Sunraises, the sunlightcoveredentireGreat ZhouRoyal Palace.大日升起,日光笼罩了整个大周王宫。„Good, reallyworthilyismyZhou FamilySaint Dragon, the shorttime, made a connection withFour Veinsunexpectedly.” Before mealstable, Zhou Qinglooksis holdingZhou Yuan that onebowl„Nine Beasts Soup”is drinkingcrazily, gratified of whole face.
The Zhou Yuanone breath„Nine Beasts Soup”will drink a cleanness, feelssteam that within the bodyis raising, smacking the lips, iscarriesonebowl„Profound Crystal Rice”, ontableOrigin Beastmeat of carefulcookery, digscrazily.周元一口气将“九兽汤”喝了个干净,感受着体内升起的热气,咂了咂嘴,又是端起一碗“玄晶米”,就着桌上精心烹制的源兽肉,一阵狂刨。Ashispresentphysiqueis getting stronger and stronger, Origin Beastmeat that inhisrecipes, varioustypesmake upgreatlyalsoinunceasingincrease, tomake upusually the consumption of cultivation.
随着他如今身体素质越来越强,他的食谱中,各种大补的源兽肉也是在不断的增多,以弥补平日修炼的消耗。Ate to the full, Zhou Yuanjust nowraise one's headsmilestoZhou Qing, shaking the head that at onceregrets, said: „NowJade Spirit Waterfallis getting more and more badtomyeffect, wantsto speed upmaking a connection with5th vein, but must try to findothersolutions.”
吃得饱饱了,周元方才抬头冲着周擎一笑,旋即惋惜的摇摇头,道:“不过现在玉灵瀑对我的效果越来越差了,想要加快打通第五脉,还得想其他的办法。”HisOpening Veinsdifficultyis higher than the average man, thereforeaccording toordinarymethod, perhapstime-consuming not poor, buthedoes not wantobviouslysuchboilingslowly.
他的开脉难度比常人更高,所以按照普通方法来,恐怕耗时不菲,而他显然不想这么慢慢的熬。Zhou Qinghearing this, looks the color of hesitation, hehas also knownnow, Zhou Yuanbecause oftwoOpening Veinsreasons, the difficultyis higher than the average person.周擎闻言,也是面露沉吟之色,他如今也已经知晓,周元因为二次开脉的缘故,难度远比普通人更高。„To speed upOpening Veins, Ihave a methodactually.”Nearby that butis eatingProfound Crystal RicefoodYao Yaopeacefully, suddenlyhas the sound said.
“想要加快开脉,我倒是有一个法子。”在那一旁,只是安静吃着玄晶米饭的夭夭,突然出声道。"Oh? ” Zhou YuanandZhou Qingsurprisedlookstoher.“哦?”周元与周擎都是惊讶的看向她。Is facingtheirgaze, Yao Yaocharming faceis still light, said: „Itogethernamed „ 36beastOpening Veinsmarks”Origin Pattern, takes36 the blood of 1st RankOrigin Beastasto direct, inscribein the person, maydraw support fromOminous QiOpening Veins in Origin Beastbloodline. ”
面对着他们的注视,夭夭俏脸依旧清清淡淡,道:“我会一道名为“三十六兽开脉纹”的源纹,以三十六种一品源兽的鲜血为引,刻画在人身,可借助源兽血脉中的凶气开脉。”„Thislawsomebad risks, in the Origin BeastbloodcontainFiendish Qi, if not firmness, will then wash outspiritual wisdomby the evil spirit.”
“不过此法有些凶险,源兽鲜血中蕴含着凶煞之气,若是意志不坚定者,则会被凶煞冲散灵智。”Simply speaking, will turn into the dementia.
简单来说,就是会变成痴呆。Such remarks, Zhou QingandQin Yucomplexionchanges.
此言一出,周擎与秦玉面色都是微变。In the Zhou Yuaneyepassed over gently and swiftlyactuallywipes the color of pleasant surprise, becausehetoownwillextremehas the self-confidence, after allevenResentful Dragon Toxinheboiled, have no reasonto fearsome1st RankOrigin BeastFiendish Qi.周元倒是眼中掠过一抹惊喜之色,因为他对自身的意志极为的有自信,毕竟连怨龙毒他都熬了下来,没理由会怕一些一品源兽的凶煞之气。„Sister Yao Yao, usesthis „ 36beastOpening Veinsmarks”! ” Zhou Yuansay/waywithout hesitation.
“夭夭姐,就用这个“三十六兽开脉纹”!”周元毫不犹豫的道。Qin Yualsowantsto sayanything, Zhou Yuansmilestoher, said: „Royal Mother, relax, Iwill not have the matter.”秦玉还想说什么,周元冲着她一笑,道:“母后,放心吧,我不会有事的。”Qin Yuhearing this, manydid not sayanything, can only gentlynods.秦玉闻言,也就不好多说什么,只能轻轻点头。„Sinceyouhavethisdetermination, thatRoyal Fatherdoes not stop, my looks forpeopleto even up the blood of 361st RankOrigin Beast.”Zhou Qingselectednods, slowly said.
“既然你有这个决心,那父王也不阻拦,我这就找人将三十六只一品源兽的鲜血找齐。”周擎点了点头,缓缓的道。Determination that Zhou Yuandisplays , is to make himgratifiedvery much.周元表现出来的决心,也是让得他很是欣慰。After allcultivationis together difficult, without the bigcouragebigboldness, feared that is very difficultto walk away.
毕竟修炼一道艰难,若是没有大勇气大魄力的话,怕是很难走远的。Yao Yaoshakes the head, saidin a soft voice: „Blood of that361st RankOrigin Beast, makeshe himselfcollect, the presenthistoodeficientactual combat, the fightconsciousness is also not strong, if not exercise, later can only behas the boorish fellow of strengthspatially.”夭夭摇了摇头,轻声道:“那三十六只一品源兽的鲜血,还是让他自己去凑齐吧,现在的他太缺乏实战,战斗意识也是不强,若是不锻炼一下,以后就只会是一个空有力量的莽夫。”Zhou Yuanis startled, at oncein the eyelooking pensive, Yao Yaosays the fight that right, heexperiences are too really few, the fightconsciousness is also somewhatweak, thisalsocausedhimrecentlywhencultivationDragon Monument Hand, slowlywithout many progress, thatDragon Monument Hand2nd-layer, is unable cultivate successfully.周元一怔,旋即眼中若有所思,夭夭说的没错,他经历的战斗实在太少,战斗意识也是有些弱,这也导致他最近在修炼龙碑手时,迟迟没有多少的进展,那龙碑手第二重,始终无法修成。If this had continued, evenhisstrengthcanbe increased, but if metlife and deathpreying, maybe ablevery muchfalling miserably in a very easy task.
如果这样下去,就算他实力能够提升上来,但万一遇见了生死搏杀,很有可能会阴沟里翻船。Thinks ofhere, Zhou YuanlookstoZhou Qing, said: „Royal Father, in the future, Iwill go toBlack Forest Mountain Range.”
想到此处,周元看向周擎,道:“父王,未来的一段时间,我就去黑林山脉吧。”Black Forest Mountain Range, preciselyclose to a Great Zhou Citypalatialmountain range, Origin Beastcountless, the suitablebad risk, there, wantsto survive, preyingisessential.黑林山脉,正是临近大周城的一座巍峨山脉,其中源兽无数,相当的凶险,在那里,想要生存下来,搏杀是必不可少。Zhou Qinghesitated, finallynods, saidslowly: „Youhavethisidea, is indeed good, does not experiencesomepreying, after all is seemsimmature.”周擎沉吟了一下,最终缓缓点头,道:“你有这个想法,的确是好的,不经历一些搏杀,总归是显得稚嫩。”„Yougo, butIwill make a Lu Tieshanbelt/bringpersonfollowyou, youcould rest assured that theywill not meddleyour anything, is onlyforsafe.”
“不过你去可以,但我会让陆铁山带点人跟着你,你放心,他们不会插手你的任何事,只是为了安全。”Lu Tieshan, isGreat ZhouRoyal Palaceimperial guardCommander, isHeaven's Pass Realmexpert, was trustedbyZhou Qing'sdeeply.陆铁山,乃是大周王宫的禁军统领,乃是天关境的强者,深受周擎的信任。Zhou Yuanlooks at the Zhou Qing'slook, will knowhimnot to yield, thereforealsoonnodded.周元瞧得周擎的神色,知晓他不会让步,所以也就点点头。
The 2nd day.
第二日。Very early in the morning, whenZhou YuanandYao Yaoarrive at the imperial city gateplace, the bodyis together dark, thenwelcomedlike the iron towerformsturdy.
一大早,当周元与夭夭来到宫门处时,一道身躯黝黑,壮实如铁塔般的身影便是迎了上来。„Your Highness!”
“殿下!”Seeing onlycomespersoncomplexioncold and solemn to just like an icegeneral, the whole bodyis ascending the lightironblood and qibreath, obviously has been through repeatedly the generation of battlefield, preciselyGreat ZhouRoyal Palaceimperial guardCommander, Lu Tieshan.
只见得来人面色冷肃得犹如一块冰一般,周身升腾着淡淡的铁血气息,显然是历经沙场之辈,正是大周王宫的禁军统领,陆铁山。„TroubledCommander Lu, walked.”
“麻烦陆统领了,走吧。”Zhou Yuantohisslightlynods, is not dilatory, saiddirectly.周元冲着他微微点头,也不拖沓,直接说道。Lu Tieshannodded, waves, is hastenformsvigorouslyplunders, finallyis crowding aroundZhou Yuanfrom the imperial city gate, converges the stream of people, rapidvanishesdoes not see.陆铁山点点头,一挥手,便是有着十道身影矫健的掠来,最后簇拥着周元自宫门而出,汇入人流,迅速的消失不见。Black Forest Mountain Range, situated inGreat Zhou Cityinside and outsidedozens, as a result ofmountain rangevertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, hascountlessOrigin Beastas well asvariousWorldly Treasure, thereforethisBlack Forest Mountain Range is also the place of Great Zhou Citysurroundingpopularity.黑林山脉,位于大周城数十里外,由于山脉纵横,其中有着无数源兽以及各种天材地宝,故而这黑林山脉也算是大周城周围的人气之地。NumerousOrigin Masterfromgatherto comein all directions, wantsto fishonepoint of chanceinthiscrisis-riddenmountain range, trieswhether to change the destiny, since thenbecomesinthatperson the person.
众多源师从四面八方汇聚而来,都是想要在这危机四伏的山脉中捞得一分机缘,试试能否改变自身命运,从此成为那人上之人。In the place of walking into the mountain, hasmanyOrigin Masterto seek the teamor the partner, butZhou Yuanonegroup have not actually stayed, entered the mountain rangedirectly, after allhasLu TieshanthisHeaven's Pass Realmexpert, so long asdoes not meet3rd RankOrigin Beast, is largely unaffected much.
在进山之处,有着诸多源师寻求队伍或者伙伴,不过周元一行人却是并未停留,直接是进了山脉,毕竟有着陆铁山这位天关境的强者在,只要不遇见三品源兽,基本都毫无大碍。Zhou Yuanand the othersare going down to the mountain rangeroughly more than 50li (0.5 km)placesto stop, hereis the Black Forest Mountain Rangeouter layer, Origin Beast that meets, overwhelming majorityare the 1st Ranklevels.周元等人在深入了山脉约莫五十多里的地方停了下来,这里算是黑林山脉的外层,所遇见的源兽,也绝大部分都是一品层次。In a hollowcreek valleyplace, builttwotentsat will, thenLu Tieshanthenhasperson'sdistantretreat, leftZhou YuanandYao Yaohere.
在一处凹陷的溪谷处,随意的搭建了两座帐篷,然后陆铁山便是带着人远远的退去,将这里留给了周元与夭夭。WithLu Tieshanand the othersdepartures, Zhou Yuan is also deepexpiration, heis looking atthatnether blackforest, smellingamongthatairis faint the bloodyflavor that fills, the palm was also graspingslowlyHeaven Primal Brush that insertedin the waist.
随着陆铁山等人的离去,周元也是深深的吐了一口气,他望着那幽黑的森林,嗅着那空气间隐隐间弥漫的血腥味道,手掌也是缓缓的握上了插在腰间的天元笔。Heknows, the followingthese days, hemust the self-torture, hopeherehere, hecanmake a connection with5th vein.
...King Qi Palace.齐王府。„Did Zhou Yuango toBlack Forest Mountain Range?”Inroom, Qi Yuecomplexiongloomy and cold, is looking at the bodypreviousmiddle-aged man, slowly said.
“周元去了黑林山脉?”房间中,齐岳面色阴冷,望着身前一名中年男子,缓缓的道。„Yes, moreoveris escortedby the Lu Tieshanbelt/bringpersonpersonally, shouldprobablyinBlack Forest Mountain Rangeinformed and experienced.” The middle-aged maneyegets sucked, the skinis shading yellow, is ordinaryjust like the rock.
“是,而且是由陆铁山带人亲自护送,应该是要在黑林山脉中历练。”中年男子眼目深陷,皮肤暗黄,宛如岩石一般。Thisperson of preciselyKing Qi PalaceSteward, Qi Ling.
此人正是齐王府的管家,齐陵。Qi Yuehearing this, cannot help butsneers, in the eyecoldglowglittering, thought aloud: „Ifyouhave treatedin the city, Ialsoreallytakeyounot to have the means that finallyyouactuallyranBlack Forest Mountain Range, mayreallyact recklessly.”齐岳闻言,不由得冷笑一声,眼中寒芒闪烁,自言自语道:“若是你一直待在城里,我还真拿你没办法,结果你却自己跑去了黑林山脉,可真是不知死活。”„Can Second Young Masterbegintohim?” The Qi Lingbrowwrinkled the wrinkle, said: „Ifwere discovered, perhapswill cause the counter-attack of Imperial Family.”
“二公子要对他动手?”齐陵眉头皱了皱,道:“若是被发现,恐怕会引起皇室的反击。”Qi Yuesaid with a smilepale: „Thereforewants the thoroughplans, moreoverIdo not wantto killhim, doesto vent angeron the linehalf-dead.”齐岳淡笑道:“所以要有一个周密的计划,而且我也不想弄死他,搞个半死不活出口气就行。”Hethinks, toneindifferently spoke: „Seekstwopeopleto come, to come a nightrobberKing Qi Palaceplay, lateryoulead the personto chase down, pursues the region that itBlack Forest Mountain RangeZhou Yuanis, at that timeyoufound the opportunityto constrainLu Tieshan, othermatters, gavethemto do.”
他想了想,语气淡漠的道:“去寻两个人来,来一出夜盗齐王府的戏,之后你率人追杀,将其追进黑林山脉周元所在的区域,那时候你找机会拖住陆铁山,其余的事,就交给他们去做。”„When the time comeshas an accident, isthattwofellowsdoes , there is nothing to dowithus, after allourKing Qi Palacealsolost the thing, lateryoufirsteliminate a potential informant, no onecan sayanything.”
“到时候出了什么事,也是那两个家伙做的,跟我们无关,毕竟我们齐王府也损失了东西,之后你第一时间灭口,谁也说不了什么。”Qi Lingis startled, at oncesays with a smile: „Actuallygoodmethod.”齐陵一怔,旋即笑道:“倒是个不错的方法。”Qi Yuesneers, took outjade slipfrom the bosom, abovejade slip, hiddenhasradianceto reappear, as ifinscribes the ancientwriting: „Acts in a play to doentire, toreducesuspected,yougivethattwoworkingpersonthisthing.”齐岳冷笑一声,从怀中取出了一枚玉简,玉简之上,隐有光芒浮现,仿佛铭刻着古老的文字:“不过做戏要做全,为了减少怀疑,你将此物交给那两个做事的人。”Qi Lingreceived, looked atone, complexionimmediatelychanges, said: „Profound Glow Technique? One of weKing Qi PalacetopestOrigin Technique, but the princemustcomefromGreat Wu.”齐陵接过,看了一眼,面色顿时一变,道:“玄芒术?我们齐王府最顶尖的源术之一,可是王爷从大武那边得来的。”„Ipreviouslywentto takefromtreasure house, becausepreciselyitis important, appropriate, at the appointed timewaits the twoto completemission, youmayassistLu Tieshanto cutto killthem, when the time comestakesagainit.”
“我先前去从宝库中取出来的,正是因为它重要,才更为的合适,到时候待得那两人完成任务,你就可协助陆铁山将他们斩杀,到时候再将它取回来。”„Then, issomeconfessed,after allourKing Qi Palacesuchtreasurealmostlostcontinually, forgiveshisImperial Familynot to have the words saying that can only have a grievance but unable to complain, hasbitterbeing able to say.”
“如此一来,也算是有一些交代,毕竟我们齐王府连此等宝贝都差点遗失,谅他皇室也没话说,只能哑巴吃黄莲,有苦说不出。”Qi Yuesoundgloomy and cold, thatviciousscheme, letselectnods that Qi Ling cannot bear.齐岳声音阴冷,那狠毒的计谋,让得齐陵都是忍不住的点了点头。„Good, Second Young Masterthinksthoroughly!”Qi Lingcrackmouthgrinning hideouslygets up, is followingKing Qi, theydo not look atGreat ZhouImperial Familyobviouslyin the eye, even ifmuststarttoZhou Yuanat present, did not dread.
“好,二公子想得周到!”齐陵裂嘴狞笑起来,跟随着齐王,他们显然早已不将大周皇室看在眼中,即便眼下要对周元下手,也是毫不忌惮。Qi Yuesmiles, raised the headcomes, the visionlooked that todirection that Black Forest Mountain Rangeis, ineyesinister and ruthless.齐岳笑了笑,抬起头来,目光看向黑林山脉所在的方向,眼中阴毒。„Zhou Yuan, youmademefall the faceonGreat Zhou Palace, my time, wantedyourhalflife!”
“周元,你让我在大周府落了面子,那我这次,就要你半条命!”„Fightswithme, you were too tender!”
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