夜。In the giantmilitary camp, is actually the bonfireflaming, the flamepursuitdim light of night, illuminatedhalf the sky.
巨大的营寨中,却是篝火熊熊,火光驱逐夜色,照亮了半边天。Center the military camp, a spaciousplatformstands erect, in the surroundings of platform, burnsbunches of bonfires, bonfiresideis encirclingis filling the common soldier, the bigmouthdrinks, the bigstutteringmeat, the clamoringsoundshoots up to the sky.
在营寨正中,一座宽敞的台子矗立,在台子的周围,燃烧着一簇簇的篝火,篝火旁边围满着兵士,大口喝酒,大口吃肉,喧哗声冲天而起。In the centralposition, Zhou Yuan, Yao Yao, Su Youwei, Lu Tieshanpresents.
在中央的位置,周元,夭夭,苏幼微,陆铁山都是在座。„Your Highnessmayreally be the goodmood, wherewalksto lead the beautiful woman.”Opposite of that Wei Qingqinglooked atsideZhou Yuantwofemaleonelightly, said.
“殿下可真是好心情,走哪里都带着美人。”在那对面,卫青青淡淡的看了周元身旁的两女一眼,道。Yao Yaoshot a look atheroneeyes, has not spoken, Su Youweicannot seethiswomannot to have the complexiontoZhou Yuanactually, immediately the redlipopens, refutes: „Vice Commander Wei is also a female, whycantreat asotherfemale is only usedto look?”夭夭只是瞥了她一眼,未曾说话,倒是苏幼微见不惯这女人一直对周元没好脸色,当即红唇微启,反驳道:“卫副统领也是女子,何必就要将别的女子当做只是用来看的?”When the speech, Su Youweiwhole bodyOrigin Qisurges, a Cultivating Qi Realmstrengthshow/unfoldswith nothing left.
在说话时,苏幼微周身源气涌动,养气境的实力一展无遗。Wei Qingqingis then startled, looked that was actually seriousto the Su Youwei'svision, canachieveCultivating Qi Realminthisage, thatabsolutelyisgenius, is not a vase that is used to look.卫青青这才一怔,看向苏幼微的目光倒是郑重了一些,能够在这个年龄就达到养气境,那绝对是天才,可不是什么用来看的花瓶。„Wasmymy faulty vision, sorry.”HoweverWei Qingqing is also simple, immediatelytoSu Youweinods, is showing the apologyslightly.
“是我眼拙了,抱歉。”不过卫青青也是干脆,当即对着苏幼微微微点头,以示歉意。But when shelookstoZhou Yuan, the willow eyebrowswrinkleddeeply, seemed likethought that the sooutstandinggirlfollowedsidehim, was really wasteextremely.
但她看向周元时,柳眉皱得更深了,似乎是觉得如此出色的女孩跟在他身边,实在是太过的浪费了。„Hehe, Your Highness, ourBlue Billow Armymanybrothers, wantto hand overto fightwith the imperial guardbrothers, lively doesn't, know the Your Highness'meaning?”Butat this point, thatsitsinWei QingqingQi Hao, suddenly the smilesaid.
“呵呵,殿下,我们沧澜军的好多弟兄,都想要和禁军的兄弟们交交手,热闹一下,不知道殿下的意思?”而在此时,那坐在卫青青身旁的齐昊,忽然微笑道。Ashissoundfalls, the surroundingsnumerousBlue Billow Armysoldiers, exudeloudly the sound, infillsis fightingintent.
随着他声落,周围众多沧澜军的战士,都是发出轰然声,一个个眼中充满着战意。Zhou YuanlookstoLu Tieshan, the latter is also nodded, shoutsto the direction that the imperial guardis at: „Somepeoplemustchallengeyou, wellthen, do not fallourimperial guardface!”周元看向陆铁山,后者也是点点头,对着禁军所在的方向喝道:“有人要挑战你们,那你们就好好接着,不要落了我们禁军的脸面!”„Yes!” The tripwith, iselite in imperial guard, naturally is also supercilious, theseBlue Billow Armypeopleprovokerepeatedly, theyhave wantedto ask for advice.
“是!”此行跟来的,都是禁军中的精锐,自然也是心高气傲,这些沧澜军的人屡屡挑衅,他们早就想领教一下了。„Imperial guardTong Wudi, whichBlue Billow Armybrothersdo wantto try?!”Grandioseformviolently shoots, fellon the stagetogether, soundvigorousshouting.
“禁军童无敌,哪位沧澜军的兄弟要来试试?!”一道壮硕的身影暴射而出,落在了台上,声音雄浑的喝道。Thisperson's shadowwhole bodyOrigin Qiwinding, obviouslyisCultivating Qi Realminitial stageexpert(s), is an military officer in imperial guard.
这道人影周身源气缠绕,显然是一位养气境初期的高手,乃是禁军中的一名军官。„Haha, good, myBlue Billow ArmySunMenglai!”Sees onlythatBlue Billow Armydirection , has formviolently shootstogether, the strengthis not obviously weakinthatTong Wudi.
“哈哈,好,我沧澜军孙猛来!”只见得那沧澜军方向,也是有着一道身影暴射而出,实力显然不弱于那童无敌。Two peoplemount the stage, immediately the surroundingsresounded the countlessbravo.
两人一上台,顿时周围响起了无数喝彩声。On the stagetwo peoplehad not said that after holding the fist in the other handmutually, is actsaggressively, immediatelyon the stage the flying sand and rocks, the fistcomes the foottoward, actuallyquiteintense.
The bothsergeants under stage, is the rave the call, the atmosphereis exciting.
The fightcontinued the long time, finallyleadshalfmove of winbyTong Wudi, immediatelybrings in the sound of countlesscheering.
战斗持续了半晌,最终以童无敌领先半招取胜,顿时引来无数欢呼之声。Buthadthese twoopening, thenhasexpert(s) of both sidesto mount the stageone after another, in the fierce disputes, made the bravo in military camp, continuously.
而有了这两人开头,接下来陆陆续续有着双方的高手上台,激烈交锋中,令得营寨中的喝彩声,此起彼伏。Zhou Yuan is also lookswith great interest, thesesoldiers, suffering the bloodfire, murderdecisively, actsverveaggressive, is far from the Great Zhou Palacestudentcompetes with compare notes to compare.周元也是看得津津有味,这些战士,都是饱经血火,杀伐果断,出手刚猛凶悍,远非大周府的学员比试切磋可比。As the atmosphereis even more fiery, thatQi Haostanding upsuddenly, resemblingisoptionalsaying with a smile: „Beforeheard that Your Highnessstrives to turn the tideinGreat Zhou Palace, the nameshakesGreat Zhou, ourBlue Billow Armybrothersheardis also curious, does not know that Your Highnesscanrevealtwo, makingusopen mind?”
The surroundingcountlessvisionlooked, curiousis staring atZhou Yuan, regarding their Great Zhou'sYour Highness, everyoneheard, but the latteris unable it is saidOpening Veinscultivation, thereforeregardingformerhearsay the matter of Palace Exam, theyalsofeltverysurprised.
The Zhou Yuanlookis invariable, heknows the doingmatter that tonightthisQi Haomustdo everything possible, thisfellow, iswantshimto lose facein the Blue Billow Armyfrontobviously, triesto weakenhisprestige, thenattacksImperial Familyto be dignified, solater the Wei CanglanchoicehelpsImperial Familyeven, thentheseBlue Billow Armysoldiers, will then feelImperial Familyto be useless, thushashisintent.周元神色不变,他就知道今夜这齐昊要想尽办法的搞事,这个家伙,显然是想要他在沧澜军的面前出丑,试图削弱他的声望,进而打击皇室威严,如此以后就算卫沧澜选择帮助皇室,那么这些沧澜军的战士,则是会觉得皇室无用,从而心生他意。Therefore, this seeminglysmallmatter, isQi Haois attentive.
所以,这看似小小的一件事,却是齐昊用心险恶。Qi Haosmilesis looking atZhou Yuan, thenwaves, a thinmanstood, hesaid: „HeardYour Highnessto defeat my to depend uponbreaking veinsonPalace Examto make a connection with the Eight Veinsyounger brotherdefinitely, thenthistime, ourBlue Billow ArmysentopenedEight Veinstrulyto try the Your Highness'method!”齐昊笑眯眯的望着周元,然后挥了挥手,一名精瘦的男子站了起来,他道:“听闻殿下在府试上击败了我那依靠破脉决打通八脉的弟弟,那么这一次,我们沧澜军就派一位真正开八脉的来试试殿下的手段!”Qi Haois very intelligent, withoutarrangingCultivating Qi Realmacts, becausesuch, even ifZhou Yuanlost, somepeoplewill not think that haswhatignominious, therefore, makes a connection withEight Veinstruly, buthas not opened the Qi Palacepersonimmediately, ismost appropriate, obviouslyQi Haofor this reason, has putsomethoughts.齐昊很聪明,没有安排一位养气境出手,因为那样就算周元输了,也不会有人觉得有什么不光彩,所以,一位真正打通八脉,但又还没有立即开辟气府的人,是最合适的,显然齐昊为此,早就花了一些心思。„Hehe, naturally, ifYour Highnessdid not think that thisnecessity, that ourtheseboorish fellows, with the Your Highness'status, indeeddifferedevenafter alltooin a big way.”
“呵呵,当然,如果殿下觉得没这必要,那就算了,毕竟我们这些莽夫,与殿下的身份,的确相差太大。”Qi Haosighedone, an appearance of understanding, butthatintentionactuallyextremelyvirulent, such remarks, if the Zhou Yuanrejection, in the hearts of theseBlue Billow Armysoldiers, will think that Zhou Yuanrelied on the status, looked down uponintheirthesearmy the boorish fellow, then, naturallycanhavedisappointedly.齐昊感叹一声,一副理解的模样,但那用意却是极为的恶毒,此话一出,如果周元拒绝的话,在那些沧澜军战士的心中,就会觉得周元自恃身份,看不起他们这些军中莽汉,如此一来,自然会有所寒心。Nearby that Wei Qingqingcharming facechanges, shedetected that the Qi Haointention, wantedto drinkto stopimmediately.
在那一旁,卫青青俏脸微变,她察觉到了齐昊的意图,当即就欲喝止。„Qingqing, actually many abilitiesmakesustake a look atthisYour Highness, nowBlue Billow Countybecause of the matter of thatvestige, confusionquite, ifthisYour Highnessreallydoes not have the skill, hereloses face, perhapscould not beardirectly, such can also fewsometroublesome.”Wei Qingqingjustwantedto speak, inherWei Ting, thensaidinhisear.
“青青,就让我们瞧瞧这位殿下究竟有多少能耐吧,如今沧澜郡因为那遗迹的事,颇为的混乱,如果这殿下真没本事,在这里丢了脸,恐怕就直接受不了回去了,那样也能少一些麻烦。”卫青青刚欲说话,在她身旁的卫婷,便是在其耳边说道。Wei Qingqinghearing this, hesitant, finallynodded, indeed, ifZhou Yuanhas no skill, might as wellreturns toGreat Zhou Cityto be safer, so as to avoidhas an accidenthere, insteadcausesZhou Qing'sto be angry.卫青青闻言,犹豫了一下,最终点点头,的确,如果周元没什么本事的话,还不如回大周城安全一些,免得在这里出了事,反而引得周擎的愤怒。
A countlessvision, looksinthis timetoZhou Yuan, is waiting forhisreply.无数道目光,都是在此时看向周元,等待着他的回答。Butin the gazes of thesevision, Zhou Yuanraise one's head, heis looking atthatwhole facesmileQi Hao, suddenlyalsosmiles, said: „Everyone, since the interestis so high, Inaturallycannotcold the atmosphere.”
而在这些目光的注视中,周元抬头,他望着那满脸微笑的齐昊,忽的也是一笑,道:“大家既然兴致这么高,那我自然不能冷了气氛。”Howhedoes not knowthisQi Haointention, but, reallywantsto suppresshisZhou Yuanwiththis act, perhapsthisQi Haothoughteasily.
他如何不知晓这齐昊的意图,不过,真想要用此举来打压他周元,恐怕这齐昊还是想得太容易了一些。Hestands up, a tip of the toepoint, fellon the stage, the palmgrasped, Heaven Primal Brushfellin the hand, line startMartial Form, inflated, just likelong spear.
他站起身来,脚尖一点,落到了台上,手掌一握,天元笔落在手中,直接启动武形态,膨胀开来,宛如一柄长枪。„Comes up, so long asyoucanmeetmyonemove, calculates that Ilose.”In the Zhou YuanhandHeaven Primal Brushrefers to the groundslantingly, said with a smilepale.
“喔喔喔!”Zhou Yuanthissaying, causes the countlesscrying out strangelysoundimmediately, Blue Billow Armyor the imperial guardsoldier, ischeers, did not say the strength that cannot bear, at leastZhou Yuanthisboldness, makingthem like.周元这话一出,顿时引得无数怪叫声,不论是沧澜军还是禁军的战士,都是忍不住的喝彩起来,不说实力,至少周元这份魄力,让得他们很是喜欢。„Toneis actually big.”Wei Qingqingalsogawkedstaring, thensaid.
“口气倒是不小。”卫青青也是愣了愣,然后道。NearbythatWei Tingiscurling the lip that disdains.
一旁的那卫婷则是不屑的撇撇嘴。Qi Haosmiledlightly, takes out a fiery redlong bladeto losetothatthinman, said: „Goes, ifwon, thismiddle rankOrigin Weapon, wasyour.”齐昊淡淡一笑,取出一柄火红长刀丢给了那名精瘦男子,道:“去吧,若是赢了,这把中品源兵,就是你的了。”Thatthinmanreceivedhastily, eyerevealgreat happiness, a middle rankOrigin Weaponvalue, takesover a thousandorigin crystal, is not his common soldier can afford.
The thinmangrasps the long blade, jumps onto the stage, the lookbrilliantis staring atZhou Yuan.
精瘦男子手持长刀,一跃上台,眼神灼灼的盯着周元。Zhou Yuanhas not paid attention, hislookdoes not have the mighty waves, Origin Qi between Heaven and Earth, is followinghismouth and noseto flood intoto enter, nextflash, hisfierceviolently shoots.周元没有理会,他的神色毫无波澜,天地间的源气,则是在顺着他的口鼻涌入而进,下一瞬间,他猛的暴射而出。Points tothatthinman.
直指那精瘦男子。„high rankOrigin Technique, Flame Blade Slash!”Thatthinmandoes not dareto neglect, calls out, both handshold the blade, cutssuddenly, sees onlyonthatknife, as if there is fireglowto reappear.
“上品源术,炎刀斩!”那精瘦男子不敢怠慢,一声暴喝,双手持刀,猛然斩下,只见得那刀身上,仿佛都是有着火芒浮现。Thiscuts, is passingaggressiveaura, extremelyswift and fierce, obviously, the strength of thisthinmanplacesinEight Veins, is the outstanding people.
这一斩,透着凶悍气息,极为的凌厉,显然,这精瘦男子的实力放在开八脉者中,都算是佼佼者。Thisoffensive, compared withPalace ExamQi Yue, but also is vicious.
这一记攻势,比府试的齐岳,还要凶狠。However, is facingsoaggressivelycuts, the Zhou Yuanfigureleast bitnon-stop, the direct impact, in the hand the Heaven Primal Brushpen tiphas delimited the ground, has a wisp of spark.
呼。Zhou Yuandepthsuddenlyinspires, Origin Qifloods intoitswithin the bodyrollingfiercely, Heaven Primal Brushshakes, thenazure glowthenbravedfrom the Heaven Primal Brushpen tipcontinuously.周元忽的深吸了一口气,源气滚滚涌入其体内,天元笔猛的一震,然后一缕缕青芒便是自天元笔笔尖冒了出来。„Profound Glow Technique!”
When Profound Glow Technique that howeverthisZhou Yuandisplays, thatazure glow, is several inchs, in addition the Heaven Primal Brush'sincrease, thatmight, is far fromPalace Exammaycompare.
不过这一次周元施展的玄芒术,那青芒,已达数寸,再加上天元笔的增幅,那威力,远非府试之时可比。Shuā!唰!Hisformprojects, in the handHeaven Primal Brushjust likelong spearto puncturegenerally, the airwas torn, makes the sharpsound, thenunderthatmanyvisiongaze, directlywith the hotblade that thinmancut, the collision of heavilyinone.
铛!metal against metal soundresounds through, sparksputtering.金铁之声响彻而起,火花溅射。Howeverat the same time that the soundresounds, everyonesaw, together the formdirectlyisdistressedbut actuallyshoots, soledēng dēngsteps on the treadcontinually, after dozens, just nowdistressedstanding firm.
When hisstepstands firm, the peoplelook,immediatelyeruptssoundin an uproar, because ofthatperson, impressivelyisthatthinman who opensEight Veins.
而当他步伐稳住时,众人看去,顿时爆发出哗然之声,因为那人,赫然是那位开八脉的精瘦男子。Everyonedidn't expect, the strengthachieves the Eight Veinsthinman, in the Zhou Yuan'shand, cannot pass throughincludingonemoveunexpectedly!
谁都没想到,实力达到开八脉的精瘦男子,竟然在周元的手中,连一招都走不过!This timelatter, looks the shock, the fiery redlong blade in hisupholdhandslowly, sees onlyon the long blade, has the crackto reappear, finallykā chākā chā, isbreaksdirectly...
此时的后者,也是面露震惊,他缓缓的抬起手中的火红长刀,只见得长刀上,有着裂纹浮现出来,最后咔嚓咔嚓,直接是破碎开来…Surroundingsthatcountlessline of sight, iswells upto wipe the shock, this did Your Highness Zhou Yuan, giveto destroythismiddle rankOrigin Weaponunexpectedlydirectly? Thisstrongstrength?
周围那无数视线,都是涌上一抹震惊,这周元殿下,竟然直接将这柄中品源兵都给毁了?这得多强的力量?By the bonfire, Wei Qingqing is also looking atthis that the beautiful eyeopens the eyes, shecan the clearfeeling, previouslyZhou Yuanthatstrike, is actually what kind ofaggressive.
篝火旁,卫青青也是美目微睁的望着这一幕,她能够清晰的感觉到,先前周元那一击,究竟是何等的凶悍。Thatstrikes, perhapsevenCultivating Qi Realminitial stageexpert(s), will feel the threat.
那一击,恐怕就算是养气境初期的高手,都将会感到威胁。„Originally, hearsayunexpectedlyreal.”Wei Qingqingmuttered, the beautiful eyehasonesurprisedlyis staring at the Zhou Yuan'sform.
“原来,传闻竟然是真的。”卫青青喃喃道,美目带着一丝惊奇的盯着周元的身影。On the stage, in the Zhou YuanhandHeaven Primal Brushrefers to the groundslantingly, said with a smilepale: „you let me win.”
台上,周元手中天元笔斜指地面,淡笑道:“承让了。”ThisQi Hao, thinks that factionwill soon open the Qi Palacepersonto come, canambushhim, buthefearsdidn't expect, inthesetime after Palace Exam, hisZhou Yuan'sstrength, has also striven, made a connection with7th vein.
这齐昊,以为派一个即将开辟气府的人来,就能够狙击他,但他恐怕没想到,在府试之后的这些时间中,他周元的实力,同样是有所精进,打通了第七脉。Perhapspresenthe, underCultivating Qi Realm, rarely the personcanmeethisonemove.
如今的他,养气境之下,恐怕很少又人能接他一招。oh!喔喔喔!Under the stage, thatcountlessBlue Billow Armyerupts the bravoimmediately, thatlooksto the Zhou Yuan'seye, finallyhad/leftsomeadmirations and respectcolors, Zhou Yuanthatattractivestrikes, obviouslyconquersthesetook the strengthasto reverein the army the officers.
台下,那无数沧澜军顿时爆发出喝彩声,那看向周元的眼中,终于是多出了一些钦佩与敬色,周元那漂亮至极的一击,显然是征服了这些以实力为尊的军中将士。„Your Highness! Your Highness!”
“殿下!殿下!”Therefore, does not know that underwhoselead, cheeringsounds, deafeningresounds through, reverberates the entiremilitary camp.
于是,不知在谁的带头下,一道道欢呼的声音,震耳欲聋的响彻起来,回荡整个营寨。Butinthatcountlesscheercheers, bybonfire, thatQi Haoface, thenundershine of flame, slightlysomewhatstiff.
而在那无数的喝彩欢呼声中,篝火旁,那齐昊的脸庞,则是在火焰的映照下,略微的有些僵硬。Heobviouslyisdidn't expect, isplannedto reduce the Zhou Yuanprestige, attacks the Imperial Familydignifiedaction, finallywill helpZhou Yuanunexpectedly, letsallBlue Billow Armyofficers, approvedthisYour HighnessfromGreat Zhou City.
他显然是没想到,原本是打算削减周元声望,打击皇室威严的举动,最终竟然会成全了周元,让得所有的沧澜军将士,都认同了这位来自大周城的殿下。Thismayreally besomewhatgoes for wool and comes back shorn.
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