VY :: Volume #4

#325: Eight Dragons reappears

Sky over origin pond, ancient and giant altar float, above that altar, stone columns stands erect, above the stone column, full is the ancient trace, is sending out a boundless air/Qi. 源池上空,古老而巨大的祭坛悬浮,在那祭坛之上,一根根石柱矗立,石柱之上,满是古老纹路,散发着一种苍茫之气。 But at this time that Elder Miao, is situated in above the altar, the present is she is on duty origin pond, naturally must manage Origin Marrow Baptism by her, in its rear area, but also has Deacon in some sect, is responsible for keeping the order. 而此时那位苗长老,便是立于祭坛上方,如今是她当值源池,自然也是要由她来主持源髓洗礼,在其后方,还有着一些宗门内的执事,负责维持秩序。 But around origin pond on that mountain peak, a countless line of sight is brilliant is looking at the altar, being eager to try of whole face. 源池周围那一座座山峰上,无数道视线都是灼灼的望着祭坛,满脸的跃跃欲试。 However Origin Marrow Baptism is also has the custom, a rank higher disciple, naturally also most going near. 不过源髓洗礼同样是有着规矩,等级越高的弟子,自然也是最为的靠前。 When the ding falls, the beautiful figure then treads Origin Qi to plunder to empty together, finally under the vision of that countless admiration, fell on the most central giant stone column directly. 所以当钟声落下的时候,一道倩影便是踏着源气掠空而过,最后直接是在那无数道倾慕的目光下,落在了最中央的一根巨大石柱上。 Is Senior Sister Li Qingchan!” “是李卿婵师姐!” This time Li Qingchan, the white skirt is floating, is outlining the slender exquisite physique, the curve is perfect, the black hair light dance, is to make her makings refined, making people feel shocking. 此时的李卿婵,白裙飘飘,勾勒着纤细玲珑的身姿,曲线完美,青丝轻舞,更是令得她气质脱俗,让人感到惊艳。 Her that beautiful charming face, is the cold as ice and frost, solemn iceberg goddess is still ordinary, making one not approach. 只是她那绝美的俏脸,依旧是冷若冰霜,俨然冰山女神一般,让人靠近不得。 However this lossless in her popular, after her appear(ance), among entire Heaven and Earth the countless male disciples are the look are blazing, on the face has the admiration that cannot conceal. 不过这无损于她的受欢迎,当她一出现后,整个天地无数男性弟子都是眼神炽热,面庞上有着掩饰不住的倾慕。 Zhou Yuan hears that blazing vision all over, is the corners of the mouth pulls, when these people look at she last night and Yao Yao held the wine pot to blowing the heroic appearance, the illusion in heart can be a little disillusioned? 周元听得那漫山遍野的炽热目光,则是嘴角微扯,若是这些人瞧得她昨夜与夭夭抱着酒坛对吹的豪迈模样时,心中的幻象会不会有点破灭? But is situated in above the stone column, white skirt floating Li Qingchan, is charming face ice-cold, regards that countless blazing vision without the thing directly, her pupil light passing over gently and swiftly four directions, finally resembles is vague went to above a mountain peak. 而立于石柱之上,白裙飘飘的李卿婵,则是俏脸冰冷,直接视那无数炽热目光于无物,她的眸光掠过四方,最后似是若有若无的投向了一座山峰之上。 In there, the position that precisely Zhou Yuan and Yao Yao are. 在那里,正是周元夭夭所在的位置。 Qingchan, preparation.” Elder Miao to the Li Qingchan benign say/way. 卿婵,准备吧。”苗长老对着李卿婵和颜悦色的道。 Li Qingchan is also small head nodded, sits cross-legged. 李卿婵也是螓首微点,盘坐下来。 Her small hand wields, then takes out many Dragon Origin Marrow Crystal from that universe bag, crystal stone float in its whole body, hundreds and thousands , the quantity is astonishing. 她小手一挥,便是自那乾坤囊中将诸多的龙源髓晶取出,一颗颗晶石悬浮在其周身,成百上千,数量惊人。 Many disciples are looking at Dragon Origin Marrow Crystal of that quantity, is coveting that somewhat cannot bear, in the eye full is the saliva, so many Dragon Origin Marrow Crystal, can achieve the Seven Dragons baptism inevitably. 诸多弟子望着那种数量的龙源髓晶,皆是忍不住的有些眼热,眼中满是垂涎,这么多的龙源髓晶,必然能够达到七龙洗礼。 The baptism of that rank, is not the common disciple can achieve. 那种等级的洗礼,可不是寻常弟子能够达到的。 Bang! Bang! 砰!砰! Li Qingchan whole body Origin Qi shakes suddenly, sees only Dragon Origin Marrow Crystal that hundreds and thousands of sizes vary to explode to break to pieces immediately, flow Dragon Origin Marrow is also falls, unceasing dropping above stone column. 李卿婵周身源气猛然一震,只见那成百上千大小不一的龙源髓晶立即爆碎开来,其中流动龙源髓也是滑落下来,不断的滴落在石柱之上。 These Dragon Origin Marrow fall into the stone column, then invades sleek/moist to get down along these ancient traces... 这些龙源髓落入石柱,便是沿着那些古老纹路侵润下去… Then everyone sees, the motley stone column in this time eruption gradually radiance, Origin Qi between Heaven and Earth is also the gathering comes unexpectedly, was inhaled in that stone column. 然后所有人都是见到,斑驳的石柱竟是在此时渐渐的爆发出光芒,天地间的源气也是汇聚而来,被吸入那石柱之中。 Roar! 吼! Radiant radiance, unceasing shoots from the stone column will come out, faint, even starts to have Dragon's roar to spread. 璀璨的光芒,不断的从石柱中射将出来,隐隐的,甚至开始有着龙吟声传出。 So continued roughly the half-stick of incense time, above the stone column radiance reached the peak, finally then saw, dragon shadow shoot up to the sky from that motley stone column, circles in the Li Qingchan whole body. 如此持续了约莫半柱香的时间,石柱之上光芒达到了顶峰,最后便是见到,一道道龙影自那斑驳石柱中冲天而起,盘旋在李卿婵周身。 ... Two... in an instant, then achieved seven dragon shadow! 一条…两条…转眼间,便是达到了七条龙影 Origin Qi between entire Heaven and Earth seems going to the Li Qingchan gathering, formed one roughly about thousand zhang (3.33 m) Origin Qi storm... 整个天地间的源气仿佛都是在对着李卿婵汇聚而去,形成了一个约莫千丈左右的源气风暴… Really is the Seven Dragons baptism!” “果然是七龙洗礼!” Many disciples covet is looking at that seven dragon shadow, this is they are long-awaited. 诸多弟子眼热的望着那七道龙影,这是他们梦寐以求的。 But now in Blue Profound (Cang Xuan) in many disciples, only ten big Saint Child can easily achieve this step, other disciples, even various peak chief, must depend upon some luck. 但如今苍玄中诸多弟子中,也唯有十大圣子能够轻易的做到这一步,其他的弟子,即便是各峰首席,都是要依靠一些运气。 Worthily is Saint Child, the Seven Dragons baptism, easy.” On that mountain peak, the Zhou Tai eye reveal admired, ten big Saint Child have the possession that is in sole possession in origin pond, the water beast rich resources, not like them, but must search for everywhere, laborious incomparable. “不愧是圣子,七龙洗礼,轻而易举。”在那山峰上,周泰眼露艳羡,十大圣子都在源池中有着独有的属地,水兽资源丰富,不像他们,还得到处搜寻,辛苦无比。 Zhou Yuan hearing this, then said with a smile: This time Senior Sister Li feared that will not stop in Seven Dragons...” 周元闻言,则是笑道:“此番李师姐怕是不会止于七龙…” Zhou Tai hearing this, immediately one startled, said: „Can Senior Sister Li attack the Eight Dragons baptism? But this must need thousand zhang (3.33 m) water beast Dragon Origin Marrow Crystal to achieve.” 周泰闻言,顿时一惊,道:“难道李师姐要冲击八龙洗礼?可这得需要千丈水兽龙源髓晶才可做到啊。” That nearby Zhang Yan also cast aside Zhou Yuan one, said: Junior Brother Zhou Yuan wants the wild talk not, your qualifications were still after all shallow, comes origin pond for the first time, naturally does not know that thousand zhang (3.33 m) water beast to be difficult to seek as well as thorny.” 那一旁的张衍也是撇了周元一眼,道:“周元师弟莫要妄言,你毕竟资历尚浅,第一次来源池,自然是不知晓那千丈水兽何等难寻以及棘手。” In recent years, only has Senior Brother Chu Qing to go well, other nine Saint Child are also fee/spent completely many methods, but actually cannot achieve the Eight Dragons baptism.” “这些年来,也就唯有楚青师兄得手过,其他九位圣子也是费尽诸多手段,但却至今未能达到八龙洗礼。” Simply put, then nothing but accuses the Zhou Yuan nonsense, does not understand difficult of Eight Dragons baptism. 言下之意,无非便是指责周元胡言乱语,不懂八龙洗礼之难。 Zhou Yuan can also hear speaking of that Zhang Yan, but smiles, has not paid attention in him, but raise one's head looks to the direction that Li Qingchan is. 周元也听得出那张衍的暗讽,但只是一笑,未曾理会于他,只是抬头望向李卿婵所在的方向。 But his so attitude, makes Zhang Yan think him to be in the wrong actually, immediately slightly contented. 而他这般态度,倒是让得张衍以为他理亏,当即微微自得。 However, how long but also does not need proud on his face to continue, suddenly among Heaven and Earth has sound that in an uproar countless vibrates to get up, eye of bands of light looking with amazement to altar. 不过,还不待他脸庞上的得意持续多久,忽然天地间有着无数震动的哗然声响起,一道道目光带着骇然的望向祭坛上空。 That Zhang Yan was also affected, raise one's head looks hastily, then the facial expression on face is to then coagulate. 张衍也是受到波及,连忙抬头一看,然后面庞上的神情便是凝固下来。 Sees only above that Li Qingchan stone column, her white hands wield, about half a Zhang Dragon Origin Marrow Crystal is vitality/angry slowly, in that crystal stone, sees only the source marrow to flow, seems dragon shadow occupies. 只见得在那李卿婵的石柱上方,她玉手一挥,一颗半丈左右的龙源髓晶便是缓缓的生气,在那晶石内部,只见得源髓流淌,仿佛是龙影盘踞。 „Is that... that is thousand zhang (3.33 m) water beast Dragon Origin Marrow Crystal?!” countless shocking sound resounding through continuously. “那是…那是千丈水兽龙源髓晶?!”无数震惊的声音此起彼伏的响彻而起。 Everyone didn't expect, Li Qingchan actually obtained thousand zhang (3.33 m) water beast Dragon Origin Marrow Crystal, how could it not be that said, today's Li Qingchan, can attack the Eight Dragons baptism unexpectedly?! 谁都没想到,李卿婵竟然得到了千丈水兽龙源髓晶,那岂非是说,今日的李卿婵,竟要冲击八龙洗礼?! This in the past, may only have Chu Qing to achieve. 这在以往,可唯有楚青做到啊。 Senior Sister Li may really be fierce , captured these thousand zhang (3.33 m) water beast Dragon Origin Marrow Crystal unexpectedly not making a sound!” 李师姐可真是厉害,竟然不声不响间,夺得了这千丈水兽龙源髓晶!” Before Kong Sheng and Ye Ge also entered origin pond, wants to come is competes for thousand zhang (3.33 m) water beast, now actually does not see the shadow, haven't they struggled Senior Sister Li?” “之前孔圣叶歌也是进入了源池,想来是去争夺千丈水兽,如今却不见影子,难道他们都没争过李师姐?” hehe, it seems like everyone belittled Senior Sister Li, later could not say, Senior Brother Kong Sheng and Senior Sister Li in ten big Saint Child positions, must trade.” 嘿嘿,看来所有人都小觑了李师姐,以后说不得,孔圣师兄李师姐在十大圣子的名次,也得换换了。” „......” “……” Many disciples talked in whispers, in the eye full was the color of admiration, was full of praise regarding Li Qingchan. 诸多弟子窃窃私语,眼中满是敬佩之色,对于李卿婵赞不绝口。 Although also some Sword Peak's disciples strongly support Kong Sheng, but the population was short after all, the quick these rebuttals were submerged by the people. 虽说也有一些剑来峰的弟子强烈支持孔圣,但毕竟还是人数少了,很快那些反驳就被众人淹没。 That Lu Yan and the others, looks the startled color, at once she is looking at the Li Qingchan form, whispered: This Li Qingchan is so unexpectedly fierce, even Kong Sheng, hasn't Ye Ge snatched her?” 吕嫣等人,也是面露惊色,旋即她望着李卿婵的身影,嘀咕道:“这李卿婵竟然这么厉害,连孔圣,叶歌都没抢过她?” Saw with own eyes that Li Qingchan must achieve that Eight Dragons baptism, broke up in the past the monopoly of Chu Qing, was Lu Yan of Chu Qing frantic supporter somewhat is naturally regrettable, but can accept regarding this result after all reluctantly, how after all Li Qingchan said again, was Saint Child ranked the third. 眼见李卿婵就要达到那八龙洗礼,打破以往楚青的垄断,身为楚青狂热支持者的吕嫣自然有些遗憾,但终归对于这个结果勉强能够接受,毕竟李卿婵再怎么说,也是排名第三的圣子 In that shock all over, on a mountain peak, Kong Sheng of black clothes crosses the hands behind the back to stand, his complexion somewhat ice-cold looks at sky over the altar sign, the palm cannot be bearing grips tightly. 在那漫山遍野的震惊中,一座山峰上,一身黑衣的孔圣负手而立,他面色有些冰冷的望着祭坛上空的迹象,手掌忍不住的紧握起来。 didn't expect will be led one step by Senior Sister Li finally.” In its side, Ye Ge said after a sigh. 没想到最终会被李师姐领先一步。”在其身旁,叶歌感叹道。 Kong Sheng is unemotional, vision suddenly looks to the mountain peak of distant place, there, has Zhou Yuan and Yao Yao's form, is looking at two people, his look quiet cannot help but colder. 孔圣面无表情,忽的目光看向远处的一座山峰,在那里,有着周元夭夭的身影,望着两人,他的眼神不由得幽冷了一些。 If this time is not two people meddles, this Dragon Origin Marrow Crystal, will not fall to the hand of Li Qingchan. 此次如果不是两人插手的话,这龙源髓晶,怎么也不会落到李卿婵的手中。 But regarding the shake that thousand zhang (3.33 m) water beast Dragon Origin Marrow Crystal appear(ance) brings, Li Qingchan has not actually paid attention, her white hands grasp suddenly, see only the crystal stone disruption, in which Dragon Origin Marrow flow, invades the stone column. 而对于千丈水兽龙源髓晶出现所带来的震荡,李卿婵却是未曾理会,她玉手猛然一握,只见得晶石碎裂,其中的龙源髓流淌下来,侵入石柱。 Roar! 吼! Dazzling radiance, erupts suddenly. 璀璨夺目的光芒,猛然爆发。 Then low and deep Dragon's roar resounds together, everyone is look fiery sight, is together dragon shadow, roared from that stone column, circled in the Li Qingchan whole body. 然后一道低沉的龙吟声响起,所有人便是眼神火热的见到,又是一道龙影,自那石柱中咆哮而出,盘旋在了李卿婵周身。 Eight Dragons! 八龙 Entire Heaven and Earth is in an uproar. 整个天地都是一片哗然。 The Li Qingchan beautiful eye slightly stage, she is looking at that eight dragon shadow, sighed slightly, but at once is no longer hesitant, took a deep breath, the intention moves. 李卿婵美目微台,她望着那八道龙影,也是微微感叹,不过旋即便是不再犹豫,深吸一口气,心念一动。 Roar! 吼! Eight dragon shadow roared to resound through, howling one after another, is entering to the Li Qingchan crown of the head irrigation directly. 八道龙影咆哮响彻,一道接一道的呼啸而下,直接对着李卿婵天灵盖灌注而进。 hōng hōng! 轰轰 Origin Qi was billowing, just like formed the boundless fog, gradually covered the Li Qingchan beautiful figure. 源气滚滚,犹如是形成了磅礴云雾,渐渐的将李卿婵的倩影笼罩。 The Origin Qi fluctuation that however passes on unceasingly, is actually shaking Heaven and Earth. 然而其中不断传出来的源气波动,却是在震荡着天地 After for a long time, the Eight Dragons baptism, finally is presently sky over origin pond. 时隔许久,八龙洗礼,终是再度现于源池上空。 ,
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