VY :: Volume #3

#234: Hits one crowd

Zhu Feng panic-stricken sound, on the scene besides Gu Hongyi, others is unbelievable of face, dumbfounded is looking at Zhou Yuan. 祝峰惊骇的声音一出,在场的除了顾红衣外,其他所有人都是一脸的难以置信,目瞪口呆的望着周元 How possibly? Then several days of time, he how possibly on Void Transformation Technique 1st-layer cultivate successfully?!” “怎么可能?这才几天时间,他怎么可能就把化虚术第一重修成了?!” But... body void transformation, obviously is Void Transformation Technique 1st-layer can achieve!” “但...身躯可虚化,明显就是化虚术第一重才能够做到的啊!” Only by doing this, he can meet the attack of Zhu Feng by fleshly body hardly.” “也只有如此,他才能够以肉身硬接祝峰的攻击。” „...” “...” Qiao Xiu and Shen Wanjin also gawked, at once look at each other in dismay, Void Transformation Technique in outer mountain is together quite popular Origin Technique, many disciples will choose, because this technique indeed quite fierce, so long as its cultivate successfully, security big promotion. 乔修沈万金也是愣了下来,旋即面面相觑,化虚术外山算是一道比较热门的源术,很多弟子都会选择,因为此术的确是相当的厉害,只要将其修成,安全保障将会大大的提升。 Therefore Qiao Xiu, Shen Wanjin also knew about it very much, although the cultivation person are many, but can cultivate/repair 1st-layer it truly, actually quite rare, as for in less than ten days, cultivate successfully 1st-layer, that hears something never heard of before. 所以乔修,沈万金对其也是很了解,不过虽说修炼的人不少,但真正能够将其修到第一重的,却是相当的少见,至于在短短不到十天的时间中,修成第一重,那更是闻所未闻。 Moreover, they may be very clear, Zhou Yuan cultivation Void Transformation Technique, may not have to be directed by the least bit, is relies on itself completely the strength... 而且,他们可都是很清楚,周元修炼化虚术,可没有受到半点的指点,完全都是凭借自身之力... „, Gu Hongyi is really because follows in his side, can so cultivate/repair Void Transformation Technique quick?” Opening that slightly Qiao Xiu and Shen Wanjin mouth cannot bear. “难道,顾红衣真的是因为跟在他的身边,才能够将化虚术修得如此之快吗?”乔修沈万金嘴巴忍不住的微微张开。 Because of before then, actually them is also thinks Gu Hongyi will abandon Zhu Yue, the choice follows Zhou Yuan cultivation extremely strangely, if is not not they understood that Zhou Yuan as well as knows that Gu Hongyi is not any starry eyed girl, perhaps also really thinks that two worlds had anything... 因为在这之前,其实他们也是认为顾红衣会抛开祝岳,选择跟着周元修炼太过的古怪,若非不是他们了解周元以及知晓那顾红衣并非是什么花痴女孩的话,恐怕还真是会以为两人间是不是有什么了... That Zhu Feng complexion takes turn pale, in the eye remains with amazement. 祝峰面色青白交替,眼中骇然残留。 How he cannot think, Zhou Yuan unexpectedly real cultivate successfully Void Transformation Technique 1st-layer... 他怎么都想不到,周元竟然真的修成化虚术第一重... When Zhu Feng shocks loses presence of mind, Zhou Yuan in that vision, gently shot the chest place, the sound did not bring the mighty waves say/way tranquilly: Just said with you, lets you on together, you are bent on having yourself to come... such being the case...” 祝峰震撼失措的时候,周元则是在那一道道目光中,轻轻的弹了弹胸膛处,声音平静不带波澜的道:“刚刚才和你说了,让你一起上,你偏要自己来...既然如此...” When the Zhou Yuan sound falls, his form moved fiercely. 周元声音落下的时候,他的身影猛的动了。 Sees only his half body, seemed void transformation, one step stepped forward, has the light mist to reappear unexpectedly, but its form, was just like the wind to carry the fog, pillaged. 只见得他半个身躯,仿佛都是虚化了许多,一步跨出,竟是有着淡淡的雾气浮现,而其身影,则是犹如风携带着雾,暴掠而出。 Good quick speed!” “好快的速度!” Zhu Feng heart one cold, the Zhou Yuan's speed, even is fast he only to see indistinct afterimage. 祝峰心头一凛,周元的速度,快得连他都只能看见隐约的残影 Faced this time strange Zhou Yuan, Zhu Feng does not have the previous arrogance, the sole to tread again continually, the figure was also somewhat distressed suddenly/violently to retreat rapidly. 面对着此时诡异的周元,祝峰再没有了先前的傲气,脚掌连踏,身形也是有些狼狈的急速暴退。 However, his speed, far inferior this time Zhou Yuan. 然而,他的速度,远不及此时的周元 Zhou Yuan is only one step steps forward merely, was appear(ance) in the Zhu Feng front, the shape like demon. 周元仅仅只是一步跨出,便是出现在了祝峰的面前,形如鬼魅 Regardless of that Zhu Feng what kind of avoidance, the Zhou Yuan's form like the maggot of tarsal bone, closely follows. 不论那祝峰如何的躲避,周元的身影都是如同跗骨之蛆,紧紧跟随。 This speed...” Qiao Xiu is looking at this with that Sun Jinglei, changes countenance slightly. “这速度...”乔修与那孙惊雷望着这一幕,都是微微动容。 You roll to me!” Zhu Feng was also startled the soul flies away and scatters by Zhou Yuan that demon speed, in the heart shames to get angry pinnacle, roared, wild Origin Qi erupted from its within the body, to is attacking to go in all directions. “你给我滚!”祝峰也是被周元鬼魅般的速度骇得魂飞魄散,心中羞怒到极致,一声咆哮,狂暴的源气自其体内爆发开来,对着四面八方冲击而去。 Shuā! 唰! However the Zhou Yuan's form, is actually several flashes before, then broke through the Origin Qi impact, then on the palm has the purple golden scales piece to reappear, palm laying out like lightning, penetrated the defense of Zhu Feng instantaneously, fell on his chest. 不过周元的身影,却是数个闪现,便是突破了源气冲击,然后手掌上有着紫金鳞片浮现出来,一掌闪电般的拍出,瞬间穿透了祝峰的防御,落在了其胸膛上。 Bang! 砰! Origin Qi explodes, the Zhu Feng body such as was hit hard, flew upside down directly. 源气爆炸开来,祝峰身躯如遭重击,直接就倒飞了出去。 However, his figure just departed, still console model, some Zhou Yuan that slightly void transformation forms, appear(ance) in its , the leg wind had not carried Origin Qi to come. 不过,他的身形刚刚飞出,尚还未曾落地式,周元那略微有些虚化的身影,就又出现在了其下方,腿风携带着源气呼啸而至。 Bang! 砰! The whip leg tore the air, trampled on the Zhu Feng belly, the pitiful yell sound spread. 鞭腿撕裂了空气,一脚踹在了祝峰肚子上,惨叫声传出。 He flew. 他又飞了出去。 !! 啊!啊! Then the people are sights of eyelid beat, that Zhu Feng unceasing flying round of form in midair, cannot fall to the ground, distressedly to pinnacle. 接下来众人便是眼皮跳动的见到,那祝峰的身影在半空中不断的飞来飞去,始终落不了地,狼狈到了极致 In mountain stream, is a silence, everyone is unable to say a word looks at that to be treated as the ball generally by Zhou Yuan kick around, even hits back Zhu Feng that is unable to achieve, suddenly, cannot bear hit one to tremble. 山涧中,也是一片沉默,所有人都是无法言语的望着那被周元当做球一般踢来踢去,甚至连还手都无法做到的祝峰,一时间,都忍不住的打了一个寒颤。 Especially these follow the disciples who Zhu Feng is coming, they to the line come for this reason, deciding can easily accomplished defeating Zhou Yuan, making him more tactful. 特别是那些跟随着祝峰而来的弟子们,原本他们以为此行前来,定能够摧枯拉朽般的击败周元,让得他识趣一些。 But who didn't expect... the strength achieves Absolute Beginning Realm 3-layer Heaven Zhu Feng, the Zhou Yuan's shadow cannot even trace unexpectedly, was treated as the ball to hit purely. 但谁都没想到...实力达到太初境三重天祝峰,竟然连周元的影子都摸不到,纯粹是被当做球来打。 You are gawking doing! On, hits him together!” “你们愣着干什么!一起上,打他啊!” In the midair, was hit Zhu Feng rude roaring of dizzy and eyes blurred. 半空中,被打得头晕眼花祝峰失态的咆哮道。 These disciple look at each other in dismay, attended to finally cannot bully much little, immediately braced oneself violently shoots, is encircling to go to Zhou Yuan. 那些弟子面面相觑一眼,最终也是顾不得以多欺少了,当即硬着头皮暴射而出,对着周元围剿而去。 Previously said lets you on, is bent on having the ink marks.” Zhou Yuan looks at the people to attack, smiles one pale, the whole body mist is thicker, the speed rises suddenly unexpectedly again. “先前就说了让你们都上,偏要墨迹。”周元瞧得众人攻来,淡笑一声,周身雾气更浓,速度竟是再度暴涨。 Shuā! 唰! He just like together the demon shadow directly, crashed in that ten disciples. 他直接是犹如一道鬼魅般的影子,冲进了那十来道弟子之中。 Bang! Bang! 砰!砰! Fights in the circle, a confusion, these disciples, although the strength is also good, but actually even the Zhou Yuan's lower hem corner cannot trace, but when reviews Zhou Yuan, the form passed over gently and swiftly, that is covering entirely the purple golden scales piece fist, is carrying vigorous Origin Qi, a sincere bang unrestrained/no trace of politeness to people body on. 战圈内,一片混乱,那些弟子虽然实力也不错,但却连周元的衣角都摸不到,而反观周元,身影掠过时,那布满着紫金鳞片的拳头,便是携带着雄浑的源气,毫不客气的一拳拳轰到众人身体上。 Sincerely to the meat, aggressive exceptionally. 拳拳到肉,凶悍异常。 Therefore, short is about several minutes, in that ground was lies down completely the form, was all black and blue, the corners of the mouth are hanging the bloodstain, moan everywhere. 于是,短短不过数分钟,那地面上便是躺满了身影,个个鼻青脸肿,嘴角挂着血迹,满地的呻吟。 But in the middle, Zhou Yuan relaxes the hands to stand, body restoration of gradually void transformation. 而在中间,周元垂手而立,虚化的身躯渐渐的恢复。 His look is faint, does not have any surging up. 他的神色淡漠,没有任何的波澜起伏。 He looked to the front ground, there Zhu Feng stood staggering, previous latter, by the Zhou Yuan key attendance, therefore at this time seemed like extremely distressed pitiful. 他看向了前方地面上,那里祝峰踉踉跄跄的站了起来,先前的后者,被周元重点照顾,所以此时看上去极为的狼狈凄惨。 Zhu Feng is looking at Zhou Yuan, been able to bear is hitting to tremble, in the eye has wipes the alarmed and afraid color, his real didn't expect, their more than ten people besiege Zhou Yuan simultaneously, so defeats unexpectedly distressedly. 祝峰望着周元,忍不住的在打哆嗦,眼中有着一抹惊惧之色,他真的没想到,他们十多人同时围攻周元,竟然还是败得如此的狼狈。 cultivate successfully Void Transformation Technique 1st-layer Zhou Yuan, not only the speed is fast they unable to attain, but also defensive power also extremely fearful, root originally does not care about their attacks. 修成化虚术第一重周元,不仅速度快得他们无法企及,而且防御力也是极为的可怕,根本就不在乎他们的攻击。 In these ten people, may have two is also the first-grade disciple, is the Absolute Beginning Realm 3-layer Heaven strength! 要知道,这十来人中,可还有着两位也是一等弟子,乃是太初境三重天的实力! But even so, their one group of people, was solved by Zhou Yuan with ease... 可就算如此,他们一群人,还是被周元轻松的解决了... Is this what kind of aggressive? 这是何等的凶悍? Qiao Xiu, Sun Jinglei their outer mountain top ten disciples, do not dare to say can so easily returns safe and sound several first-grade disciples solves with ease. 就连乔修,孙惊雷他们这种外山排名前十的弟子,都不敢说能够如此轻易的将数位一等弟子毫发无损的轻松解决掉。 „After today, ten big outer mountain disciples, when there is Junior Brother Zhou Yuan one.” Qiao Xiu cannot bear said after a sigh. “今日之后,十大外山弟子,当有周元师弟一席。”乔修忍不住的感叹道。 Beforehand Zhou Yuan, low key extremely, although fights the win with Han Shan, but that also makes people think that at most he has to become the qualifications of first-grade disciple, but in the first-grade disciple, many people thinks that Zhou Yuan should be ranking is quite near the bottom that type. 以前的周元,太过的低调,虽然与韩山一战取胜,但那也顶多只是让人觉得他有着成为一等弟子的资格,而在一等弟子中,很多人都认为周元应该是排名极为靠后那种。 Perhaps that today's this war, this words some people will not continue. 那今日这一战,恐怕这种话将再也不会有人继续说了。 This war, makes his move outer mountain sufficiently. 这一战,足以让得他名动外山 That Sun Jinglei is complexion is also dignified, the eye reveal dreads is staring at Zhou Yuan, before he too had not placed in Zhou Yuan the eye, when Zhu Feng asked him to bring up the rear, his without hesitation then agreed. 孙惊雷也是面色凝重,眼露忌惮的盯着周元,之前他并没有太将周元放在眼中,所以当祝峰来请他压阵时,他毫不犹豫的便是同意了。 Yet now, he actually a little regretted. 可如今,他却有点后悔了。 This Zhou Yuan, is is not so obviously simple, now for no reason that they seem like offends actually. 这个周元,显然不是他们看上去的那么简单,现在倒是平白得罪了。 pā pā! 啪啪! Behind that has the clear applause to transmit, sees only Gu Hongyi with a smile is looking at this, looks at the Zhou Yuan's look, were unexpectedly many appreciation some flavors. 在那后面,有着清脆的掌声传来,只见得顾红衣笑吟吟的望着这一幕,瞧得周元的眼神,竟是多了一些欣赏的味道。 Zhou Yuan this person overturns one crowd of swift and fierce stances, obviously unusual to her appetite. 周元这一人打翻一群的凌厉姿态,显然非常的对她的胃口。 Zhou Yuan smiles, but in the heart to this Void Transformation Technique is actually satisfaction even more, if his not cultivate successfully Void Transformation Technique, although does not fear the opposite party, but needs firmly resists inevitably, is unable to be similar to now is so calm. 周元笑了笑,只是心中对这化虚术却是愈发的满意,如果他未曾修成化虚术,虽然也不惧对方,但必然需要硬憾一场,无法如同现在这般从容。 Void Transformation Technique, void transformation fleshly body, thus made his speed rise suddenly, movement was also becomes extremely keen, in addition the defense of Profound Python Scale, 3-layer Heaven of strength, root originally cannot break his defense. 化虚术,虚化肉身,从而令得他速度暴涨,身法也是变得极为的灵敏,再加上玄蟒鳞的防御,实力的三重天,根本就破不了他的防御了。 His raised the head, look faint is looking at that distressed Zhu Feng and the others, said: Your that big brother Zhu Yue, although is the inner mountain disciple, but the heart is actually narrow very much, slightly conflicted, he is actually wants to unite other inner mountain disciples not to permit to teach me Origin Technique...” 抬起头,眼神淡漠的瞧着那狼狈的祝峰等人,道:“你那大哥祝岳,虽是内山弟子,但心胸却是狭隘的很,原本只是一点小冲突,他却是想要联合其他的内山弟子不准教我源术...” If not he has Barrier Breaking Saint Pattern, perhaps this also really can bring some troublesome to him, after all no one directs, light/only tried to find out by oneself, the efficiency definitely will slow down. 如果不是他拥有着破障圣纹的话,或许这还真能给他带来一些麻烦,毕竟没有人指点,光靠自身摸索,效率必然会有所减缓。 Zhu Feng hears Zhou Yuan to accuse Zhu Yue, on the mouth does not dare to answer back, in the heart is actually cold snort/hum one. 祝峰听到周元指责祝岳,嘴上不敢还嘴,心中却是冷哼一声。 After all his big brother is the inner mountain disciple, this Zhou Yuan cultivate successfully Void Transformation Technique 1st-layer, does not dare with its to bump even. 毕竟他大哥乃是内山弟子,这周元就算是修成化虚术第一重,也是不敢与其相碰。 Zhou Yuan, this time we acknowledged that the punishment is deserved, but other your also proud, offended my big brother, you do not have the fruit to eat!” Zhu Feng is clenching teeth to say. 周元,这次我们认栽了,但你也别得意,得罪了我大哥,你也没好果子吃!”祝峰咬着牙道。 Zhou Yuan hearing this, then shows a faint smile, said: These words, actually should me be better.” 周元闻言,则是微微一笑,道:“这句话,其实应该我来说更好。” Although Zhu Feng is distressed, but eye ridiculed, sneered saying: Do "Oh? you also dare to look for the trouble of my big brother to be inadequate? ” 祝峰虽然狼狈,但还是眼露讥讽,冷笑道:“哦?难道你还敢去找我大哥的麻烦不成?” Although Zhou Yuan cultivate successfully Void Transformation Technique 1st-layer, but this in the eye of Zhu Yue, has no way to look obviously, after all the latter in any event, is the inner mountain disciple. 虽然周元修成化虚术第一重,但这在祝岳的眼中,显然是没法看的,毕竟后者无论如何,都是内山弟子。 Zhou Yuan faint smile. 周元似笑非笑。 But looks at his look suddenly, Zhu Feng feels anxiously, but does not know that Zhou Yuan wants to make anything. 而瞧得他这神色,祝峰突然间感觉到一点不安,但又不知道周元想要做什么。 The Zhou Yuan's vision, looked that to with these disciples who Zhu Feng comes, these people are following Zhu Yue cultivation Void Transformation Technique. 周元的目光,看向跟着祝峰而来的那些弟子,这些人都是跟随着祝岳修行化虚术 Starting today, I will also teach people cultivation Void Transformation Technique, as for the efficiency, Gu Hongyi can be the reference, I can guarantee, all people, can in one month, cultivate successfully Void Transformation Technique 1st-layer.” “从今天开始,我也会教人修行化虚术,至于效率,顾红衣可以作为参考,我可以保证,所有的人,可以在一个月内,修成化虚术第一重。” As for the price, that Zhu Yue receives five origin jade one day, I am cheap, three origin jade days.” “至于价格么,那祝岳收五枚源玉一天,那我就便宜点,三枚源玉一天吧。” You, if interested, can switch.” “你们若是有兴趣的话,都可以转投过来。” In the mountain stream, a deathly stillness, Qiao Xiu with that Sun Jinglei is dumbfounded is looking at Zhou Yuan. 山涧中,一片死寂,就连乔修与那孙惊雷都是目瞪口呆的望着周元 Everyone didn't expect, Zhou Yuan must plan that unexpectedly recruits the disciple wantonly, cultivation Void Transformation Technique! 谁都没想到,周元竟然要打算大肆的招收弟子,修炼化虚术 Zhu Feng also dull is looking at Zhou Yuan, the scalp somewhat tingles with numbness suddenly, because he discovered, if Zhou Yuan really did that perhaps his big brother Zhu Yue, the day will become will not feel better extremely! 祝峰也是呆呆的望着周元,突然间头皮有些发麻,因为他发现,如果周元真的这么做了的话,那他大哥祝岳,恐怕日子将会变得极其不好过! After all, Zhu Yue, does not dare to say in one month, letting people Void Transformation Technique 1st-layer cultivate successfully. 毕竟,就连祝岳,都不敢说在一个月内,让人将化虚术第一重修成 Zhou Yuan this act, simply in the Zhu Yue source of income! 周元此举,简直就是在断祝岳的财路! So the counter-attack, it may be said that suppresses pinnacle! 这般反击,可谓是狠到了极致
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