VY :: Volume #6

#538: Numerous holy war ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) water beast

Ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) huge giant beast comes in waves, Origin Qi between entire Heaven and Earth as if in this time boiling, an indescribable wild feeling, such as the storm sweeps across from ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) water beast within the body, is mixing the storm. 万丈庞大的巨兽踏浪而来,整个天地间的源气仿佛都是在此时沸腾,一股无法形容的狂暴之感,如风暴般自万丈水兽体内席卷而出,搅动着风浪。 When a countless line of sight is looking at that ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) water beast, brings thick shock. 无数道视线望着那万丈水兽时,都是带着浓浓的震撼。 Compared with this, even if these let many disciple unattainable thousand zhang (3.33 m) water beast in the past, at this time was to appear somewhat less than raises 与此相比,就算是以往那些让得众多弟子可望不可即的千丈水兽,此时都是显得有些不足一提了 Roar! 吼! Ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) water beast body transparent like crystal, body huge like mountain, lives the giant six arms, just like the six arm ominous beasts of direct acting, in the extreme is aggressive. 万丈水兽身躯透明如水晶,身躯庞大如山,生有巨大的六臂,宛如直行的六臂凶兽,凶悍得无以复加。 This is ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) water beast “这就是万丈水兽么” Is leading the elite team to encircle thousand zhang (3.33 m) water beast Zhou Yuan, finds time raise one's head, he is looking at that say/way great shadow, attracted an cold air/Qi, the face becomes extremely dignified. 正率领着精锐队伍围剿千丈水兽周元,抽空抬头,他望着那道巨影,吸了一口冷气,面庞变得极其的凝重。 Obviously also induces of these ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) water beast. 显然也是感应到了这万丈水兽之强。 But even he is so, let alone other disciples, complexion are some blanches, suddenly the courage was shocked, was killed by many water beast unexpectedly again and again is repulsed. 而连他都是如此,更何况其他的弟子,一个个面色都是有些发白,一时间胆气都被震慑,竟被诸多水兽杀得连连败退。 Reviews these water beast, then because of ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) water beast appear(ance), as if received some in addition to hold general, rushed ahead crazily even more. 反观那些水兽,则是因为万丈水兽出现,仿佛是受到了某种加持一般,冲杀起来愈发的疯狂。 All around aspect, becomes in this time is extremely chaotic. 四周的局面,在此时变得极其混乱起来。 But the islands highest place, Li Qingchan and other Saint Child also discovered so changes, immediately the look all concentrates. 而岛屿最高处,李卿婵圣子也是发现了这般变化,当即眼神皆是一凝。 Everyone, prepares to act.” Li Qingchan took a deep breath, said. “各位,准备出手吧。”李卿婵深吸一口气,道。 Others are also complexion dignified nodded, their making a move, are in the entire aspect the most important place, if they are unable to defeat these ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) water beast, then this seven peak disciples, must defeat without doubt. 其他人也是面色凝重的点点头,他们的出手,才是整个局面中最重要的地方,如果他们无法打败这万丈水兽,那么此次七峰弟子,必败无疑。 Whoosh! 咻! 11 forms change into the flowing light to lift off, Tun Tun was held by Yao Yao in the bosom, they become fan-shaped dispersing, directly was appear(ance) in ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) water beast front. 十一道身影化为流光升空而起,吞吞则是被夭夭抱在怀中,他们成扇形般的散开,直接是出现在了万丈水兽的前方。 Bang! 轰! Origin Qi that does not have any hesitation, in Li Qingchan and other human bodies rushes erupts, Origin Qi like the rocket ascension, goes straight up Yunxiao (cloud firmament), might be considered as is mammoth. 没有任何的犹豫,李卿婵等人体内澎湃的源气爆发开来,源气如狼烟般升腾,直升云霄,堪称是波澜壮阔。 Ten big Saint Child make a move, is revealed that far exceeded various peak chief disciple Origin Qi background. 十大圣子一出手,便是显露出了远超各峰首席弟子源气底蕴 The powerful Origin Qi pressure, sends out among Heaven and Earth, suddenly, the resistance that came from the wild air/Qi of ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) water beast within the body actually. 强悍的源气威压,自天地间散发开来,一时间,倒是抵御下了那源自万丈水兽体内的狂暴之气。 Roar! 吼! Ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) water beast is looking at that stop in the front ten several forms, exuded the sound of roaring, six arms brandish, rumbles suddenly in the sea level. 万丈水兽望着那阻拦在前方的十数道身影,也是发出了咆哮之声,六臂挥舞,猛然轰在海面上。 Bang! 轰! The sea level just like is torn, countless water column just like huge long spear violently shoots, hiding the sky and covering the earth is going to the sky in ten several form bombardments, in that each water column, contains the wild strength. 海面犹如是被撕裂,无数道水柱宛如巨大长枪暴射而出,铺天盖地的对着天空上的十数道身影轰击而去,那每一道水柱之中,都是蕴含着狂暴的力量。 Saint Child within the body has boundless Origin Qi to sweep across, changes into Origin Qi torrent, with water column firmly resists together that comes, immediately the great sound resounds through, the rainstorm like note falling in torrents within Heaven and Earth, the line of sight is to even become fuzzy. 诸位圣子体内有着磅礴源气席卷而出,化为源气洪流,与那呼啸而至的水柱硬憾在一起,顿时巨声响彻,暴雨如注般的倾泻于天地间,连视线都是变得模糊起来。 Saint Child top of the head, Origin Qi forms celebrating cloud, has radiance to dangle, protects them. 诸位圣子头顶,源气形成庆云,有着光芒垂下,将他们护于其中。 Their vision, all are cold locking ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) water beast, Origin Qi that rushes vigorously, in within the body like the torrent surges. 他们的目光,皆是冷冽的锁定着万丈水兽,雄浑澎湃的源气,在体内如洪流般翻腾。 Yao Yao and Origin Pattern Brush in Ye Ge hand rapid from falls void, complex obscure Origin Pattern forming, change into light stream to howl finally, fell above other Saint Child bodies. 夭夭叶歌手中的源纹笔迅速的自虚空落下,一道道复杂晦涩的源纹成形,最后化为光流呼啸而出,落在了其他圣子的身躯之上。 Origin Pattern just like the living creature general, in other Saint Child body surface circulations, unceasing is deriving Heaven and Earth Origin Qi. 源纹犹如活物一般,在其他圣子身体表面流转,不断的汲取着天地源气 This is some high grade assistance Origin Pattern, can the increase Origin Qi offensive, defend, meanwhile can absorb Heaven and Earth Origin Qi, supplemented one consume. 这是一些高品级的辅助源纹,能够增幅源气攻势,防御,同时还能够吸取天地源气,补充自身消耗。 When Origin Pattern takes possession, Li Qingchan, Chu Qing and other numerous position Saint Child are also suddenly violently shoots, next one flickers, lets the aggressive offensive that countless disciple complexion changes countenance, is hiding the sky and covering the earth is howling to go to ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) water beast. 源纹附体,李卿婵,楚青等众位圣子也是猛然暴射而出,下一瞬,让得无数弟子面色动容的凶悍攻势,便是铺天盖地的对着万丈水兽呼啸而去。 That each offensive, contains the astonishing prestige. 那每一道攻势,都是蕴含着惊人之威。 Roar! 吼! But is facing Saint Child offensive, that ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) water beast six arms pounded a chest ruthlessly, has the low and deep loud sound, the invisible air wave shakes, the next quarter, its six arms brandish, on giant fist is condensing extreme wild Origin Qi, welcomed directly directly with all Saint Children, did not fear the opposite party person to be many. 而面对着诸位圣子的攻势,那万丈水兽六臂狠狠的砸了一下胸膛,发出低沉巨响,无形的气浪震荡开来,下一刻,它六臂挥舞,巨拳上凝聚着极端狂暴的源气,直接是与众圣子正面迎上,丝毫不惧对方人多。 Bang! Bang! 轰!轰隆! The double Fang Zheng surface bumps into, like that sound, but is really overwhelming, this stretch of sea level at this time unceasing avalanche, the dreadful monstrous waves forms in the fight complementary waves, crazy to is attacking to go in all directions. 方正面碰上,那般动静,可真的是翻江倒海,这片海面都是在此时不断的崩塌,滔天巨浪在战斗余波中成形,疯狂的对着四面八方冲击而去。 Some unlucky disciples and water beast were involved. 一些倒霉的弟子与水兽都是被卷入其中。 Zhou Yuan distant is looking at this degree of fight, he can the clear feeling, these Saint Child strengths, indeed far exceed their these chief disciple. 周元远远的望着这种程度的战斗,他能够清晰的感觉到,这些圣子的实力,的确远超他们这些首席弟子 Although many chief have to step into the 9-layer Heaven strength faintly, but to 9-layer Heaven, what art is Origin Qi background. 虽说很多首席都隐隐有着踏入九重天的实力,但到了九重天,讲究的是源气底蕴 Now Origin Qi Star of Zhou Yuan within the body, roughly in more than 5000 quantities. 如今周元体内的源气星辰,约莫在五千多颗的数量。 But is similar that Baili Che, at most also about 6000. 而类似那百里澈,顶多也就六千左右。 But at present these Saint Child, according to Zhou Yuan's estimate, perhaps even Zhao Zhu ranked the tenth, its Origin Qi background, surpassed 10,000 numbers by far. 但眼前这些圣子,按照周元的估计,就算是排名第十的赵烛,恐怕其源气底蕴,都是远远的超过了一万之数。 This is these Saint Child background. 这就是这些圣子底蕴 Is facing so aggressive Saint Child, Zhou Yuan also has to acknowledge, perhaps this time he, is facing Zhao Zhu ranked the tenth even, is very difficult odds of success somewhat. 面对着如此凶悍的圣子,就连周元也不得不承认,此时的他,恐怕就算是面对着排名第十的赵烛,都很难有几分的胜算。 Only if he with the aid of silver shadow perhaps the strength, has a possibility upfront war. 除非他借助“银影”的力量,或许才有可能正面一战。 Because both sides on Origin Qi background this, the disparity indeed were too big. 因为双方在源气底蕴这上面,差距的确是太大了。 I have some roads to walk Zhou Yuan took a deep breath, even if it seems like that the present becomes chief disciple, he cannot therefore relax. “我还有着一些路要走”周元深吸一口气,看来就算如今是成为了首席弟子,他也不得就因此有所放松。 These Saint Child can have this background, is after many self-tortures, he wants to pursue on, but also needs an effort. 这些圣子能够有此底蕴,乃是经过诸多苦修,他想要追赶而上,还需要一番努力。 If this time origin pond sacrifice can obtain Nine Dragons baptism that regarding Origin Qi background, should have the enormous promotion.” Zhou Yuan licked the lip, in the eye passed over gently and swiftly wipes blazingly. “如果这次的源池祭能够获得九龙洗礼那对于源气底蕴,应该会有着极大的提升。”周元舔了舔嘴唇,眼中掠过一抹炽热。 However, so the thought can only think temporarily, because the Nine Dragons baptism is not only he drools, even these Saint Child are also the unusual hopes. 不过,这般念头暂时只能想想,因为九龙洗礼不仅是他垂涎,甚至连这些圣子也是异常的渴望。 To obtain enough supports the source marrow of Nine Dragons baptism, perhaps is not easy. 想要从中分得足够支撑九龙洗礼的源髓,恐怕并不容易。 Bang! Bang! 轰!轰! When Zhou Yuan thoughts rotation, fight in that distant place sea level, even more wild, that ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) water beast battle efficiency is really fearful, even is facing besieging of all Saint Children, does not fall the least bit as before leeward. 而当周元这边心思转动时,那远处海面上的战斗,愈发的狂暴,那万丈水兽战斗力委实可怕,即便是面对着众圣子的围攻,依旧是不落半点下风。 Bang! 砰! Ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) water beast six arms brandish, within two giant palm fierce rubbed huge Origin Qi light ball, light ball flung, was tearing is then void, ruthlessly is going to the Li Qingchan detonation. 万丈水兽六臂挥舞,其中两只巨掌间猛的搓出了一颗巨大的源气光球,光球一甩,便是撕裂虚空,狠狠的对着李卿婵爆轰而去。 However when that light ball soon in bang Li Qingchan, together form appear(ance) in its front, precisely Shang Chunqiu. 不过当那光球即将轰中李卿婵时,一道身影出现在了其前方,正是商春秋 Sees only his both arms to intersect before the body, calls out like the thunder, above the skin has clear jade light to bloom, these jade light, as if in the skin surface, formed the strange trace. 只见得他双臂交叉在身前,暴喝如雷,皮肤之上有着晶莹玉光绽放,那些玉光,仿佛是在皮肤表面,形成了奇异的纹路。 In its within the body , has exquisite silver light to emerge. 在其体内,同样是有着精湛的银光涌现。 Also wants tyrannical true Profound Saint Body compared with Zhou Yuan that Lesser Profound Saint Body impressively! 赫然是比周元小玄圣体还要强横的真正玄圣体 Blue Profound Sect strongest fleshly body! 苍玄宗最强的肉身 Bang! 砰! In the wild Origin Qi light ball bang Shang Chunqiu, storm wreak havoc, below sea level was torn, but Shang Chunqiu form also just like shell pounds endocraters in that sea level. 狂暴的源气光球轰中商春秋,风暴肆虐,下方的海面都是被撕裂开来,而商春秋的身影也是宛如炮弹般的在那海面上砸出一个又一个的巨坑。 However when his figure stops, is only the clothing was shattered, by heavy injury, anti- had not been punched the ability like that looks at the countless disciple to exclaim. 不过待得他身形停下时,只是衣衫破碎,并没有被重创,那般抗揍能力,看得无数弟子惊叹不已。 However when he is resisting hardly struck, other Saint Child are seizes the chance to erupt the fierce offensive, the hiding the sky and covering the earth bang in that ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) water beast huge body, making its body surface have Lianyi (ripple) to bloom. 不过他在硬抗了一击时,其他圣子则是趁机爆发出猛烈的攻势,铺天盖地的轰在那万丈水兽庞大的身躯上,令得其身躯表面有着涟漪绽放。 The defenses of these ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) water beast, are also astonishing. 这万丈水兽的防御,同样惊人。 Roar! 吼! But at the same time, has the aggressive incomparable beast roar to resound through together, dark golden light glow tearing is together void, Tun Tun formidable aggressive form appear(ance) above its rear area, the sharp claw, black light arc glittering jumped, is releasing the extremely dangerous fluctuation. 而与此同时,有着一道凶悍无匹的兽吼声响彻,一道暗金光芒撕裂虚空,吞吞威武凶悍的身影出现在了其后方,锋利的爪子之上,黑色的光弧闪烁跳跃,释放着极其危险的波动。 Scoffs! 嗤啦! Its that sharp claw tears, strange black light as if split the trace continually void. 它那锋利爪子撕裂下来,诡异的黑光似乎连虚空都裂开了痕迹。 The claw passed over gently and swiftly ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) water beast body, unexpectedly was tearing a huge fissure, black light glittering, just like has some type is swallowing the strength, unceasing corrosion Origin Qi of ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) water beast within the body. 爪子掠过万丈水兽的身躯,竟是生生的撕裂开了一道巨大的裂痕,黑光闪烁,犹如是具备着某种吞噬般的力量,不断的侵蚀着万丈水兽体内的源气 Áo! 嗷! Tun Tun this strikes, it may be said that is aggressive, that ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) water beast also exuded the grating roaring sound, six arms brandish, the fist wind is heavy like the mountain, a fist shoots Tun Tun. 吞吞这一击,可谓是凶悍,那万丈水兽也是发出了刺耳的咆哮声,六臂挥舞,拳风重如山岳,一拳将吞吞得倒射而出。 Collaborates, attacks the place that Tun Tun rips open!” Yao Yao drinks to make noise lightly. “联手,攻击吞吞撕开的地方!”夭夭轻喝出声。 Li Qingchan their hearing this, is making a move without hesitation, rush the Origin Qi offensive swiftly to condense the forming, the next flash, ten Origin Qi torrent have delimited the horizon just like the meteor, raises the torrential monstrous waves, bang all in previously Tun Tun sharp claws tearing place. 李卿婵他们闻言,也是毫不犹豫的出手,一道道澎湃源气攻势迅速凝聚成形,下一瞬间,十道源气洪流宛如流星般划过天际,掀起滔滔巨浪,尽数的轰在了先前吞吞利爪撕裂的地方。 Bang! 轰! The offensive might, is really like that fearful, even by these ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) water beast, were rumbled wails to make noise, the huge body delimits the long trace in that sea level. 那般攻势威力,委实可怕,即便是以这万丈水兽,都是被轰得哀嚎出声,庞大的身躯在那海面上划出长长的痕迹。 Many disciples are looking at this, immediately exuded the sound of cheering. 诸多弟子望着这一幕,顿时发出了欢呼之声。 This time, all Saint Children was caused a big damage to ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) water beast obviously. 这一次,显然众圣子是对万丈水兽造成了不小的创伤。 However compared with joys of other disciples, Li Qingchan and the others actually complexion dignified is staring at ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) water beast of distant place, if this big fellow will be so defeated easily, hundred years ago that generation of seven peak disciples, will not be extinguished by the complete group finally eliminates 不过与其他弟子的欢呼雀跃相比,李卿婵等人倒是脸色凝重的盯着远处的万丈水兽,如果这大家伙如此容易就会被击败的话,百年前那一代的七峰弟子,也不会最后被全部团灭淘汰了 Roar! 吼! In the sea level, ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) water beast is roaring, in its six giant arm fierce entering origin pond, the sea water forms the great cover immediately, covers it, but everyone can feel, at this moment, as if Origin Qi in origin pond in crazy is gathering. 海面上,万丈水兽在咆哮着,它那六只巨臂猛的伸入源池之中,顿时海水形成巨罩,将它笼罩,而所有人都是能够感觉到,此时此刻,似乎源池中的源气在疯狂的对着它汇聚而来。 Li Qingchan and the others tried to attack, but discovered stopping by that water cover. 李卿婵等人试图攻击,但发现都被那水罩给阻拦了下来。 These ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) water beast as if must act seriously Li Qingchan grimly said. “这万丈水兽似乎要动真格的了”李卿婵凝重的道 Chu Qing routine touches his smooth head, said: I had read a within sect ancient book before, above has mentioned some these ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) water beast actually, it is said this thing can evolve many fierce methods, most troublesome one namedDragon Saliva True Water, is derives source Dragon Qi, this water not only does not have to destroy, but can also connect origin pond, making ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) water beast have Origin Qi that is hard to dry up, thorny extremely. ” 楚青习惯性的摸了摸他那光溜溜的脑袋,道:“我之前看过宗内的一部典籍,上面倒是提及过一些这万丈水兽,据说这玩意能够衍变出好些厉害的手段,其中最麻烦的一种名为“龙涎真水”,乃是汲取源龙气所化,此水不仅无可摧毁,而且还能连通源池,令得万丈水兽拥有着难以枯竭的源气,极其的棘手。” That is Dragon Saliva True Water what appearance?” Some people asked. “那龙涎真水是何模样?”有人问到。 Chu Qing optional say/way: As if presents the shading yellow color, ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) water beast wants to evolve so the method also to look at the luck, but our luck so will not be necessarily bad, relax!” 楚青随意的道:“似乎呈现暗黄色彩,不过万丈水兽想要衍变出这般手段也要看运气,而我们不见得运气会这么差的,放心!” When the sound falls, he felt that periphery all of a sudden seemed to be more peaceful. 声音落下时,他感觉周围似乎一下子安静了许多。 Therefore raise one's head that he has doubts, is actually saw Li Qingchan their complexion is some unattractive is staring at the front, his line of sight also goes, then the smile on face is one stiff. 于是他疑惑的抬头,却是见到李卿婵他们面色都是有些不好看的盯着前方,他的视线也是随之而去,然后脸上的笑容便是一僵。 Sees only at this time, on that sea level this, ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) water beast face upwards the long and loud cry, but in its huge body, the clear color, starts gradually was changing into the shading yellow color. 只见得此时,在那海面这上,万丈水兽仰天长啸,而在它那庞大的身躯上,原本晶莹的色彩,在开始渐渐的化为暗黄之色。 That shading yellow color is common just like the dragon saliva, flows in its surface, is faint, exuded the sound of low and deep dragon roar. 那暗黄之色就宛如龙涎一般,流淌在其表面,隐隐间,发出了低沉的龙吟之声。 origin pond boiling, continuous Origin Qi wells up, saw only in that ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) water beast body previously the people by the wound that tore, then started to restore at the visible speed. 源池沸腾,源源不断的源气涌来,只见得那万丈水兽身躯上先前被众人撕裂的创口,便是开始以肉眼可见的速度修复起来。 A more remarkable fluctuation, sends out from its within the body. 一股更加惊人的波动,自其体内散发而出。 In the upper air, the people are silent, then that vision is coldly looks to Chu Qing. 高空中,众人沉默,然后那一道道目光便是冷冷的看向楚青 This crow mouth! 这个乌鸦嘴! Chu Qing looked at also by people that angry vision trembled, awkward muttered: Is insufficient?” 楚青被众人那愤怒的目光看得也是哆嗦了一下,尴尬的喃喃道:“不至于吧?”
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