of five side top influences bursts into the cheers immediately, but the Heaven Abyss Territory four pavilions member is complexion cannot bear changes. 而下方,双方激烈厮杀的人马也是被这里的动静所震,待得他们知晓情况后,五方顶尖势力的人马顿时爆发出欢呼声,而天渊域四阁成员则是面色忍不住的一变。 Even the Lu Xiao heart sinks, the sound that previously Lu Hai and the others acted he was also detects, opposite party not slight kept the hand, the attack of that degree, trading to do is his forcibly withstands one, perhaps was the skeleton not saves. 吕霄心头都是一沉,先前卢海等人出手的动静他也是察觉到了,对方没有丝毫的留手,那种程度的攻击,换作是他硬生生承受一记,恐怕是尸骨无存。 This Zhou Yuan... rather also pulled rank!” The Lu Xiao look sinks, said. “这周元...未免也太托大了!”吕霄眼神微沉,道。 Their here pressures are big, if the surface of Zhou Yuan in front of so many people were also routed, will then be huge regarding the Heaven Abyss Territory's morale attack. 他们这里的压力已经不小了,如果周元当着这么多人的面被击溃,那对于天渊域的士气打击将会是巨大的。 Yi Qiushui, Ye Bingling and the others also in this time heart high raised. 伊秋水,叶冰凌等人也是在此时将心都高高的提了起来。 On the summit, Origin Qi complementary waves retrogression gradually, the mist and dust also diverges. 山巅上,源气余波渐渐的消退,烟尘也是散去。 First prints pleasant, is that like the spider web spread giant crack, the crack almost fills the entire summit, but in crack central location, nether black gulf appear(ance). 首先印入眼中的,是那如蜘蛛网般蔓延开来的巨大裂缝,裂缝几乎将整个山巅弥漫,而在裂缝的中央位置,一座幽黑的深坑出现 Lu Hai and the others were looking there, next one flickers, eye pupil suddenly shrinks. 卢海等人望着那里,下一瞬,眼瞳忽的一缩。 Because they see, in the above of that gulf, has person's shadow static stood high up in the sky together. 因为他们见到,在那深坑的上方,有着一道人影静静的凌空而立 Like that appearance, precisely Zhou Yuan! 那般模样,正是周元 He is maintaining the previous position, the figure is ordinary just like the rock, is entirely still, even the lower hem corner has not had the shatter place. 他保持着先前的位置,身形宛如磐石一般,纹丝不动,甚至连衣角都未曾有破碎的地方。 That, if not the gulf of under foot returns exist(ence), no matter what everybody will think that previously Lu Hai five people of offensive jointly, is only a illusion. 那一幕,如果不是脚下的深坑还存在的话,任谁都会觉得先前卢海五人的联手攻势,只是一场幻象。 Zhou Yuan, returns safe and sound! 周元,毫发无损! Whish! 哗! At this moment, in the mountain range, is in that die city, all erupts unbelievable screams. 此时此刻,不论是山脉内,还是那陨落城中,皆是爆发出一阵难以置信的惊呼声。 Haven't the Lu Hai five people of offensive jointly, caused the slight damage to Zhou Yuan unexpectedly? 卢海五人的联手攻势,竟然没有对周元造成丝毫的伤害? How possibly! 怎么可能! Is impossible!” Even Lu Hai complexion changes. “不可能!”连卢海面色都是一变。 Zhou Yuan that light, but ice cold vision, lifts in this time, he is looking at Lu Hai and the others, said: „If two months ago meets you, I really will have nods to hurt, but pitifully...” 周元那平淡而凌冽的目光,也是在此时抬起,他望着卢海等人,道:“如果是两个月前遇见你们,我还真是会有点头疼,但可惜...” He smiles, said: You as if lost the best opportunity.” 他笑了笑,道:“你们似乎失去了最好的机会。” Bang!” “轰!” When his voice falls that flickers, resembling has the flood dragon long roar sound to resound in Heaven and Earth, boundless Origin Qi shoots up to the sky from its within the body, azure-golden Origin Qi shines void, has countless Origin Qi Star glittering. 当他声音落下的那一瞬,似是有着蛟龙长吟的声音在天地间响起,磅礴的源气自其体内冲天而起,青金色源气映照虚空,有无数源气星辰闪烁 Enough 38 million! 足足三千八百万! An astonishing Origin Qi pressure, fills the air by potential of the hiding the sky and covering the earth. 一股惊人的源气威压,以一种铺天盖地之势弥漫开来。 That came from the Lu Hai five people of that Origin Qi pressure, was suppressed instantaneously! 那原本来自卢海五人的那种源气威压,瞬间被压制! But Lu Hai and the others complexion also change, because in information that in they know, when Zhou Yuan with Chen Xuandong fights previous time, his Origin Qi background, but 20 million! 卢海等人的面色也是大变,因为在他们所知晓的信息中,周元上一次与陈玄东交手时,其自身的源气底蕴,不过才两千万而已! However now, was rises suddenly unexpectedly this degree?! This bastard, is really good to hide, is simply sinister! 然而如今,竟是暴涨到了这种程度?!这混蛋,真是好会隐藏,简直阴险! Shuā! 唰! But in they are shocked, the Zhou Yuan's form, disappears suddenly baseless. 而就在他们震惊之间,周元的身影,突然凭空消失。 The Lu Hai eye pupil shrinks suddenly, said sternly: Gathers! Was careful that he must defeat one by one!” 卢海眼瞳骤缩,厉声道:“聚拢!小心他要逐个击破!” That another four dark horse hearing this, is form hurried violently shoots, tries to gather. 那另外四位黑马闻言,也是身影急忙暴射而出,试图汇拢。 However has one person to be slow, the Zhou Yuan's form like demon appear(ance) in his front, complexion indifferently, his five fingers gripped tightly, a fist rumbles, 38 million Origin Qi roared, just like azure flood dragon, the tearing horizon, the direct bang approached that super dark horse. 不过还是有着一人慢了,周元的身影如鬼魅般的出现在了他的前方,面色漠然,他五指紧握,一拳轰出,三千八百万的源气咆哮而出,宛如一头青色蛟龙,撕裂天际,直接轰向了那一位超级黑马。 Extremely arrogant, when I feared that you are inadequate!” “狂妄,当我怕你不成!” That super dark horse is also the personality proud person, immediately drinks to make noise severely, within the body the eruption of Origin Qi to hold nothing back, he knows, so long as he stops Zhou Yuan to flicker slightly, Lu Hai and the others will seize the chance to attack Zhou Yuan. 那名超级黑马也是性格骄傲之人,当即厉喝出声,体内的源气毫无保留的爆发而出,他知道,只要他稍稍阻拦周元一瞬,卢海等人就会趁机攻击周元 Iron Dragon Gu!” 铁龙蛊!” Then during by the super dark horse of Zhou Yuan locking, a top influence from named Dragon Gu Palace, was seen only him to roar, Origin Qi seems changes into black dragon insect, the dragon insect occupies in his body surface, just like beyond his body, changed into nether black the mountain of steel. 那被周元锁定的超级黑马,来自一方名为龙蛊宫的顶尖势力,只见得他咆哮之中,源气仿佛是化为黑色龙虫,龙虫盘踞在他的身体表面,犹如是在他的身躯之外,化为了一座幽黑的钢铁之山。 The defensive power is fearful. 防御力可怕。 Bang! 轰! However Zhou Yuan has not therefore had the slight stagnation, under a fist bang, such as the azure flood dragon Origin Qi offensive, was the bombardment of heavily on that nether black the mountain of steel. 然而周元却是没有因此有丝毫的停滞,一拳轰下,如青色蛟龙般的源气攻势,便是重重的轰击在了那幽黑的钢铁之山上。 Clang! 铛! Among Heaven and Earth has the great sound to resound through. 天地间似是有着巨声响彻。 The next flash, the countless people panic-stricken sound gets up, because they see, that Dragon Gu Palace black dragon insect beyond super dark horse body, unexpectedly in this time wail one, loudly blasting open. 下一瞬间,无数人惊骇之声响起,因为他们见到,那龙蛊宫的超级黑马身躯外的黑色龙虫,竟是在此时哀鸣一声,轰然炸裂。 On the face of that super dark horse is also has panic-stricken desire color certainly to emerge. 那超级黑马的脸庞上也是有着惊骇欲绝之色涌现出来。 This is he strongest defense, didn't expect cannot meet unexpectedly a Zhou Yuan fist! 这是他最强的防御,没想到竟然连周元一拳都接不下来! Bang! 轰! Black dragon Chongbao of protecting oneself breaks to pieces, boundless torrent rumbled directly above that super dark horse body. 护身的黑色龙虫爆碎,磅礴洪流直接是轰在了那超级黑马身躯之上。 The void shake, that super dark horse pitiful yell sound penetrating is void, his figure such as shell general flying upside down several tens of thousands zhang (3.33 m), collision ruthlessly in giant mountain, the entire mountain top crashed in this time finally loudly, buries it, acts recklessly. 虚空震荡,那名超级黑马惨叫声响彻虚空,他的身形如炮弹一般的倒飞出数万丈,最终狠狠的撞进了一座巨山之中,整个山头都是在此时轰然崩塌,将其掩埋,不知死活。 Zhou Yuan's acts, just like the electric light flint, that Lu Hai and the others just wanted to rescue, but there fight, had actually ended. 周元的出手,宛如电光火石,那卢海等人刚欲救援,但那里的战斗,却已经结束。 The mountain that the Lu Hai four people are looking at distant place that avalanche, looked on to rub the fist again void, complexion indifferent Zhou Yuan, a chill in the air was hard to contain welled up from the heart. 卢海四人望着远处那崩塌的山岳,再望着虚空上揉了揉拳头,面色漠然的周元,一股寒意难以遏制的自心中涌了出来。 Their how didn't expect, this two months, Zhou Yuan unexpectedly strong to this degree! 他们怎么都没想到,这才两个月的时间,周元竟然会强到了这种程度! Is only a fist, the second killed a strength is not completely inferior in the Chen Xuandong top dark horse! 仅仅只是一拳,就秒杀了一位实力完全不逊色于陈玄东的顶尖黑马!
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