VY :: Volume #5

#430: perfection

That moment when Yang Xuan defeats, the aspect of struggle of this Flame Marrow Veins, was appear(ance) turned the Heaven and Earth duplicate reversal obviously. 杨玄战败的那一刻,显然这场炎髓脉之争的局面,便是出现了翻天地覆般的逆转。 The disciple strength that Saint Palace and Blue Profound Sect this time sends out differs not in a big way, only has Yang Xuan is a different number, broke balanced, but who didn't expect, Yang Xuan, although is a different number, but he is actually not only... 圣宫苍玄宗此次所派出的弟子实力相差不大,唯有杨玄是一个异数,打破了平衡,只不过谁都没想到,杨玄虽然是一个异数,但他却不是唯一... Because that from beginning to end neglected Zhou Yuan, is a bigger different number. 因为那从始至终就被人忽略的周元,是一个更大的异数。 Therefore Yang Xuan defeats, when Zhou Yuan is leading Bai Li, when the Qin Hai and other Blue Profound Sect's disciples kill to other Saint Palace disciples, the latter and the others collapsed at the first encounter, the morale drops the valley, retreats in defeat again and again. 于是杨玄战败,当周元率领着白璃,秦海苍玄宗的弟子杀向其他的圣宫弟子时,后者等人一触即溃,士气跌落谷底,节节败退。 But before these, by domain that they seize, at this time also falls into enemy hands all, by Zhou Yuan and the others 11 recapturing. 而那些之前被他们所抢占的地盘,此时也是尽数失守,被周元等人一一的夺回。 Finally, the Flame Marrow Veins core region, an enough 800 li (0.5 km) range, becomes the Blue Profound Sect's spoils of war, but the Saint Palace disciple who is repulsed, only has 300 li (0.5 km) not extremely fertile region finally. 最终,炎髓脉核心区域,足足八百里的范围,成为了苍玄宗的战利品,而败退的圣宫弟子,最终只剩下三百里并不算太过肥沃的区域。 It may be said that is the disastrous defeat. 可谓是惨败。 This, falls in that Wang Li and eyes of Cao Jinzhu two Saint Palace Saint Child, directly is the air/Qi two people eye spit fire, complexion pale with Li Qingchan, Zhao Zhu two people fights. 这一幕,落在那王离曹金柱两位圣宫圣子的眼中,直接是气得两人眼睛喷火,面色铁青的与李卿婵,赵烛两人大战起来。 When fight between Saint Child, momentum compared with Zhou Yuan, Yang Xuan two people aggressive, Origin Qi, such as get angry dragon -like to swinging void, causes Heaven and Earth to vibrate slightly. 圣子间的战斗,声势远比周元,杨玄两人时更为的凶悍,一道道源气,如怒龙般的冲荡虚空,引得天地都是在微微震动。 However, this fight is doomed not to have the result, because of both sides heart at risk of life, the strength has not differed not in a big way, therefore so the battle, changed into deadlock finally. 不过,这种战斗注定没有结果,因为双方都没有拼死之心,实力也是相差不大,所以这般争斗,最终就化为了僵持。 But no matter what who can look, today the struggle of this Flame Marrow Veins, Saint Palace was thorough misjudging. 但任谁都看得出来,今日这场炎髓脉之争,圣宫是彻底的失算了。 In the sky of distant place, Hundred Flowers Immortal Palace Saint Child Feng Ying is looking at the remote place with that Northern Sea Dragon Suppressing Palace Saint Child one piece by piece by the region that radiance covers, looks at each other one, can see the astonished color in opposite party eyes. 在远处的天空上,百花仙宫圣子冯莹与那北溟镇龙殿圣子望着遥远处一片片被光芒笼罩的区域,对视一眼,都是能够看出对方眼中的惊愕之色。 The aspect spreads out turns into this appearance, similarly came as a surprise to their. 局面衍变成这个模样,同样是出乎了他们的意料。 This Zhou Yuan, pouring also is really some meanings...” Feng Ying muttered, actually regarding Zhou Yuan, she has also thought that was the rookie disciple who came the bludger to experience, to its had the impression indistinctly, that was because he and Zuoqiu Qingyu were the reasons of friend. “这个周元,倒还真是有些意思...”冯莹喃喃自语,其实对于周元,她也一直是认为不过是来混混经验的新人弟子,隐约对其有印象,那还是因为他与左丘青鱼是朋友的原因。 But where she can think, Zhou Yuan of this does not have any exist(ence) feeling in Blue Profound Sect trip team, finally, unexpectedly by one's effort, forcibly the aspect of falling turning. 但她哪能想到,这个在苍玄宗此行队伍中没有任何存在感的周元,最终,竟然凭借一己之力,硬生生的将倾倒的局面给翻回来。 So the strength and courage, are really impressive. 如此实力与胆魄,实在是让人惊叹。 It seems like that Boundless Continent, this time also had/left some characters but actually.” Feng Ying sighed one, did not raise Zhou Yuan, even if Zuoqiu Qingyu and Lu Luo, after Hundred Flowers Immortal Palace, are the performance are uncommon, if given time, still inevitably was the outstanding person in their Hundred Flowers Immortal Palace. “看来那苍茫大陆,此次倒还真是出了一些人物。”冯莹感叹一声,不提周元,就算是左丘青鱼绿萝,在进了百花仙宫后,都是表现不凡,假以时日,也必然是她们百花仙宫中的佼佼者。 Un, our Northern Sea Dragon Suppressing Palace has a disciple, named Ning Zhan, from Boundless Continent, actually the talent is extraordinary, in palace several elders to struggle it is the disciple, but also attacked brutally.” That Northern Sea Dragon Suppressing Palace Saint Child also said. “嗯,我们北溟镇龙殿有一弟子,名为宁战,也是来自苍茫大陆,倒是天赋非凡,殿内几位长老为了争其为弟子,还大打出手了一番。”那位北溟镇龙殿圣子也是说道。 Feng Ying hearing this is somewhat astonished, old times time, similar Boundless Continent this remote continent, root originally not half talent appear(ance), didn't expect this time, unexpectedly noisy crowd welled up. 冯莹闻言有些讶异,往年的时候,类似苍茫大陆这种偏远大陆,根本就没半个人才出现,没想到这次,竟然一窝蜂的涌了出来。 This Boundless Continent, this time resulted in Destiny actually.” “这苍茫大陆,此次倒是得了一点气运呢。” She sighed one, then the vision was also gradually took back from the battle of that distant place, to this step, the aspect had basically determined, Blue Profound Sect occupied 800 li (0.5 km) topest high-grade ore, might be considered as the biggest winner of struggle of this Flame Marrow Veins. 她感叹一声,然后目光也是渐渐的从那远处的争斗中收回,到了这一步,局面基本已经确定了,苍玄宗占据了八百里最为顶尖的富矿,堪称是此次炎髓脉之争的最大赢家。 But Saint Palace that imposing manner came agitated, instead fell a big somersault, was only extruded 300 li (0.5 km) by Blue Profound Sect, but lost many face countenances. 而原本气势汹汹而来的圣宫,反而是跌了一个大跟头,被苍玄宗挤压得仅有三百里,可算是丢了不少的颜面。 Those who most make Feng Ying accidental/surprised is, this time the struggle of Flame Marrow Veins, is big limelight unexpectedly is not their these Saint Child, instead is a Blue Profound Sect unknown ordinary disciple... 最让得冯莹意外的是,此番炎髓脉之争,大出风头的竟然并非是他们这些各宗的圣子,反而是一个苍玄宗名不见经传的普通弟子... It seems like should also stop work for the day...” She patted both hands, lazily said. “看来也该收工了...”她拍了拍双手,懒洋洋的道 ... ... Just like also Feng Ying said that when Zhou Yuan is leading Bai Li, the Qin Hai and other Blue Profound Sect's disciples, occupied hundred li (0.5 km) region respectively, eventually when is enough 800 li (0.5 km), the struggle of this Flame Marrow Veins, then had the result. 也正如冯莹所说,当周元率领着白璃,秦海苍玄宗的弟子,各自占据了百里区域,最终达到足足八百里时,这场炎髓脉之争,便是有了结果。 Because of Saint Palace's two Saint Child, by Li Qingchan, Zhao Zhu tying down stubbornly, could not be towed the body, therefore other Saint Palace's disciples, when facing Zhou Yuan and the others, root originally not many strength of contending, can only retreat in defeat again and again, cedes ground that previously contended. 因为圣宫的两位圣子,被李卿婵,赵烛死死的缠住,根本拖不了身,于是圣宫的其他弟子,在面对着周元等人时,根本就没有多少的抗衡之力,只能节节败退,让出了先前抢来的地盘。 Finally, when eight flags insert in 800 li (0.5 km) region, huge radiance shoots up to the sky, that and other grand, causes in Flame Marrow Veins actually these Black Flame Province all influences, is colors of the belt/bring awe. 最后,当八座旗帜插在八百里区域内,巨大的光芒冲天而起,那等壮丽的一幕,倒是引得炎髓脉中那些黑炎州的各方势力,都是眼带敬畏之色。 At this time, no one dares to issue the challenge to these 800 li (0.5 km) regions again. 此时,再无人敢对这八百里区域发出挑战。 Therefore, time limit arrival that gradually when competes , the distant place sky war on Saint Child, is respective drawing back opens. 于是,当争夺的时限渐渐的抵达时,远处天空上的圣子之战,也是各自的退开。 Wang Li and Cao Jinzhu complexion extremely ugly, before they were also sure of success, who can expect, in an instant, the aspect reverses this. 王离曹金柱面色极为的难看,之前他们还稳操胜券,但谁能料到,转眼间,局面就逆转成这样。 Two people vision, were the distant projection come, to lock Zhou Yuan, the chill in the air of that look, almost must change into the essence to freeze Zhou Yuan generally. 两人的目光,都是远远的投射而来,锁定了周元,那眼神的寒意,几乎是要化为实质一般将周元冰冻。 However regarding their vision, Zhou Yuan actually does not care smiles. 不过对于他们这种目光,周元却只是不在意的一笑。 Good, Li Qingchan, this time calculates that your luck is good, but this matter, our Saint Palace remembered!” Wang Li gloomy looks to Li Qingchan, coldly said. “好,李卿婵,此次算你们运气好,不过此事,我们圣宫记下了!”王离阴沉的看向李卿婵,寒声道 „The word of defeated, nothing to be afraid.” Li Qingchan indifferently said. “败者之言,不足为惧。”李卿婵淡淡的道 Wang Li sneers, said: Other your also proud, the struggle of this Flame Marrow Veins, but small scale, when must next timeProfound Origin Heavenly Cave opening, hopes that you can also smile. ” 王离冷笑一声,道:“你也别得意,这炎髓脉之争,不过一场小打小闹而已,待得下次“玄源洞天”开启时,希望你还能笑得出来。” The Li Qingchan beautiful pupil concentrates, cold sound said: If meets when Profound Origin Heavenly Cave, perhaps is your Wang Li is also buried.” 李卿婵美眸一凝,冷声道:“若是在“玄源洞天”遇见,恐怕也就是你王离葬身之时了。” Wang Li smiles densely, said: Pitifully , in Profound Origin Heavenly Cave, always your Blue Profound Sect's Saint Child dies in recent years many!” 王离森森一笑,道:“可惜,这些年来,玄源洞天中,总是你苍玄宗的圣子死得更多!” In two people of eyes all brings strong killing intent, among looking at each other, even the air is becomes the chill/yin cold to get up. 两人眼中皆是带着浓烈的杀意,对视之间,连空气都是变得阴寒起来。 However finally, two people all are coldly snorted, the Wang Li leaving illness/quick plunder to draw back, leaves this place with that Cao Jinzhu. 不过最终,两人皆是一声冷哼,王离抽身疾掠而退,与那曹金柱离开此地。 Li Qingchan and Zhao Zhu form, then fell to Zhou Yuan, place that Bai Li they gathered. 李卿婵赵烛的身影,则是落向了周元,白璃他们所汇聚的地方。 Looks at two Saint Child to fall, Bai Li, Qin Hai they are also hurry to welcome. 瞧着两位圣子落下,白璃,秦海他们也是赶紧迎上。 Li Qingchan that chilly beautiful pupil, went to Zhou Yuan directly, that was usually cold as ice and frost on charming face, appeared wiped the extremely shallow smiling face, that wiped the smiling face, snow lotus that such as in the extremely cold place was in full bloom, unexpectedly was the extraordinary beauty. 李卿婵那清冷的美眸,直接是投向了周元,那素来冷若冰霜般的俏脸上,都是浮现了一抹极浅的笑颜,那抹笑颜,如极寒之地中盛开的雪莲,竟是出奇的美丽。 Zhou Yuan, this time was lucky you.” In the Li Qingchan beautiful eye full is the color of appreciation, said: This time mission, you work as are first merit.” 周元,这次多亏了你。”李卿婵美目中满是赞赏之色,道:“此次的任务,你当为首功。” Nearby Zhao Zhu complexion somewhat is slightly irritable, after all their Sword Peak and Zhou Yuan are not friendly, immediately dry say/way: Senior Sister Li, first merit assignment, but must Elder Wu say is.” 一旁的赵烛面色微微有些别扭,毕竟他们剑来峰周元可不算多友好,当即干巴巴的道:“李师姐,首功分配,还得乌长老说了才算。” Past Heaven level mission, first merit basically was two Captain minutes/shares blows, Li Qingchan such a qualitative, couldn't he even fish? 以往的天级任务,首功基本都是两位队长分刮,李卿婵这么一定性,岂不是连他也捞不到了? Nearby Bai Li hearing this, is the sound said that cannot bear: If previously were not Zhou Yuan, our trip mission failed directly, what merit but also wants to be?” 一旁的白璃闻言,则是忍不住的出声道:“先前如果不是周元,我们此行任务就直接失败了,还想算什么功劳?” Several other Sword Peak's disciples are complexion are also awkward, they are unable to deny previously the Zhou Yuan's merit, but they after all are the Sword Peak's disciples, therefore is not good to participate in the commentary. 其他几位剑来峰的弟子也是面色尴尬,他们也无法否认先前周元的功劳,但他们毕竟是剑来峰的弟子,所以也不好参与评论。 Li Qingchan indifferently said: This matter I will report to Elder Wu, not work Junior Brother Zhao takes the trouble.” 李卿婵淡淡的道:“此事我自会向乌长老汇报,不劳赵师弟费心。” Zhao Zhu resentful did not speak, from the silence of other disciples, he knew this Zhou Yuan to subdue the will of the people, otherwise according to the past, don't said that was first merit, perhaps even if many points 10% merit to Zhou Yuan, will lead to the controversy. 赵烛悻悻不语,从其他弟子的沉默来看,他就知晓此次周元收服了人心,不然按照以往,莫说是首功了,就算是多分10%的功劳给周元,恐怕都会引来非议。 He swept Zhou Yuan one, latter that tranquil appearance, somewhat makes his heart uncomfortable actually, in his opinion, Zhou Yuan this time participated in Heaven level mission forcefully, but brings on oneself the humiliation. 他扫了周元一眼,后者那份平静的模样,倒是让得他心头有些不爽,原本在他看来,周元此次强行参加天级任务,不过是自取屈辱。 Where finally thinks, he instead becomes first merit. 结果哪想到,他反而是成为了首功 Conceivable, after this matter feeds in within sect, inevitably is a stir. 可以想象,此事传回宗内后,必然又是一番轰动。 didn't expect, this time Heaven level mission, instead achievement Zhou Yuan. 没想到,此次的天级任务,反而成就了周元 Clang! 铛! When Zhou Yuan they are speaking mutually, in this Flame Marrow Veins, has resonant bell to recite the sound to get up suddenly, hears this ding, Zhou Yuan and the others the looks are not able to bear the relax relaxed gets down. 周元他们互相说着话的时候,这炎髓脉中,忽然有着嘹亮的钟吟声响起,听到这钟声,周元等人的神色都是忍不住的松缓下来。 Because this had been finishing on behalf of the struggle of this time Flame Marrow Veins. 因为这代表着此次的炎髓脉之争已经结束。 But obviously... 而显然... Their Blue Profound Sect, will become in this Flame Marrow Veins the biggest winner. 他们苍玄宗,将会成为这座炎髓脉中最大的赢家。 Their this time Heaven level mission, what is just now true was perfection completes. 他们此次的天级任务,方才真正的算是圆满完成了。
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