VY :: Volume #5

#428: azure fire burns bone armor

Flaming! 熊熊! The azure flame howls, embezzles the Yang Xuan body, that azure fire, overbearing incomparable, as if the air was even burnt in this time. 青色火焰呼啸而过,将杨玄的身躯吞没,那口青火,霸道无比,仿佛连空气都是在此时被燃烧。 All vision between Heaven and Earth, come in this time intense incomparable projection. 天地间的所有目光,都是在此时紧张无比的投射而来。 They know, this perhaps was the Zhou Yuan strongest method, if unable to make the progress again, will then then fear him to face Yang Xuan extremely terrifying counter-attack. 他们都知晓,这恐怕就是周元最强的手段了,如果再无法取得效果,那么接下来恐怕他就会面临着杨玄极为恐怖的反扑。 But this confrontation , the will appear result. 而这场交锋,也将会出现结果。 Bai Li and Zuoqiu Qingyu and the others are the gripping tightly white hands that cannot bear, the eye do not dare to wink. 白璃左丘青鱼等人都是忍不住的紧握玉手,眼睛都不敢眨一下。 In that distant place, Li Qingchan, Zhao Zhu as well as Wang Li, the Cao Jinzhu four people, are the breath hold the breath slightly, the vision is focusing on this, because in both sides high-end strength impartial situation, therefore they know, the aspect victory and defeat, instead must look at that side Zhou Yuan and Yang Xuan... 在那远处,李卿婵,赵烛以及王离,曹金柱四人,都是呼吸微微屏息,目光锁定着这个方向,因为双方高端战力持平的情况下,所以他们都知晓,局面的胜负,反而就要看周元杨玄那边… Outside crater. 火山口外。 Even Elder Wu is straight the body, vision stubbornly is staring at the Origin Qi light microscope, he can feel, not far away that Saint Palace's elder, is the breath becomes weakens, obviously is the extreme attention. 乌长老都是直起身子,目光死死的盯着源气光镜,他能够感受到,不远处那圣宫的长老,也是呼吸变得减弱下来,显然是极度的关注。 Distant place these all parties influence, is so. 更远处那些各方势力,也是如此。 That Flame Marrow Veins the confrontation of two young people, affected the attention of so many people unexpectedly... 炎髓脉中的两个年轻人的交锋,竟是牵动了这么多人的注意… Because in their behind, but also is representative Blue Profound Sect, in Saint Palace these two Blue Profound Heaven once with present Overlord. 因为在他们两人的身后,还代表着苍玄宗,圣宫这两个苍玄天中曾经与现在的霸主 Flaming! 熊熊! Under the focus of countless vision in that Heaven and Earth, azure fire burns, melts the land rock, changes into the crimson magma to flow in the ground. 在那天地无数目光的聚焦下,青火燃烧,将大地岩石融化,化为赤红的岩浆在地面上流淌。 In that azure fire, the Yang Xuan form stands erect, bone armor of his body surface is sending out extreme Yin Cold Qi, is resisting the ignition of that azure fire. 在那青火之中,杨玄的身影矗立,他身体表面的骨甲散发着极端阴寒之气,抵御着那青火的灼烧。 chī chī! 嗤嗤 azure fire touches bone armor, immediately made the chī chī sound, seems like has the light mist ascension. 青火触及骨甲,顿时发出了嗤嗤的声响,似乎是有着薄薄的雾气升腾。 Both fell into the rubber. 两者陷入了胶着。 Time in rapid passing. 时间在迅速的流逝。 Above bone armor, some melting gradually, grayish white Origin Qi ascends, was fired by azure fire, the bone armor thickness, starts to weaken. 骨甲之上,渐渐的有些融化,灰白的源气升腾起来,被青火灼烧,骨甲的厚度,开始削弱。 Zhou Yuan is looking at one, in the eye was also passed over gently and swiftly wipes the happy expression. 周元望着一幕,眼中也是掠过一抹喜色。 That Yang Xuan is also detected in Zhou Yuan eye that wipes the happy expression, immediately the corners of the mouth raise slightly, brings contemptuous faintly. 杨玄似也是察觉到周元眼中的那一抹喜色,当即嘴角微微掀起,隐隐带着一丝轻蔑。 Again then, the Zhou Yuan's look is fierce concentrates. 再然后,周元的神色便是猛的一凝。 Because he discovered, with the melting of dense/woods white bone armor, has suddenly wipes the blood-red color, infiltrates from that bone armor, just like the boiling hot blood, the blood flows, then dense/woods white bone armor, changed into the blood-red color in a flash. 因为他发现,随着森白骨甲的融化,忽然有着一抹血红色彩,自那骨甲中渗透出来,宛如滚烫的血液,鲜血流淌,转瞬间便是将森白的骨甲,化为了血红色彩。 It seems like extremely strange, gloomy. 看上去极为的诡异,阴森。 The blood-color covered bone armor, suddenly, unexpectedly is faint resisted the ignition of azure fire, the blood light and azure fire interweave, slightly is coldly quiet. 血色覆盖了骨甲,一时间,竟是隐隐的将青火的灼烧抵御了下来,血光与青火交织,略显幽冷。 But under this consumption , azure fire is starts to weaken over time unexpectedly. 而在这种消耗下,随着时间流逝,青火竟是开始转弱。 Yang Xuan raised the head, looks to Zhou Yuan, the corners of the mouth contemptuous with ridicule even more strong, faint has the sound to pass on: It seems like laughs last person, is I.” 杨玄抬起头,望向周元,嘴角的轻蔑与讥讽愈发的浓烈,隐隐的有着声音传出来:“看来笑到最后的人,还是我。” At this time among Heaven and Earth that many line of sight, is detected that azure fire has feebly, immediately makes the sound that regretted, what a pity, Zhou Yuan's that azure fire, cannot do to Yang Xuan. 此时天地间那诸多的视线,也是察觉到青火有所衰弱,当即都是发出了惋惜的声音,可惜,周元的那一口青火,还是奈何不得杨玄 Shuā! 唰! In that numerous sympathetical vision, Zhou Yuan both eyes narrow the eyes, next flash, his form fierce void transformation, violently shoots. 在那众多的惋惜目光中,周元双目微眯,下一瞬间,他的身影猛的虚化,暴射而出。 The goal points to Yang Xuan in azure fire. 目标直指青火中的杨玄 Whish! 哗! Has sound in an uproar to get up, this time Zhou Yuan, was plans to cross the rubicon obviously. 有着哗然声响起,此时的周元,显然是打算破釜沉舟了。 „Is this catches up to bring death?” The corners of the mouth of Yang Xuan have grinning hideously to reappear. “这是赶来送死吗?”杨玄的嘴角则是有着狞笑浮现出来。 The Zhou Yuan void transformation form, crashed in azure fire, azure fire for his making way channel, the next flash erupts suddenly, azure fire was strong, erupts the final strength. 周元虚化般的身影,冲进了青火之中,青火为他让开通道,下一瞬间猛然喷发,青火浓烈,爆发出了最后的力量。 Fearful temperature drive. 可怕的温度散发出来。 Line of sight of countless, was covered up by that strong azure fire. 无数的视线,也是被那浓烈的青火所遮掩。 However more people shake the head secretly, when Zhou Yuan crosses the rubicon charges into Yang Xuan , indicating that he has exhausted the bag of clumsy tricks, after all this time Yang Xuan, the condition is still tyrannical. 不过更多的人都是暗暗摇头,当周元破釜沉舟冲向杨玄的时候,就表明他已是黔驴技穷,毕竟此时的杨玄,状态依旧强横。 The strengths of two worlds, the disparity was too after all big. 两人间的实力,终归还是差距太大了。 Bai Li silvers tooth bites tightly, the pupil is also gradually is dim. 白璃牙紧咬,眸子也是渐渐的黯淡下来。 Shuā! 唰! In azure fire, Zhou Yuan's form appear(ance) before the body of Yang Xuan, two people vision interwove, is killing intent surges. 青火之内,周元的身影出现在了杨玄的身前,两人的目光交织,皆是杀意涌动。 Idiot, your time, died!” Yang Xuan grinning hideously makes noise, the five fingers grip tightly suddenly, blood armor covers the palm, a fist rumbles, immediately grayish white Origin Qi is billowing, with an extreme overbearing stance, bang to Zhou Yuan. “蠢货,你这次,死定了!”杨玄狞笑出声,五指陡然紧握,血甲覆盖手掌,一拳轰出,顿时灰白源气滚滚,以一种极端霸道的姿态,轰向周元 This fist, almost gathered Yang Xuan that 8-layer Heaven all strengths. 这一拳,几乎是汇聚了杨玄八重天的所有力量。 Air blasting open, a fist may urge the crack mountain. 空气炸裂,一拳可催裂山岳。 However, faces a Yang Xuan so aggressive fist, Zhou Yuan does not have slight dodging unexpectedly, instead in the eye the ominous light flashes before, is the five fingers grips tightly, a fist welcomed. 然而,面对着杨玄如此凶悍的一拳,周元竟是没有丝毫的闪避,反而眼中凶光闪现,也是五指紧握,一拳迎上。 Fights tooth and nail by the life unexpectedly. 竟是以命搏命。 Yang Xuan is actually the ridicule smiles to make noise, this time he, wears Monster Bone Armor, the defensive power powerfully, but Zhou Yuan actually also dares to fight tooth and nail with him, was compelled to lose the reason simply. 只是,杨玄却是讥讽的笑出声来,此时的他,身披妖骨甲,防御力最为的强盛,而周元却还敢和他搏命,简直就是被逼得失去了理智。 Therefore, faces Zhou Yuan's to fight tooth and nail, he does not have flinching of least bit, fist wind that rumbles, even more swift and fierce. 所以,面对着周元的搏命,他没有半点的退缩,轰出的拳风,愈发的凌厉。 Short several breaths, two people fists howl, Origin Qi is billowing, tears the air. 短短数息,两人的拳头呼啸而过,源气滚滚,撕裂空气。 Zhou Yuan looks at that close Yang Xuan fierce face, the lip is wriggling slightly, resembling has the sound, putting out quietly. 周元望着那近在咫尺的杨玄狰狞的面庞,嘴唇微微蠕动,似是有着声音,悄然的吐出。 silver shadow!” 银影!” In that flash that both sides will soon touch, Zhou Yuan's within the body, has silver light to erupt suddenly, silver light such as liquid is ordinary, along body rapid spread, after suddenly, silver streamline battle armor, then covered the Zhou Yuan's body. 就在双方即将碰触的那一瞬间,周元的体内,忽有银光爆发出来,银光液体一般,沿着身躯迅速的蔓延,眨眼后,一具银色的流线型战甲,便是覆盖了周元的身躯。 Bang! 轰! That flash, astonishing imposing manner, from Zhou Yuan's within the body, erupts suddenly. 那一瞬间,一股惊人的气势,自周元的体内,猛然爆发。 The pupil of Yang Xuan reduces suddenly. 杨玄的瞳孔陡然紧缩。 But at this time, any response, contains the fist of two people strongest strength without enough time, in this has flickered, bombardment of heavily in one. 但这个时候,已来不及任何的反应,蕴含了两人最强之力的拳头,已是在这一瞬,重重的轰击在了一起。 Bang! 轰隆! Together low and deep sound, fierce resounding. 一道低沉的声音,猛的响起。 Again then, their land, crack, giant cracks such as spider web spread fast, several thousand zhang (3.33 m) huge shock wave sweeps away generally, the surrounding hill, changes into the flat land all... 再然后,他们脚下的大地,崩裂开来,一道道巨大的裂缝如蜘蛛网一般飞快的蔓延,数千丈庞大的冲击波横扫,周围的山丘,尽数化为平地… Shooting up to the sky azure fire is weakening gradually, finally thorough extinguishment. 冲天而起的青火则是渐渐的削弱,最后彻底的熄灭。 Therefore, among Heaven and Earth a countless vision, projects to come in this earliest possible time. 于是,天地无数道目光,都是在这第一时间投射而来。 They then saw that two by the form of fist to fist... 紧接着,他们便是见到了那两道以拳对拳的身影… Two people figure is entirely still, no matter what who can feel previously when their last fist wielded frigidity and aggressive. 两人身形纹丝不动,但任谁都是能够感觉到先前他们最后一拳挥出时的惨烈与凶悍。 Two people of silver armor, blood armor, when azure fire extinguishes, is the dissipation goes. 两人身上的银甲,血甲,在青火熄灭时,便是消散而去。 Like that frigid, making among Heaven and Earth be silent, everyone is staring at that two forms, calm, does not know, this fights tooth and nail finally bumps hardly, is actually who can win? 那般惨烈,让得天地间寂静无声,所有人都盯着那两道身影,屏息静气,也是不知晓,这最后搏命般的硬碰,究竟是谁能取胜? The wind sound/rumor has blown. 风声刮过。 The Zhou Yuan's eyeball moves slightly, his entire arm, has the blood unceasing infiltration, but his look does not have the mighty waves, is only raised the head, is looking at present the close Yang Xuan face. 周元的眼珠子微微动了动,他的整条手臂,都是有着鲜血不断的渗透出来,但他的神色没有波澜,只是抬起头,望着眼前近在咫尺的杨玄的脸庞。 It seems like you... smiled a moment ago too early.” His voice slightly somewhat hoarse say/way. “看来你刚才…还是笑得太早了。”他声音略微有些沙哑的道。 But Yang Xuan is the line of sight solidifies on own arm, the look deep place, seem to have to be unbelievable to well up, because of next quarter, in his arm, suddenly rupturing. 杨玄则是视线凝固在自己的手臂上,眼神深处,似乎是有着难以置信在涌出来,因为下一刻,在他手臂,陡然爆裂。 flesh and blood and skeleton, as if change into the powder dust in this time. 血肉与骨骼,仿佛都是在此时化为碎末。 His entire arm, is even/including Genbao breaks to pieces. 他的整条手臂,都是连根爆碎。 The blood froth scatters. 血沫四溅。 Therefore, in this flickers, among Heaven and Earth the panic-stricken sound of countless holding breath cold air/Qi, resounding through continuously. 于是,在这一瞬,天地无数道倒吸冷气的惊骇声音,此起彼伏的响彻而起。 But in that countless panic-stricken vision, Yang Xuan body, slowly face upwards to drop down, on his face, but also remains the incredible look... 而在那无数惊骇的目光中,杨玄的身躯,也是缓缓的仰天倒下,他的脸庞上,还残留着不可置信的神色… His quiet many years, seal, wait for a dynasty to erupt, the name shakes Saint Palace. 他沉寂多年,封印自身,就等待着一朝爆发,名震圣宫 This time he, should fly to clash genius is. 此时的他,应该一飞冲天才是。 But how,... to defeat in Blue Profound Sect one unexpectedly here in the disciple hand of 4-layer Heaven?! 可怎么,竟然会在这里…就败在了苍玄宗一个不过才四重天的弟子手中?! In that final time, actually that silver is battle armor what?! Why will make the Zhou Yuan's strength have the so terrifying promotion?! 在那最后时刻,那银色的战甲究竟是什么?!为何会让得周元的力量有着如此恐怖的提升?! Really, is very willing! 真是,好不甘心! In his eye, is unwilling completely, dark(ness) descends, finally flooded his eyes. 他的眼中,满是不甘,黑暗降落下来,最终充斥了他的眼眸
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