VY :: Volume #9

#879: Hidden of Han Yuan

Bang! 轰! When Han Yuan and Zhou Yuan their dreadful Origin Qi sweep across Heaven and Earth, enormous and powerful causes the countless vision becomes scalding hot, who didn't expect, in four Pavilion Lord, was Han Yuan takes the lead to congeal to have three Origin Pattern unexpectedly! 韩渊周元两人那滔天的源气席卷天地时,浩荡的一幕引得无数目光变得灼热起来,谁都没想到,在四位阁主之中,竟然是韩渊率先凝炼出了三道源纹 But at this time that 29 million boundless Origin Qi background howling horizons, brought Origin Qi pressure, is causes this palatial giant peak directly as if in slightly is shivering. 而此时那两千九百万的磅礴源气底蕴呼啸天际,带来的源气威压,直接是引得这座巍峨巨峰仿佛都是在微微的颤抖着。 Many people are flabbergasted secretly, in four pavilions, Han Yuan is actually in that ordinary day quite low-key that perhaps is reason that because his radiance was covered up by Lu Xiao all, regarding this once was Mountain Pavilion Pavilion Lord of loose cultivator family background, actually many people were somewhat neglect it. 不少人暗暗咂舌,在四阁之中,韩渊其实是属于那种平日里颇为低调的那种,或许是因为他的光芒吕霄尽数遮掩的缘故,对于这位曾经是散修出身的山阁阁主,其实很多人都是有些将其忽视的。 In their opinion, Han Yuan perhaps is the little brother who Lu Xiao subdues, but this time looks now again, they just now know under Han Yuan that low key, is actually also hiding a big ambition. 在他们看来,韩渊恐怕就是吕霄所收服的小弟,可如今此时再看,他们方才知晓韩渊那低调之下,却也是隐藏着不小的野心。 At least, this third Origin Pattern, but Lu Xiao has not even been able complete to congeal to come out. 最起码,这第三道源纹,可是连吕霄都还没能完整的凝炼出来。 Thus it can be seen, actually Han Yuan invested the big time on this, naturally, perhaps also indeed is as he said that he does not have Lu Xiao that background, therefore in order to enhances the strength, he can only die to squat in Four Spirit Return to Origin Pagoda, concentrates on all expectations on that four Origin Pattern... 由此可见,韩渊在这上面究竟是下了多大的苦心,当然,或许也的确是如他所说,他没有吕霄那种背景,所以为了能够提升实力,他只能死蹲在四灵归源塔,将所有的期望都投注在那四道源纹上面... His stupid means that also make big progress now. 他的这种笨办法,如今也是取得了不小的成效。 The people also think above that scaling ladder, under four people of high has branched out, this Han Yuan met Zhou Yuan, should be more unfortunate than fortunate, but, as if says now early is a point... 原本众人还以为在那云梯之上,四人的高下已经分出,这韩渊遇见了周元,应该是凶多吉少,可如今来看,似乎说得还是早了一点... In white jade square, black Origin Qi and azure Origin Qi, in that void to bumping, brings the great sound, made void in the sharp shake. 白玉广场上,黑色源气青色源气,在那虚空中对碰,带来巨声,也令得虚空在剧烈的震荡。 The Han Yuan whole body, during the Origin Qi ascension, just like the black thick smoke, he cultivation Origin Qi named Heavenly Demon Barrier Qi, is 7th Rank similarly, in this Origin Qi contains extremely overbearing poisonous intent, if by intrusive mass, flesh and blood all was melted. 韩渊周身,源气升腾间,宛如是黑色的浓烟,他所修炼源气名为天魔障气,同样是位列七品,此源气中蕴含极为霸道的毒意,若是被侵入体内,血肉尽数的被融。 However even stimulated to movement three Origin Pattern, promoted 29 million levels own Origin Qi background, but Han Yuan is staring in Zhou Yuan's both eyes flooded as before was dreading, because this time latter was not weaker than him many. 不过即便催动了三道源纹,将自身的源气底蕴提升到了两千九百万的层次,但韩渊盯着的周元的双目中依旧是充斥着忌惮,因为此时的后者并不比他弱多少。 This fight, can be one struggles hard. 这场战斗,想必会是一场苦战。 Bang! 轰! Han Yuan look gloomy and cold, both hands close up suddenly, see only that enormous and powerful black Origin Qi immediately to roar, changes into thousand zhang (3.33 m) giant black violent treachery directly, brings the dreadful fishy smell, to Zhou Yuan racket ruthlessly under. 韩渊眼神阴冷,双手猛然合拢,只见得那浩荡黑色源气顿时咆哮起来,直接是化为千丈巨大的黑色毒手,带着滔天的腥气,对着周元狠狠的拍下。 In that black great hand, black fog winding, so long as can invade Zhou Yuan within the body, that poisonous intent can make the latter be damaged! 那黑色巨手上,黑雾缠绕,只要能够侵入周元体内,那种毒意就能够令得后者受创! Looks at that to howl, but below black violent treachery, the Zhou Yuan look also concentrates, he does not have the general idea/careless really to make that great hand be close to his body, regarding this type of poison is Origin Qi, must especially discrete, even if otherwise his fleshly body has small accomplishment, once move, still trouble especially. 望着那呼啸而下的黑色毒手,周元眼神也是微凝,他并没有大意得真让那巨手接近他的身躯,对于这种毒系源气,必须格外的谨慎,不然就算他肉身有所小成,一旦中招,也会格外的麻烦。 His palm lifts, Sword Pellet float on palm, the time has dreadful sword cry to resound through. 他手掌抬起,一枚剑丸悬浮在了掌心上,顿时间有着滔天剑吟响彻而起。 Buzz! 嗡! Next flickers, swift and fierce incomparable sword light shoots up to the sky together, brings the boundless sharpness, bumps together with that black violent treachery directly hardly. 下一瞬,一道凌厉无匹的剑光冲天而起,带着无边的锋锐,直接是与那黑色毒手硬碰在一起 Chī! 嗤! sword light mistake, by purely Origin Qi the black violent treachery was pierced directly, a sword light swayed, splits up myriad sword shadow unexpectedly, howls to the position that Han Yuan is at just like the rainstorm generally under. 剑光过处,由纯粹源气所化的黑色毒手直接是被洞穿,紧接着剑光一摆,竟是分化出万千剑影,宛如暴雨一般对着韩渊所在的位置呼啸而下。 The Han Yuan step retrocedes, the sleeve robe swings again and again, sees only boundless black Origin Qi, in the front surges, overlapping, just like changed into the deep black swamp. 韩渊步伐后退,袖袍连连摆动,只见得磅礴的黑色源气在前方涌动,层层叠叠,犹如是化为了深厚的黑色沼泽。 ! ! ! 噗!噗!噗! The countless sword shadow puncture enters in the black swamp, unceasing thorough, but finally actually when being away from Han Yuan body also ten zhang (3.33 m) distances, then by violently poisonous Origin Qi corrosion, was changed into the nihility. 无数剑影穿刺进入黑色沼泽内,不断的深入,但最终却是在距离韩渊身躯还有十丈距离时,便是被其中的剧毒源气侵蚀,化为了虚无。 Both sides 1 st fights, feels thorny of opposite party. 双方初一交手,都是感觉到了对方的棘手 Han Yuan brow slightly lock, previous confrontation electric light flint, but his 29 million Origin Qi background, have not had the slight advantage, instead was also counter-attacked one wave by Zhou Yuan, opposite party pure of Origin Qi, tyrannical of Origin Technique, surpassed his anticipation. 韩渊眉头微锁,先前的交锋电光火石,但他这两千九百万的源气底蕴,并没有取得丝毫的优势,反而还被周元反攻了一波,对方的源气之精纯,源术之强横,都超出了他的意料。 But Zhou Yuan sighs one similarly lightly, after he took for this time breaks through to Divine Palace Realm late stage, can easily accomplished defeating Han Yuan, then saves the strength and Lu Xiao fights a decisive battle, but, he looks down on this not showing the mountain and not revealing the water Mountain Pavilion Pavilion Lord now. 周元同样是轻叹一声,他原本以为此次突破到神府境后期后能够摧枯拉朽的击败韩渊,然后积蓄力量与吕霄决战,但如今来看,他真是小瞧了这位不显山不露水山阁阁主 However, this battle, in any event, cannot fall into the protracted war, must solve neatly, because more is drags, is bigger regarding own Origin Qi consumption, but after this war, has a more intense war. 不过,这场争斗,不论如何,都不能陷入持久战,必须干脆利落的解决掉,因为越是拖下去,对于自身的源气消耗就越大,但在此战之后,却还有着一场更为激烈的大战。 Therefore, this war must fight a battle to force a quick decision! 所以,此战需速战速决! . 呼。 When the Zhou Yuan's vision in glittering, Han Yuan also put out white qi, his look similarly becomes in this time swift and fierce, because his idea and Zhou Yuan are the same, he also wants to enter to the last round, therefore he cannot fall into the protracted war with Zhou Yuan. 周元的目光在闪烁时,韩渊也是吐出了一道白气,他的眼神同样在此时变得凌厉起来,因为他的想法与周元相同,他也想要进入到最后一轮,所以他不能跟周元陷入持久战。 Such being the case... 既然如此... Han Yuan face upwards the long and loud cry, a tip of the toe point, his form direct impact is void, his blood essence spouts, ten fingers of cruentations, then have the countless seal law like lightning. 韩渊仰天长啸,脚尖一点,他的身影直冲虚空,他一口精血喷出,十指染血,然后闪电般的结出无数印法。 Black Origin Qi comes in waves, just like a Black Sea that cannot see the end covers to enter his form. 黑色源气滚滚而来,宛如一片看不见尽头的黑海将他的身影笼罩而进。 Faint within, has appalling aura to condense in that viscous Black Sea. 隐隐间,有着一种令人毛骨悚然的气息在那粘稠的黑海之中凝聚。 Zhou Yuan is looking at this, he knows that this is Han Yuan wants to release killing strike directly, regarding this he has not only prevented, instead is glad very much, because this is also his plan, both sides fight a battle to force a quick decision, the winner enters, the defeated draws back! 周元望着这一幕,他知道这是韩渊想要直接释放杀招,对此他不仅没有阻止,反而很乐意,因为这也是他的打算,双方速战速决,胜者进,败者退! The Zhou Yuan five fingers grasp to gather together, azure-golden Origin Qi roared in within the body, was faint changes into the azure flood dragon to occupy beyond the body, sent out flood dragon long roar. 周元五指握拢,青金色源气在体内咆哮,隐隐间化为青蛟盘踞身躯之外,发出了蛟龙长吟 Outside world, countless vision also tight is staring here. 外界,无数道目光也是紧紧的盯着这里。 Zhou Yuan and Han Yuan to bumping, comes compared with the imagination in also wants intensely vicious! 周元韩渊的对碰,来得比想象中的还要激烈凶狠! Black Origin Qi turns rolling wells up, after dozens breaths, that everywhere viscous black Origin Qi suddenly one stiff, then starts to rewind to return at an astonishing speed unexpectedly. 黑色源气滚滚翻涌,数十息后,那漫天粘稠的黑色源气忽的一僵,然后竟是以一种惊人的速度开始倒卷而回。 When that Origin Qi rewinds, everyone can feel, then just like a central place of Black Sea, resembling has a fluctuation of palpitation born. 在那源气倒卷时,所有人都是能够感觉到,那宛如一片黑海的中央处,似是有着一种心悸的波动诞生出来。 That fluctuation, floods cruelly with slaughtering. 那股波动,充斥着暴戾与杀戮。 Obviously, Zhou Yuan and Han Yuan think that the speed fires off catches up with second, but does not know that was actually who can achieve wishes... 显然,周元韩渊都想速度打完赶第二场,只是也不知道究竟是谁才能够如愿... Black Origin Qi unceasing rollback, but when treats last black Origin Qi diverges, the Han Yuan form finally again reveals, this time he, complexion obviously pale, but in that both eyes, actually full is the brilliant color. 黑色源气不断的卷回,而待得最后一圈黑色源气散去时,韩渊的身影终于是再度显露出来,此时的他,面色微显苍白,但那双目之中,却满是灼灼之色。 A countless vision looks to Han Yuan behind, sees only there, together roughly about ten zhang (3.33 m) black form, static standing erect, last wisp of black Origin Qi, is sneaking during its breath, but in the hand of shadow, but also is grasping a black sickle, at the sickle front, there is different light glittering. 无数道目光看向韩渊身后,只见得那里,一道约莫十丈左右的黑色身影,静静的矗立,最后一缕黑色源气,正钻进它的鼻息之中,而在黑影的手中,还握着一柄黑镰,镰锋上,有异光闪烁 That boundless cruel with the air/Qi of slaughtering, then sends out from that strange shadow within the body. 那股无边的暴戾与杀戮之气,便是从那诡异的黑影体内散发出来。 The Han Yuan complexion pale gaze Zhou Yuan, is cracking into a smile at once, reveals dense white teeth. 韩渊面色苍白的注视着周元,旋即咧嘴一笑,露出森森白牙 Pavilion Lord Zhou Yuan...” 周元阁主...” This is I for feast that you prepare, you can call it for...” “这是我为你准备的大餐,你可以叫它为...” Black Heavenly Demon!” 黑天魔!” . 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