VY :: Volume #1

#50: Shocking audience

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Opens Seven Veins!” “开七脉!” The clear shouting at sound gets up, Origin Qi between surroundings Heaven and Earth immediately continuous is welling up to Su Youwei's within the body, at the same time, tyrannical imposing manner, erupts from her within the body. 清脆的叱喝声响起,周围天地间的源气顿时源源不断的对着苏幼微的体内涌去,与此同时,一股强横的气势,也是自她的体内爆发出来。 The Su Youwei black hair dances in the breeze, Origin Qi light stream shuttles back and forth from within the body, finally gathers in Qishuang to refer, fingertip clear like jade, but glittering the swift and fierce air/Qi, is actually causing the air to vibrate. 苏幼微青丝飘舞,源气光流自体内穿梭而过,最后汇聚于其双指,指尖晶莹如玉,但却又闪烁着凌厉之气,引得空气震动。 Jade Breaking Finger!” Su Youwei looks at azure wind blade that violently shoots is coming, that wipes azure light, is sharp sufficiently tears the ground, but on her cheeks, actually does not see the slight scared look, instead moves ahead in this time lotus steps, then like jade double refers, is going to the wind blade heavily point. 破玉指!”苏幼微望着那暴射而来的青色风刃,那一抹青光,锋锐得足以将地面撕裂,但她的脸颊上,却不见丝毫的惧色,反而是在此时莲步前移,那如玉般的双指,对着风刃重重点去。 Clang! 铛! The next flash, the hit of both heavily in one, the sound of golden stone got up, but, everyone saw, that wipes azure wind blade fiercely in this time shivers, finally bang, exploding baseless breaks to pieces, changes into a azure luminous spot. 下一瞬间,两者重重的撞击在了一起,金石之声响起,不过,所有人都是见到,那抹青色风刃在此时剧烈的颤抖起来,最后砰的一声,凭空的爆碎开来,化为一片青色光点。 Although this Liu Xi can display this low rank Profound Origin Technique, but after all somewhat reluctantly, after Su Youwei makes a connection with 7th vein, is relying on the vigor of Origin Qi, is actually forcibly routs it. 柳溪虽然能够施展出这道下品玄源术,但毕竟还是有些勉强,所以当苏幼微打通第七脉后,凭借着自身源气的雄浑,却是硬生生的将其击溃开来。 Is impossible!” Liu Xi sees this, immediately the cheeks twist, the unbelievable squawk said. “不可能!”柳溪见到这一幕,顿时脸颊扭曲起来,难以置信的尖声道。 How she is unable to believe that Profound Origin Technique that she displays, to middle rank Origin Technique be broken by Su Youwei unexpectedly together. 她怎么都无法相信,她施展出来的玄源术,竟然会被苏幼微以一道中品源术所打破。 Shuā! 唰! However Su Youwei has not given her shocking time, the tender body moves, is the directly shoots comes, Liu Xi sees that quickly displays Wind Spirit Step illness/quick to draw back. 不过苏幼微并没有给她震惊的时间,娇躯一动,便是直射而来,柳溪见状,急忙施展“风灵步”疾退。 But previous she, can rely on Wind Spirit Step with the Su Youwei specific speed, but the latter has opened Seven Veins now, the overall strength rose a stair, therefore, Su Youwei several breaths merely, was close to Liu Xi. 但先前的她,能够凭借着“风灵步”与苏幼微比速度,可如今后者已是开了七脉,整体实力都上升了一个台阶,所以,苏幼微仅仅数息,便是接近了柳溪 „Does inexpensive girl, you dare to injure me?!” Looks at the Su Youwei charming face ice-cold bullying body to come, Liu Xi charming face changes, fierce say/way. “贱丫头,你敢伤我?!”瞧得苏幼微俏脸冰冷的欺身而来,柳溪俏脸一变,厉声道。 Replied her, is such as the jade light finger/refers that Su Youwei that selected like lightning, the air in referring to tearing, finally fell on the Liu Xi shoulder place directly, immediately the blood spluttered, a Liu Xi pitiful yell, the body flew upside down, applied the long trace in that ground. 回答她的,是苏幼微那闪电般点出的如玉光指,空气在指下撕裂,最后直接落在了柳溪肩头处,顿时鲜血溅射出来,柳溪一声惨叫,身体倒飞出去,在那地面上搽出长长的痕迹。 Su Youwei goes forward gradually, arrives at side Liu Xi in an extremely difficult situation, charming face ice-cold like the frost, the line of sight overlooks, in pupil glittering the cold light, was makes Liu Xi hit one to tremble unexpectedly. 苏幼微缓步上前,来到狼狈不堪的柳溪身旁,俏脸冰冷如霜,视线俯视下来,眸子中闪烁着的冷光,竟是令得柳溪都打了一个寒颤。 I indeed do not have your such family background, talent that but, I will have with me as well as diligently, these making up all, therefore, you in my eyes, and have nothing greatly.” Su Youwei is staring at Liu Xi, indifferently said. “我的确没有你那样的家世,不过,我会用我所拥有的天赋以及努力,将这些尽数的弥补,所以,你在我眼中,并没有什么了不起的。”苏幼微盯着柳溪,淡淡的道 Liu Xi silvers tooth bites tightly. 柳溪牙紧咬。 Moreover, Liu Xi, has a few words, I very early want to say to you.” “另外,柳溪,有一句话,我很早就想对你说了。” The Su Youwei ruddy small mouth raises wipes the contemptuous curve, said in a soft voice: You once said that Your Highness is the toad, but I want to tell you , compared with Your Highness, you are a true view the sky from the bottom of a well toad!” 苏幼微红润小嘴掀起一抹轻蔑的弧度,轻声道:“你曾经说殿下是癞蛤蟆,不过我想告诉你,跟殿下比,你才是一只真正坐井观天的癞蛤蟆!” Girls who you who because think oneself infallible, actually even Your Highness pick conveniently were inferior.” “因为自以为是的你,却连殿下随手捡回来的一个丫头都不如。” Liu Xi must be wild with rage, her didn't expect some day, she actually will be scolded is the toad, but this makes her unable rebuttal, because she lost in the Su Youwei hand, moreover lost was so miserable. 柳溪要被气疯了,她没想到有朝一日,她竟然会被骂成是癞蛤蟆,但这又让得她无法的反驳,因为她输在了苏幼微手中,而且还输的这么惨。 Therefore, under the short of breath launches a psychological attack, she is the eye turns directly, held together to faint unexpectedly. 所以,气急攻心之下,她直接是眼一翻,竟直接气晕了过去。 That is just about the referee sees that is also smiles bitterly one, then the vigorous sound resounds through: First Institute, Su Youwei wins!” 那正要走上来的裁判见状,也是苦笑一声,然后雄浑的声音响彻而起:“甲院,苏幼微!” Bang! 轰! The entire square caused a stir in this moment, the countless startled noise resounds, shocking vision, project to stone platform that elegant, however stands, but appears valiant simple and beautiful young girl. 整个广场都在这一刻轰动了起来,无数惊哗声响起,一道道惊艳的目光,投射向石台上那俏然而立,但又显得英姿飒爽的清丽少女 Everyone didn't expect, she reversed the war unexpectedly, will have Profound Origin Technique Liu Xi to defeat. 谁都没想到,她竟然逆转了战局,将身怀玄源术柳溪所击败。 First Institute all students are set out to applaud, exude the sound of cheering, that looks to the Su Youwei's line of sight, the admiration is more abundant, so young girl, although without that excellent family background, but is strong just like the Chinese hibiscus flower that in that storm drags, is welcoming the storm, blooming that does not fear. 甲院所有学员都是起身鼓掌,发出欢呼之声,那看向苏幼微的视线中,倾慕更盛,如此少女,虽没有那过人的家世,但却坚强得犹如那风暴中摇曳的扶桑花,迎着风暴,不惧的绽放。 This little miss, is really good.” On that high platform, Zhou Qing was also acclaimed one that could not bear, he naturally can look, previously Su Youwei in forcefully charging veins, but did that in the fight, without doubt must take the enormous risk, courage and decisiveness that but Su Youwei displayed, was makes one look askance. “这个小姑娘,真不错。”在那高台上,周擎也是忍不住的赞叹了一声,他自然是能够看出来,先前苏幼微是在强行冲脉,而在战斗中这么做,无疑是要冒着极大的风险,但苏幼微表现出来的勇气与果断,都是令人侧目。 He is sighing, by the Su Youwei's talent as well as disposition, if were born in a good family/home, perhaps has been the lovable girl of that day, causes countless genius completely to bow. 他感叹着,以苏幼微的天赋以及心性,若是出生在一个好的家里,恐怕早就是那天之娇女,引得无数天才尽折腰。 Entire square in an uproar with bravo, but also in unceasing continuing. 整个广场的哗然与喝彩声,还在不断的持续。 Su Youwei has not paid attention to these bravos, but the beautiful eye sweeps, then goes to the direction that Zhou Yuan was, but this time latter, is giving the thumbs-up to her, therefore, her red lip then gently one curved, then in that pupil, has wipes appears decidedly. 苏幼微没有理会那些喝彩声,只是美目一扫,便是投向了周元所在的方向,而此时的后者,也正对着她竖起大拇指,于是,她红唇这才轻轻一弯,然后那眸子中,有着一抹决然浮现。 Under the gaze of that countless vision, she has turned the head, looks straight ahead on the Institute Head stage the Qi Yue form, the limpid sound gets up: First Institute Su Youwei, challenges Second Institute Qi Yue!” 在那无数道目光的注视下,她转过头,直视院首台上齐岳的身影,清澈声响起:“甲院苏幼微,挑战乙院齐岳!” Static! 静! Everywhere bravo stops, everyone is dumbfounded is looking at this, in the eye full is shocking, obviously didn't expect, Su Youwei must continue to challenge Qi Yue unexpectedly! 漫天的喝彩声噶然而止,所有人都是目瞪口呆的望着这一幕,眼中满是震惊,显然都没想到,苏幼微竟然还要继续挑战齐岳 Zhou Yuan was also done one by the Su Youwei's action startled, sinking sound said: This girl, acted unreasonably!” 周元同样是被苏幼微的举动搞得一惊,沉声道:“这妮子,太乱来了!” Nearby Yang Zai and Song Qiushui are also look at each other in dismay, does not know that said what good. 一旁的杨载宋秋水也是面面相觑,不知道说什么好。 On the Institute Head stage, Qi Yue complexion is some gloomy, he is staring at Su Youwei, he stands up, indifferently said: You are not my opponent, oneself get down.” 院首台上,齐岳面色则是有些阴沉,他盯着苏幼微,他站起身来,淡淡的道:“你不是我的对手,自己下去吧。” That must begin to know.” Su Youwei does not make concessions, she stares at Qi Yue, in the pupil is reappearing wipes cold intent, since you wanted to hit before are consuming the Zhou Yuan's idea, the say/way of my by that person also from the body of that person, even if I cannot be victorious you, I must make you consume. “那也得动手了才知道。”苏幼微毫不退让,她盯着齐岳,眸子中浮现一抹冷意,既然你们之前想要打着消耗周元的主意,那我就以其人之道还自其人之身,就算我打不过你,我也要让你有所消耗。 She knows that this time Palace Exam is very important to Zhou Yuan, therefore she also plans to exhaust full power, a help/gang Zhou Yuan all-win point as far as possible. 她知道这次的府试周元很重要,所以她也打算竭尽全力,尽可能的帮周元多赢一分。 Qi Yue complexion gloomy sinks, he naturally is also knows the Su Youwei's plan, in the heart cannot help but some dark anger, was used to cope with the Zhou Yuan's method, finally was instead used by Su Youwei in his head. 齐岳面色阴沉沉的,他自然也是知晓苏幼微的打算,心中不由得有些暗怒,原本是用来对付周元的手段,结果反而被苏幼微用在了他的头上。 Impenetrably thickheaded, acts recklessly!” Qi Yue coldly said, his tip of the toe point, the form was to then plunder stone platform at once. “冥顽不灵,不知死活!”齐岳寒声道,旋即他脚尖一点,身影便是掠上了石台 Then, I make you have a look, opens the Seven Veins strength truly!” “接下来,我就让你看看,真正开七脉的力量!” The Qi Yue sole stamps, immediately Heaven and Earth Origin Qi floods into its within the body, the ray of light class/flow winding in its whole body, the flagstone of under foot is explodes to break to pieces together, astonishing imposing manner sends out, is unexpectedly stronger than beforehand Su Youwei. 齐岳脚掌一跺,顿时天地源气涌入其体内,一道道光流缠绕在其周身,脚下的石板都是爆碎开来,一股惊人的气势散发出来,竟是比之前的苏幼微还要强。 After all Qi Yue opened Seven Veins early, but Su Youwei just broke through, the disparity between both, the nature is big. 毕竟齐岳早开了七脉,而苏幼微只是刚刚突破,两者间的差距,自然不小。 You can meet my fist, even if you win!” Qi Yue sneers proudly, next one flickers, he one step treads, the five fingers grip tightly, Origin Qi racing wells up in within the body, just like the tide, following the meridians, swamps into above the fist, immediately that fist glittering has radiance, just like contains the explosion strength. “你能接我一拳,就算你赢!”齐岳傲然冷笑,下一瞬,他一步踏出,五指紧握,体内的源气奔涌,犹如潮水,顺着经脉,涌入拳头之上,顿时那一只拳头闪烁光芒,犹如蕴含着爆炸般的力量。 low rank Profound Origin Technique, Rushing Thunder Fist!” 下品玄源术,奔雷拳!” Qi Yue drinks coldly, a fist rumbles, immediately has the thunderclap to be billowing, sees only fist seal to howl together, just like the thunder to thunder, aggressive incomparable is going to the Su Youwei bombardment. 齐岳一声冷喝,一拳轰出,顿时有着雷声滚滚,只见得一道拳印呼啸而出,犹如雷霆轰鸣,凶悍无匹的对着苏幼微轰击而去。 This Qi Yue, acts is Profound Origin Technique, obviously is plans to use the thunder method, the scene that their Second Institute will previously lose gives to look. 齐岳,一出手就是玄源术,显然是打算施展雷霆手段,将先前他们乙院丢失的场面都给找回来。 Su Youwei's charming face also becomes in this time extremely dignified, Origin Qi surging of all her within the body, the beautiful pupil stares at source light fist seal that violently shoots is coming, next one flickers, its form illness/quick draws back. 苏幼微的俏脸也是在此时变得极为的凝重,她体内的源气尽数的涌动,美眸盯着那暴射而来的源光拳印,下一瞬,其身影疾退。 From the power and influence of this fist, she knows not to spell hardly, therefore she immediately changes the strategy, plans to display movement, as far as possible delays some time. 从这一拳的威势来看,她就知晓硬拼不得,所以她立即改变策略,打算施展身法,尽可能的多拖一些时间。 Can run?” However Qi Yue sees, is actually sneers one, eyes flash, sees only that source light fist seal speed suddenly to rise suddenly, just like the startling thunderclap, an instance, then impacts the Su Youwei's front, then under heavily bang. “跑得掉?”然而齐岳一见,却是冷笑一声,目光一闪,只见得那源光拳印速度陡然暴涨,犹如惊雷,一个瞬间,便是冲击到了苏幼微的前方,然后重重的轰下。 Bang! 砰! The air as if explodes in this time, stone platform floor unceasing cracking. 空气仿佛都是在此时爆炸开来,石台的地板不断的龟裂 Su Youwei only felt the overbearing strength that is unable to resist from the front comes, the next quarter, her body is fierce shakes, stuffy, a dark red bloodstain appears from the ruddy small mouth, the body flew upside down. 苏幼微只感觉到一股无法抗拒的霸道力量自前方汹涌而来,下一刻,她身躯便是猛的一震,一声闷哼,一丝殷红的血迹自红润小嘴边浮现出来,身体倒飞了出去。 In square, resounds many regrettable sighs, this Qi Yue, really this Great Zhou Palace overlord, even Su Youwei broke through 7th vein, is unable to contend with it. 广场中,也是响起诸多遗憾的叹息声,这齐岳,果然还是这大周府的霸王,即便是苏幼微突破到了第七脉,也是无法与其抗衡。 The Su Youwei's form, flew upside down stone platform, at the same time, the figure rose straight from the ground together, opened the both arms in that midair, held around the middle that young girl, fell slowly. 苏幼微的身影,倒飞出了石台,与此同时,一道身形拔地而起,在那半空中伸出双臂,将那少女拦腰抱起,徐徐落下。 Su Youwei is looking at that appear(ance) in front familiar face, smiles, the somewhat embarrassed say/way: Cannot be victorious, it seems like I showed off power.” 苏幼微望着那出现在面前的熟悉面孔,轻轻一笑,有些不好意思的道:“还是打不过,看来我太逞强了。” Intends to catch Su Youwei's, naturally is Zhou Yuan, he looks at Su Youwei corners of the mouth that to wipe dazzling dark red, in the eye was also passed over gently and swiftly the thick cold light and killing intent, temperate say/way: You did very well, the following matter, gave me to come, you did not need to worry, we will not lose.” 出手接住苏幼微的,自然便是周元,他望着苏幼微嘴角那抹刺眼的殷红,眼中也是掠过浓浓的寒光与杀机,温和的道:“你做得很不错了,接下来的事,就交给我来吧,你不用担心,我们不会输。” The Su Youwei whole body is incapable, therefore she lies down in the Zhou Yuan's bosom, is narrowing the beautiful pupil, just like the lazy cat general, did not have the previous that valiance. 苏幼微浑身都是无力,所以她躺在周元的怀中,微眯着美眸,犹如慵懒的猫一般,没了先前的那种英姿飒爽。 The Zhou Yuan figure falls, weak Su Youwei will give Song Qiushui, his then raise one's head, that is then swift and fierce just like the blade edge vision, went to stone platform directly proudly vertical Qi Yue. 周元身形落下,将无力的苏幼微交给了宋秋水,然后他这才抬头,那凌厉得犹如刀锋般的目光,直接投向了石台上傲然而立的齐岳 His sole stamps, under the gaze of that countless vision, the form pillages, just like Great Peng is ordinary, plundered stone platform. 他脚掌一跺,在那无数道目光的注视下,身影暴掠而出,犹如大鹏一般,掠上了石台 Meanwhile, the Zhou Yuan that ice cold and cold sound, resounds through. 与此同时,周元那冰寒而冷冽的声音,响彻而起。 First Institute Zhou Yuan, challenges Second Institute Qi Yue!” 甲院周元,挑战乙院齐岳!”
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