VY :: Volume #7

#609: Soul Flame

Wisp of invisible flame, is burning when the Yao Yao white hands, it has no heaven shaking moves the momentum, to work as its appear(ance), that Jin Chanzi, is the complexion drastic change, in the eye full is wariness look. 一缕无形的火苗,在夭夭玉手间燃烧着,它并没有什么惊天动地般的声势,可当其出现时,就连那金蟾子,都是面色剧变,眼中满是忌惮之色 Because that invisible flame, is the flame of Divine Soul, is called Soul Flame. 因为那无形火苗,乃是神魂之炎,也被称为魂炎 This is by power of Divine Soul one mystical hot flame, generally speaking, wanting to congeal to have Soul Flame, at least also needs own Divine Soul, breaks through to 3rd level Transformation Realm! 这是以神魂之力所化的一种神异火炎,一般来说,想要凝炼魂炎,最起码也是需要自身的神魂,突破到第三层化境 Transformation Realm Divine Soul, reach perfection, has been a worthy opponent sufficiently Divine Palace Realm. 化境神魂,出神入化,已是足以匹敌神府境 Although in the Yao Yao hand that Soul Flame merely is only wisp of flame, perhaps could not have been regarded true Soul Flame, even so, its mighty energy as before is terrifying extremely. 虽说夭夭手中那魂炎仅仅只是一缕火苗,或许还算不得真正的魂炎,但即便如此,其威能依旧是极其的恐怖。 By Soul Flame hit, fleshly body was returned safe and sound, but Divine Soul, if in the contamination, is actually burnt shortly, leaves behind a empty shell body. 魂炎击中者,肉身毫发无损,可神魂若是沾染上,却是会在顷刻间被燃烧,留下一具空壳般的身躯。 Moreover, Soul Flame invisible colorless, only if time full power sensation, otherwise is unable to discover its exist(ence), this increased Soul Flame strange measures not. 而且,魂炎无形无色,除非时刻全力感知,否则都是无法发现其存在,这又是增添了魂炎的诡异莫测。 Is facing opponent that has Soul Flame, anybody does not dare to have belittles slightly, frequently concentrates on, once because neglects, in that Soul Flame intrusive mass, will burn down Divine Soul quietly directly. 面对着拥有着魂炎对手,任何人都不敢有丝毫小觑,时刻全神贯注,因为一旦疏忽,那魂炎就会悄然间侵入体内,直接焚烧神魂 Therefore, the birth of Soul Flame, it may be said that is a big sharp weapon of cultivation Divine Soul. 所以,魂炎的诞生,可谓是修炼神魂者的一大利器。 For this reason, when that Jin Chanzi in that wisp of Soul Flame of sensation to the Yao Yao hand, so will just now vibrate even panic-strickenly, wants to congeal to have wisp of Soul Flame after all, that had explained, Yao Yao's Divine Soul realm, had been close to Transformation Realm infinitely. 正因如此,那金蟾子在感知到夭夭手中那一缕魂炎时,方才会如此的震动甚至惊骇,毕竟想要凝炼出着一缕魂炎,那已是说明,夭夭的神魂境界,已是无限的接近了化境 By Divine Soul realm the words of theory, their Saint Palace, in this generation of younger generation, some people cannot achieve only even this step. 单以神魂境界而论的话,就算是他们圣宫,这一代的年轻一辈中,都未曾有人能够达到这一步。 . 呼。 Jin Chanzi took a deep breath, he believes at this time finally, perhaps present Yao Yao really wants to make him die here, will not have any scruples. 金蟾子深吸一口气,他此时总算是相信,眼前的夭夭恐怕是真的想让他死在这里,而且也不会有任何的顾忌。 But all these, for chief? 而这一切,就是为了一个首席 Lunatic!” Jin Chanzi could not bear in the heart scolded one angrily. “疯子!”金蟾子忍不住在心中恼怒的骂了一声。 Buzz! 嗡! However, Yao Yao has not actually paid attention to the idea in his heart, when that wisp of Soul Flame forming, her slender jade finger ball, invisible Soul Flame plunders gently epidemic. 不过,夭夭却并没有理会他心中的想法,当那一缕魂炎成形时,她修长玉指轻轻一弹,无形的魂炎顿时疾掠而出。 The speed, is like that fast indescribably, in addition its invisible colorless, is almost being hard disparity its path. 那般速度,快得无法形容,再加上其无形无色,几乎是难以差距其轨迹。 But the Jin Chanzi pupil actually shrinks, figure violently shoots without hesitation draws back, the sleeve robe wields, billowing Origin Qi sweeps across, changed into Origin Qi light screens before the body directly 金蟾子瞳孔却是一缩,身形毫不犹豫的暴射而退,袖袍挥动间,滚滚源气席卷而出,直接是在身前化为了一道道源气光幕 , Forms the defense. ,形成防御。 ! ! 噗!噗! However when that wisp of Soul Flame passed over gently and swiftly, these Origin Qi light screens immediately appear(ance) a slight eyelet, light screen as before exist(ence), but that wisp of Soul Flame, actually according to traversing all, pursues Jin Chanzi to go. 不过当那一缕魂炎掠过时,那些源气光幕顿时出现了一个细微的小孔,光幕依旧存在,但那一缕魂炎,却依是尽数的穿过,直追金蟾子而去。 This Soul Flame, only if exhausts power of Divine Soul that contains, will otherwise not then give up. 魂炎一出,除非是耗尽其中所蕴含的神魂之力,否则便是不会罢休。 Soul Flame sharply pursues, but the Jin Chanzi form is also the rapid violent draws back. 魂炎急追,而金蟾子的身影也是迅速的暴退。 This, falls when that in a countless vision, cannot help but causes many with amazement, then that goes to is situated in the azure clothed girl on spire, in the eye had the color of fear. 这一幕,落在那周围无数道目光中,不由得引起诸多的骇然,然后那投向立于塔尖上的青衣女孩时,眼中不免有了畏惧之色。 Everyone didn't expect, this azure clothed girl acts, unexpectedly Saint Palace that Jin Chanzi of ranked the fifth on Saint Child Ranking, compels to retrocede again and again. 谁都没想到,这青衣女孩一出手,竟然就将圣宫那位在圣子榜上排名第五的金蟾子,逼得连连后退。 So the power and influence, makes one be flabbergasted simply. 如此威势,简直让人咋舌。 In that changes into the flat land in the manor, Jin Chanzi unceasing retreat, but is quick he then to discover, the Soul Flame speed is getting more and more fast, is unable to avoid. 在那化为平地的庄园上,金蟾子不断的后退,不过很快他便是发现,魂炎的速度越来越快,根本无法躲避。 This command the Jin Chanzi brow wrinkles tightly, in the golden vertical pupil has wipes the ruthless color to reappear. 这令得金蟾子眉头紧皱起来,金色的竖瞳中有着一抹狠色浮现。 Like this avoids, perhaps is not the means that since could not hide, that can only hard anti-. 这样躲避下去,恐怕不是办法,既然躲不了,那就只能硬抗了。 By fleshly body by that wisp of Soul Flame, forms the battlefield in within the body, stops to encircle by Origin Qi layer upon layer, although will suffer a big hardship as before, could not say really will also make Divine Soul be damaged, but always pursues unceasingly compared with the present escapes to be better. 肉身凭借那一缕魂炎,在体内形成战场,以源气层层阻拦围剿,虽说依旧会吃不小的苦头,甚说不得还会令得神魂受损,但总比眼下追得不断逃要好。 In the heart had the resolution, the Jin Chanzi form also stopped immediately, his golden set upright the invisible flame that the pupil stared at that to pillage to come, clenched teeth, was transfers within the body Origin Qi, the preparation and its hard just. 心中有了决断,金蟾子身影也是立即停了下来,他金色竖瞳盯着那暴掠而来的无形火苗,一咬牙,便是调动体内源气,准备与其硬刚。 Whoosh! 咻! The invisible flame pillages, but, is away from the Jin Chanzi zhang (3.33 m). 无形火苗暴掠而至,距离金蟾子不过丈许距离。 However, in that flame will soon throw the Jin Chanzi body that flickers, suddenly has a slender palm to stretch out baseless, then one then grasped that wisp of Soul Flame in the hand. 不过,就在那火苗即将扑中金蟾子身体的那一瞬,忽然有着一只修长的手掌凭空伸出,然后一把便是将那一缕魂炎握在了手中。 But Soul Flame contacts fleshly body, flashes to pass, drills into directly. 魂炎一接触肉身,一闪而逝,直接钻入进去。 Jin Chanzi slightly startled, raised the head looked, saw a form is situated in its side, that is a handsome man, a white hair, two wisps of white hair let fall from the cheeks by, above is also stringing together two blood-red beads, is sending out the light halo. 金蟾子微惊,抬起头一看,就见到了一道身影立于其身旁,那是一名俊朗的男子,一头白发,两缕白发自脸颊两侧垂落下来,其上还串着两颗血红的珠子,散发着淡淡的光晕。 Whish! 哗! That moment when this white hair man comes, in the entire manor, erupts countless sound in an uproar immediately, all forces is wear a look of the scared look, the awe is staring at that form. 而当这白发男子现身的那一刻,整个庄园中,顿时爆发出无数的哗然声,各方人马皆是面带惧色,敬畏的盯着那道身影。 This image, they were too familiar. 这个形象,他们太熟悉了。 Saint Child Ranking first, Jiang Taishen! 圣子榜第一,姜太神 didn't expect, so the character came unexpectedly! 没想到,这般人物竟然都现身了! But in the vision of that countless awe, Jiang Taishen both eyes narrows the eyes, his handsome face at this time slightly is twitching, on two wisps of white hair is stringing together blood-red bead, at this time halo also intense. 而在那无数道敬畏的目光中,姜太神双目微眯,他那俊朗的面庞此时微微的抽搐着,两缕白发上所串着的血红珠子,此时光晕也是更为的强烈。 Obviously, he introduced within the body that wisp of Soul Flame, at this time within the body is erupting war of the intense encircling. 显然,他将那一缕魂炎引入了体内,此时体内正在爆发着一场激烈的围剿之战。 So several after roughly minutes, he just long spitting exhales, both eyes open, are looking at Yao Yao on not far away spire, the say/way that the look concentrates: Good fierce Soul Flame, really lives up to reputation.” 如此约莫数分钟后,他方才长长的吐出了一口气,双目睁开,望着不远处塔尖上的夭夭,眼神微凝的道:“好厉害的魂炎,真是名不虚传。” He reduced and solved within the body that wisp of Soul Flame unexpectedly! 他竟化解了体内那缕魂炎 Yao Yao beautiful pupil light is staring at appearance Jiang Taishen, the complexion not, because Jiang Taishen appear(ance) has any change. 夭夭美眸清淡的盯着现身的姜太神,脸色并没有因为姜太神出现有任何的变化。 Jiang Taishen shows a faint smile, said: This Blue Profound Sect's friend, the matter of today, stops, but is good?” 姜太神微微一笑,道:“这位苍玄宗的朋友,今日之事,就到此为止,可好?” Yao Yao pale sound said: „When previously he acted, doesn't seem to think stopping?” 夭夭淡声道:“先前他出手时,似乎并没有想过到此为止?” Jiang Taishen smiles, sighed lightly: If the friend also wants to act, that asked for advice your excellency Divine Soul method by me.” 姜太神笑了笑,轻叹道:“若是朋友还想出手的话,那就由我来领教一下阁下的神魂手段吧。” He stares at Yao Yao, the white hair is dancing in the breeze gently, a fearful power and influence, slowly sends out from its within the body. 他盯着夭夭,白发轻轻飘舞,一股可怕的威势,缓缓的从其体内散发出来。 Jiang Taishen, although I am very lazy, but you, if must bully my Blue Profound Sect's person, I also can only force somebody to do something he incapable.” However, in the meantime, somewhat is together languid few minute/share of strengths the sound, made a sound. 姜太神,虽然我很懒,但你若是要欺负我苍玄宗的人,那我也只能赶鸭子上架了。”不过,就在此时,一道有些懒洋洋没几分力气的声音,也是响了起来。 The form, appear(ance) in the Yao Yao front, the smooth head, reflected the dazzling gloss together. 一道身影,出现在了夭夭前方,光溜溜的脑袋,反射出耀眼的光泽。 When numerous vision see that form, exuded some screams. 而当众多目光见到那道身影时,也是发出了一些惊呼声。 Blue Profound Sect, Chu Qing, Saint Child Ranking ranks second! 苍玄宗,楚青,圣子榜排名第二! Whoosh! Whoosh! 咻!咻! But at this time, among Heaven and Earth unceasing has the broken wind sound/rumor to resound, imposing manner uncommon light shadow, fell on all around of manor, then fell before all forces respectively. 而此时,天地间不断的有着破风声响起,一道道气势不凡的光影,落在了庄园的四周,然后各自落在了各方人马之前。 These Saint Child, in this time rushing all. 那些各宗的圣子,也是在此时尽数的赶到。 They after rushing, are staring in the field, that most dazzling several people, after all, that several people, even in many Saint Child, are topest exist(ence). 他们在赶到后,都是盯着场中,那最为耀眼的几人,毕竟,那几人,就算是在诸多圣子中,都是最为顶尖的存在 In the vision of that countless awe, Chu Qing touches the head, looks at opposite Jiang Taishen, cracks into a smile, reveals white teeth, the smile is bright. 在那无数道敬畏的目光中,楚青摸了摸脑袋,瞧得对面的姜太神,咧嘴一笑,露出白牙,笑容灿烂。 Words that Jiang Taishen, you want to hit, I accompany you.” 姜太神,你想打的话,还是我来陪你吧。” ( Today one.)( https:) (今日一更。)(https:) Please remember this book first round domain name:.: 请记住本书首发域名:。:
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