VY :: Volume #1

#93: silver shadow

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Zhou Yuan and Su Youwei are looks the shock are looking at front silver battle armor, nearby Yao Yao is also in the beautiful eye brings surprisedly, she sized up, just now said: This is not battle armor, should say that is battle puppet.” 周元苏幼微都是面露震惊的望着面前的银色战甲,一旁的夭夭也是美目中带着惊奇,她打量了一下,方才道:“这并非是战甲,应该说是战傀。” battle puppet?” Zhou Yuan stares. 战傀?”周元一愣。 This Battle Puppet Sect also is really some skills, can actually achieve this degree battle puppet.” Say/Way that Yao Yao exclaims in surprise. “这战傀宗还真是有些本事,竟然能够将战傀做到这种程度。”夭夭惊叹的道。 If I have not guessed that wrong, this battle puppet, is not sole, but can fuse, the mutual assistance, erupts the astonishing strength.” “如果我没猜错的话,这座战傀,并非是单一型的,而是能够与人相融合,互相辅助,爆发出惊人的力量。” Combines the person and battle puppet, tch tch, this Battle Puppet Sect also really can think that dares to do.” “将人与战傀合二为一,啧啧,这战傀宗还真是敢想敢做呢。” Fuses?” Zhou Yuan is frowning, obviously extremely puzzled. “与人融合?”周元皱着眉头,显然极为的不解。 You use the hand to bump it.” Yao Yao said. “你用手碰碰它。”夭夭道。 Zhou Yuan hesitates slightly, then stretches out the finger, the cautious point approached present silver battle armor. 周元微微犹豫,然后伸出手指,小心翼翼的点向了眼前的银色战甲 Crash-bang! 哗啦啦! But when the Zhou Yuan finger bumps into this battle armor, the latter rapid dissolution, changes into silver liquid suddenly, finally wells up along the Zhou Yuan's arm. 而就在周元手指碰到这座战甲的时候,后者忽然迅速的溶解开来,化为银色的液体,最后沿着周元的手臂涌来。 Short several breaths, silver liquid Zhou Yuan's body package. 短短数息,银色液体就将周元的身体包裹。 After wrapping the Zhou Yuan's body, silver liquid starts to solidify the forming, therefore, beside the Zhou Yuan's body, quick was covered by previous silver battle armor. 在包裹了周元的身体后,银色液体开始凝固成形,于是,周元的身体之外,很快就被先前的银色战甲所笼罩。 The double pupil that silver battle armor shuts tightly opens suddenly, in eye silver light circulation, but has the screams, spreads from his mouth: Good mysterious battle puppet!” 银色战甲紧闭的双瞳忽然睁开,眼中银光流转,不过却是有着惊呼声,从其嘴中传出:“好神奇的战傀!” That sound, although a little change, but came from Zhou Yuan obviously. 那声音,虽然有点变化,但显然是来自周元 I feel this time strength unusual terrifying.” Zhou Yuan is pleasantly surprised extremely, silver battle armor tight is wrapping his body, but he can like directing oneself body same is controlling battle puppet. “我感觉此时的力量非常的恐怖。”周元惊喜万分,银色战甲紧紧的包裹着他的身躯,而他则是能够如同指挥自己的身体一样操控着战傀 Both just like the true fusion in one, perfect conjunction. 两者宛如是真正的融合在了一起,完美契合。 Moreover, those who most made Zhou Yuan shocking was, he felt this time him, as if very powerful. 而且,最令得周元震惊的是,他感觉此时的他,似乎非常的强悍。 This silver battle armor, gave him the extremely astonishing strength. 这座银色战甲,赋予了他极为惊人的力量。 Feels that turbulent strength, is wanting to attempt that Zhou Yuan cannot bear, therefore, his gripping tightly palm suddenly, silver battle armor that sharp palm also grasps to gather together immediately. 感受着那种汹涌的力量,周元忍不住的想要尝试一下,于是,他忽的紧握手掌,银色战甲那锋利的手掌也是立即握拢。 Zhou Yuan knees down, a fierce fist to tread bang under. 周元单膝跪地,猛的一拳对着地面轰下。 Bang! 轰! This fist gets down, entire underground palace in crazy shivering, again then, Zhou Yuan is sight that shocks, at present the land is rumbled directly by his fist a crack, even the ground, was appear(ance) cracking. 这一拳下来,整个地宫都是在疯狂的颤抖,再然后,周元便是震撼的见到,眼前大地直接被他一拳轰出了一道裂纹,甚至地面,都是出现龟裂 very powerful, the strength of this fist, even compares favorably with Absolute Beginning Realm!” Zhou Yuan wild with joy calling out in alarm said. 好强,这一拳的力量,甚至媲美太初境!”周元狂喜的惊呼道。 However, in his screams just fell, his forehead suddenly spreads the fierce stabbing pain, at present also dark(ness) gets down suddenly. 不过,就在他惊呼声刚落时,他眉心忽然传出剧烈的刺痛,眼前也是陡然黑暗下来。 Silver battle armor contracts suddenly, changes into silver ball float, but Zhou Yuan from tumbled, plants to fall on the ground directly, complexion is pale, both eyes shut tightly. 银色战甲忽然收缩,化为一颗银色圆球悬浮着,而周元则是从其中滚落了出来,直接栽落在地上,面色苍白,双目紧闭。 Your Highness?!” Su Youwei sees that immediately charming face changes, quickly goes forward to hug him in the bosom. 殿下?!”苏幼微见状,顿时俏脸一变,急忙上前将他抱在怀中。 Sister Yao Yao, he how?” Su Youwei anxious sound said. 夭夭姐,他怎么了?”苏幼微急声道。 Yao Yao went forward to look, said: All right, was Divine Soul dried up, rests one to be able slowly to restore.” 夭夭上前看了看,道:“没事,就是神魂枯竭了,休息一会就能慢慢恢复。” Su Youwei hearing this, this relaxes, stretches out slender fair jade finger, is rubbing the Zhou Yuan's temples gently. 苏幼微闻言,这才松了一口气,伸出修长白皙的玉指,轻轻揉着周元的太阳穴。 The Zhou Yuan's stupor, continued about half double-hour, then he shakes reviving of leisurely, but he first is covering the head, felt that must blast out general. 周元的昏迷,持续了将近半个时辰,然后他才晃悠悠的苏醒过来,但他第一时间捂着脑袋,感觉头都要炸开一般。 I how?” Good after long time, he has to relax finally, but a complexion paleness, he looks as before to Yao Yao, asking of palpitation. “我怎么了?”好半晌后,他终于是有所舒缓,但面色依旧一片惨白,他看向夭夭,心悸的问道。 Yao Yao ill-humored white his eyes, is angry saying: Who makes you abuse that strength?” 夭夭没好气的白了他一眼,嗔道:“谁让你乱用那种力量的?” This battle puppet, after you fuse, then can link your Divine Soul, takes your Divine Soul as the power, what realm but you do not take a look at your present Divine Soul are, how could to stimulate to movement this battle puppet that has the Absolute Beginning Realm strength?” “这座战傀,与你融合后,便能够链接你的神魂,以你的神魂为动力,但你也不瞧瞧你现在的神魂是什么境界,岂能催动得了这座拥有着太初境力量的战傀?” Forces however for consequence, drains your Divine Soul, but is well good in your luck, without displaying the too strong strength, otherwise, your Divine Soul really presses out to do now.” “强行而为的后果,就是抽干你的神魂,不过好在你的运气不错,没有施展太强的力量,不然的话,现在你的神魂就真的被榨干了。” Zhou Yuan complexion startles, obviously didn't expect stimulates to movement this battle puppet, unexpectedly this hidden danger. 周元面色一骇,显然没想到催动这战傀,竟然还有这种隐患。 You did not say early!” The Zhou Yuan sorrow sound said, how he will know this. “那你不早说!”周元哀声道,他怎么会知道这一茬。 He had a lingering fear looked at that float silver ball, greatly was the regret, previously he also thinks this battle puppet, he can contend with Absolute Beginning Realm expert directly, but looks like him now is too naive, in this world, really did not have the strength that for no reason came. 他心有余悸的看了一眼那颗漂浮的银色圆球,大为的遗憾,先前他还以为有了这战傀,他就能够直接抗衡太初境强者,但如今看来他还是太天真了,这个世界上,果然没有平白而来的力量。 Sister Yao Yao, this thing gives you, you are happen to appropriate.” Zhou Yuan rubbed the forehead, said. 夭夭姐,这东西就给你吧,你正好合适。”周元揉了揉眉心,道。 Such conscientious?” Yao Yao first is smiles, at once small head that teased swings. “这么有良心?”夭夭先是戏谑的一笑,旋即螓首微摇。 „The blood of your previous drop has fused with it, I do not know to relieve the method, therefore this silver battle puppet, besides you, feared that was no one can use.” “不过你先前滴的鲜血已经和它融合,我可不知道解除手段,所以这银色战傀,除了你之外,怕是没人能用了。” „...” “呃...” Zhou Yuan flexure scratched the head, obviously was didn't expect previously that drop of blood, made this silver battle puppet recognize the lord unexpectedly. 周元挠了挠头,显然是没想到先前那滴血,竟然让这银色战傀认主了。 Can study to me it actually, if later the material is complete, I can also attempt to make.” Say/Way that Yao Yao has a relish. “不过倒是可以将它给我研究研究,以后材料若是齐全,我也能尝试制造一下。”夭夭饶有兴致的道。 Zhou Yuan nature nods. 周元自然点头 It seems like wants the true display this battle puppet strength, at least must promote my Divine Soul realm to Reality Realm.” He somewhat regretted, now he Void Realm middle stage, wants to achieve Reality Realm, has not known when must arrive. “看来想要真正的发挥出这座战傀的力量,起码都得将我神魂境界提升到实境了。”他有些惋惜,现在他才虚境中期,想要达到实境,还不知道要到什么时候。 You smile, this battle puppet should be the top work of Battle Puppet Sect, the person and battle puppet fuse, even cultivation cultivation art, Origin Technique, can display with the aid of the battle puppet strength, the so bold idea, was also really made by them unexpectedly.” “你就偷着乐吧,这座战傀应该是战傀宗的顶尖之作,人与战傀相融合,甚至所修炼功法,源术,都是能够借助战傀的力量施展出来,如此大胆的想法,竟然还真的被他们做了出来。” Moreover if in the future your Origin Pattern attainments can enhance, not necessarily cannot let its formidable.” “而且未来如果你的源纹造诣能够提高,未必不能让它更为的强大。” The Yao Yao beautiful eye is looking at that silver ball, sighed: It has the growth potential, this is the place that other battle puppet are unable to compare favorably with, therefore I said that this Battle Puppet Sect, but also is really somewhat the ability.” 夭夭美目望着那银色圆球,感叹道:“它拥有着成长性,这是其他战傀无法媲美的地方,所以我才说,这战傀宗,还真是有几分能耐。” Can be so appraised by Yao Yao, Zhou Yuan was also understands this silver battle armor fierce place, smiles immediately, this thing, indeed was a treasure, even is now unusable, in the future can perhaps be the boost of his formidable. 能够被夭夭如此评价,周元也算是明白了这座银色战甲的厉害之处,当即笑了笑,这东西,的确是件宝贝吗,即便现在不能用,未来说不定会是他强大的助力。 „The later words, were called yousilver shadow. ” Zhou Yuan said with a smile to silver ball, so unique exist(ence), should need one to be its name. “以后的话,就叫你“银影”吧。”周元冲着银色圆球笑道,如此独特的存在,应该需要一个属于它的名字。 But resembled understands the Zhou Yuan words general, on silver ball , has wipes silver light to reappear. 而似是听懂了周元话语一般,银色圆球上,也是有着一抹银光浮现。 Zhou Yuan with jade box again installs silver ball, then in cautious income universe bag. 周元玉盒再度的将银色圆球装进去,然后小心翼翼的收入乾坤囊中。 Then they searched for underground palace, but did not have other harvests, but Zhou Yuan and Su Youwei all satisfy, but Yao Yao's words, then completely does not care. 接下来他们又是搜寻了一番地宫,但却没了其他的收获,不过周元苏幼微皆是满足,而夭夭的话,则是全然不在意。 Walks.” “走吧。” Saw that the underground palace treasure succeeds in obtaining, Zhou Yuan also smiles. 见到地宫宝贝到手,周元也是一笑。 Three people had/left underground palace, the bronze gate closure, that Origin Pattern barrier is restoration gradually, Zhou Yuan is also looking at again close barrier, felt relieved, after returning to Great Zhou City, then makes Zhou Qing send people to take over control, so long as can these battle puppet incorporations all, their Great Zhou Imperial Family strength, will also rise suddenly. 三人出了地宫,青铜门关闭,那源纹结界也是渐渐的恢复,周元望着再度封闭的结界,也是放下心来,等回到大周城后,再让周擎派人来接管,只要能够将这些战傀尽数的收编,他们大周皇室的力量,也将会随之暴涨。 Therefore, this underground palace, it may be said that is the beginning of their Great Zhou's hope. 所以,这座地宫,可谓是他们大周的希望之始。 ... ...
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