VY :: Volume #7

#611: Great Profound Mountain Range chance

With departure of Saint Palace forces, above this stretch of ruins tight atmosphere, finally is alleviation gradually. 伴随着圣宫人马的离去,这片废墟之上紧绷的气氛,也终于是渐渐的缓解。 All parties' forces relaxes, although cannot see Chu Qing and Jiang Taishen showdown, but they also understand, at this time regarding various, most importantly, is located in the big chance of Great Profound Mountain Range deep place that together hidden. 各方的人马松了一口气,虽然未能见到楚青姜太神的对决,但他们也明白,此时对于各宗而言,最重要的,是位于大玄山脉深处那一道隐藏的大机缘。 If begins as strongest Saint Palace and Blue Profound Sect here, that will have a big influence without doubt. 如果作为最强的圣宫苍玄宗在这里动手,那无疑会造成不小的影响。 Therefore conclusion that both sides have a strong beginning but a weak ending, instead is the best result. 所以双方虎头蛇尾的结束,反而是最好的结果。 When Chu Qing, Yao Yao, the Zhou Yuan figure falls, Tang Muxin and other numerous Blue Profound Sect's disciple also welcomed rapidly. 楚青,夭夭,周元身形落下时,唐沐心等一众苍玄宗的弟子也是迅速的迎了上来。 Junior Brother Zhou Yuan, are you all right?” The Tang Muxin beautiful eye goes to Zhou Yuan, concerned asking. 周元师弟,你没事吧?”唐沐心美目投向周元,关切的问道。 Zhou Yuan beckons with the hand with a smile. 周元笑着摆了摆手。 This Junior Brother Zhou Yuan may be rose the morale for our Blue Profound Sect.” Tang Muxin said with a smile. “此次周元师弟可算是为我们苍玄宗涨了士气。”唐沐心笑吟吟的道 Other chief are also gently nods, is silent with Baili Che that Zhou Yuan does not satisfy the need, the strength that because Zhou Yuan shows, indeed surpassed them by far. 其他首席也是轻轻点头,就连与周元不对路的百里澈都是沉默下来,因为周元所展现出来的实力,的确是远远的超过了他们。 The beforehand fist bang explodes a Zhao Jing arm, meets the surprise attack of Jin Chanzi after that hardly, this indicated, Zhou Yuan has started to arrive at their front. 不论是之前一拳轰爆赵鲸一臂,还是在那之后硬接金蟾子的突袭,这都表明,周元已经开始走到了他们的面前。 If fights at this time again, Baili Che is well aware, he by far will not be Zhou Yuan's opponent. 如果此时再交手,百里澈心知肚明,他将远远不是周元的对手 Junior Brother Zhou Yuan can become Saint Origin Peak's chief in less than two years, naturally does not have you to think is so simple.” Chu Qing had a yawn in the one side, said. 周元师弟能够在不到两年的时间中就成为圣源峰的首席,自然没你们想的那么简单。”楚青在一旁打了一个哈欠,道。 Usually in does not have the eyesight vigor on you, must provoke.” “也就你们平日里没点眼力劲,要去招惹。” Chu Qing this saying, the Tang Muxin and other chief vision then cannot help but went to Baili Che, this time latter complexion also somewhat takes turn pale, after all in Blue Profound Sect, is their Sword Peak and Zhou Yuan does not satisfy the need. 楚青这话一出,唐沐心首席目光便是不由得投向了百里澈,此时的后者面色也是有些青白交替,毕竟在苍玄宗内,就属他们剑来峰周元最不对路。 When the atmosphere is awkward, Zhou Yuan coughs lightly, said with a smile: Senior Brother Chu Qing overpraised, my weight, oneself are not clear.” 气氛尴尬时,周元轻咳一声,笑道:“楚青师兄过奖了,我的斤两,自己还不清楚吗。” Chu Qing smiles, at once says: You also really planned that can go to bump with that Jin Chanzi?” 楚青笑笑,旋即道:“你还真打算要去和那金蟾子碰碰啊?” He previously looked, words that Zhou Yuan spoke, is not pure is piling the aggressive statement, but really and that Jin Chanzi became enemies, but with the Zhou Yuan's character, before sneak attacked owing, will perhaps not want swallowing down of for no reason. 他先前是看了出来,周元所说的话,并非是单纯的在摞狠话,而是真的和那金蟾子结下了梁子,而以周元的性格,之前被偷袭的亏,恐怕不会愿意平白的吞下去。 Zhou Yuan complexion is invariable, nods, said gently: I can feel, he really wants to kill me, such being the case, can't sit waiting for death? If possible, I naturally must with his true bumps.” 周元面色不变,轻轻点头,道:“我感觉得出来,他是真的想要杀我,既然如此,总不能坐以待毙吧?若是有机会的话,我自然得和他真正的碰一碰。” Although he has not met with that Jin Chanzi, but from latter's making a move, Zhou Yuan can detect killing intent that type is hard to conceal, therefore Zhou Yuan knows, although this Jin Chanzi lets slip, but if will have the opportunity next time, he will wait for an opportunity to act surely. 虽然他并未和那金蟾子见过面,但从后者的出手中,周元能够察觉到那种难以掩饰的杀意,所以周元知道,此次金蟾子虽然失手,可如果下次有机会,他必定还是会伺机出手。 The words such being the case, he also on only active killed the heart. 既然如此的话,那他也就只能动杀心了。 Tang Muxin their complexion changes, obviously is the didn't expect Zhou Yuan courage is so unexpectedly big, even the attention of Jin Chanzi dares to hit , that is on Saint Child Ranking Saint Child ranked the fifth! 唐沐心他们面色微变,显然是没想到周元胆子竟然这么大,连金蟾子的注意都敢打,要知道,那可是圣子榜上排名第五的圣子啊! The Jin Chanzi strength, places their Blue Profound Sect, even sufficiently and Kong Sheng, Li Qingchan is a worthy opponent. 金蟾子的实力,放在他们苍玄宗,甚至足以和孔圣,李卿婵匹敌。 Chu Qing is also touches the smooth head that cannot bear, said: That Jin Chanzi, is not good to cope, do not impulse, if really wants to get rid of him, can find an opportunity, we send several Saint Child to encircle to kill him.” 楚青也是忍不住的摸了摸光溜溜的脑袋,道:“那金蟾子,可不好对付啊,你可别冲动,真要想干掉他的话,可以找个机会,咱们派几个圣子将他围杀了事。” Such remarks, others give to observe closely him immediately. 此话一出,其他人顿时将他给盯住。 Tang Muxin whispered: Senior Brother Chu Qing, usually in a you languid appearance, didn't expect heart also very black.” 唐沐心嘀咕道:“楚青师兄,平日里你一副懒洋洋的样子,没想到心也挺黑的啊。” Chu Qing haha say/way: Although I was lazily lazy, but was not stupid, moreover I believe that if gave that Jiang Taishen opportunity, he will also bury alive our Blue Profound Sect's Saint Child without hesitation.” 楚青哈哈的道:“虽然我懒是懒了点,但又不蠢,而且我相信若是给了那姜太神机会的话,他也会毫不犹豫的坑杀我们苍玄宗的圣子。” Zhou Yuan is also smiles, this Senior Brother Chu Qing that cannot bear although is seemingly languid, negligent, but in the heart is obviously more insightful than anyone, but is not strange, can become Blue Profound Sect Chief of Saint Children, if who really belittles Chu Qing, that can be the true idiot without doubt. 周元也是忍不住的一笑,这位楚青师兄虽然看似懒洋洋的,大咧咧的,但心中显然比谁都通透,不过也不奇怪,能成为苍玄宗圣子之首,谁如果真的小觑楚青,那无疑才会是真正的蠢货。 If there is an opportunity that to be naturally best, if no, I find the way to solve.” Zhou Yuan said with a smile, he was not the stodgy person, if can achieve the goal with the aid of the strength, he naturally did not need to go all out crudely. “如果有机会那自然最好,若是没有的话,那我就想办法解决。”周元笑道,他也不是迂腐之人,如果能够借助力量就达到目标,那他自然没必要自己去鲁莽拼命。 That Jin Chanzi strength, if indeed Chu Qing said, is tyrannical. 金蟾子的实力,的确如楚青所说,非常强横。 Present Zhou Yuan, although in the hand trump card are also many, but if said that must cut to kill Jin Chanzi, that has some bad risks, if he can seek for the chance again, breaks through 8-layer Heaven, then this assurance on big many. 现在的周元,虽然手中底牌也不少,但如果说要斩杀金蟾子的话,那其中还是有着一些凶险,而若是他能够再找寻到机缘,突破到八重天的话,那么这种把握将会大上许多。 When them spoke, Yao Yao lifted the cheeks suddenly, the bright eyes looks to the direction of not far away, there was other forces is gathering, is one of them, she saw several familiar forms. 而在他们这边说话的时候,夭夭忽然抬起脸颊,明眸看向不远处的方向,那里是其他各宗的人马在汇聚,在其中,她看见了几道熟悉的身影。 Yao Yao drew Zhou Yuan, he is also the vision goes to that side, then also saw is looking to here several forms, therefore on his face, has the joyful color to reappear. 夭夭拉了拉周元,他也是目光投向那边,然后也是见到了正看向这边的几道身影,于是他的脸庞上,有着欣喜之色浮现出来。 Qingyu, Lu Chunjun, Ning Zhan, Zhen Xu...” 青鱼,吕纯钧,宁战,甄虚...” These arrived at the partner on Saint Province Continent initially together, now, finally sees again. 那些当初一同来到圣州大陆上的伙伴,如今,终于是再度见到了。 The distant place, Zuoqiu Qingyu raises a charming smiling face to Zhou Yuan, then jade finger referred to the disciple of rear accumulation, finally referred to remote place that mysterious mountain range. 远处,左丘青鱼冲着周元扬起一个娇媚的笑脸,然后玉指指了指后方聚集的弟子,最后又指了指遥远处那座神秘的山脉。 She said that at this time does not need to meet, waited for Great Profound Mountain Range, should have the opportunity.” The Yao Yao red lip opens, said. “她说此时就不必碰头了,等进了大玄山脉,应该会有机会的。”夭夭红唇微启,道。 Zhou Yuan is smiling nodded to them. 周元冲着他们笑着点点头 Therefore Zuoqiu Qingyu small hand at the back of behind, step lithe went to that side Hundred Flowers Immortal Palace, Lu Chunjun is twining both eyes of black cloth, is staring at the Zhou Yuan moment, then puts out a hand the heavy sword that patted the racket to conduct the back. 于是左丘青鱼小手背着身后,步伐轻盈的去了百花仙宫那边,吕纯钧缠绕着黑布的双目,盯着周元片刻,然后伸手拍了拍背上的重剑。 Ning Zhan was the fist bumped bumping, face the color of being addicted to war, but Zhen Xu coughed gently two, looked at Zhou Yuan one from afar, was turning around silently goes. 宁战则是拳头碰了碰,一脸的嗜战之色,而甄虚轻轻咳嗽两声,远远的看了周元一眼,便是默默的转身而去。 Zhou Yuan looks at the back that they are diverging, said in a soft voice: It seems like they in the respective sect, cross actually are not same.” 周元望着他们散去的背影,轻声道:“看来他们在各自的宗派,倒是过得不太一样。” Various have various customs, will be naturally different, person, as the environment will change.” Yao Yao said. “各宗有各宗的规矩,自然会不一样,人,会随着环境而改变。”夭夭说道。 Zhou Yuan aspirates, said: Hope no matter how, they went out of the Boundless Continent partner finally initially together.” 周元吐了一口气,道:“希望不管如何,他们最终还是当初一起走出苍茫大陆的伙伴吧。” He then shakes the head quickly, abandons the mood in heart. 他很快便是摇了摇头,将心中的情绪抛开。 We also prepare to leave.” Chu Qing also said at this time. “我们也准备动身吧。”楚青此时也是说道。 Zhou Yuan nodded, then cannot bear curious asking: Senior Brother Chu Qing, that was Great Profound Mountain Range, our Profound Origin Heavenly Cave end points?” 周元点点头,然后忍不住好奇的问道:“楚青师兄,那大玄山脉,就是我们此次玄源洞天的终点了吗?” Chu Qing said with a smile: Great Profound Mountain Range, is the Profound Origin Heavenly Cave side deep place, if expects well, this will be our end points.” 楚青笑道:“大玄山脉,已经是玄源洞天的极深处了,如果所料不错的话,这将是我们的终点。” What in Great Profound Mountain Range is hiding? treasure land? We before, had met Six-colored Treasure Land actually.” 大玄山脉里面隐藏着什么?宝地吗?我们之前,倒是遇见过一座六彩宝地。” Six-colored Treasure Land? Can meet in the surrounding, your luck also is really good.” Chu Qing smiles, then compared one to Zhou Yuan one and six hand signals. 六彩宝地吗?能在外围遇见,那你们运气还真是不错。”楚青笑了笑,然后冲着周元比了一个一和六的手势。 Six-colored Treasure Land, until now, in Great Profound Mountain Range already appear(ance) a total of 16.” “不过六彩宝地,至今为止,大玄山脉中已经出现了总共十六座了。” Hiss! 嘶! Nearby Tang Muxin they, cannot bear hold breath immediately a cold air/Qi, Zhou Yuan, stares dumbfounded, they have the huge luck, met Six-colored Treasure Land, however in this Great Profound Mountain Range, already appear(ance) 16?! 一旁的唐沐心他们,顿时忍不住倒吸一口冷气,就连周元,都是瞠目结舌,他们是有着天大的运气,才碰见了一座六彩宝地,然而这大玄山脉中,已经出现了十六座?! This is what concept! 这是什么概念! Chu Qing patted the Zhou Yuan's shoulder, the tone is mystical. 楚青拍了拍周元的肩膀,语气神秘。 Does not use surprisedly, if we guessed right, this Six-colored Treasure Land, but was the small good luck, in this Great Profound Mountain Range deep place, should hide a big chance that was above the imagination...” “不用惊讶,如果我们猜测没错的话,这六彩宝地,只不过是小彩头而已,在这大玄山脉深处,应该隐藏了一个超乎想象的大机缘...” However this chance, even might surpass opening of past any Profound Origin Heavenly Cave...” “而这个机缘,甚至有可能超过了以往任何一次玄源洞天的开启...”
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