In the lake, Zhou Yuanwhole bodyOrigin Qisurges, the ray of lightclass/flowas ifpassestogetheron the skin, the invisiblefluctuationspreads, mixes the surroundinglake waterdirectlyis unable to close up.
湖泊之中,周元周身源气涌动,一道道光流仿佛流转在皮肤上,无形的波动扩散出来,直接是将周围的湖水搅动得无法合拢。On the shore, everyoneisdumbfoundedis looking athisform, because ofthis, they is very familiar, when thatimpressivelyisOpening Veins, will appearscene.
岸边上,所有人都是目瞪口呆的望着他的身影,因为这一幕,他们都很熟悉,那赫然是开脉时,才会出现的景象。„OpensThree Veins? Howpossibly!”Liu Xicharming facetakes turnpale, someburningfeelings, she was still previously tauntingZhou Yuanto show off power, wherefinallyexpects the latternot onlyhas not been damaged, but alsomade a connection with3rd veinat the scene!
“开三脉?怎么可能!”柳溪俏脸青白交替,有种火辣辣的感觉,先前她还在嘲讽周元逞强,结果哪料到后者不仅没有受创,而且还当场打通了第三脉!Qi Yuelook, gets downinthis timethoroughgloomy, the five fingersgrip tightly, the lookgloomy and coldstares atZhou Yuanlike the snake, in the heartis surging the angrymeaning, heis the didn't expectresultcanbethissituationsimilarly.齐岳的眼神,也是在此时彻底的阴沉下来,五指紧握,眼神阴冷如蛇般的盯着周元,心中涌动着恼怒之意,他同样是没想到结果会是这种情况。Moreover, makinghimfeelwhatis inconceivable, Zhou YuanthistrivialopensTwo Veinphysique, howpossiblyto insistinthatJade Spirit Waterfall for onehour?!
而且,让得他感到不可思议的是,周元这区区开二脉的身体素质,怎么可能在那玉灵瀑中坚持一个小时的时间?!„Thisfellow, howpossiblyachievesthisstep!”
“这家伙,怎么可能做到这一步!”OtherSecond Institutestudentlook at each other in dismay, did not say a word, obviouslybythisshocking.
其他的乙院学员面面相觑,一言不发,显然都是被这一幕给震慑到了。Both eyesopening that slowlyin the lake, Zhou Yuanshuts tightly, ineyeshasnoneto pass over gently and swiftly, helowers the headto look atOrigin Qilight stream that on the bodyis twining, is feelingwithin the bodythoroughlymade a connection3rd veinagain, inhisheart , has the pleasant surprise that is hardto containto surge.
湖泊中,周元紧闭的双目缓缓的睁开,眼眸之中有着精光掠过,他低头望着身体上缠绕的源气光流,再感受着体内彻底被打通的第三脉,他的心中,同样是有着难以遏制的惊喜涌动出来。Hisdidn't expect, hewill also make a connection with3rd veininthis timeunexpectedlydirectly.
他也没想到,他竟然会在此时直接打通了第三脉。According tohisestimate, mustneedseveral daysat leastcultivation, buthe seemed somewhat looked down onJade Marrow Qi in thisJade Spirit Waterfall, afterderivingmassiveJade Marrow Qi, today, makes a connection withhis3rd veinunexpectedly.
原本按照他的估计,起码还得需要数日的修炼,但他似乎是有些小瞧了这玉灵瀑中的玉髓之气,在汲取了大量的玉髓之气后,竟然在今日,就将他的第三脉打通。„Thisshouldbe for the first time IabsorbsJade Marrow Qi, therefore the effectsowill be good, lateris familiar with, is unable to takethisimmediateeffect.” The Zhou Yuaneyerevealis pleasantly surprised, hesitatesto talk to oneself.
“不过这应该是我第一次吸收玉髓之气,所以效果才会这么好,以后习惯下来,就无法取到这种立竿见影的效果。”周元眼露惊喜,沉吟自语。Howevereven ifso, canmake a connection with3rd vein, is still makesZhou Yuanlikeexceptionally, is away fromhimto make a connection with2nd veinafter allat present, the time of several days.
不过即便如此,能够打通第三脉,也是让得周元欢喜异常,毕竟眼下距离他打通第二脉,才不过数日的时间。In the heartchuckleone, a Zhou Yuantip of the toepoint, the bodyadvantage of terrainwasto plunder the shore, raise one's headlooked, sees onlyeveryoneto giveto starehim, a peace.
心中轻笑一声,周元脚尖一点,身形便是掠上了岸边,抬头一瞧,只见得所有人都将他给盯着,一片安静。„pā pā!”
“啪啪!”Suddenlyhas the applauseto resound, sees only the Chu Tianyangserious in speech and mannerseriousface, is covering entirely the genialsmileinthis timeunexpectedly, hislookfieryis staring atZhou Yuan, the doublepalmflaps.
忽然有着鼓掌声响起,只见得楚天阳不苟言笑的严肃脸庞,竟是在此时布满着和煦笑容,他眼神火热的盯着周元,双掌拍动。Su Youwei, Yang Zai, Song Qiushuitheyalsorecover, immediatelyisapplause of effort, the complexionis also excited.苏幼微,杨载,宋秋水他们也是回过神来,当即也是用力的鼓起掌来,脸色兴奋。Previouslytheywere also deterredby the Qi Yuetime, cause the despondency, but where expectedthisin an instant, record of Qi YuebyZhou Yuanbreaking, andalsodistantleaving behind.
先前他们还被齐岳的时间所震慑,导致士气低落,但哪料到这转眼间,齐岳的记录就被周元给破了,并且还远远的甩在后面。Bytrivialopens the Two Veinbody, insistedinJade Spirit Waterfallonehour, thisisGreat Zhou Palacehas never had the matter.
The applause of peoplemakesZhou Yuanstare, thensmilestothem, thenraise one's head, will look on the Qi Yueand otherSecond Institutepeople.
众人的掌声让得周元一愣,然后冲着他们笑了笑,接着抬头,将视线投向了齐岳等乙院众人身上。Butlooks atZhou Yuanto look, the Second Institutepeopleare the neckshrink, a little faceburns, after alltheywere previously still ridiculing, howeverin an instant, theirridiculeswill instead apply makeup.
而瞧得周元看过来,乙院众人都是脖子一缩,有点脸烫,毕竟他们先前还在嘲笑,然而不过转眼间,他们的嘲笑反而将自己打脸了。Liu Xicharming faceis pale, ugly, buta few wordscould not say, can only be much more aggrievedis nipping the silvertooth.柳溪俏脸铁青,难看至极,但也一句话都说不出来,只能憋屈得紧咬着银牙。Qi Yue, complexiongloomy, has the cold and gloomysoundactually, leaksfromthatgap between teeth: „Good, good, Your Highnessalso is really unexpected.”
倒是齐岳,面色阴沉,有着森冷的声音,从那牙缝中漏出来:“好,好,殿下还真是让人意想不到啊。”„Mustlooktreatshonestly at the same timelooked, do not watch and playare many, weare disinclinedto call.”Zhou YuansweptQi Yueone, said with a smilepale.
The Qi Yuecorner of the eyetwitched, buthefinallytook a deep breath, suppressionanger in heart, butthatlooksto the Zhou Yuan'svision, is gloomyeven more.齐岳眼角抽搐了一下,不过他最终还是深吸一口气,压制下了心中的怒意,但那看向周元的目光,则是愈发的阴沉。„Everyonecontinues, the timeare not much.”Zhou Yuansees that is also disinclinedto pay attention tohimagain, turns the headtoSu Youwei, Yang Zai, Song Qiushuiand the othersto say with a smile.
“大家继续吧,时间可不多了。”周元见状,也懒得再多理会他,转过头来冲着苏幼微,杨载,宋秋水等人笑道。Threedouble-hour, issixhours, at presentquickhalf.
“好!”Hears the Zhou Yuan'swords, allFirst Institutestudentsshouldsayloudly, the moralesurges upwardinstantaneously, moreoverthatlooksto the Zhou Yuan'svision, wasbecomesdifferent.
听到周元的话,所有甲院的学员都是大声应道,士气瞬间高涨起来,而且那看向周元的目光,都是变得不一样了许多。Beforehandthey, a littleSenior Studentlook at the freshman/newbornmentalityafter all, butat presentZhou Yuanthis, not onlydeterredQi Yueand the others, they, were manytoZhou Yuan a respect.
之前的他们,毕竟还是有点老生看新生的心态,但眼下周元这一手,不仅震慑了齐岳等人,连带着他们,都对周元多了一点敬意。Chu Tianyangis situated in the one side, heis lookingFirst Institutestudent who restores the morale, relaxessecretly, looks at the Zhou Yuan'svision, cannot help buteven moresatisfied.楚天阳立于一旁,他望着恢复士气的甲院学员,也是暗自松了一口气,看周元的目光,不由得愈发的满意了。Inthis year, Qi Yue is almost the giant stones in First Instituteallstudenthearts, broughtinvincibleshadowtothem, butZhou Yuanisto let the peopletodayknows,Qi Yueis not really ableto win.
在这一年中,齐岳几乎是甲院所有学员心中的巨石,给他们带来了不可战胜的阴影,但周元今日却是让得众人知道,齐岳并非就真的是无法取胜。Outside the mountainhas the mountain, outside the personalsohas the person, in the pastis unable to keep in balanceQi Yue, is onlybecause ofthatpersonbystanderalsonotappear(ance)..., butpresent...
山外有山,人外也有人,以往无法制衡齐岳,只是因为那个人外人还未曾出现…而现在…Perhapsfinallyappear(ance), looked atZhou Yuan, in the Chu Tianyangheartis thinkingsecretly.
The First Institutestudent who underJade Spirit Waterfall, restores the morale, startscultivationagain, the waterfallrumble the washout, thatare built onform, seemed becomeshas the strength.玉灵瀑下,恢复士气的甲院学员,再度开始修炼,瀑布轰隆隆的冲刷下来,那一道道立于其中的身影,仿佛都是变得有力量了许多。In the followingtime, Zhou Yuanmaintainedas before for one about an hour, thismadeeveryoneexclaim in surprise,does not understandwhyhecanachievethis point.
在接下来的时间中,周元依旧保持住了一次一小时左右,这让得所有人都是为之惊叹,不明白为何他能够做到这一点。Moreoverthe most important thing is, Zhou Yuaneveninsisted for onehour, butjumps for joyas before, the bodycannot seemanysiltazuretrace, thatappearance, as if the impact of waterfallhas not become the injury of least bittoother party.
而且最重要的是,周元即便是坚持了一个小时,但依旧是活蹦乱跳,身上看不出有多少的淤青痕迹,那种模样,仿佛瀑布的冲击并没有对他造成半点的伤害。Therefore, theselookto the Zhou Yuan'svision, aweeven more.
于是,那些看向周元的目光,愈发的敬畏。cultivation of threedouble-hour, quick are also falls, thenFirst Instituteand otherstudents, thenunderZhou Yuan'sleads, spiritedpasses throughfrom the Second Institutepeopleat present.
三个时辰的修炼,很快也是落将下来,然后甲院等学员,便是在周元的带领下,气昂昂的从乙院众人眼前走过。Looks the form that theyare departing, the Second Institutemanystudentskeep silent.
望着他们离去的身影,乙院众多学员都是默不作声。„Didn't a proudwhatvigor, resist a meetingmuch?! Reallythinks that Three Veinscanascend the sky?”Liu Xiishatesto clench jaws, said.
“得意个什么劲,不就是多抗了一会吗?!真以为开了三脉就能够上天了?”柳溪则是恨得咬牙切齿,道。„Qi Yue, cannotmakehimlike thisrampant!”
“齐岳,可不能让他这样嚣张下去了!”Qi Yueis unemotional, indifferently spoke: „Anxiousanything.”齐岳面无表情,淡漠的道:“急什么。”Heturns the headto looktothathugeJade Spirit Waterfall, in the eyehasgloomy and coldglossglittering, after the moment, hesneers, said: „It seems likethisJade Spirit Waterfallis very goodtohisfunction...”
他转头看向那巨大的玉灵瀑,眼中有着阴冷的光泽闪烁着,片刻后,他冷笑一声,道:“看来这玉灵瀑对他的作用很不错…”HelookstoLiu Xi, the eyeglowslightlycoldsay/way: „Do youhave, First InstitutetakesthisJade Spirit Waterfall three time of double-hour, was some were too longer?”
他看向柳溪,眼芒微寒的道:“你有没有得,甲院占据这玉灵瀑三个时辰的时间,是不是有些太久了一些?”Liu Xihearing this, beautiful eyeimmediatelyonebright, said: „Did yousay?”柳溪闻言,美目顿时一亮,道:“你是说?”Qi Yuesmiles, on the facegloomydissipates, said: „Beforehappen tolistened toHeadmaster Xu saying that the time distribution of Jade Spirit Waterfallis unfair, several other institutes , has the veiled criticism.”齐岳笑了笑,脸庞上阴沉消散下去,道:“之前正好听徐院长说玉灵瀑的时间分配并不公平,其他几院,也是对此颇有微词。”„IfFirst Institutelikebeforehandhas such shown disdain forvariousinstitutes, theyenjoythistreatment, whatno onecansayactually, but, presentFirst Institute, thisqualifications?”
“如果甲院一直都是如同以前那样傲视诸院,那他们享受这种待遇,倒是无人能够说什么,但是,现在的甲院,还有这个资格吗?”„Was suppressedbyourSecond Institutefor successive two years, do they have a faceby the heads of variousinstitutepose as?”
“被我们乙院连续两年压制,他们还有脸以诸院之首自居吗?”Qi Yuelooked that todirection that Zhou Yuantheyleave, in the eye the coldglowis getting more and more abundant, the smile of corners of the mouth, is full of the satire.齐岳看向周元他们离开的方向,眼中寒芒越来越盛,嘴角的笑容,也是充满着讽刺。„ThereforeIthought that... thisJade Spirit Waterfalltime distributionissue, must change.”
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