Zhou Yuanis looking atQi Haothatfiercesmile, the lookdoes not havemanyactually the change, ifhas not openedQi Palace, breaks throughCultivating Qi Realm, heperhapsalso is really notopponent of thisfellow.周元望着齐昊那狰狞的笑容,神色倒是没多少的变化,如果说未曾开辟气府,突破到养气境,他恐怕还真不是这家伙的对手。Butunfortunately, beforeenteringvestige, heofficialstepped intoCultivating Qi Realm, andalsoopened... blood-colorQi Palace.
但可惜的是,在进入遗迹之前,他就正式的踏入了养气境,并且还开辟出了...血色气府。„By the glib lips, youreallyhad not only lost your simultaneous/uniformRitianname.”Zhou Yuansaid with a smile.
“光靠嘴皮子,你还真没负了你这齐日天的名字。”周元笑道。Qi Haofaceoneblack, in the eyefulliskilling intent, the say/way of clenching jaws: „Smallbastard, fallslaterin my hands, howlooks atmeshearingyourtongue!”齐昊面庞一黑,眼中满是杀意,咬牙切齿的道:“小杂碎,待会落在我的手中,看我怎么将你舌头给割下来!”„Onsaid that is your younger brotherQi Yue, presenthehad been cut a handbyme, shrinksdoes not dareto come outinKing Qi Palace.” The Zhou Yuaneyelidlifts, said.
The Qi Haoangersmilesextremely, in the eyekilling intentsurges, did not say that anyidle talk, the five fingersgrip tightly, see onlyonhisbody, is startsto haveOrigin Qito well upfromhiswithin the body, coversitsbody.齐昊怒极而笑,眼中杀意涌动,再不说任何的废话,五指紧握,只见得他的身体上,便是开始有着源气自他体内涌出来,将其身躯覆盖。Origin Qi of Qi Haowhole body, presentsgolden, verveoverbearing, preciselyKing Qi PalacemostOrigin Qi, 4th RankOrigin Qi, golden stonemixesvitality.齐昊周身的源气,呈现金色,刚猛霸道,正是齐王府的最源气,四品源气,金石混元气。Obviously, thisQi Hao, althoughis loathful, strength that butithas, indeedextremelytyrannical.
显然,这齐昊虽然让人讨厌,但其本身所具备的实力,的确极为的强横。Relies onthisgolden stoneto mixvitality, eveninCultivating Qi Realm, hecancalculate that doesis the outstanding person.
The Zhou Yuanintentionmoves, Origin Qi that inQi Palaceoccupies is also startsto well up, the windingfluttersinitswhole body.周元心念一动,气府之中盘踞的源气也是开始涌出来,缠绕飘荡在其周身。HisOrigin Qi, presents a transparentcolor, butvisibles faintlybloodlineto delimit a continuously.
他的源气,呈现一种透明般的色彩,只不过其中隐约可见一缕缕血线划过。On the steep slope outside thatmountain valley, lines of sightare their confrontation of gatheringin the canyonlocate, when theylook atthattwoOrigin Qi, is has the talking in whisperssoundto spread.
在那山谷外的高坡上,一道道视线都是汇聚于深谷中两人对峙处,而当他们瞧得那两道源气时,皆是有着窃窃私语声传出。„That should Qi HaobeCultivating Qi Realmlate stage? AlsocultivationKing Qi PalacetopOrigin Qi „ golden stonemixedvitality”, the battle efficiencyis extremely powerful. ”
“那齐昊应该是养气境后期吧?还修炼了齐王府的顶尖源气“金石混元气”,战斗力相当强悍啊。”„ThatYour Highness Zhou YuanOrigin Qi, didn't cultivation arteven havecultivation?”
“那个周元殿下的源气,难道连功法都还没修炼?”„Really is the dashing spirit of fearless young people, but the calf of thischallengeliger, has no good endfinally.”
“真是初生牛犊不怕虎,不过这种挑战狮虎的牛犊,最终都没什么好下场。”„hehe, ifthisYour Highnessdiedhere, thatGreat Zhoumaywantto be chaotic.”
“嘿嘿,如果这个殿下死在了这里,那大周可就要乱起来了。”„Chaoticwas good, ourBlack Abysshas the opportunity, goes tothatGreat Zhouplundering.”
“......”Numeroussoundstalked, thesevisionlookedto the Zhou Yuan'sform, somewhattook pleasure in others' misfortunesandpities, obviously, is facinghetoomanyQi Hao, theyhave regarded as the deceased personit.
众多声音交谈,那些目光看向周元的身影,都是有些幸灾乐祸与怜悯,显然,面对着强他太多的齐昊,他们已经将其视为死人了。„Originallyyouhave stepped intoCultivating Qi Realm, no wonderdaresto facemealone.”In the canyon, Qi Haolooks atOrigin Qi that the Zhou Yuanwhole bodywells up, was startledbeing startled, sneersto say.
“原来你已经踏入了养气境,难怪敢单独面对我。”深谷中,齐昊瞧得周元周身涌出来的源气,微怔了怔,冷笑道。Howevereven ifZhou Yuanstepped intoCultivating Qi Realm, that is still Cultivating Qi Realminitial stage, buthe, is actually Cultivating Qi Realmlate stage. „Moreover... your Origin Qi, is it possible thatcultivation artalsonotcultivation?”Saying with a smile that Qi HaomeasuresYin, Zhou Yuan'sOrigin Qi, is the most primitivetransparentcolor, thisexplained that itdoes not haveanyattribute and special effect, the might is also extremelyweak.
不过就算周元踏入了养气境,那也不过是养气境初期,而他,却已是养气境后期。“而且...你这源气,莫非连功法都还未曾修炼?”齐昊阴测测的笑道,周元的源气,乃是最原始的透明色彩,这说明其不具备任何的属性与特效,威力也是极弱。„Triednot to know.” The Zhou Yuantonedoes not have the mighty waves.
“试试不就知道了。”周元语气不起波澜。„Playing tricks probably unable to saveyou!”Qi Haosmilesdensely, in the eye the swift and fiercecolorflashes before, a tip of the toepoint, the groundsplitcracks, butitsform, isjust likewipesgolden lightunexpectedly, fierceis goingtoZhou Yuanviolently shoots.
“装神弄鬼可救不了你!”齐昊森然一笑,眼中凌厉之色闪现而过,脚尖一点,地面都是裂开了一道道裂纹,而其身影,竟是犹如一抹金光,猛的对着周元暴射而去。Hemustmake a move.
他要出手了。glitteringgolden lightform, enlargementrapidlyin the Zhou Yuaneye pupil, is facingthreateningQi Hao, hisvisionflashes, has not actually chosento evadeitspoint, butis the figureis motionless, Origin Qi of whole body, surgeseven morefierce.闪烁着金光的身影,在周元眼瞳中急速的放大,面对着来势汹汹的齐昊,他目光微闪,却并没有选择避其锋芒,而是身形不动,周身的源气,翻腾的愈发的剧烈。„Idiot, brings about own destruction!”
“蠢货,自寻死路!”Looking atZhou Yuanis motionless, in the Qi Haoeyepassed over gently and swiftlyimmediatelywipes the chill in the air, heisCultivating Qi Realmlate stage, but alsocultivates4th RankOrigin Qi, is almost suppressingZhou Yuancomprehensively, the latteralsodaresto bumpwithhimdirectlyhardly, is courting deathsimply.
A Qi Haofistrumbles, the fistwindlike the thunder, goldenOrigin Qishakes, as ifmakes the sound that golden stonebumped into, extremelyvervepowerful, evenhuge rock, mustbe rumbled the disintegrating slagby a fist.齐昊一拳轰出,拳风如雷,金色源气震荡,仿佛是发出了金石相撞的声音,极为的刚猛强悍,就算是巨岩,都得被一拳轰成碎渣。
The swift and fiercevervefistwindcarriesgolden lightOrigin Qito come, Zhou Yuandeeplyinspires, in the eye was also passed over gently and swiftly the coldcolor, the five fingersgrips tightly, rumbledsuddenly.
凌厉刚猛的拳风携带着金光源气呼啸而来,周元深吸了一口气,眼中也是掠过冷冽之色,五指紧握,陡然轰出。Hemusttry, his byResentful Dragon ToxininvadedOrigin Qi, actuallysomewhatintensity.
轰!Two peoplefiststraighttogether, air wavewreak havoccomesimmediately, the soil of under footwas raisedfliesto go.
两人的拳头笔直的在一起,顿时气浪肆虐开来,脚下的泥土都是被掀飞而去。Howevertwo peopletobumping, continuedseveral breathsmerely, the Zhou Yuan'sbodyadvantage of terrainis shakento shootbut actually, the solestepped oncontinuallydozensstepsinthatground, just nowstanding firmfigureforcefully, butqi and blood in within the body, radicalturningwelled up.
不过两人的对碰,仅仅持续了数息,周元的身形便是被震得倒射而出,脚掌在那地面上连踩了数十步,方才强行的稳住身形,但体内的气血,一阵剧烈的翻涌。„cultivation4th RankOrigin QiCultivating Qi Realmlate stage, was really fierce.”
“修炼了四品源气的养气境后期,果然厉害。”Zhou Yuanfive fingerslooseningslowly, the entirearmis some faintsevere pain, that is shaken the performance of wound, obviously, hesomewhatunderestimatedpowerful of Qi Hao.周元五指缓缓的松开,整个手臂都是隐隐有些剧痛,那是被震伤的表现,显然,他还是有些低估了齐昊的强悍。However...
不过...Zhou Yuanraise one's head, lookstodozensbesideQi Hao, this timelatter, shouldnot feel better, becauseinpreviouslytobumpingthatinstant, a wisp of bloodline in Zhou YuanOrigin Qi, seized the chanceto invadeQi Haowithin the body.周元抬头,看向数十步之外的齐昊,此时的后者,应该也并不好受,因为在先前对碰的那一霎,周元源气之中的一缕血线,趁机侵入了齐昊的体内。„Reallyacts recklessly.”Outside the mountain valley, numerousvisionlook atthis, shakes the headsecretly, Cultivating Qi Realminitial stagegoes toandCultivating Qi Realmlate stagebumpshardly, thisZhou Yuan, reallydoes not know how the dead characterswrite.
“真是不知死活啊。”山谷外,众多目光瞧得这一幕,都是暗暗摇头,一个养气境初期去和一个养气境后期硬碰,这个周元,真的是不知道死字怎么写。„Whythat hasn't Qi Haomade use the attack?”Somepeoplehave doubtsto make noisesuddenly, becauseQi Haohas been built on same place, movesalsomotionless, the movement that has not pursued.
“不过为何那齐昊还不趁势进攻?”忽有人疑惑出声,因为齐昊一直立于原地,动也不动,并没有追击的动作。„Previoustobumping, caused the damagetohim?”Somepeoplesaid.
“难道先前的对碰,对他也造成了创伤?”有人说道。„Howpossibly, Qi HaoisCultivating Qi Realmlate stage, but alsocultivates4th RankOrigin Qi, thatZhou Yuannotbyhim, as soon asfights with the fists dead, is the lifeis hard.”Nearbypersonsnorts contemptuouslyimmediately.
“怎么可能,齐昊乃是养气境后期,还修有四品源气,那周元没被他一拳打死,就已经是命硬了。”一旁的人立即嗤之以鼻。Inthatmanydiscussion, mountain valleydeep place, body of Qi Haoactuallyinslightlyis shivering, onhisface, hasgolden lightandblood-colorunceasingemergence.
After dozensbreaths, hisbodyjust nowfiercetrembles, a mouthful of fresh bloodsuddenlyspurtedfrom the mouth.
数十息后,他身躯方才猛的一颤,忽的一口鲜血从嘴中喷了出来。chī chī!嗤嗤!
The bloodfalls to the ground, even the groundstartsto be corroded.
哗!Action that his spits blood, falls, inthatinnumerousline of sighteyes that are paying attention to the valleynumerously the situation, immediatelystarts the intermittentsoundin an uproar, everyoneisdumbfounded.
他这吐血的举动,落在那众多关注着谷内局势的众多视线眼中,顿时掀起阵阵哗然声,所有人都是目瞪口呆。Thisshouldbeobviouslysteamrollbumpshardly, howsuddenly, did Qi Haoactuallyspit a blood?!
这明明应该是碾压般的硬碰,怎么突然间,齐昊却是吐了一口血?!Actually did thishavewhat?
这究竟发生了什么?Qi Haocancels the bloodstain of corners of the mouth, lookincomparablegloomy, helookstoZhou Yuan, the say/way of clenching jaws: „Your is Origin Qiunexpectedly virulent?!”齐昊抹去嘴角的血迹,眼神无比的阴沉,他看向周元,咬牙切齿的道:“你的源气竟然有毒?!”Moreoverrules by forcelets the toxicity of hispalpitation, previouslytwo peopletightwere only a contact, Zhou Yuan'sOrigin Qi, indeedwas routedbyhimstrongly, butwhilerouting, haswisp of strangeblood-redPoison Qi, invadedhiswithin the body.
而且还是霸道得让他心悸的毒性,先前两人紧紧只是一个接触,周元的源气,的确是被他强势击溃,但在击溃的同时,却是有着一缕诡异的血红毒气,侵入了他的体内。Thatsaid that blood-redPoison Qientershisbody, incrazyis swallowingblood essence of hiswithin the body, startlesQi Haothe soul flies away and scatters, the crazysuppression, thatsaidfinallyPoison Qidischarged the body.
那道血红毒气一进入他的身体,就在疯狂的吞食着他体内的精血,骇得齐昊魂飞魄散,疯狂的压制,最终才将那道毒气排出了身体。Zhou Yuanlooked atOrigin QisomedisorderQi Hao, the visionactuallyslightlybrightly, obviously, dopedResentful Dragon Toxin'sOrigin Qi, as ifimagineshimis overbearing.周元看了一眼源气有些紊乱的齐昊,目光倒是微亮,显然,掺杂了怨龙毒的源气,似乎比他想象的还要霸道。Previouslywas onlyonewisp, ifwere more, perhapsdid not needhimto act, thisQi HaodirectlybyResentful Dragon Toxindoing.
先前只是一缕而已,如果再多一些的话,恐怕都不用他出手了,这齐昊就直接被怨龙毒给搞死了。„Don't youlikebumpinghardly? Come, comesagainonetime.”Zhou Yuansaid with a smile.
“你不是喜欢硬碰吗?来,再来一次。”周元笑道。In the Qi Haoeyepassed over gently and swiftlywipesthickdreading, Zhou Yuan'sOrigin Qiin his eyes, is not the threat, terrifyingPoison Qi that butinitsOrigin Qicontains, is actually the extremefearfulness.齐昊眼中掠过一抹浓浓的忌惮,周元的源气在他的眼中,并不算威胁,但其源气中蕴含的一丝恐怖毒气,却是极端的可怕。Qi Haotook a deep breath, under the suppression the oppression in heart, the palmgrasps, goldenlong spear, appear(ance)inhishand, onlong spearglitteringradiance, obviouslyis beinghigh rankOrigin Weapon.齐昊深吸一口气,压制下心中的憋闷,手掌一握,一柄金黄色的长枪,出现在了其手中,长枪上闪烁着光芒,显然是一柄上品源兵。Sufferedprevious, hedoes not dareobviouslyeasilybumpswithfleshly bodyandZhou Yuanhardly, so as to avoidagainbythatterrifyingPoison Qiintrusive mass.
The handgraspsgoldenlong spear, the Qi Haolookhas becomeextremecoldsevere, hislance pointdirectionZhou Yuanslowly.
手握金色长枪,齐昊的眼神已经变得极端的冷厉,他枪尖缓缓的指向周元。Looks atdiscretelyQi Hao, the Zhou Yuan'slook is also dignitygradually, heknows,todaywantsto obtainFire Spirit Grain, a fierce battle, was unavoidable.
瞧得谨慎起来的齐昊,周元的眼神也是渐渐的凝重,他知道,今日想要取得火灵穗,一场恶战,在所难免了。Such being the case, wetry, actuallyhave a look atwho will be the winner!
( This chapterends)
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