VY :: Volume #3

#238: Harvests Dafeng

In the mountain stream Zhou Yuan is ten several people makes a connection with the acupoint matter together, in the time of short small half day, then spread over entire outer mountain, immediately the countless disciple in an uproar, all feels unbelievable. 山涧中周元为十数人一起打通窍穴的事,在短短小半日的时间中,便是传遍了整个外山,顿时无数弟子为之哗然,皆是感到难以置信。 Some especially cultivation the Void Transformation Technique disciple, has stared dumbfounded, they know Void Transformation Technique difficultly then induces acupoint, this requires lots of time to induce slowly, but is away from selecting mountain ceremony now, only then two months, everyone in promotion strength of stepping up, therefore the time, without doubt became extremely precious. 特别是一些修炼化虚术的弟子,更是瞠目结舌,他们知晓化虚术最难的便是感应窍穴,这需要大量的时间慢慢感应,可如今距离选山大典只有两个月的时间了,所有人都在加紧的提升实力,所以时间,无疑就变得极为的宝贵了起来。 Before regarding this matter, many disciples was holding the mentality of teasing, obviously treated as a farce it, but who didn't expect, this so-called farce, will turn into this finally... 之前对于此事,众多弟子都是抱着戏谑的心态,显然只是将其当做一场闹剧,但谁都没想到,这场所谓的闹剧,最后会变成这样... But now, in the mountain stream the matter, had proven thoroughly Zhou Yuan actually really has is helping the person make a connection with the acupoint ability... 而如今,山涧中发生的事,已经彻底证明了周元竟然真的拥有着帮人打通窍穴的能力... Therefore, many cultivation the Void Transformation Technique disciple, was ready to make trouble. 于是,诸多修行化虚术的弟子,都是蠢蠢欲动。 ... ... Back side of the mountain, lecture room. 后山,讲堂。 Zhu Yue is explaining with many disciples, suddenly felt that outside some tumults, the brow wrinkled the wrinkle immediately, but has not needed he to make noise, then some people flushed, rude shouting: That Zhou Yuan unexpectedly disposable help/gang more than ten disciples made a connection with acupoint!” 祝岳正在跟诸多弟子讲解着,突然感觉到外面有些骚动,当即眉头微皱了皱,不过还不待他出声,便是有人冲了进来,失态的喊道:“那周元竟然一次性帮十多位弟子打通了窍穴!” Whish! 哗! In the lecture room in an uproar, many disciples are dumbfounded. 讲堂内一片哗然,诸多弟子都是目瞪口呆。 Before listened to Zhu Yue that words, they are recognized that Zhou Yuan was a swindler, but where thinks, his also really success... 之前听祝岳的那番话,他们已是认定周元不过是个骗子而已,但哪想到,他还真的成功了... In lecture room, many disciple look at each other in dismay, finally look somewhat strange looked. Zhu Yue 讲堂内,诸多弟子面面相觑,最后眼神有些古怪的看向了场中的祝岳 Zhu Yue obviously also gawked staring, then that complexion is becomes extreme gloomy to get down, the corners of the mouth are trembling slightly, obviously in heart already violent anger. 祝岳明显也是愣了愣,然后那面色便是变得极为的阴沉下来,嘴角微微哆嗦着,显然心中已经暴怒。 However finally he is took a deep breath, is suppressing the startled anger in heart, coldly said: Snort, the boy found some people in cahoots to act in a play!” 不过最终他还是深吸一口气,压制着心中的惊怒,寒声道:“哼,那小子不过是找了一些人串通好演戏罢了!” At this time, in any event cannot withstand that Zhou Yuan skill compared with him. 这个时候,无论如何都不能承受那周元本事比他强。 But this time, many disciples have not made noise again, instead vision glittering. 但这一次,众多弟子都是没有再出声,反而目光闪烁着。 They were clear, the surface of in front of so many people, Zhou Yuan is basically impossible to counterfeit, the Zhu Yue present spoken language, is only the argue obstinately. 他们都清楚,当着那么多人的面,周元基本不可能作假的,祝岳眼下的言语,只是强辩罢了。 The words, that Zhou Yuan, actually really has the astonishing ability, lets the person in one month, cultivate successfully Void Transformation Technique 1st-layer? 如此说来的话,那周元,竟然真的拥有着惊人的能耐,让得人在一个月中,修成化虚术第一重吗? People rapid heartbeat, if so, how could it not be in the lead one step compared with others? 众人心跳加快了一些,若是如此的话,岂非就比别人更领先了一步? Moreover, hears Zhou Yuan there, every day is only three origin jade, compares Zhu Yue one day five origin jade, obviously has the performance-to-price ratio. 而且,听说周元那里,每日只是三枚源玉,相比祝岳的一日五源玉,显然是更有性价比。 In the lecture room, the atmosphere is strange, although is very excited, but also no one took a stand temporarily, after all Zhu Yue is staring above, they not good its to offend. 讲堂内,气氛诡异,不过虽说很是心动,但暂时还没人表态,毕竟祝岳就在上面盯着,他们也不太好将其得罪。 How saying that this is a inner mountain disciple. 怎么说这都是一位内山弟子。 But in the atmosphere is stiff, the person who that previously came to shout propaganda at also said: Heard that Zhou Yuan established the quota, only receives 100 people, filled no longer taught.” 而就在气氛僵硬间,那先前进来喊话的人又是道:“听说那周元设定了名额,只收一百人,满了就不再教授了。” Bang! 轰! Such remarks, many people could not sit still immediately, now in outer mountain many disciples, the cultivation Void Transformation Technique person far exceeds 100, if were forestalled by others, they were hopeless? 此言一出,很多人顿时坐不住了,如今外山诸多弟子中,修行化虚术的人远超一百,若是被别人抢先了的话,那他们岂不是就没戏了? On the Zhu Yue forehead the blue vein beats, the look looks like the blade to the person of that frontline propaganda. 祝岳额头上青筋跳动,眼神如刀般的看向那喊话的人。 The latter neck shrank, hurries to escape. 后者脖子一缩,赶紧逃了出去。 However at this time the will of the people in lecture room, is in a tumult, is quenchless. 不过此时讲堂内的人心,已是骚动起来,再难压制。 Oh, the belly hurts, I must go to a restroom.” Suddenly has a disciple is covering the belly palely, complexion to stand, then staggering to the lecture room outside is running. “哎哟,肚子疼,我得去个厕。”忽然有着一名弟子捂着肚子,面色苍白的站起来,然后就踉踉跄跄的对着讲堂外跑去。 I also felt that suddenly is not quite a little comfortable, feared when is yesterday compared notes is made the internal injury, I first rested a meeting.” Another similarly resourceful disciple is also the weak say/way. “我也忽然感觉有点不太舒服,怕是昨日切磋时被打出内伤了,我先去休息一会。”另外一名同样机敏的弟子也是虚弱的道。 Comes, the good brothers, you so is not how careful, I hold you to rest.” “来来,好兄弟,你怎么这么不小心,我扶你去休息。” „......” “......” In the lecture room, an unrest, various excuses fly immediately horizontally, then disciples looked that does not dare to look at Zhu Yue, starts the sole to rub the oil. 讲堂内,顿时一片骚乱,各种借口横飞,然后一个个弟子看也不敢看祝岳,开始脚底抹油。 Short is about several minutes, in the crowded lecture room was empty immediately the larger part. 短短不过几分钟的时间,原本还拥挤的讲堂内顿时空荡了一大半。 Zhu Yue looks at these fellows of wind performing skill, the air/Qi is resulting in the whole body to tremble, how he does not know, perhaps these bastard this gate, rushed to Zhou Yuan there directly. 祝岳望着这些飙演技的家伙,气得浑身都在发抖,他如何不知道,这些王八蛋一出了这个门,恐怕就直接奔周元那里去了。 big brother, what to do?” Zhu Feng is also complexion pale is looking at this, his didn't expect Zhou Yuan really is so unexpectedly ruthless, compelled the so distressed situation them all of a sudden. 大哥,怎么办?”祝峰也是面色苍白的望着这一幕,他没想到周元竟然真的这么狠,一下子就将他们逼到了这般狼狈的地步。 Zhu Yue clenching teeth stubbornly, in the eye passed over gently and swiftly a regret, if we had known this Zhou Yuan such trouble, did not expose the matter to offend him for Zhu Feng that initially. 祝岳死死的咬着牙,眼中掠过一丝后悔,若是早知道这周元如此的麻烦,当初就不为了祝峰那点破事得罪他了。 However he also knows regrets not to affect now, immediately the look becomes vicious. 不过他也知晓现在后悔没有作用,当即眼神变得凶狠起来。 Zhou Yuan, you dare to break my source of income, that do not blame me!” 周元,你敢断我财路,那就别怪我了!” He gave the big care, just now obtains this cushy job that comes Professor outer mountain Origin Technique, is actually stirred by Zhou Yuan now thoroughly yellow, in any event, he impossible this tone swallowing. 他费了好大的心思,方才得到这个来外山教授源术的美差,如今却是被周元彻底搅黄,无论如何,他都不可能将这口气给咽下去。 Otherwise, this matter feeds in inner mountain, his Zhu Yue feared that must become a laughingstock. 不然的话,此事传回内山,他祝岳怕就要成为一个笑柄了。 ... ... Continuous has the outer mountain disciple to rush to the mountain stream, the stream bank has been in chaos, Zhou Yuan is situated in the rear area, receives the matter of person, then gave Shen Wanjin to do, Qiao Xiu also assisted in a side lobe person. 源源不断的有着外山弟子赶往山涧,溪畔已是一片混乱,周元立于后方,收人的事情,则是交给了沈万金去做,乔修也是在一旁带人协助。 100 people of quotas, short half double-hour, only have not then had ten. 一百人的名额,短短不过半个时辰,便是只剩下十个。 However at this time, but also has many disciples to come in swarms, the ten quotas to compete for that only remaining, the scene becomes the extreme confusion, some disciples start the battle. 然而此时,还有着许多弟子在蜂拥而来,为了争夺那仅剩的十个名额,场面变得极为的混乱,一些弟子已是开始争斗。 Shen Wanjin looks at this, eyeball One Revolution, coughs, said: Since everyone does not yield mutually respectively, that this final ten quotas, in the form of auction, price high result , the base price is daily three origin jade.” 沈万金瞧得这一幕,眼珠子一转,干咳一声,道:“既然大家各不相让,那这最后十个名额,就以拍卖的形式吧,价高者得,底价就是每日三枚源玉。” He can also look, these disciples who behind catches up with, mostly is the disciple in Saint Province local, these person of excessive wealth, moreover before the key is, does not believe Zhou Yuan, will therefore come late. 他也看得出来,后面赶来的这些弟子,大多都是圣州本土的弟子,这些人财大气粗,而且关键是之前都不相信周元,所以才会来得这么晚。 Although Zhou Yuan has no feeling to them, but Shen Wanjin felt, cannot make these fellows extremely relaxed, therefore then had/left one ruthless move. 虽然周元对他们没什么感觉,但沈万金却是觉得,也不能让这些家伙太过的轻松,所以便是出了一个狠招。 But these disciple hearing this, angry is staring Shen Wanjin, obviously knows latter's attempt. 而那些弟子闻言,也是恼怒的瞪着沈万金,显然知晓后者的企图。 However although knows, but for that quota, actually could not attend to many. 不过虽然知道,但为了那名额,却是顾不得许多了。 I have four origin jade!” Quick, is loudly has a Saint Province local disciple to shout. “我出四枚源玉!”很快的,便是有着一名圣州本土弟子大喝道。 I have five!” Some people clench teeth to follow, this price, basically and was the same in Zhu Yue there cultivation, but thinks Zhou Yuan here efficiency compared with Zhu Yue there high, therefore pulls out this price, can accept. “我出五枚!”有人咬牙跟上,这个价格,基本都和在祝岳那里修行一样了,不过想想周元这里的效率远比祝岳那里高,所以掏这个价格,也能够接受。 Six!” But some people are finally more ruthless, by six origin jade prices, captured the quota. “六枚!”但最终还是有人更狠,以六枚源玉的价格,夺得了名额。 Many disciples are looking at this, is flabbergasted secretly, six origin jade days, complete for a month, that is 180 origin jade, this may really be the massive hemorrhage. 诸多弟子望着这一幕,都是暗暗咂舌,六枚源玉一天,学完一个月,那就是一百八十枚源玉,这可真是大出血啊。 In laid out six origin jade besides the first quota, other quotas, is stable finally in five origin jade about, therefore, relaxed is origin jade deposits. 而在除了第一个名额拍出了六枚源玉外,其余的名额,则是最终稳定在五枚源玉左右,于是,轻轻松松的又是一笔源玉入账。 Zhou Yuan looks at this, smiles secretly, this Shen Wanjin, indeed very rip-off. 周元瞧得这一幕,也是暗自一笑,这沈万金,的确很会宰人。 After ten quotas auction, Shen Wanjin announced that received the person to finish. 十个名额拍卖出去后,沈万金宣布收人结束。 Therefore outside that mountain stream, many have not reported on the famous disciple, all sighed woefully again and again, disappointedly to pinnacle, this time they, just now regretted why before , did not believe Zhou Yuan. 于是在那山涧外,诸多未曾报上名的弟子,个个哀叹连连,失望到了极致,此时的他们,方才后悔为何之前不相信周元 However although disappointed regret, but actually and no one disturbs, wants to come after experiencing the Zhou Yuan's ability, these outer mountain disciples were also of many some meanings admiration to him. 不过虽然失望遗憾,但却并没有人捣乱,想来在见识了周元的能耐后,这些外山弟子对他也是多了一些钦佩之意。 After all everyone also wants to accept the direction his here, naturally does not dare to offend. 毕竟大家都还想在他这里接受指点,自然也就不敢太得罪。 The stream bank flustered for a long time, started to belong to finally gradually tranquilly. 溪畔忙乱了许久,最终开始渐渐归于平静。 Shen Wanjin rushed delightedly, carries huge cloth sack on his shoulder, the cloth sack child has the clear sound that origin jade collides to spread, extremely delightful. 沈万金喜笑颜开的奔了回来,在他的肩膀上扛着一个巨大的布袋子,布袋子中有着源玉碰撞的清脆声传出,极为的悦耳。 He stamping of cloth sack child heavily in front of Zhou Yuan, said: Little Brother Yuan, the person basically collected in full, here even tomorrow's school expense, altogether more than 300 origin jade.” 他将布袋子重重的跺在周元面前,道:“小元哥,人基本都收齐了,这里就算是明日的学费,一共三百多枚源玉。” Saying, even he is somewhat mouth-watering, this is also only first day, if other month later, Zhou Yuan almost can receive about ten thousand origin jade, this amount, even for many inner mountain disciples, was very big one. 说着,连他都是有些流口水,这还只是第一天,如果等一个月下来,周元几乎都能够收入将近万枚源玉,这种数额,就算是对于很多内山弟子而言,都是很大一笔了。 Zhou Yuan was also the sigh that could not bear one, this origin jade came with ease, had these origin jade as the support, he can also spend freely finally at will. 周元也是忍不住的感叹了一声,这源玉来得太轻松了,有了这些源玉作为支撑,他也终于可以随意的挥霍了。 Zhou Yuan counted on the fingers a ball, Origin Qi child curled up hundred origin jade from that cloth sack, then flew to Shen Wanjin, Qiao Xiu and the others, said with a smile: Today was to also trouble you.” 周元屈指一弹,源气自那布袋子中卷起了百枚源玉,然后飞向沈万金,乔修等人,笑道:“今日也是麻烦你们了。” This intention do not reject, you know that this is nothing to me.” “这点心意你们就不要拒绝了,你们知道这对我来说算不了什么。” Shen Wanjin, Qiao Xiu they must reject, but hears the Zhou Yuan's words, is no longer artificial, after all present they, indeed needs origin jade this resources. 沈万金,乔修他们本要拒绝,但听到周元的话,便是不再矫情,毕竟如今的他们,也的确是需要源玉这种资源。 Starting from tomorrow, you also comes this on time, I will help your cultivation Void Transformation Technique.” Zhou Yuan said with a smile. “从明天开始,你们也按时来此,我会助你们修炼化虚术。”周元笑道。 Qiao Xiu, Shen Wanjin and the others are nods should say. 乔修,沈万金等人都是点头应道。 Zhou Yuan sees that also no longer said, received to pack origin jade cloth sack, leisurely is turning around, had/left the mountain stream, hurried back to small building. 周元见状,也就不再多说,收起装满着源玉的布袋子,悠悠转身,出了山涧,赶回小楼 Now had money, can eat Hundred Fragrance Building actually...” The Zhou Yuan chuckle makes noise, he clings to the good food actually not, because that Hundred Fragrance Building food all makes up greatly, beneficial cultivation. “如今有钱了,倒是可以顿顿吃百香楼了...”周元轻笑出声,他倒不是贪恋美食,只是因为那百香楼的食材皆是大补,有益修炼 Strolls in the ravine, he is also leisurely returned to small building. 漫步于山间,他也是悠悠的回到了小楼 However when to small building, his suddenly stares, sees only on side stone platform before that small building, Yao Yao holds Tun Tun to sit gracefully, charming face is earnest, but in her front, but also sits a grey clothes old man. 不过到了小楼时,他忽的一愣,只见得在那小楼前的一方石台上,夭夭抱着吞吞优雅而坐,俏脸认真,而在她的面前,还坐着一个灰衣老者。 The old men are complexion are also serious, tight is staring at jade board on front stone platform. 老者也是面色严肃,紧紧的盯着面前石台上的一个玉板 He and Yao Yao, all grasp Origin Pattern Brush. 他与夭夭,皆是手持源纹笔 Zhou Yuan looks at this strange one, stares, what is this is making? 周元瞧得这古怪的一幕,也是一愣,这是在做什么? He walks quietly, the vision throws, sees only on that jade board, along with Yao Yao and falling of old man Origin Pattern Brush, origin marks forms, just like the chessgame is ordinary, each other swallows. 他悄悄的走上去,目光投去,只见得那玉板上,伴随着夭夭与老者源纹笔的落下,一道道源痕成形,犹如棋局一般,彼此吞食。 These two, unexpectedly in by Origin Pattern gambling! 这两人,竟然是在以源纹博弈!
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