Before Jade Spirit Waterfall, asZhou YuanandQi Yueset the gamblingto make, the atmosphereimmediatelybecamefiery, more and more Great Zhou Palacestudentscame, stopped upwatertightthisregion.玉灵瀑前,随着周元与齐岳定下了赌约,气氛顿时变得火热起来,越来越多大周府的学员闻风而来,将这片区域堵得水泄不通。After all, the gambling between both sidesmakes, was really big.
-and-a-half Jade Spirit Waterfallcultivationtime of double-hour, besidesFirst InstituteSecond Institute, several other institutes, each onehave a double-hour.
一个半时辰的玉灵瀑修炼时间,要知道,除了甲院乙院之外,其余的几院,都各自只是拥有着一个时辰而已。„Fishswallowed the bait.” The Liu Xibeautiful eyelooks atthis, the corners of the mouthis raisingimmediatelywipes the pleasedsmile, just likehad seenlater after Zhou Yuanwas defeated the distressedappearance.
“鱼儿上钩了。”柳溪美目望着这一幕,嘴角顿时掀起一抹快意的笑容,犹如是已经见到了待会周元落败后的狼狈模样。InnearbyXu Hongeye was also passed over gently and swiftlywipes the gloomy and coldmeaning, thatZhou Yuanalsoreallythinks that displayedinthisJade Spirit Waterfallalsowell, has the abilityto issue the challengetoQi Yue, pouring was also naive.
一旁的徐洪眼中也是掠过一抹阴冷之意,那周元还真以为在这玉灵瀑中表现还不错,就有能耐对齐岳发出挑战,倒也是天真。SurroundingsnumerousSecond Institutestudents, althoughshould alsobelowgambling stakedobyQi Yuehas the dessertstartled, immediatelybutcomesissomeexcited, becausetheyareknowQi Yuesimilarlystrongly, thiscompetition, evenis not the fight of real swords and spears, butwantsto cometoQi Yue, will not have the toohighdifficultyas before.
周围众多乙院的学员,虽然也是被齐岳应下的赌注搞得有点心惊,不过随即而来的就是一些兴奋,因为他们同样是知晓齐岳有多强,这次的比试,即便不是真刀真枪的战斗,但想来对齐岳而言,依旧不会有太高的难度。Therefore, regardingFirst Institutethat -and-a-half the cultivationtime of double-hour, theyhad treated as the 's in the bagit.
所以,对于甲院的那一个半时辰的修炼时间,他们已是将其当做了囊中之物。Compared withSecond Instituteherewin, First Institutehereatmospherewas heavier, many studentsare the facial expressionare low, after all the Qi Yuepastprestige, was really strong.
与乙院这边的志在必得相比,甲院这边气氛就沉重了许多,众多学员都是神情低落,毕竟齐岳以往的声望,实在是太强了一些。„Zhou Yuan, do youhave confidence?”In the Chu Tianyangeyealsosomewhatworried,askedin a low voice.
“周元,你有把握吗?”楚天阳眼中也是有些担忧,低声问道。„Does everything possible.”Zhou Yuansmiles.
“尽力而为吧。”周元一笑。Chu Tianyanglooks athissmileto be calm, the mood was also the relax relaxed a point, the opposite partycame prepared, will not obviously achieve the goalnot to give up, thereforeshouldunder the gamblingmake, matter that can also doonly.楚天阳瞧得他笑容还算从容,心情也是松缓了一点,对方有备而来,明显不达成目的不会罢休,所以应下赌约,也是唯一能够做的事。„keep it up!”Su Youweiwielded the smallfist, is inflatingtoZhou Yuan.
“加油!”苏幼微挥了挥小拳头,对着周元打气。„Zhou Yuan, ourFirst Institutelaterfuture, butdepended onyou!”Song Qiushuialsoeageris looking atZhou Yuan, nowin the competitionwithSecond Institute, theirFirst Instituteoriginallyfellleeward, ifthistimealsolost -and-a-half Jade Spirit Waterfallcultivationtime of double-hour, whenperhapsPalace Examtime, theirFirst Instituterootoriginallyno onecanachieve6th vein.
“周元,咱们甲院以后的前途,可就靠你了!”宋秋水也是眼巴巴的望着周元,如今在与乙院的比拼中,他们甲院本就落了下风,如果这次还输了一个半时辰的玉灵瀑修炼时间,恐怕等到府试的时候,他们甲院根本就无人能够达到第六脉。Therefore, thisgambling stake, said that is concerning the futures of First Instituteallstudentsalsoandis not overrated.
所以,这场赌注,说关乎着甲院所有学员的前途也并不为过。Looked atFirst Institutemanystudentthathope the anxiousvision, Zhou Yuanhad not said,was onlygentlynods.
瞧得甲院众多学员那期盼又不安的眼光,周元没有多说,只是轻轻点头。Under the gaze of thatnumerousvision, Zhou YuanandQi Yuealsogo forward, move towardJade Spirit Waterfall.
在那众多目光的注视下,周元与齐岳同时上前,走向玉灵瀑。„Your Highness, if the presentregrets, but can also admit defeatearlier, so as to avoid the strongbracesuffers loss.”Saying with a smile of Qi Yueserene.
“殿下若是现在后悔的话,还可以早点认输,免得强撑吃苦头。”齐岳风轻云淡的笑道。„These wordsalsogive toyou.”Zhou Yuanlooked that has not looked athisoneeyes, similarlypalesound said.
“这句话也送给你。”周元看都未曾看他一眼,同样淡声道。„It seems likeyourefuse to be convinced until one is faced with grim reality, such being the case, thatno wonderI.” The Qi Yuecorners of the mouthappearto wipecontemptuously, did not haveto sayagain, a tip of the toepoint, the bodyadvantage of terrainwasto fallJade Spirit Waterfallanotherdirection.
“看来你是不见棺材不掉泪,既然如此,那就怪不得我了。”齐岳嘴角浮现出一抹轻蔑,也没有再多说,脚尖一点,身形便是落到了玉灵瀑的另外一个方向。Zhou YuanandQi Yueare built on the waterfall the both sides, visiondistantlooking at each other, canfeel the chill in the air in opposite partyeyes.周元与齐岳立于瀑布的两侧,目光远远的对视一眼,都是能够感受到对方眼中的寒意。Hū!
The nextquarter, two peopleallaretook a deep breath, then under the gaze of thatcountlessvision, onestepstrided inturbulently, but below Jade Spirit Waterfall.
下一刻,两人皆是深吸一口气,然后便是在那无数道目光的注视下,一步跨入了汹涌而下的玉灵瀑中。Boundlesswater streamis carrying the aggressivestrength, impactruthlesslyontwo peoplebodies, howevertwo peoplefigurejust like the rockgeneral, the solethreads up the ground, comestothatwater streamimpact, is entirely still.
磅礴的水流携带着凶悍的力量,狠狠的冲击在两人的身体上,然而两人身形都犹如磐石一般,脚掌紧扣地面,任由那水流冲击而来,都是纹丝不动。Zhou Yuanisboth eyesshuts, foreheadDivine Soulbeats, a Divine Soulsensation of faint tracesends out, plundersto come, to alleviatewater streamJade Marrow Qiattracting in allnearbywater streamto attack the severe pain that fleshly bodybrings.周元更是双目微闭,眉心神魂跳动,一丝丝的神魂感知散发出来,将附近水流中的玉髓之气尽数的吸掠而来,缓解着水流冲击肉身所带来的剧痛。Meanwhile, initsbehind, Ice Fire Origin Gathering Pattern is also startsto emit the lightgloss, icy coldandboiling hotis intertwined, is absorbingJade Marrow Qirapidly.
与此同时,在其背后,冰火聚源纹也是开始散发出淡淡的光泽,冰凉与滚烫交缠,也是在迅速的吸收着玉髓之气。Thatabsorption rate, is more intrepid than ordinaryOrigin Gathering Pattern.
那种吸收速度,远比普通的聚源纹强悍。„ThisIce Fire Origin Gathering Pattern, is really effective!”Feelssoto change, in the Zhou Yuanheartacclaimedone.
“这冰火聚源纹,果然有效!”感受到这般变化,周元心中赞叹了一声。Boundlesswater streamhowls, Zhou YuanandQi Yuefaintly discernible of forminthatwaterfall, butoutside the waterfall, everyone'svision, iswinksdoes not winkis staring.
磅礴水流呼啸而下,周元与齐岳的身影在那瀑布中若隐若现,而瀑布外,所有人的目光,都是眨也不眨的盯着。„ThatZhou Yuanpastlimit, seemed like for onehour, butQi Yue can actually achieve for one hour 50 minutes.”Liu Xiis staring at the twoforms in waterfall, sneers saying: „Therefore, after onehour, the victory and defeatwill divide.”
“那周元以往的极限,似乎是一个小时,不过齐岳却是能够达到一个小时50分钟。”柳溪盯着瀑布中的两道身影,冷笑道:“所以,一个小时后,胜负就会分出来。”ThisZhou Yuan, wason the term examination was too it seems like smooth, thereforestartedsomeinflation, healsothinks that Qi Yuewasthesewaste that in the term examinationmet? In the eye of Qi Yue, heandthesedefeatedwaste, perhapsalso not different.
这个周元,看来是大考上面太顺了,所以开始有些膨胀,他还以为齐岳是大考中遇见的那些废物吗?在齐岳的眼中,他和那些被击败的废物,恐怕也没什么两样。Xu Hong is also slightlynods, hewas is also very confidenttoQi Yue, openedSix Veinsphysiqueafter all, madehimaccomplish a task with easeinJade Spirit Waterfallsufficiently.徐洪也是微微点头,他对齐岳也是很有信心,毕竟开了六脉的身体素质,足以让得他在玉灵瀑中游刃有余。First Instituteheremanystudentis also with smile on the face, appearsquiterelaxed, after allQi Yueis too strongin the Great Zhou Palaceprestige, Zhou Yuanin comparison, completelynotin a scale.甲院这边众多学员也都是面带笑容,显得颇为的轻松,毕竟齐岳在大周府声望太强,周元与其相比,完全不在一个档次。
Compared with them, Second Instituteiseach onelooksis anxious.
而与他们相比,乙院这边则是个个神色紧张。Yao Yaolooks atSu Youwei that the white handsgrip tightly, is the lightmaking noisecomfortsaid: „, Zhou Yuanwill not don't worry lose.”夭夭瞧了一眼玉手紧握的苏幼微,则是淡淡的出声安慰道:“不用担心,周元不会输的。”Perhaps of herDivine Soul, presentsno one to compare, thereforenaturallycaninduce, Zhou Yuanis replying on the Divine Soulstrength, massiveabsorptionJade Marrow Qi, moreoveradds on the assistance of Ice Fire Origin Gathering Patternagain, Zhou Yuanbasicallycannot have the consumptioninthatJade Spirit Waterfallhas insisted.
她的神魂之强,恐怕在场无人能比,所以自然能够感应到,周元在借助神魂的力量,大量的吸收玉髓之气,而且再加上冰火聚源纹的协助,周元基本能够在那玉灵瀑中没有消耗的一直坚持下去。ButreviewsthatQi Yue, is only actually relying ontyrannicalphysique, butstrongbody, inthatJade Spirit Waterfallunceasingbombardment, gradualwas consumed, untilarrives in the limitfinally.
而反观那齐岳,却是只凭借着强横的身体素质,可再强的身体,在那玉灵瀑不断的轰击中,也会逐渐的被消耗,直到最后抵达极限。Therefore, thisvictory and defeat, is very from the beginning clear.
所以,这场胜负,从一开始就很明确。AlthoughwhySu Youweidoes not knowYao Yaosuchaffirmation, butalsoreceived the infectionto relaxslightly, but a pair of beautiful eye, winkedis staring in the waterfall that did not wink.苏幼微虽然不知道为何夭夭如此的肯定,但也受到感染稍稍放松了一些,不过一对美目,还是眨也不眨的盯着瀑布中。Undereveryonethisgaze, the timeisto also startrapidpassing.
在所有人这种注视下,时间也是开始迅速的流逝。Tenminutes... a halfhour... 50minutes...
The timequickstartwas close for onehour, but, whatmaking the peoplesomewhatsurprisedis, the Zhou Yuan'sform, has not as if vacillatedas before, seems very relaxed, the least bithas not arrived in the feeling of limit.
The brow of Xu Hongwrinkled, looked atLiu Xione, the latterclenches teeth, said: „Strongattire, looked how longhecaninstall!”徐洪的眉头微皱了一下,看了柳溪一眼,后者咬了咬牙,道:“强装罢了,看他能装多久!”Therefore, istenminutespasses, henceisonehour.
The lowstartlednoisespreadsfrom the shore, becausetheydiscovered, afteronehour of past, Zhou Yuanunexpectedlyas beforenotby the sign that the waterfallto/clashes, issteadylike the rock.
The Xu Honglook is also startssomewhatsurprisedlyuncertain, Liu Xifelt that cheeksburninghurting, the lookfluctuates, a littledoes not dareto speak at a ventureagain, becauseshehad felt that nearbySecond Institutemanystudents the strangevisionwill go toher.徐洪的眼神也是开始有些惊疑不定,柳溪更是感到脸颊火辣辣的疼,神色变幻,有点不敢再乱说话了,因为她已经感觉到一旁的乙院众多学员将古怪的目光投向她。„Was thisboystill insistingunexpectedly?”
“这小子竟然还在坚持?”InJade Spirit Waterfall, Qi Yue is also detectedZhou Yuan that was still insisting, the browwrinkles, insistedat this time, hiswhole bodystartedto have the severe painto reappear, butalsointolerance range.玉灵瀑中,齐岳也是察觉到了还在坚持的周元,眉头皱起,坚持到这个时候,就连他浑身都开始有着剧痛浮现,只不过还在承受范围。„Waitsto lookagain,lookedwhetherheis strong the attire.”
“再等等看,看他是否强装。”Butin the waiting of Qi Yue, a halfhourpassesagain.
而在齐岳的等待中,半个小时再度过去。ButZhou Yuan, does not have the soundas before.
而周元,依旧没动静。Right now, evenQi Yuecomplexionwassomewhatugly, becausehefelt himselfalreadyquicklyto the limit.
这下子,连齐岳面色都是有些难看了,因为他感觉自身已经快到极限。„Thisboy, no wondercompliessuchrefreshedly, originallyhas also retained.”Qi Yuelookgloomy, helooked atZhou Yuanthat sideone, in the eye the cold lightappears.
“这个小子,难怪答应得这么爽快,原来也是有所保留。”齐岳眼神阴沉,他看了周元那边一眼,眼中寒光浮现。„But, youthink that Iproposedthisgamblingmakes, hasn't the meetingprepared?”
“不过,你以为我提出这种赌约,会没有准备吗?”Qi Yueboth eyesshut, wait for the timeto pass, is so 20minutespasses, at this momentalreadyto one hour 50 minutes, reaches the limit that Qi Yuewithstood.齐岳双目微闭,等待着时间流逝,如此又是二十分钟过去,此刻已到了一个小时50分钟,也达到了齐岳所承受的极限。Qi Yueopensboth eyes, in the eye the gloomy and coldlightappears,齐岳睁开双目,眼中阴冷之光浮现,„Zhou Yuan, sinceyouare unappreciative, thatno wonderI.”
“周元,既然你不识抬举,那就怪不得我了。”When the soundfalls, histongueturns, sees onlydark redred pill, is falls into the mouth, was swallowed downbyhisone.
( Tomorrowwas the National Day, happy holidays.
(明天就是国庆节了,祝大家节日快乐。MoreoverIasked the toppainterto draw the Zhou Yuan'simage, everyonewantedto have a look atourmainangular lengthanythingappearance the words, canaddmypublicprestige, in the prestigiouscrownsearchpublicnumberHeavenly Silkworm Potatoattention, will issueZhou Yuantomorrow, behindwill have Yao Yao, Su Youwei, veryattractive.)
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