„What do you mean?”HearsZhou Yuanthiswords, Su Youweiis also startled.
“什么意思?”听到周元此话,苏幼微也是一怔。Zhou Yuanlookslightly coldis looking atthatCao LingandFan Wu, calmly said: „IfIhave not expectedwrong, theyshouldinscribe „ Boiling Blood Pattern”. ”周元眼神微冷的望着那曹凌与范武,平静的道:“如果我没料错的话,他们应该刻画了“沸血纹”。”„Boiling Blood Pattern?”
“沸血纹?”„Thisistogether1st RankOrigin Pattern, doesto directbyOrigin Beastblood essence, inscribein the body, cancombustionwithin the bodyblood essence, thusmadeOrigin Qiwildfierce, butthislawquitecruel, after the use, oneselfblood essencewill appearlost money, seriouseveninjured and meridians, latercultivationwas hardto deposit.”Zhou Yuanslowly said.
“这是一道一品源纹,以源兽精血做引,刻画在身,能够燃烧体内精血,从而令得源气更为的狂暴凶猛,不过此法颇为的阴损,在使用之后,自身精血会出现亏损,严重的甚至伤及经脉,以后修炼难以存进。”周元缓缓的道。ThisBoiling Blood Patternis somewhat similartoninebeastOpening Veinsmarks, butis far from the latterbeing like that exquisite.
这沸血纹与九兽开脉纹有些相似,只不过却远没后者那般精妙。Su Youweicharming facelightlychanges, said: „ThisOrigin Pattern, butis forbid! How do theydare?”苏幼微俏脸轻变,道:“这种源纹,可是禁用的!他们怎么敢?”Zhou Yuanboth eyesnarrow the eyes, said: „Theydoverycovertly, is very difficultto check, becausetheirbodiesshould unable to findOrigin Pattern.”周元双目微眯,道:“他们做得很隐蔽,很难查出来,因为他们的身上应该找不到源纹。”„Can't discoverOrigin Pattern? Thathowinscribe?”Su Youweidoubfully said, regardingOrigin Patterntogether, sheis far fromZhou Yuanbeing skilled inobviously.
“找不出源纹?那怎么刻画的?”苏幼微疑惑的道,对于源纹一道,她显然远没有周元精通。„Before Palace Exam, every dayinscribethisBoiling Blood Patternon the body „”, the Boiling Blood Patternstrengthwill remain in within the body, whenintensifying that astheyfight, within the bodybloodcanboiling, be so ablegradually. ” Zhou Yuanslowly said.
“府试之前,每日都在身体上刻画这道“沸血纹”,沸血纹的力量会残留一些在体内,所以当随着他们战斗的加剧,体内血液会渐渐沸腾,如此就能够神不知鬼不觉。”周元缓缓的道。„This, the bodily injurytouseris just bigger, thatCao LingandFan Wu, must abandonin the future.”
“只不过这样,对使用者的身体伤害更大,那曹凌与范武,日后说不定就得废了。”Su Youweicannot bearbites the silvertoothlightly, said: „Really isquitevicious.”苏幼微忍不住的轻咬银牙,道:“真是好狠毒。”„It seems likeKing Qi Palace is really discrete, even ifhasQi Yueto assume personal command, makes an effortmanymethods, byinsuranceaccidental/surprised, theytoGreat Zhou Palace, mayreallyexert its utmost.”In the Zhou Yuaneye the cold lightflashes, said.
“看来齐王府还真是谨慎,即便有着齐岳坐镇,还是使劲诸多手段,以保不出意外,他们对大周府,可真是势在必得呢。”周元眼中寒光一闪,道。„Theycauseso the method, shouldbe the planwithFan Wu, Cao Lingconsumesyou.” The Su Youweibeautifulpupilconcentrates, the white handsgrip tightlyslowly, the lookbecameswift and fierce: „Youfelt relieved that Iwill not makethemwork!”
“他们使这般手段,应该是打算用范武,曹凌来消耗你。”苏幼微美眸微凝,玉手缓缓紧握,眼神都变得凌厉了一些:“不过你放心吧,我不会让他们得逞的!”HerindistinctknowsthisPalace Examas ifregardingZhou Yuanextremelyimportantly, thereforeshe must usefull powerhelpZhou Yuan, cleanssomeobstacleforhim, at least, before onthatQi Yue, shemusthelpZhou Yuanstay the bestcondition, does not make others consumehim.
她隐约的知晓这次府试似乎对于周元极为的重要,所以她也要倾尽全力的帮助周元,为他扫除一些绊脚石,至少,在对上那齐岳之前,她要帮助周元保持最好的状态,不让其他人对他进行消耗。Zhou Yuanhesitatesslightly, is pondering the law of dealing, but, the balled paperwas lostin the meantimesuddenly, tumblessidehim.周元微微沉吟,思考着应对之法,不过就在此时,忽有一个纸团被丢了过来,滚落在他身旁。Zhou Yuanwas startledbeing startled, picksit, ripping openslowly, sees onlyon that hasthreebeautifulcharacters: „Clear Heart Pattern.”周元怔了怔,将其捡起来,缓缓的撕开,只见得那上面,有着三个娟秀的字:“清心纹。”„Is thischaracter... Sister Yao Yao?”Zhou Yuanstares, thenraise one's headlooksto the distant placekey stationdirection, thereYao Yaois holdingTun Tun, inlanguidlooks atfield, butresemblesisdetected that hisvision, Yao Yaois excessivetohimis smilingslightly.
“这个字…是夭夭姐?”周元一愣,然后抬头看向远处主台方向,那里夭夭正抱着吞吞,懒洋洋的看着场中,而似是察觉到他的目光,夭夭偏过头对着他微微笑了笑。Obviously, shealsosaw the issueis, herOrigin Patternattainmentsare more profound than Zhou Yuan, thereforequickfound out the law of dealing.
显然,她也看出了问题所在,不过她的源纹造诣比周元还高深,所以很快就想出了应对之法。„So that's how it is...”
“原来如此…”ButafterYao Yaothisdirection, Zhou Yuanalsounderstoodinimmediately the reason, immediatelysmiles, was sayingtoSu Youwei: „ThatBoiling Blood Pattern, poursnotcannotcope, youput out a hand.”
而经过夭夭这一指点,周元也是立即明白了个中原因,当即一笑,对着苏幼微道:“那沸血纹,倒也并非不能对付,你伸出手来。”SomeSu Youweidoubts, butsuch asputting out a hand of word, thatsprout/slender white handsnow white, is tender and delicateandslender, the nailjust like the smallshellto be common, neatlovable.苏幼微有些疑惑,但还是如言的伸出手,那柔荑雪白,娇嫩而修长,指甲犹如小贝壳一般,整齐可爱。Zhou Yuanhas not thoughtactually,stretches out the palmto grip the Su Youwei'ssmall hand.周元倒是没有多想,伸出手掌握住苏幼微的小手。Looks athisactionso, Su Youweiimmediatelyonestartled, charming facered, buthas not neededsheto sayanything, Zhou Yuanthentakes downHeaven Primal Brush of waist, complexionis dignified, the pen tipfalls, rapidoutliningin the Su Youweipalms.
瞧得他这般举动,苏幼微顿时一惊,俏脸都红了起来,不过还不待她说什么,周元便是将腰间的天元笔取下,面色凝重,笔尖落下,在苏幼微掌心间迅速的勾画。Hereceived the penquickly, graspsto gather together the Su Youwei'ssmall hand, saidin a low voice: „Thisistogether „ Clear Heart Pattern”, although can only calculate that makes the entered the sectlevelOrigin Pattern, buthere, has the hugerole. ”
他很快就收了笔,将苏幼微的小手握拢,低声道:“这是一道“清心纹”,虽然只能算做入门级的源纹,但在这里,却是有着天大的作用。”„Clear Heart Pattern?”Su Youwei is also somewhatsurprised, Origin Pattern of thisentered the sectlevelshenaturallyknows, butactuallydoes not understand how thiscanbe usedto cope with„Boiling Blood Pattern”.
“清心纹?”苏幼微也是有些惊讶,这道入门级的源纹她自然是知晓,但却不明白这如何能够用来对付“沸血纹”。„When latertheirBoiling Blood Patternstarts, youthenbythishand, strike againstitsday of spirit.”Saying with a smile that Zhou Yuanis as deep as a well.
“待会他们沸血纹发动时,你便以此手,拍击其天灵。”周元高深莫测的笑道。Althoughsome are not quite clear, butSu Youweiorobedientlynodded, thenbeautifulpupilwatersleek/moistis staring atZhou Yuan, is blushing saying: „Hasn't dropped?”
虽然还是有些不太明白,但苏幼微还是乖乖的点点头,然后美眸水润的盯着周元,红着脸道:“还不放手?”Zhou Yuanthenremembersalsograspsthatto slidetenderlysuch as the small hand of jade, immediatelyhurriesto let go, at oncecomplexioninvariablesay/way: „Mythis was saying the proper business, does not wantto occupyyouto be cheap.”周元这才想起还握着那嫩滑如玉的小手,当即赶紧松了手,旋即面色不变的道:“我这是在说正事,可没想占你便宜。”Su Youweilightsnort/hum, said: „Youbecame accustomed to any case.”苏幼微轻哼了一声,道:“反正你都习以为常了。”Zhou Yuanis somewhat awkward, justwantedto speak, was actually looks atYang ZaiandSong Qiushuiwalked, two peoplecomplexionweresomewhatashamed.周元有些尴尬,刚欲说话,却是瞧得杨载与宋秋水走了回来,两人的面色都是有些羞愧。„Sorry, welost.”Two peopledejectedsay/way, Zhou YuanwonJade Spirit Waterfallcultivationtime of double-hourfrom the Second Institutehandtothem, howevertheylostonPalace Exam, thismakesthem feel unfair toZhou Yuanvery much.
“对不起,我们输了。”两人垂头丧气的道,周元从乙院手中赢了一个时辰的玉灵瀑修炼时间给他们,然而他们还是在府试上输了,这让得他们感觉很对不起周元。Smiling of Zhou Yuandoes not care about, said: „All right, thisis notyourskillis not good, butis the opposite partymethodis too high.”周元倒只是不在意的笑了笑,道:“没事,这并非是你们本事不行,而是对方手段太高。”Hisraised the headcomes, to looktothatInstitute Headstage, sees onlythatQi Yuealsoto come the visionprojection of faint smile, the curve of corners of the mouth, as ifhas victory in the hand.
“这么得意么…”Zhou Yuantakes back the vision, on the face is also raiseswipesto sneer.周元收回目光,脸庞上也是掀起一抹冷笑。Butat this time, in the square is also has a countlessvisionto looktoFirst Institute, obviously, First Instituteloses one game after anothertwo, makingmanypeoplebelieve,thistimePalace Exam, First Institutefearedwill beis suppressedbySecond Instituteagain.
而此时,广场中也是有着无数道目光看向甲院这边,显然,甲院连输两场,让得很多人都认为,此次的府试,甲院怕是会再度被乙院压制。„It seems like, thisGreat Zhou Palacereallymustfallin the hand of King Qi Palace.”Manyinfluencesthought aloudinthis time.
“看来,这大周府真要落在齐王府的手中了。”不少势力都是在此时自言自语。In the gaze of thatcountlessvision, the Su Youweilongbody, today'sshewears a blackcultivationclothing/taking, the black clothestrousers, the physiqueis slender, chest frontfullfluctuating, the waisthaswaistbandonebunch, immediatelyoutlined the Xiaomanwaist that fullgrasped, ponytailon the behindpointfalls, is sending outyouthvitality.
在那无数道目光的注视中,苏幼微长身而起,今日的她穿着一身黑色修炼服,黑衣长裤,身姿修长,胸前饱满起伏,腰间有着腰带一束,顿时勾勒出那盈盈一握的小蛮腰,马尾在背后点落,散发着青春活力。„I.”Su Youweiis smilingtoZhou Yuan.
“我去了。”苏幼微对着周元一笑。„keep it up.”Zhou Yuanis smilingnodded.
“加油。”周元笑着点点头。Su Youweiis looking atZhou Yuan, at this time the sunlightfalls, coversher, inthisis a focus of public attention, shesmilestoZhou Yuan, beautifulmoving, saidwith the sound that only two hearin a soft voice: „Your Highness, youhelpedmekick out of the way a doorin the past, at that time, Itold myself, Imusttry hard, diligentlybecomesmustbe very strong, Iwantthatallbarriers, can not addyourbody.”苏幼微望着周元,此时阳光落下,将她笼罩,在这万众瞩目间,她冲着周元浅浅一笑,明媚动人,用仅有两人听见的声音轻声道:“殿下,当年你帮我踢开了一扇门,那时候,我就告诉自己,我要努力,努力的变得很强,我想要那一切障碍,不得加之你身。”Whenthatlastcharacterfalls, young girlis the tip of the toelightly, physiquelight and livelyplunders, fallsonthathigh platform, at the same time, the clearsound, resounds through: „First InstituteSu Youwei, challengesSecond InstituteCao Ling.”
The clearpleasedsoundresounds, brings in the countlessline of sightattention, when theylook on thatstagevaliantsimple and beautifulyoung girl, cannot help butcheeredsecretly.
清悦的声音响起,引来无数视线关注,而当他们瞧得那台上英姿飒爽的清丽的少女时,都是不由得暗暗喝彩一声。Liu Xilooks atoutstandingSu Youweieven more, the envy in pupilis even more rich, coldsound said: „Cao Ling, yougoto teachherwell!”柳溪瞧得愈发出众的苏幼微,眸子中的嫉妒愈发浓郁,冷声道:“曹凌,你去好好教训她!”Standing up that Cao Lingkeeps silent, plundershigh platform.曹凌默不作声的站起身来,掠上高台。„Starts!”
“开始!”Calls outalong with one of the referee, Cao Lingwhole bodyOrigin Qieruptsimmediately, openedSix Veinsdirectlyimmediately, Origin Qibillowingflowinginall the limbs and bones.
伴随着裁判的一声暴喝,曹凌周身源气顿时爆发开来,直接是在第一时间开启了六脉,源气滚滚的流淌在四肢百骸。Hisformjust likethunderBaobanviolently shoots, the swift and fiercefistwind, tears the air, changes into the fistshadow, coverstoSu Youwei.
他的身影犹如雷豹般的暴射而出,凌厉的拳风,撕裂空气,化为道道拳影,笼罩向苏幼微。Butis facing the Cao Lingaggressiveoffensive, Su Youwei is actually the lotus stepsmoveslightly, just like a wisp of smoke and fire, the formflutters, when the attack of thatCao Lingwill soon arrive, will then draw support from the fresh breeze that heads on, ingeniousavoidance, making the attack of Cao Lingnot have the achievements.
而面对着曹凌的凶悍攻势,苏幼微却是莲步轻移,犹如一缕烟火,身影飘荡,每当那曹凌的攻击即将来到时,便是会借助那扑面而来的劲风,巧妙的避开,令得曹凌的攻击毫无建树。Therefore, onstone platform, Cao Lingattackscrazily, butSu Youweiactuallydodgescalmly, notanxiously not slow.
于是,石台上,曹凌狂攻,而苏幼微却是从容闪避,不急不缓。Butwith the lapse of time, inboth eyes of Cao Linghascrimsonradianceto reappearagain, Origin Qi in within the bodyalsowithboiling of blood, butgraduallybecomesmustbe wild.
The Cao Lingsolestamps, figureviolently shoots, appear(ance)in the Su Youwei'sfront, a palm is the horizontal position, imposing manneris fierce.曹凌脚掌一跺,身形暴射而出,出现在了苏幼微的前方,一掌便是横拍而出,气势凶猛。However, inheholds the windto howl, Su Youweideparts from the norm, does not draw backinsteadenters, thatwhite handsfallinggentlyin the Cao Lingcrown of the headplace, of hispalmsaidOrigin Pattern, is emitting the lightgloss.
然而,就在他掌风呼啸而出时,苏幼微一反常态,不退反进,那一只玉手轻轻的落在了曹凌天灵盖处,其掌心的那道源纹,散发着淡淡的光泽。Coolaura, drilled into the Cao Lingcrown of the headinthisflashdirectly, the blood of hiswithin the bodyboiling , because thiswisp of coolaura becomes peaceful.
The bloodsuddenlybecomesfromboilingpeaceful, Origin Qiwild is also the dissipationgoes, the contrast between these two, is to make Origin Qi of Cao Lingwithin the bodyscattered in disorderdirectly.
血液从沸腾忽然变得安静,源气的狂暴也是消散而去,这两者间的反差,直接是令得曹凌体内的源气散乱起来。Shuā!唰!Su Youweiactsdecisively, doublerefers to and tune, is exudingjade light, tears the air, as quick as a flashpointabove the Cao Lingchest.苏幼微果断出手,双指并曲,泛着玉光,撕裂空气,快如闪电般的点在了曹凌胸膛之上。Chī!嗤!
The Cao Lingbodyshakes, a mouthful of fresh bloodspurtedfrom the mouth, thenthatbodyisto then face upwarddrops downloudly.曹凌身躯一震,一口鲜血从嘴中喷了出来,然后那身躯便是仰天轰然倒下。Whish!
The entiresquareresoundsin an uproarimmediately, no onedidn't expect, thatpreviouslyirresistibleCao Ling, unexpectedlyin the Su Youwei'shand, soeasilywas defeated.
整个广场顿时响起一片哗然,谁都没想到,那先前势不可挡的曹凌,竟然就在苏幼微的手中,如此轻易的就落败了。Inthatcountlessshockingvision, Su Youweicharming facetranquillikewater, butlookedto the Institute Headstage, the lightsoundalsoresounded.
( Garners votesforlittleSu.)
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