VY :: Volume #5

#465: Instead kills

In giant mountain that the fog winds around. 云雾缭绕的巨山中。 Chī! 嗤! Fog were torn suddenly, ray of light shadow violently shoots, but in its behind, but also has two ray of light shades to follow closely to come, the Origin Qi fluctuation of rushing ripples, washed out nearby fog. 一片云雾忽然被撕裂,一道光暴射而出,而在其身后,还有着两道光影紧随而来,澎湃的源气波动荡漾开来,冲散了附近的云雾。 That frontline light shadow, naturally is Zhou Yuan. 那最前方的光影,自然便是周元 But that two pursue to come tightly, is Lu Hong One Vein Chu Yang and Liu Xiang. 而那两道紧追而来的,则是陆宏一脉褚阳柳相 Origin Break!” 破源!” Zhou Yuan's pupil light passing over gently and swiftly rear area, palm fierce grasps, the Heaven Primal Brush snow white brush bristles pen tip changes into the nether black color instantaneously, exceptionally mysterious. 周元的眸光掠过后方,手掌猛的一握,天元笔雪白的毫毛笔尖瞬间化为幽黑的色彩,异常的神秘。 Whoosh! 咻! Heaven Primal Brush howls, the Origin Qi gathering between Heaven and Earth comes, Origin Qi changes into enough thousand zhang (3.33 m) light tail, finally is carrying extremely sharp aura, if quickly like lightning is going to that Chu Yang violently thrust. 天元笔呼啸而出,天地间的源气汇聚而来,源气化为足足千丈的光尾,最后携带着极其锋锐的气息,快若闪电般的对着那褚阳暴刺而去。 The Chu Yang look concentrates, both hands tie seal, immediately has the vigorous Origin Qi light beam to shoot up to the sky from top of the head, but in the light beam, sword shadow exudes the sound of sword cry, finally is direct and that thorn Heaven Primal Brush collision together. 褚阳眼神微凝,双手结印,顿时有着雄浑源气光柱自头顶处冲天而起,而光柱之内,一柄剑影发出剑吟之声,最后直接与那刺来的天元笔碰撞在一起 Clang! 铛! metal against metal sound resounds through, the sound wave spreads, nearby mountain wall was shattered. 金铁之声响彻,声波传开,附近的山壁都是被震裂开来。 That Chu Yang sword shadow, is Quasi-Heaven Origin Weapon, obviously that Lu Hong One Vein for this time Struggle for Chief, made the perfect preparation, even Quasi-Heaven Origin Weapon this treasure, lets the candidate manpower together. 褚阳剑影,也是一柄准天源兵,显然那陆宏一脉为了此次的首席之争,做出了完善的准备,甚至连准天源兵这种宝贝,都让得参选者人手一道。 However after all can only be Quasi-Heaven Origin Weapon, with achieving compared with Heaven Primal Brush of Heaven Origin Weapon low rank level, there is a disparity, therefore that first collision, sword shadow was shaken directly. 不过毕竟只能算是准天源兵,跟达到天源兵下品层次的天元笔相比,还是有所差距,所以那第一次的碰撞,剑影直接是被震开。 Moreover the Heaven Primal Brush nether black pen tip delimits obsolete, that said Origin Qi that around sword shadow fills tears. 而且天元笔幽黑的笔尖划过时,也是将那道剑影周围弥漫的源气都撕裂开来。 Heaven Primal Brush shakes flies sword shadow, just like having the intelligence, Origin Qi between turnover Heaven and Earth, like lightning is howling to go to Chu Yang again. 天元笔震飞剑影,宛如具备灵性般,再度吞吐天地间的源气,闪电般的对着褚阳呼啸而去。 But in Heaven Primal Brush breaks in a Chu Yang ten zhang (3.33 m) range, is the sword shadow long and loud cry comes together, with Heaven Primal Brush collision together. 但就在天元笔冲入褚阳十丈范围时,又是一道剑影长啸而来,与天元笔碰撞在一起 This time, is that Liu Xiang acts promptly, stimulated to movement Quasi-Heaven Origin Weapon. 这一次,是那柳相及时出手,也是催动了一柄准天源兵 But Heaven Primal Brush was slightly done to prevent, two sword shadow are pesters, during the collisions, has the heaven shaking Origin Qi eruption. 天元笔被略作阻挡,两道剑影便是纠缠上来,碰撞之间,有着惊天般的源气爆发。 Zhou Yuan sees this, a hand move, Heaven Primal Brush shoots to return, falls in his hands, he looked at that to be distanced ten steps Chu Yang and Liu Xiang two people, the brow also wrinkled the wrinkle slightly. 周元见到这一幕,手一招,天元笔倒射而回,落在他的手中,他望着那相距不过十步的褚阳柳相二人,眉头也是微微皱了皱。 These two, indeed are the coordinate extreme tacit understanding. 这两人,的确是配合极为的默契。 Moreover they also extremely discrete, is never willing to separate, the attack defends, is but jointly is, and in defense, these two also in look sinister is seeking for his flaw, once found, then launch without hesitation will collaborate the offensive. 而且他们也极为的谨慎,始终不肯分离开来,不论是攻击还是防御,都是联手而为,并且在防御的时候,这两人也是在眼神毒辣的找寻着他的破绽,一旦找到,便是会毫不犹豫的发动联手攻势。 This makes Zhou Yuan feel some thorny actually. 这倒是让得周元感到有些棘手 His vision glittering, the speed is speeding up at once suddenly, broke in the fog. 他的目光闪烁着,旋即速度陡然加快,冲入了云雾中。 Rear Chu Yang and Liu Xiang see that is one sneers, being in hot pursuit, they were also feel, is facing their collaboration, this Zhou Yuan seemed timid and hesitant. 后方的褚阳柳相见状,皆是一声冷笑,紧追不舍,他们也是感觉出来了,面对着他们的联手,这周元似乎很是束手束脚。 So long as then they continue are cautious, seeks for the Zhou Yuan flaw, always has the opportunity that the opposite party routs. 只要接下来他们继续保持谨慎,找寻周元破绽,总有将对方击溃的机会。 Therefore, in the following time, three form shuttles in the fog, hits to stop from time to time as quick as a flash, no matter what who is detects, Zhou Yuan is facing the Chu Yang two people of sticking together, seeming like appears some strength to be poor, is unable to obtain before the victory potential like that again. 于是,在接下来的时间中,三道身影快如闪电般的穿梭在云雾中,打打停停,但任谁都是察觉到,周元面对着抱团的褚阳二人,似乎是显得有些力穷,无法再取得如同之前那般的胜势。 It seems like Zhou Yuan was meets the sheet iron finally...” “看来周元总算是遇见铁板了…” That Chu Yang two people actually intelligent, this way, Zhou Yuan will unable to support sooner or later, once he exposes weaknesses, perhaps the Chu Yang two people will launch the thunder offensive.” “那褚阳二人倒是聪明,这样下去,周元迟早会撑不住,而一旦他露出破绽,恐怕褚阳二人就会发动雷霆攻势。” Normal, the Zhou Yuan's strength, is equivalent to their at most, so long as does not give the opportunity that he sneak attacks, he wants by an enemy two, how possibly?” “正常,周元的实力,顶多与他们一人相当,只要不给他偷袭的机会,他想要以一敌二,怎么可能?” „...” “…” Outside Chief Peak, many disciples talked in whispers, all felt somewhat regretted, it seems like Zhou Yuan this dark horse, should also only be able to arrive at this. 首席峰外,诸多弟子窃窃私语,皆是感到有些惋惜,看来周元这匹黑马,应该也就只能到这一步了。 At that time carved the attention to see that in this's Elder Lu Hong, was looks to sneer, said: Boy, you should also stop.” 那时刻关注于此的陆宏长老见状,也是面露冷笑,道:“小子,你也该到此为止了。” ... Shuā! Shuā! 唰!唰! Three ray of light shades, before, two, like lightning passed over gently and swiftly from the fog in together. 道光影,一道在前,两道在后,闪电般的自云雾中掠过。 Zhou Yuan, present you, may somewhat seem like stray cur.” Chu Yang in the rear area, his vision locks the Zhou Yuan's form, sound that smiles pale, under the Origin Qi package, biography to the ear of front that form. 周元,现在的你,可有些像是丧家之犬呢。”褚阳在后方,他的目光锁定周元的身影,淡笑的声音,在源气的包裹下,传向了前方那道身影的耳中。 However, is facing his ridicule, sound that form and has no, before as before earnestly, to/clashes. 不过,面对着他的讥讽,那道身影并没有任何的动静,依旧是埋头前冲。 Chu Yang sees that the ridicule of corners of the mouth, his vision and side Liu Xiang looks at each other one, picks up the speed to follow close in, then, they must biting Zhou Yuan stubbornly. 褚阳见状,嘴角的讥讽更甚,他的目光与身旁的柳相对视一眼,加快速度紧跟而上,接下来,他们要死死的咬住周元 Shuā! 唰! Their forms, broke in the fog again. 他们的身影,也是再度冲入了云雾。 However, in they break in the fog that flickers, suddenly felt that periphery Origin Qi between Heaven and Earth erupted the change, the fog started to revolve, scene all around was appear(ance) the change. 不过,就在他们冲入云雾的那一瞬,忽然感觉到周围天地间的源气爆发出了异动,云雾开始旋转,周遭的景象都是出现了变化。 But two people also lost each other form in this time. 而两人也是在此时失去了彼此的身影。 Origin Pattern barrier?!” 源纹结界?!” Chu Yang complexion changes, at present here, obviously is prepare Origin Pattern barrier! 褚阳面色一变,眼前这里,显然是一座布置好的源纹结界 His complexion is somewhat ugly, this deceitful Zhou Yuan, seems like running away, originally has established the dangerous situation, waits for them to step into! 他的面色有些难看起来,这个狡诈的周元,看似在逃窜,原来是早就设置好了险境,就等着他们踏入其中! hōng hōng! 轰轰 Among surrounding Heaven and Earth, has extremely wild Origin Qi gathering to come, the thunderous and scarlet fire starts to emerge, finally covering of hiding the sky and covering the earth under. 周围的天地间,有着极其狂暴的源气汇聚而来,雷鸣与赤火开始涌现,最后铺天盖地的笼罩而下。 The Chu Yang brow tight wrinkle, thousand zhang (3.33 m) Origin Qi shoots up to the sky, these howls directly, but below thunderous scarlet fire resistance all, then sword shadow runs out together, is cutting to the front void ruthlessly. 褚阳眉头紧皱,千丈源气冲天而起,直接是将那些呼啸而下的雷鸣赤火尽数的抵御而下,然后一道剑影冲出,对着前方虚空狠狠一斩。 Scoffs! 嗤啦! Void just like is cut the crack, revealed a crack, but the Chu Yang body advantage of terrain flushed like the electricity. 虚空犹如是被斩裂,露出了一道裂缝,而褚阳身形便是如电般的冲了出去。 Ran out of the crack, Origin Qi between Heaven and Earth restores tranquil, familiar fog again appear(ance) in the eye. 冲出裂缝,天地间的源气恢复平静,熟悉的云雾再度出现在了眼中。 Chu Yang relaxes, it seems like he broke open Origin Pattern barrier, the trap of this Zhou Yuan prepare, really collapses at the first blow. 褚阳松了一口气,看来他是破开了源纹结界,这周元布置好的陷阱,真是不堪一击。 Liu Xiang?” 柳相?” However the next quarter, he detected suddenly is not right, fierce looks at the rearward, sees only there fog in the crazy gathering, but has crimson thunderous crazy resounding through, in that most deep place, has form together to be surrounded. 不过下一刻,他忽然察觉到不对劲,猛的看向后方,只见得那里的云雾在疯狂的汇聚,而其中有着赤红雷鸣疯狂的响彻,在那最深处,有着一道身影被困住。 precisely Liu Xiang. 正是柳相 Originally, the barrier strength, affected that side Liu Xiang, therefore he can so withdrawing easily. 原来,结界的力量,都作用在了柳相那边,所以他才能够如此轻易的脱身。 Now your one person.” “现在就你一个人了。” Together tranquil sound, since the front transmits, Chu Yang complexion gloomy raised the head, sees only in front void, Zhou Yuan stood high up in the sky, look no fluctuation is locking it. 一道平静的声音,从前方传来,褚阳面色阴沉抬起头,只见前方的虚空中,周元凌空而立,眼神毫无波动的将其锁定着。 Here Origin Pattern barrier, was he previously after solving Wu Hai, the arrangement became, the behavior, was plans to borrow this population advantage limit of opposite party. 这里的源纹结界,是他先前在解决掉吴海后,就布置而成了,所为的,便是打算借此将对方的人数优势限制。 Chu Yang looked at rear Origin Pattern barrier, sneers saying: You think how long this barrier can surround Liu Xiang?” 褚阳看了一眼后方的源纹结界,冷笑道:“你以为这座结界能够困住柳相多久?” The Liu Xiang strength he is very clear, although this barrier is not weak, perhaps how long but could not want, Liu Xiang can get out of trouble. 柳相的实力他很清楚,这座结界虽然也不弱,但恐怕要不了多久,柳相就能够脱困而出。 Zhou Yuan smiles, said: Although the time will not be long..., but was used to cope with you... to be enough.” 周元笑了笑,道:“虽然时间不会太久…但用来对付你…却是足够了。” Buzz! 嗡! When its sound falls that flickers, his form violently shoots, above the body has jade light to reappear, in the hand Heaven Primal Brush is also the vibration buzz the cry, that snow white brush bristles pen tip, rapid changes into the jet black color. 当其声音落下的那一瞬,他的身影暴射而出,身躯之上有着玉光浮现,手中天元笔也是震动嗡鸣,那雪白的毫毛笔尖,迅速的化为漆黑色彩。 Myriad Whale Pattern!” 万鲸纹!” Heavenspan Profound Flood Dragon Scale!” 通天玄蛟鳞!” giant whale phantom, appears above Heaven Primal Brush, but Zhou Yuan that is blooming on the skin of jade light , has the scale to emerge. 巨鲸般的虚影,在天元笔之上浮现,而周元那绽放着玉光的皮肤上,也是有着鳞片涌现出来。 The fearful strength is surging. 可怕的力量在涌动。 This acts, is to hold nothing back. 这一出手,便是毫无保留 brush shadow howls , a below mountain top, in this time by cutting off. 笔影呼啸而下,下方的一座山头,都是在此时被生生的斩断。 That Chu Yang complexion becomes in this time is extremely also dignified, obviously is detected that the terrifying of Zhou Yuan so offensive, does not dare to neglect immediately, sword shadow raises slowly, was grasped by him in the hand. 褚阳面色也是在此时变得极其凝重起来,显然是察觉到了周元这般攻势的恐怖,当即不敢怠慢,一柄剑影缓缓升起,被他握在手中。 That is a thin as cicada wing long sword, the sword blade is exuding the wave light coldly, the dense/woods like the ice. 那是一柄薄如蝉翼般的长剑,剑身泛着波光,森寒如冰。 low rank Heaven Origin Technique, sword Milky Way!” 下品天源术,剑天河!” Origin Qi howls, the sword shadow circulation, just like formed Sword Qi rivers, the dense circulation, shot up to the sky finally suddenly, with the Heaven Primal Brush aggressive collision that pounded ruthlessly. 源气呼啸而出,剑影流转,犹如是形成了一条剑气河流,森然流转,最后猛然冲天而起,与那狠狠砸来的天元笔凶悍碰撞。 Chu Yang also uses full power obviously. 褚阳显然也是倾尽全力 Clang! 铛! Two fearful offensive collision together, shock wave wild sweeps away, the surrounding mountain top was destroyed instantaneously, quarry stone splash. 两道可怕的攻势碰撞在一起,冲击波狂暴的横扫开来,周围的一座座山头瞬间被摧毁,乱石飞溅。 Bang! 砰! The Sword Qi rivers in that said that under brush shadow comes shatter, the brush shadow mistake, even that sword shadow exuded sound of the wail, flying upside down. 剑气河流在那道笔影之下破碎开来,笔影过处,连那柄剑影都是发出了一道哀鸣之声,倒飞而出。 pū chī! 噗嗤 Chu Yang also received affect, complexion one white, immediately is the a mouthful of fresh blood blowout, but its form distressed flying upside down, in his eye has wipes appalled look. 褚阳也是受到了波及,面色一白,当即便是一口鲜血喷出,而其身影狼狈的倒飞了出去,他的眼中有着一抹惊骇之色 When to Zhou Yuan true development strength, he just is clear, former's battle efficiency terrifying. 到得周元真正的展现实力时,他方才明白,前者的战斗力有多恐怖。 No wonder even Wu Hai defeated in his hand. 难怪连吴海都是败在了他的手中。 Shuā! 唰! However when Chu Yang figure flying upside down, but, the Zhou Yuan's form, is actually just like demon appear(ance) in its front, its mouth blows up, the next flash, resembling has the low and deep sound to get up. 不过在褚阳身形倒飞而出时,周元的身影,却是犹如鬼魅般的出现在其前方,其嘴巴鼓起,下一瞬间,似是有着低沉声响起。 Heavenly Sun Fire!” 天阳火!” The azure flame howls, has the terrifying temperature, spurts to Chu Yang. 青色的火焰呼啸而出,带着恐怖的温度,喷向褚阳 Detected that azure fire high temperature, Chu Yang complexion again changes, can ignore the injury in within the body, hurried revolution Origin Qi, bringing dense sword intent to howl, with that azure fire collision together. 察觉到那青火的高温,褚阳面色再变,顾不得体内的伤势,急忙运转源气,带着森森剑意呼啸而出,与那青火碰撞在一起 chī chī! 嗤嗤 Both collide, even the space is becomes twists. 两者碰撞,连空间都是变得扭曲起来。 That mountain peak of under foot, was lit in this time, even the rock is melting. 脚下的那座山峰,都是在此时被点燃,连山石都在融化。 deserves death!” 该死!” Chu Yang complexion is pale, the Zhou Yuan's offensive is continuous and vicious, this short one puts in an appearance, so compels him distressedly. 褚阳面色铁青,周元的攻势连绵而凶狠,这才短短一个照面,就将他逼得如此的狼狈。 Cannot fight hardly, must drag, Liu Xiang can hit Origin Breaking Pattern barrier immediately, when the time comes collaborates with it, can pull the aspect!” “不可硬战,要拖下去,柳相马上就能够打破源纹结界,到时候与其联手,就能将局面扳回来!” In the heart is so thinking, Chu Yang took a deep breath, in the sea of qi, Origin Qi Star vibrate, unceasing has vigorous Origin Qi to flow, finally howls, is resisting the spread of azure fire. 心中这般想着,褚阳深吸一口气,气海之内,一颗颗源气星辰震动,不断的有着雄浑源气流淌出来,最后呼啸而出,抵御着青火的蔓延。 However, in azure fire with its dense/woods cold Sword Qi refuses to compromise, suddenly, an arm after that azure fire stretches out, above has scale glittering the gloss, one grasps. 不过,就在青火与其那森寒剑气僵持时,忽然,一只手臂从那青火后伸出,其上有着鳞片闪烁着光泽,一把抓出。 Sword Qi tearing, however actually tears into shreds some scales on arm, when under the scale, jade light appears, directly Sword Qi resistance all. 剑气撕裂而过,然而却只是将手臂上的一些鳞片撕碎,但鳞片下,玉光浮现时,直接将剑气尽数的抵御下来。 That arm, the five fingers grip tightly, a fist drives out Origin Qi, brought the sound of sonic boom, enlargement rapidly in that Chu Yang pupil. 那只手臂,五指紧握,一拳轰开源气,带起了音爆之声,在那褚阳瞳孔中急速的放大。 A layer upon layer Origin Qi defense in this time shatter all. 一层层源气防御在此时尽数的破碎。 Bang! 嘭! That Chu Yang 褚阳 Root originally has more actions without enough time again, that contains the fist of fearful strength, was the heavily bang above his chest. 本就来不及再有更多的举动,那蕴含着可怕力道的一拳,便是重重的轰在了其胸膛之上。 pū chī! 噗嗤 The Chu Yang a mouthful of fresh blood blowout, complexion is pale, his vision stubbornly is looking at the front, sees only there azure fire removing slowly, the slender form, is situated in together. 褚阳一口鲜血喷出,面色惨白,他的目光死死的望着前方,只见得那里的青火缓缓的褪去,一道修长的身影,立于其中。 You looked, I had said... the time was enough.” Zhou Yuan lifts the face, is looking at Chu Yang, shows the bright smile. “你看,我说过…时间足够了。”周元抬起脸庞,望着褚阳,露出灿烂的笑容。 The Chu Yang mouthful is bitter and astringent, in the heart full is the lamentation, this Zhou Yuan, was too deceitful, they should immediately, branch out most manpower, expels him is eliminated. 褚阳满嘴苦涩,心中满是悔恨,这个周元,太狡诈了,他们本应该在第一时间,分出最多的人手,将他驱逐出局的。 What a pity... the present the excellent aspect will actually have ruined. 可惜…现在却已经将大好的的局面败坏了。 Zhou Yuan... your other proud, how even if you really can win us? Senior Brother Yuan Hong that pass/test, you radically!” 周元…你别得意,就算你真能赢了我们又如何?袁洪师兄那一关,你根本过不了!” Your people, is impossible is Senior Brother Yuan Hong opponent!” “你们的人,也不可能会是袁洪师兄对手!” Chu Yang stubbornly holds the Zhou Yuan's wrist/skill, the corners of the mouth have the smile of satire to reveal, finally during eyelid falling gradually, fell into heavy injury to faint obviously. 褚阳死死的抓住周元的手腕,嘴角有着讽刺的笑容流露出来,最后眼皮渐渐的落下,显然也是陷入了重创昏死之中。 The Zhou Yuan look is faint, the palm holds Chu Yang, carries it. 周元眼神淡漠,手掌抓住褚阳,将其拎起来。 Had resulted, you said also early.” “过不过得了,你说得也太早了一些。” ... Bang! 轰! On stone platform, Origin Pattern barrier explodes suddenly. 一座石台上,源纹结界忽然爆炸开来。 Together form from the illness/quick plunders, precisely Liu Xiang, he runs out of barrier, drinks the sound then to resound severely: Zhou Yuan, you think together barrier, can stop me?” 一道身影自其中疾掠而出,正是柳相,他冲出结界,厉喝声便是响起:“周元,你以为一道结界,就能够将我阻拦吗?” His raised the head, looks fiercely to the front, the pupil suddenly shrinks. 抬起头,望向前方,瞳孔忽然猛的一缩。 Sees only on there mountain top, the person's shadow sits near the cliff together, a foot hangs outside the cliff, on his shoulder, carries black brush, black brush snow white brush bristles lets fall from the pen tip, just like white chains. 只见得在那里的山头上,一道人影坐在山崖边,一只脚垂在悬崖外,在他的肩膀上,扛着一只黑笔,黑笔雪白的毫毛从笔尖垂落下来,宛如白色的锁链。 But on brush bristles that lets fall, the distressed person's shadow tied up, to act recklessly together. 而垂落的毫毛上面,一道狼狈的人影被捆缚,不知死活。 Impressively is Chu Yang! 赫然便是褚阳 On the mountain top, that say/way young form lowers the head slightly, look light looks at that to break open barrier, but Liu Xiang, then standing up slowly, Chu Yang that then tied up puts aside, occupying a commanding position is staring at Liu Xiang. 山头上,那道年轻的身影微微低头,眼神平淡的望着那破开结界而出的柳相,然后缓缓的站起身来,将那被捆缚住的褚阳丢开,居高临下的盯着柳相 Came out?” “出来了啊?” Since came out, that prepares to accompany your Senior Brother.” “既然出来了,那就准备去陪你师兄吧。” ...
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