VY :: Volume #10

#930: Overcomes an obstacle to start

After the ballot result sets, in the die city has the countless ray of light shadow to plunder to empty immediately, is divided into batches of forces rapidly is going to the distant place, the hiding the sky and covering the earth appearance, the momentum is astonishing. 当抽签结果定下后,陨落城内顿时有着无数道光影掠空而起,然后分为一批批人马迅速的对着远处而去,铺天盖地的模样,声势惊人。 These are all parties' top influence start to make the preparation. 那些是各方的顶尖势力开始做着准备。 Dozens li (0.5 km) position outside the die city, ancient mountain ranges, the terrain is complex, abyss vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, but after this mountain range, is Abyss of Fallen. 陨落城外数十里的位置,有一片古老山脉,其中地形复杂,深渊纵横,而这座山脉之后,便是陨落之渊 In the entire die city a piece is confused, the Zhou Yuan figure fell in Heaven Abyss Territory forces. 当整个陨落城内一片乱腾腾时,周元身形落到了天渊域人马之中。 His eye of ring of light regards, can see Lu Xiao, Mu Liu, Han Yuan and the others on the face hold faint trace worried look, obviously was worried difficult bureau that they will then face. 他目光环视,能够见到吕霄,木柳,韩渊等人脸庞上噙着的丝丝忧虑之色,显然是在担心他们接下来将会面对的难局。 „The information of 2nd road had previously transmitted, this time obstructs our, five side top influences, their forces about 4000, will be more than us, but the Divine Palace Realm late stage population, they have about 900.” Zhou Yuan said. “先前二号路的情报已经传来,此次阻截我们的,将会有五方顶尖势力,他们的人马在四千左右,比我们要略多,而神府境后期的人数,他们也有九百左右。”周元说道。 Such remarks, the people heart sinks, the number of opposite party is their one time, moreover Divine Palace Realm late stage were more than more than 500 people them, if this fights, their here pressures were too big. 此言一出,众人心头都是一沉,对方的数量是他们的一倍,而且神府境后期更是比他们多了五百多人,这如果交手的话,他们这边压力太大了。 Although the words of same rank, the Heaven Abyss Territory's Divine Palace Realm battle efficiency, should compared with a Fang Qiang point, but wants to make up for the both sides above disparity, is insufficient. 虽然同等级的话,天渊域的神府境战斗力,应该要比对方强一分,但想要弥补双方人数上面的差距,还是不够的。 Lu Xiao looked at Zhou Yuan one, said: Moreover what is most troublesome, these five side top influences, have the hidden dark horse inevitably, their strengths, will not be perhaps inferior in Chen Xuandong.” 吕霄看了周元一眼,道:“而且最麻烦的是,这五方顶尖势力,必然有隐藏黑马,他们的实力,恐怕不会逊色于陈玄东。” I can defeat one, but this was also my limit.” “我能够打败一位,但这也是我的极限了。” Mu Liu and Han Yuan silent, said: We can tie down one person respectively, but the odds of success is not big, can only delay.” 木柳韩渊沉默了一下,道:“我们能各自缠住一人,但胜算不大,只能拖延。” Compared with the strength, they indeed want the weak Lu Xiao frontline, if expert of similar Chen Xuandong that rank, they can only delay. 比起实力,他们两人的确是要弱吕霄一线,如果是类似陈玄东那种级别的强者,他们只能拖延。 As we all know, once ignores these super dark horses lead the team to rush ahead to come, that defense line rapid tearing of one's own side, once to that aspect, the entire situation crashed thoroughly, is facing several thousand Divine Palace Realm offensive, even if Zhou Yuan can only be utterly routed directly. 所有人都知道,一旦放任这些超级黑马率队冲杀而来,那会将己方的防线迅速的撕裂,一旦到了那个局面,整个情况就彻底崩盘了,面对着数千位神府境的攻势,就算是周元正面都只能溃不成军。 Zhou Yuan is feeling the people that somewhat heavy atmosphere, hesitates slightly, said: „These dark horses of opposite party, you do not need to manage.” 周元感受着众人那有些沉重的气氛,微微沉吟,道:“对方的那些黑马,你们都不用管。” He stares is looking amazed Lu Xiao and the others, said: They give me to come completely, your mission only then, helping me constrain that four thousand forces, gives me time, I behead to seize the flag!” 他盯着面露惊诧的吕霄等人,道:“他们全部都交给我来,你们的任务只有一个,帮我拖住那四千人马,给我一点时间,我来斩首夺旗!” This time Lu Xiao somewhat is even shocking, been able to bear say/way: Gives you completely? You may probably know, their similar Chen Xuandong dark horse like that perhaps no less than three!” 这次连吕霄都有些震惊,忍不住的道:“全部交给你?你可要知道,他们类似陈玄东那般的黑马,恐怕不少于三位!” Although before Zhou Yuan, defeated Chen Xuandong, but now the opposite party is several Chen Xuandong! 虽然周元之前打败了陈玄东,但现在对方可是好几个陈玄东 Zhou Yuan calmly said: Falls into the large-scale dogfight, is disadvantageous to us, we cannot have the too big loss here, otherwise after entering Abyss of Fallen, aspect to us is not wonderful.” 周元平静的道:“陷入大规模的缠斗,对我们并不利,我们不能在这里有太大的损失,不然进入陨落之渊后,局面对我们而言更加的不妙。” This point opposite party should also be able to think, when if they discovered that I try to conduct to behead to them to seize the flag, they will be glad to accept mostly, because they want to do this similarly, this can make their losses also reduce to slightly.” “这一点对方应该也能想到,所以如果当他们发现我试图对他们进行斩首夺旗的话,他们多半会乐意接受,因为他们同样想这样做,这能够让他们的损失也减少到最小。” Mu Liu hesitant, said: „Do you have confidence?” 木柳犹豫了一下,道:“你有把握吗?” If Zhou Yuan defeated to catch by the opposite party when the time comes, perhaps that Heaven Abyss Territory these two thousand forces, the morale collapsed directly, when the time comes Heaven Abyss Territory feared is meets the face countenance to sweep completely. 如果周元到时候被对方打败擒住,那天渊域这两千人马,恐怕士气就直接崩了,到时候天渊域怕是会颜面扫尽。 Zhou Yuan smiles, said: I said that some words, perhaps don't you believe?” 周元一笑,道:“我说有的话,你们或许也不信吧?” Mu Liu their look at each other in dismay, is a little awkward, because they are really have a little not believed. 木柳他们面面相觑,皆是有点尴尬,因为他们还真是有点不太相信。 Zhou Yuan sees that also has not explained anything, but said: Did not have a better way in any case, arranged like this.” 周元见状,也没有多解释什么,只是道:“反正也没有更好的办法了,就这样安排吧。” Saw him to get down the decision, others also can only nodded. 见到他下了决定,其他人也就只能点点头 ... ... In the die city, the atmosphere was to instead start becomes in this time somewhat peaceful, no matter what who knows that this was not cooling, but before was only the storm approaches the moment to be peaceful. 陨落城内,气氛在此时反而是开始变得有些安静了一些,不过任谁都知道这并非是冷却,而只是风暴来临前的片刻安宁罢了。 When the time passed by a double-hour, on void, that Zhao Xiansun sleeve robe wields, immediately among Heaven and Earth has melodious bell to recite the sound to resound through together. 而待得时间过去了一个时辰时,虚空上,那赵仙隼袖袍一挥,顿时天地间有着一道悠扬的钟吟声响彻起来。 Double-hour has arrived, Nine Territories Conference, opens at this time!” “时辰已到,九域大会,此时开启!” All forces, sends out!” “各方人马,出动吧!” Falls along with his sound, next one flickers, countless boundless Origin Qi shoots up to the sky from the die city in suddenly, forms plunder to empty like the locust, hiding the sky and covering the earth, the sunlight was even covered up to go suddenly. 伴随着他的声音落下,下一瞬,无数道磅礴的源气陡然自陨落城内冲天而起,一道道身影如蝗虫般掠空而过,铺天盖地,一时间连阳光都被遮掩而去。 Walks!” “走!” Zhou Yuan does not neglect, takes the lead to shoot up to the sky. 周元也是毫不怠慢,率先冲天而起。 In its behind, Lu Xiao, the Mu Liu and other four pavilions members all are rapid following. 在其身后,吕霄,木柳四阁成员皆是迅速的跟上。 Nine waves of forces enormous and powerful plundering go out of town spatially, each other distinguishes right from wrong, then stimulates to movement pinnacle the speed, is going to the south that ancient mountain range directly air-splitting. 九波人马浩荡的掠空出城,彼此泾渭分明,然后将速度催动到极致,直接对着南边的那片古老山脉破空而去。 In the die city, a countless vision looks at the form that these are going far away. 陨落城内,无数道目光望着那些远去的身影。 On void, the Zhao Xiansun finger, ripples void, the Origin Qi gathering, changed into giant mirrors directly, a total of nine, above the mirror surface, are shining upon nine waves of enormous and powerful forces. 虚空上,赵仙隼手指一点,虚空荡漾,源气汇聚,直接是化为了一面面巨大的镜子,总共九面,镜面之上,映照着九波浩荡的人马 The countless line of sight is looking at the Origin Qi light microscope, sends out to talk in whispers. 无数视线望着源气光镜,发出窃窃私语。 Does not know that this year this cuts Nine Dragons, whether the dragon could be cut?” “不知道今年这斩九龙,能否有一龙被斩?” hehe, you stated clearly that Heaven Abyss Territory to have bad luck are.” 嘿嘿,你明说那天渊域要倒霉了便是。” Pitiful, perhaps solemn Nine Territories, declined unexpectedly hence , really must move out of the way the position if this had continued...” “可怜啊,堂堂九域,竟然没落至此,如果再这样下去,恐怕真是要挪开位置了...” This Heaven Abyss Territory's two thousand do forces, how fight with that five side top influences?” “这天渊域的两千人马,如何跟那五方顶尖势力相斗?” Lost.” “输定了。” „......” “......” countless people shakes the head secretly, or sigh, either takes pleasure in others' misfortunes, but obviously, basic everyone felt, Heaven Abyss Territory this time, fell into the hopeless situation. 无数人暗暗摇头,或感叹,或幸灾乐祸,但显然,基本所有人都是觉得,天渊域此次,陷入了绝境。 ... ... Zhou Yuan and the others full speed hurry along, roughly after ten several minutes, they were see giant vast ancient mountain range appear(ance) in the field of vision, in the mountain range, is filling the sheer precipice, just like sword edge was ordinary, direct impact Yunxiao (cloud firmament). 周元等人全速赶路,约莫十数分钟后,他们便是见到一座巨大辽阔的古老山脉出现在了视野中,山脉之内,充满着悬崖峭壁,犹如剑锋一般,直冲云霄 High of this mountain range, Divine Palace Realm is hard to leap. 这座山脉之高,神府境都是难以飞跃。 Moreover in that upper air, has Origin Qi storm wreak havoc, is unable to shuttle back and forth. 而且在那高空,有源气风暴肆虐,无法穿梭。 When nine waves of enormous and powerful forces arrived at the mountain range before, was each one rapid separation, is going to the different routes. 当九波浩荡人马来到山脉之前时,便是各自迅速的分开,对着不同的路线而去。 Nine roads, separate. 九条路,是分开的。 But Zhou Yuan also saw in this time for the first time Zhao Mushen that is known as is the Primordial Heaven Divine Palace Realm King, the latter is situated in frontline Myriad Ancestors Territory several thousand forces, the clothes robe flutters, the look is indifferent. 周元也是在此时第一次见到了那位号称是混元天神府境王者的赵牧神,后者立于万祖域数千人马最前方,衣袍飘动,神色淡然。 Indeed is the abundant god like the jade character. 的确是丰神如玉般的人物。 Also just, is very arrogant. 只不过,也很傲。 That Zhao Mushen also detected the Zhou Yuan's vision obviously, but he has not actually swept one, in that feeling, was similar to treats to be ordinary the passer-by to venerate the vision general about his. 赵牧神显然也察觉到了周元的目光,但他却并未扫过来一眼,那种感觉,就如同对待平常里路人对他的那种尊崇目光一般。 The Zhao Mushen body side, a slightly charming female looked at him actually, then the small mouth casts aside lightly, a little disdains. 倒是赵牧神身侧,一名略显娇媚的女子看了看他,然后小嘴轻撇,有点不屑。 Zhou Yuan has not paid attention, no longer hesitates, the palm wields, bringing the Heaven Abyss Territory two thousand forces illness/quick to plunder, finally crashed in that to have the mountain range to fold the screen-like mountain peak, in the peaks and ridges precipitous ancient mountain range. 周元没有理会,也不再犹豫,手掌一挥,带着天渊域两千人马疾掠而出,最终冲进了那有着山峦叠嶂,峰峦险峻的古老山脉之中。 But looked at their form, countless people is feeling a wind in this time whinny Yi Shuihan's flavor. 而望着他们这些人的身影,无数人都是在此时感觉到了一种风萧萧兮易水寒的味道。 The trip goes, this Heaven Abyss Territory, will be perhaps turbulent. 此行一去,这天渊域,恐怕将会随之动荡。 But Heaven Abyss Territory's prestige, in this time, will suffer from the unprecedented fatal blow! 天渊域的声望,也将会在此次,遭受到从所未有的致命打击! 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