VY :: Volume #7

#607: Can make him die?

The huge fissure, tears from the manor, but at this time boiling aura in manor, has been the deathly stillness, all chief panic-stricken looks at this, the atmosphere is not daring to have one at present. 巨大的裂痕,自庄园中撕裂开来,而此时庄园中的沸腾气息,早已是死寂,各方首席都是惊骇的望着眼前这一幕,大气都不敢出一声。 Who can think, Jin Chanzi this acted directly... 谁能想到,金蟾子这就直接出手了… Generally among the customs according to various, is Saint Child to Saint Child, will little have Saint Child to act to chief extremely, because such, even if won, is still the victory the non- military. 一般按照各宗间的规矩,皆是圣子圣子,极少会有圣子首席出手的,因为那样就算是胜了,也是胜之不武。 And yet, this Jin Chanzi not only acted, but also attacks directly... 可眼下,这金蟾子不仅出手了,而且还是直接突袭… So rapid thunder-like offensive, even if trades to make any chief here, perhaps will be killed by the second. 如此迅雷般的攻势,就算是换作任何一个首席在此,恐怕都会被秒杀。 In a pavilion. 一座楼阁上。 Zuoqiu Qingyu sets out suddenly, that charming cheeks in this time paleness, near window Lu Chunjun and Ning Zhan complexion also sank, although Heavenly Ghost Palace that side Zhen Xu the look has not moved, but the fist in that sleeve cannot bear gets hold. 左丘青鱼霍然起身,那娇媚的脸颊在此时一片惨白,窗边的吕纯钧宁战面色也是沉了下来,天鬼府那边的甄虚虽然神色未动,但那袖中的拳头也是忍不住的握紧起来。 This sudden, shocked everyone. 这突如其来的一幕,震撼了所有人。 Other four chief on the scene, are complexion slightly white, in the eye passed over gently and swiftly the thick alarmed and afraid color, previously Jin Chanzi acted strikes, not slight keeps the hand. 就连在场的其他四宗首席,都是面色微白,眼中掠过浓浓的惊惧之色,先前金蟾子出手的一击,没有丝毫的留手。 If this to them, they do not have the opportunity of escape inevitably. 这如果是对着他们而言,他们必然毫无逃命的机会。 This Saint Palace Saint Child ranked the third, resorts to all means that disregarded the rule. 这位圣宫排名第三的圣子,也太不择手段,无视规则了。 In the square, Tang Muxin their complexion also in the delay , after several breaths, they finally are sober, they look at the side that fierce fissure, the whole body are trembling together. 广场上,唐沐心他们的面色也是处于呆滞之中,数息后,他们终于是清醒过来,他们望着身旁那一道狰狞的裂痕,浑身都是在发抖。 Angrily is also the fear. 既是愤怒也是恐惧。 That strikes, if to them, perhaps they are unable to live. 那一击如果是冲着他们而言,恐怕他们谁都无法活下来。 Jin Chanzi... you, how you dare!” Tang Muxin jade finger aims at Jin Chanzi, the sound somewhat shivers, pair of eyes was red you to break the rule, my Blue Profound Sect's Saint Child, will not let off your!” 金蟾子…你,你怎么敢!”唐沐心玉指指向金蟾子,声音都是有些颤抖,一对眼眸通红“你破坏了规矩,我苍玄宗的圣子,不会放过你们的!” Jin Chanzi smiles faintly, say/way destruction then destroyed, if your Blue Profound Sect Saint Child wants to come, my Saint Palace then was.” 金蟾子淡漠一笑,道“破坏便破坏了吧,你们苍玄宗圣子若是想来,我圣宫接着便是。” Moreover, I do not believe that your Blue Profound Sect's Saint Child for chief, will fight with my Saint Palace.” “而且,我可不信,你们苍玄宗的圣子会为了一个首席,就与我圣宫交手。” His golden vertical pupil, goes to distant place that collapse in the pavilion, Palace Master has also said that he does not care about that Zhou Yuan dead or alive, such being the case, brings a corpse, should also yes. 金色的竖瞳,投向远处那倒塌的楼阁中,宫主也说过,他不在乎那周元是死是活,既然如此,带回去一具尸体,应该也是可以的。 Tang Muxin is nipping the silver tooth, say/way Zhou Yuan is different! How even if other Saint Child respect the aspect not, but some people will not let off absolutely your!” 唐沐心咬着银牙,道“周元不一样的!就算其他圣子顾全局面不会如何,但有人绝对不会放过你的!” He said that naturally is Yao Yao. 他说的,自然是夭夭 How other Saint Child will respond that temporarily does not know, but Tang Muxin a they very clear matter is, once Yao Yao knew this time, is absolutely impossible to respect what aspect. 其他圣子会如何反应暂时不知道,但唐沐心他们很清楚的一件事是,一旦夭夭知道了此时,是绝对不可能顾全什么局面。 She will certainly make Jin Chanzi die! 她一定会让金蟾子死! That endures to compare Saint Child Tun Tun! 还有那头堪比圣子吞吞 Actually Jin Chanzi hearing this, shows neither approval nor disapproval smiles, obviously has not placed in Tang Muxin this words the heart. 金蟾子闻言,倒是不置可否的一笑,显然并没有将唐沐心此话放在心中。 Tang Muxin deeply attracts one 唐沐心深吸一口 The air/Qi, quickly turns around to plunder the ruins that in Zhou Yuan buries to that she must guarantee that Zhou Yuan is also living, otherwise, Yao Yao, once knows, that may really probably overturn the heavens. 气,急忙转身对着那将周元掩埋的废墟中掠去,她必须保证周元还活着,不然的话,夭夭一旦知晓,那可就真要翻天了。 At this time other Blue Profound Sect chief are also reflects, quickly follows. 此时苍玄宗其他首席也是反映过来,急忙跟上。 Jin Chanzi smiles is looking at this, has not stopped, he that struck to previously is very confident, because he has not kept the hand, by that Zhou Yuan's strength, should not be possible the hope that has to survive. 金蟾子笑眯眯的望着这一幕,并没有阻拦,他对先前自己那一击很有信心,因为他并没有留手,以那周元的实力,应该不可能有存活的希望。 Zhou Yuan!” 周元!” Tang Muxin they arrive on that stretch of ruins, Origin Qi surges, raises giant stones. 唐沐心他们来到那片废墟上,源气涌动,掀起一块块的巨石。 Do not call...” “别叫了…” But in Tang Muxin they prepare the rescue burning with impatience, resembling has sound together to resound. 而就在唐沐心他们心急如焚的准备救援时,似是有着一道声音响起。 Tang Muxin their bodies immediately one stiff, somewhat unbelievable is staring at the present ruins, seems like suspected own ear appear(ance) issue? 唐沐心他们身体顿时一僵,有些难以置信的盯着眼前的废墟,似乎是怀疑自己耳朵出现了问题? „It seems like the Zhou Yuan's sound?” Jin Zhang hesitant say/way. “似乎是周元的声音?”金章犹豫的道。 Other person of look at each other in dismay, a little cannot believe that previously that Jin Chanzi strikes terrifyingly, their sensation very clearly, but Zhou Yuan by solid bang, even if his fleshly body has, decisively is impossible to resist hardly? 其他人面面相觑,有点不太敢相信,先前那金蟾子的一击有多恐怖,他们感知得很清楚,而周元被结结实实的轰中,就算他肉身有成,也断然是不可能硬抗住的吧? Bang! 砰! In they are surprised, in that ruins, a giant stone suddenly was shaken flies to go, together dirty form, somewhat distressed from stood slowly. 而在他们惊疑间,那废墟中,一块巨石忽的被震飞而去,一道灰头土脸的身影,有些狼狈的从其中缓缓的站了起来。 Tang Muxin their dumbfounded is looking at that form, in the brain pastes. 唐沐心他们目瞪口呆的望着那道身影,脑子中一片的糨糊。 Because they see very clearly, although that form seems like some dust to throw, but actually radically is a returning safe and sound appearance. 因为他们看得很清楚,虽然那道身影看上去有些灰尘扑扑,但却根本是一副毫发无损的模样。 Zhou Yuan ate Jin Chanzi that surprise attack aggressive strikes, actually doesn't have the least bit matter? 周元吃了金蟾子那突袭的凶悍一击,竟然没半点事? Not only they were shocked, originally in deathly stillness manor, resounded screams continuously in this time, vision, panic-stricken looks at that to be built on the form of ruins peak. 不仅他们惊呆了,原本死寂的庄园中,也是在此时响起了此起彼伏的惊呼声,一道道目光,惊骇的望着那立于废墟顶端的身影。 How possibly?!” “怎么可能?!” In the pavilion, another four chief cannot bear calls out in alarm makes noise. 楼阁上,另外四宗的首席更是忍不住的惊呼出声。 From that Jin Chanzi attitude, is obviously impossible to keep the hand, but why is that form, living as before? 从那金蟾子的态度来看,显然是不可能留手的,但为何那道身影,依旧还活着? . 呼。 The Zuoqiu Qingyu tight heart finally was the loosen, sat, the small hand is covering the milk-white bosom, nips the silver tooth, say/way this fellow, but was really scary.” 左丘青鱼紧绷的心终于是松了下来,坐了下去,小手捂着酥胸,咬了咬银牙,道“这家伙,可真吓人。” However at once she also goes to distant place that form the surprised vision, she is not also clear, Zhou Yuan will be why safe and sound. 不过旋即她也是将惊奇的目光投向远处那道身影,她同样不明白,为何周元会安然无恙。 In that countless shocking vision, Zhou Yuan patted the dust on body gently, then his raised the head comes, to look at Jin Chanzi of distant place, said with a smile pale sets upright the bastard of eye, your did Saint Palace, teach you these?” 在那无数道震撼的目光中,周元轻轻拍了拍身体上的灰尘,然后他抬起头来,望着远处的金蟾子,淡笑道“竖眼睛的王八蛋,你们圣宫,就教了你这些吗?” The distant place, Huo Tian and the others are also the complexion shock, obviously didn't expect Zhou Yuan lived. 远处,霍天等人也是面色震惊,显然没想到周元活了下来。 Jin Chanzi obviously was also startled being startled, at once smile restraining of slightly corners of the mouth, golden sets upright the pupil faintly stares at Zhou Yuan, slowly saidyou is actually also living, life 金蟾子明显也是怔了怔,旋即嘴角的笑容微微的收敛,金色竖瞳淡漠的盯着周元,缓缓的道“你竟然还活着,命 But is really hard. ” 可真硬呢。” Zhou Yuan turned the neck, the look is light, but in that has cold and gloomy is gathering with anger. 周元扭了扭脖子,神色淡淡,但那眼中,却是有着森冷与怒意在汇聚。 He lowers the head the looks at palm, there has Black & Yellow color liquid dropping slowly, falls to the ground , is the dissipation in invisible. 他低头看着掌心,那里有着玄黄色的液体缓缓的滴落,一落到地面上,便是消散于无形。 That is he Dragon Saliva True Water obtained from the origin pond sacrifice. 那是他从源池祭中得到的龙涎真水 This thing has the extremely powerful defensive power, resists Saint Child full power to strike sufficiently. 此物拥有着极强的防御力,足以抵御圣子全力一击。 Previously the sneak attack of that Jin Chanzi, indeed was even Zhou Yuan didn't expect, that critical moment, he stimulated to movement Dragon Saliva True Water, this avoided a tribulation. 先前那金蟾子的偷袭,的确是连周元没想到,那关键时刻,他催动了龙涎真水,这才躲过了一劫。 This time, if not Dragon Saliva True Water, even if he does not die, perhaps must be in the extremely miserable situation by heavy injury. 这一次,如果不是龙涎真水,他就算不死,恐怕也得被重创到极惨的地步。 The distant place, the Jin Chanzi golden vertical pupil winked gently winking, say/way „your boy, pouring indeed is some meanings, no wonder will bring to the above attention.” 远处,金蟾子金色的竖瞳轻轻的眨了眨,道“不过你这小子,倒的确是有些意思,难怪会引起上面的注意。” Although does not know why you will return safe and sound, but this should not be your ability, if expects well, is the treasures of certain guards?” “虽然不知道你为何会毫发无损,但这应该不是你自身的能力,如果所料不错的话,是某些护身之宝吧?” This type of thing, must also has the limit?” “这种东西,应当也是有着限制的吧?” Therefore it can rescue your one time, can rescue your twice ten times?” “所以它能救你一次,难道还能救你两次十次吗?” Jin Chanzi is with smile on the face, astonishing deep green Origin Qi in this time slowly ascends from its within the body, a Origin Qi pressure sweeps away, made to present all chief, was wear a look of the scared look. 金蟾子面带微笑,惊人的碧绿源气在此时缓缓的从其体内升腾而起,一股源气威压横扫开来,令得在场所有的首席,都是面带惧色。 In the Jin Chanzi sound, has killing intent of faint trace, obviously, previously struck cannot be effective, was somewhat makes him lose one's temper, therefore at present, he plans true making a move. 金蟾子的声音中,有着一丝丝的杀意,显然,先前一击未能奏效,也是让得他有些动怒了,所以眼下,他打算真正的出手。 Zhou Yuan naturally is also felt that came from Jin Chanzi dangerous aura, in its was also has the ice to pass over gently and swiftly coldly, he has not feared, the Jin Chanzi strength was indeed strong, but when he truly had guard against, the latter wanted to cut to kill him, is not easy. 周元自然也是感觉到那来自金蟾子的危险气息,其眼中也是有着冰寒掠过,他并没有惧怕,金蟾子的实力的确非常强,但当他真正有所防备的时候,后者想要斩杀他,却并没有那么容易。 Hasn't escaped unexpectedly?” “竟然还不逃跑?” Jin Chanzi looks at Zhou Yuan to be built on same place, been able to bear smiles. 金蟾子瞧得周元立于原地,忍不住的一笑。 Such being the case, you die his step to take, must make a move. “既然如此,那你就去死吧”他步伐迈出,就要出手。 However, in that flickers, his body that his step takes solidifies suddenly, because he felt that extremely dangerous fluctuation appear(ance), that fluctuation, made his whole body skin, ties tight in this time. 不过,就在他步伐迈出的那一瞬,他的身体陡然凝固,因为他感觉到了一股极其危险的波动出现了,那股波动,令得他浑身的皮肤,都是在此时紧绷起来。 Therefore, his raised the head slowly comes, being critical situation is looking at not far away the position of pinnacle peak. 于是,他缓缓的抬起头来,如临大敌的望着不远处的一座石塔顶端的位置。 Sees only there, the outstandingly beautiful girl who wears azure clothed stands against the wind, the physique is slender, that beautiful appearance, dazzling and intoxicating, but this time she, pair of limpid eyes, by living simply of no emotion, is actually gazing at Jin Chanzi indifferently. 只见得那里,一名身穿青衣的绝色女孩迎风而立,身姿窈窕,那绝美的容颜,令人目眩神迷,而此时的她,一对清澈的眼眸,却是以一种毫无情感的淡泊,漠然的注视着金蟾子 „Can you, make him die?” “你,要让他死?” Her red lip opens, has the ice-cold biting cold sound in this time resounding slowly. 她红唇微启,有着冰冷彻骨的声音在此时缓缓的响起。 In that sound, has one unobservable to be furious slightly...... 那声音之中,有着一丝难以察觉的细微震怒…… ( https:) (https:)
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