p >Áo!
The tiger's roarsoundjustresoundedin the foreststogether, an iron fistis then twiningcontinuouslyOrigin Qi, has the fiercestrength, the bangexplodes the air, a fistruthlesslybreaks to piecesitsheadbang, badly beaten.
呼。Beastcorpse that looking atthatgraduallyis at present stiff, Zhou Yuan is also relaxing of feeling relieved, scratches the blood on fistconvenientlyonhishair.
望着眼前那逐渐僵硬下来的兽尸,周元也是如释重负的松了一口气,随手将拳头上的鲜血擦在其毛发上。Thisis a windtiger, the speedis extremely quick, in1st RankOrigin Beast is also hard to deal withexist(ence), buthasDragon StepinZhou Yuanwell, movementmisty, thiscanwin narrowlyitsdanger.
这是一头风虎,速度极快,在一品源兽中也算是难缠的存在,不过好在周元有着龙步,身法飘渺,这才能够将其险险胜过。„Thiswas36 th 1st RankOrigin Beast...”Zhou Yuansmiles, stoopsto shoulderit.
“这就是第三十六头一品源兽了…”周元笑了笑,弯身将其扛了起来。Whoosh!咻!Howeverin the meantime, indark(ness)onewipescold lightviolently shootssuddenly, but, cunningruthlessspicypoints to the Zhou Yuanheart.
不过就在此时,黑暗中忽有一抹寒光暴射而至,刁钻狠辣的直指周元心脏。However, in the cold lightwill soon hitZhou Yuan, hisarmshakes, the tigercorpseinclines, justkept offbefore the heart, thatwiped the cold light is the straightthornon the tigercorpse, the entiredagger, submerged the body, obviously of strength.
然而,就在寒光即将击中周元时,他手臂一抖,虎尸倾斜,刚好挡在了心脏之前,那抹寒光便是直直的刺在了虎尸上,整个匕首,都是没入了皮肉,可见力道之强。„Well?”Strikesto fail, inthatdark(ness), cannot help butspreadstogetherstartledwell the sound.
“咦?”一击落空,那黑暗中,不由得传出一道惊咦声。„Whatperson? Rolls!”Suddenruthlessspicyattack , is to make Zhou Yuancomplexionchange, the armshakes, thattigercorpsewas then being poundedtothatdark(ness) by himruthlessly.
“什么人?滚出来!”突如其来的狠辣攻击,也是令得周元面色一变,手臂一抖,那虎尸便是被他对着那黑暗中狠狠的砸了过去。Indark(ness), the formillness/quickshootstogether, the 1 of tip of the toeon the tigercorpsepoints, the bodyadvantage of terrainwaslightfallingin the Zhou Yuanfront.黑暗中,一道身影疾射而出,脚尖在虎尸上一点,身形便是轻飘飘的落在了周元前方。„Who are you?”Zhou Yuanlooks atthisbodyto be grandioseat present, the eyebelt/bringOminous Qiman, knits the browsto ask.
“你是谁?”周元望着眼前这身躯壮硕,眼带凶气的男子,皱眉问道。„Person who wantsyouto assign/life.”Comes the personnaturally is thatLuo Tong, helooks atZhou Yuan, the corners of the mouthis raisingwipescontemptuously, coldly said: „Boy, obedientlysuffers to death, that sideBeautiful womanmayalsowait formeto enjoy!”
“要你命的人。”来人自然便是那罗统,他望着周元,嘴角掀起一抹轻蔑,寒声道:“小子,乖乖受死,那边的小美人可还等着我去享受呢!”Zhou Yuanhearing this, complexionimmediatelychanges, insufficiently is calms downat once, althoughYao Yaoseeminglylacks the strength to truss up a chicken, butZhou Yuanknows that is only the superficial phenomenon . Moreover, alsohas an immeasurably deepTun TunprotectionsideYao Yao's.周元闻言,面色顿时一变,不够旋即便是冷静下来,夭夭虽然看上去手无缚鸡之力,但周元知道,那只是表面现象,而且,在夭夭的身边还有着一头深不可测的吞吞守护。
To cometo faceHeaven's Pass Realmexperteven, Yao Yaowill not have the matter, butHeaven's Pass Realm, intheirGreat Zhouistopexpert, mustnot bravecasually.
想来就算是面对着天关境的强者,夭夭都不会有事,而天关境,在他们大周都是顶尖强者,应当不会随随便便就冒出来。Howeveralthoughfeels at ease, butin the Zhou Yuan'seye, is actually cold lightglittering, thesescoundrels, dareto acttoYao Yao , is really deserves death.
不过虽然安心下来,但周元的眼中,却是冷光闪烁,这些混账,竟敢对夭夭出手,也真是该死。„I ensure youdo not have the meansto livetodayare going out ofBlack Forest Mountain Range.”Zhou Yuanfive fingersgraspingslowlygathers together, said.
“我保证,你今天没办法活着走出黑林山脉。”周元五指缓缓的握拢,道。„overestimate one's capabilitiesboy! Looked that the fatherfights with the fistsyou!”Luo Tonghearing this, smilesfiercely, the figureflashes, is violently shoots, five fingersto becomefist, aboveOrigin Qitwinesflow, brings the sound of sonic boom. ThisLuo Tongopened the Six Veinsstrength, thisfistgot down, strengthalsoquiteastonishing.
“不自量力的小子!看老子一拳打死你!”罗统闻言,狰狞一笑,身形一闪,便是暴射而出,五指成拳,其上源气缠绕流动,带起音爆之声。这罗统乃是开了六脉的实力,这一拳下来,力道也是相当的惊人。However, is facing a Luo Tongaggressiveincomparablefist, Zhou Yuanis the lookis tranquil, fist that grips tightly, is the fiercebang.
然而,面对着罗统凶悍无匹的一拳,周元却是神色平静,那紧握的拳头,也是猛的轰出。„OpenedFour Veinsto darewithmeto the fist?”ThatLuo Tongsees that grinning hideously, whenonlyZhou Yuanis young, immediately the strengthdeepens, takes a fistto break the Zhou Yuanarmdirectly.
咚!However, whentwo peoplefistheavilycollisiontogether, grinning hideously on Luo Tongfacethenconcentratesslightly, becausehefeels,on the Zhou Yuanfisttransmits the strength of coming, does not openSix Veinsto be weaker than his unexpectedly!
The Luo Tongheartslightly shakes, knewto meet the hardstubble, does not immediately dareto have the half a pointcontemptagain, fiercechanged the fistis the claw, referred to the windtearingair, bringing the cold lightto tear awayto the Zhou Yuanthroat.罗统心头微震,知晓遇到了硬茬子,当即不敢再有半分轻视,猛的变拳为爪,指风撕裂空气,带起寒光对着周元喉咙撕去。
The Zhou Yuansteptreadsslantingly, Dragon Steptreads, the figureslightlyin a flash, was appearsfuzzy.周元步伐斜踏,龙步踏出,身形微微一晃,便是显得模糊了一些。Butthatrefers to the windswiftly and fiercely, applies the Zhou Yuanbodyfirstthreecuns (2.5 cm)to go, thenZhou Yuanthatfistthenhas the powerfulstrength, straightLuo Tongsurfacegate, aggressivedirect, without the least bitis forgiving.
而那凌厉指风,就搽着周元身前三寸而去,接着周元那拳头便是带着强悍的力道,直罗统面门,凶悍直接,没有半点留情。Ineye pupilrapidlyfist of enlargement , is to make the Luo Tongheartonestartled, bodyfierceshakes: „OpensSix Veins!”
轰!AmongHeaven and EarthOrigin Qiwells up, pours intoLuo Tongwithin the body, immediatelyitswhole bodyclothesrobevibrates, Origin Qilight streameruptfrom the pore, just like the lightlight halo, coversit.天地间源气涌来,灌注进罗统体内,顿时其周身衣袍震动,一道道源气光流自毛孔中喷发而出,犹如淡淡的光圈,将其覆盖。Thump!
The Zhou Yuan'sfistbangonOrigin Qilight stream that on the Luo Tongfacetwined, is actually not ableto push onward, insteadwas shakencontinuouslybut actuallybythatOrigin Qishootsto draw back.周元的拳头轰在了罗统脸庞上缠绕的源气光流上,却是无法挺进,反而是被那一缕缕源气震得倒射而退。„Cancompelmeto openSix Veinsto cope withyou, youdiednotregret!”Luo Tongclenches jaws, copes with a boy who opensFour Veins, almost the sewercapsizes, thismakeshimangryextremely.
“能逼得我开六脉对付你,你死都无憾了!”罗统咬牙切齿,对付一个开四脉的小子,都差点阴沟翻船,这让得他极为的恼怒。Shuā!唰!Luo Tongagainviolently shoots, thisspeedswift and violent, buthisfingertip, startsto exude the color of nether black, is faint, haslightfishy smellsending outunexpectedly.罗统再度暴射而出,这一次速度更为的迅猛,而其指尖,开始泛着幽黑之色,隐隐间,竟是有着淡淡的腥气散发。„middle rankOrigin Technique, Black Ghost Palm.”
“中品源术,黑鬼掌。”Zhou Yuanlooks atLuo Tong that is plunderingagain, both eyesnarrows the eyes, the palmstretches out, slowheavy, just likeiscarrygiant mountain, when hispalmmovesslightly, even the airmade the gratingsound.周元望着再度掠来的罗统,双目微眯,手掌伸出,缓慢沉重,犹如是驮负着巨山,然而当其手掌微微移动时,连空气都发出了刺耳的声音。„OpensFour Veins!”
The Zhou Yuanwithin the bodymeridiansvibrate, are sending out the suction, the Origin Qicontinuousinspirationwithin the body between Heaven and Earth, changes into the billowingstrength, swamps into the Zhou Yuanpalm.周元体内经脉震动,散发着吸力,将天地间的源气源源不断的吸入体内,化为滚滚力量,涌入周元手掌之中。
A lightpower and influence, fromZhou Yuan'swithin the bodysending out.
一股淡淡的威势,自周元的体内散发而出。„Dragon Monument Hand, Splitting the Earth.”Lightsound, putting outgentlyfromhismouth.
“龙碑手,裂地。”淡淡的声音,从其嘴中轻轻的吐出。Afterthese days and nightsandOrigin Beastpreying, Zhou YuancanfinallythisDragon Monument Hand2nd-layersuccessfuldisplays.
A Zhou Yuanfistrumbles, the land of under footas ifinthis timefierceshakes, frontairwas torndirectly, the swift and fiercefistvigor, isemitstogetherunexpectedlydirectly.周元一拳轰出,脚下的大地仿佛都是在此时猛的一震,面前的空气直接被撕裂,一道凌厉的拳劲,竟直接是喷吐而出。„Origin Qi Breaking Body?!”ThatLuo Tongcomplexionstartlesgreatly, wantsOrigin Qi Breaking Body, thatis the Cultivating Qi Realmstrengthcanachieve, orcultivationfarultraOrdinary Origin TechniqueProfound Origin Technique.
“源气破体?!”那罗统面色大骇,想要将源气破体而出,那可是得养气境的实力才能够做到,或者修炼远超普通源术的玄源术。Butopened the Four Veinsboy, howpossiblyProfound Origin Techniquecultivation?
可一个不过才开了四脉的小子,怎么可能将玄源术修炼而成?No matterhiswhat kind ofpanic-stricken, thatswift and fiercefistwindbringslightradianceto come, does not needheto avoid, thenrumblesabovehischest.
嘭!Luo Tongformlikeshellbut actuallyshot, a mouthful of fresh bloodspurtscrazily, thencannot attend to the body of heavy injury, crawlsto set outto run, afterthisfightcontinually, hehad looked, at presentthisopensFour Veinsyoungster, the battle efficiencyis simply terrorist.罗统的身影如同炮弹般的倒射了出去,一口鲜血狂喷而出,然后顾不得重创的身体,爬起身来就跑,经过这连番的交手,他已是看了出来,眼前这个只是开了四脉的少年,战斗力简直恐怖。Zhou Yuancan look atLuo Tong to run, in the eye the cold lightflashes, the throatplacehasOrigin Patterntogetherto reappear, the fierceopens the mouthcalls out: „Roar!”周元瞧得着罗统要跑,眼中寒光一闪,喉咙处有着一道源纹浮现出来,猛的张口暴喝:“吼!”1st RankOrigin Pattern, Tiger Roar Pattern!一品源纹,虎啸纹!
The tiger's roarresounds through, the sound wavespreads, thatLuo Tongbodyimmediatelyonestiff, a headdizziness, within the bodyqi and bloodalsoshakes.
虎啸响彻,声波扩散,那罗统身躯顿时一僵,脑袋一片眩晕,体内气血也是震荡。Whenitrecovers, but alsodoes not need is not wonderfulto call the exit|to speak, Zhou Yuan is a palmpatsonhishead, faintsitsracket.
而待得其回过神来时,还不待一声不妙叫出口来,周元便是一掌拍在其脑袋上,将其拍得昏死过去。Zhou Yuanlooks atfaintingLuo Tong, graspsit, thenimmediatelyrunsto the direction that creek valleyis, althoughknows the Yao Yaomethodto be big, butheis worriedto have an accident.周元看一眼昏死的罗统,一把将其抓起,然后立即对着溪谷所在的方向跑去,虽然知晓夭夭手段不小,但他还是担心出事。Heurgentrunning backcreek valley, is breathing heavily, imageextremelydistressed.
When heruns up tocreek valley, is actually startled, becauseincreek valleyas beforeis a peace, Yao Yaositsinthatazure rock, the white handsare carryingjade bottlegentlyis sipping, sideher, Tun Tunis lyingis having the yawn.
“这…”Zhou Yuanis a little in a daze, becauseheredoes not have the trace of least bitfight.周元有点发愣,因为这里也没有半点战斗的痕迹。„Sister Yao Yao, are youall right?”Zhou Yuanwalks up, say/way of panting.
“夭夭姐,你没事吧?”周元走上前来,气喘吁吁的道。Yao Yaolooks in the eyeanxious, whole bodydistressedZhou Yuan, cannot help butshows a faint smile, in the smilehaswarm feeling, shakes the head, said: „Iam all right.”夭夭瞧得眼中焦急,满身狼狈的周元,不由得微微一笑,笑容中有着一丝暖意,摇摇头,道:“我没事呀。”She, said: „Has a unluckyfellowto have an accidentactually.”
她顿了顿,道:“倒是有个倒霉的家伙出了点事。”Zhou Yuanhurriedsay/way: „Person?”周元急忙道:“人呢?”Yao Yaostretches outjade finger, referred tonearbyTun Tun, butTun Tunswungtail, opened mouthto put outjade slip, thereforeYao Yaopointed atjade slipto say with a smile: „Onlywas left overthis.”夭夭伸出玉指,指了指一旁的吞吞,而吞吞则是摇了摇尾巴,张嘴吐出了一块玉简,于是夭夭指着玉简笑道:“只剩下这个了。”
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