VY :: Volume #3

#232: Chapter 232

In the following several days time, getting to know the benefits of Gu Hongyi almost will come the stream bank every day, is acted by Zhou Yuan , helping its cultivation Void Transformation Technique. 在接下来的数日时间中,尝到甜头的顾红衣几乎每日都会前来溪畔,由周元出手,助其修炼化虚术 But under Zhou Yuan's this assisting, Gu Hongyi's Void Transformation Technique also progresses by leaps and bounds, acupoint that short three Four Heavens time, that makes a connection with, then by ten, turned into 25. 而在周元的这种相助下,顾红衣的化虚术也是突飞猛进,短短不过三四天的时间,那打通的窍穴,便是由十道,变成了二十五道。 This acupoint more is hard to induce to behind, three Four Heavens time, perhaps if according to the normal condition, Gu Hongyi can only make a connection with 45 at most. 要知道,这窍穴越到后面越是难以感应,三四天的时间,若是按照正常情况的话,恐怕顾红衣顶多只能打通四五道。 But under the Zhou Yuan's direction, the Gu Hongyi Void Transformation Technique promotion speed, she is a little even fearful and apprehensive, therefore even with her proud temper, for these days when finding Zhou Yuan, during the spoken languages were many a respectable flavor. 而在周元的指点下,顾红衣化虚术的提升速度,连她自己都有点心惊肉跳,所以即便是以她那种骄傲的性子,这几天在瞧见周元时,言语间都是多了一丝尊敬的味道。 Zhou Yuan has not cared to her attitude transformation, origin jade that after all he wants, has succeeded in obtaining... 只是周元对她的态度转变倒没怎么在意,毕竟他想要的源玉,已经到手了... But what makes him worried is, this origin jade wants to exchange Nine Dragons Manual that to say high rank Lesser Heaven Origin Technique away him, but also has a big disparity. 但让得他苦恼的是,这点源玉距他想要兑换“九龙典”那道上品小天源术,还有着不小的差距。 ... ... Brook murmur in mountain stream. 溪流潺潺的山涧中。 Zhou Yuan sits cross-legged azure stone, eyes closed cultivation, in his side not far away, Gu Hongyi also in this. 周元盘坐青石,闭目修炼,在他身旁不远处,顾红衣也是在此。 . 呼。 Suddenly, Zhou Yuan opened both eyes, emitting of slowly one group of white qi from his mouth, in this flash, in the Zhou Yuan's body spread the unusual fluctuation. 突然间,周元睁开了双目,一团白气自其嘴中缓缓的喷吐而出,在这一瞬间,周元的身体中传出了奇特的波动。 Again then, sees only his half body, then gradually becomes must void transformation get up, has the light transparent feeling. 再然后,只见他的半个身体,便是渐渐的变得虚化起来,有着淡淡的透明感。 You, your cultivate successfully Void Transformation Technique 1st-layer?!” The shocking sound resounds from the one side, sees only Gu Hongyi to open the beautiful pupil, is looking at Zhou Yuan, on the small face shocks completely. “你,你修成化虚术第一重了?!”震惊的声音从一旁响起,只见得顾红衣睁开美眸,望着周元,小脸上满是震撼。 Can half body be void transformation, that must achieve Void Transformation Technique 1st-layer to be able obviously to accomplish. 能够将半个身躯都是虚化,那显然必须要达到化虚术第一重才能够办到。 The Zhou Yuan look has no change actually, swept her one eyes, said: You have made a connection with 25 now, do I cultivate/repair 1st-layer to be very strange?” 周元神色倒是没什么变化,扫了她一眼,道:“你现在都已经打通二十五道了,我修到第一重很奇怪吗?” Gu Hongyi stagnated, roused the mouth, because she also felt own this shock was a little silly, but thinks that this conditioned reflex shock was very normal, after all can in such a short time cultivate/repair 1st-layer Void Transformation Technique, indeed was too rare. 顾红衣一滞,鼓了鼓嘴,因为她也感觉自己这震惊有点傻,但想想这条件反射般的震惊很正常,毕竟能够在这么短的时间中将化虚术修到第一重,的确是太罕见了。 Void Transformation Technique 1st-layer cultivate successfully, any attack falls on my body, will be reduced and solved about 30%.” Zhou Yuan is looking at the palm of void transformation, in the eye also full is the color of satisfaction. 化虚术第一重修成,任何的攻击落在我的身上,都将会被化解将近30%。”周元望着虚化的手掌,眼中也满是满意之色。 Underestimates this 30% not, most times, this reverses the war sufficiently. 莫小看这30%,在很多时候,这就足以逆转战局。 Naturally, this resolution is not absolute, some special methods, can its restraint, otherwise, the rank of this Void Transformation Technique, not only middle rank Lesser Heaven Origin Technique, said even it is true Heaven Origin Technique is enough. 当然,这种化解也并非是绝对的,一些特殊的手段,还是能够将其克制,不然的话,这化虚术的等级,也就不只是中品小天源术了,就算说其是真正的天源术都足够。 But overall, had this Void Transformation Technique, own security big enhancement. 但总体而言,有了这化虚术,自身的安全保障将会大大的提高。 You actually very low-key...” Nearby that Gu Hongyi is looking at Zhou Yuan, suddenly smiles, said: Although you seem like only Absolute Beginning Realm 1-layer Heaven, but after these days contact, I thought that new outer mountain first ten, should have your one.” “你倒是挺低调的...”在那一旁,顾红衣望着周元,忽的一笑,道:“虽然你看上去只是太初境一重天,但经过这些天的接触,我却觉得那刚出炉的外山前十,应该有你一席。” Many disciples arrive at Blue Profound Sect, near half a month, this/should adaptation gradual adaptation, but the person many places, naturally have the conflict, has the comparison. 众多弟子来到苍玄宗,也将近半个月了,该适应的都逐渐的适应,而人多的地方,自然就有争端,有比较。 Therefore, after some approval of computations as well as people, in this outer mountain disciple, then evaluated the so-called ten big outer mountain disciples, over the two days passed on noisily, was in outer mountain the biggest topic. 所以,经过一些计算以及众人的认可,这外山弟子中,便是评选出了所谓的十大外山弟子,这两天传得沸沸扬扬,算是外山中最大的话题。 That outer mountain disciple's head, who does not take the post of accident/surprise, is that Lu Feng. 外山弟子之首的,不出任何人的意外,便是那陆风 Gu Hongyi ranks second. 顾红衣排名第二。 These ten big outer mountain disciples, including seven chosen child from Saint Province native place, only then three,... Qiao Xiu of Zhou Yuan understanding from other continent, just arrange at tenth. 这十大外山弟子,其中有七位都是来自圣州本土的骄子,而只有三位,来自其他的大陆...周元认识的乔修,刚好排在第十。 ... Obvious root originally no one calculates him as for Zhou Yuan, after all his Absolute Beginning Realm 1-layer Heaven, seemed like really steps into the 3-layer Heaven disciple disparity is too big with these. 至于周元...显然根本就没人计算他,毕竟他这太初境一重天,看上去实在是跟那些踏入三重天的弟子差距太大了。 However obviously Gu Hongyi does not believe that therefore she will speak the beforehand those words. 不过显然顾红衣并不这么认为,所以她才会说之前那句话。 In her opinion, Zhou Yuan can hide the strength, if he really wants to fight, ten big outer mountain disciples, must have his space. 在她看来,周元太会隐藏实力,如果他真要争的话,十大外山弟子,必有他一席之地。 Zhou Yuan hearing this, smiles, said: Struggles this first ten, what significance can have? selecting mountain ceremony, does not look at this.” 周元闻言,也是笑了笑,道:“争这个前十,能有什么意义?选山大典,又不看这个。” He to passed on the noisy ten big outer mountain disciples recently, indeed has no interest slight, after all ranks again high, if on selecting mountain ceremony were inferior, to lose face? 他对最近传得沸沸扬扬的十大外山弟子,的确是没有丝毫兴趣,毕竟排名再高,万一选山大典上被人比下去了,岂不是更丢人? Moreover that so-called ten big outer mountain disciples, Yao Yao has not even arranged unexpectedly, this lets Zhou Yuan to its gold content snorting contemptuously even more, because he knows, if Yao Yao must begin, even that Lu Feng, perhaps is not her opponent. 而且那个所谓的十大外山弟子,竟然连夭夭都没排进去,这让得周元对其含金量愈发的嗤之以鼻,因为他知道,如果夭夭要动手的话,就算是那个陆风,恐怕都不是她的对手 The Gu Hongyi ruddy small mouth casts aside, said: Everyone is young people, if the frame of mind is not high, the sharp qi is not strong, but also how sprint peak? You, the small age, is like the man old before his time actually.” 顾红衣红润小嘴一撇,道:“大家都是年轻人,若是心气不高,锐气不强,还如何冲刺高峰?倒是你,小小年纪,跟个小老头一样。” Zhou Yuan regarding this , can only helpless rolled the eyes, I not want to play this bored ranking is not good with you? 周元对此,也只能无奈的翻了个白眼,我不想跟你们玩这种无聊的排名难道都不行? Un?” “嗯?” In Zhou Yuan just wanted to speak, look suddenly moves, his raised the head is looking at outside the mountain stream, there has the rapid broken wind sound/rumor to transmit. 就在周元刚欲说话时,神色忽的一动,他抬起头望着山涧外,那里有着急促的破风声传来。 Together form hurriedly plunders, the stature of that plump first made Zhou Yuan know came the person. 一道身影急匆匆的掠来,那圆滚滚的身材第一时间让周元知晓了来人。 Naturally is Shen Wanjin. 自然是沈万金 This time Shen Wanjin, the sweat of whole face, sees Zhou Yuan, the anxious sound shouts: Little Brother Yuan, that Zhu Feng led many people to come to here! It seems like the future is bad.” 此时的沈万金,满脸的汗水,一见到周元,急声喊道:“小元哥,那祝峰带了不少人对着这里来了!看来是来者不善啊。” Zhu Feng?” Zhou Yuan both eyes narrow the eyes, this to the brothers, really could not endure patiently. 祝峰?”周元双目一眯,这对兄弟,果然还是忍耐不住了。 He knows, snatched Gu Hongyi from Zhu Yue there, that fellow cannot swallow this tone absolutely. 他就知道,从祝岳那里将顾红衣抢了过来,那个家伙绝对咽不下这口气的。 „Does Zhu Yue come?” Zhou Yuan asked. 祝岳来没?”周元问道。 If Zhu Yue comes, he must first go to hug Tun Tun, after all a wise man does not fight against impossible odds, he again how arrogant, when Absolute Beginning Realm 1-layer Heaven, will not go hardly anti- as Zhu Yue of inner mountain disciple. 如果祝岳来的话,那他就得先去把吞吞抱过来了,毕竟好汉不吃眼前亏,他再如何自大,也不会在太初境一重天时,就去硬抗已经身为内山弟子的祝岳 No.” Shen Wanjin shakes the head. “没。”沈万金摇摇头。 Zhou Yuan does not care smiles, words that Zhu Yue has not come, Zhu Feng, but also cannot turn what spray. 周元不在意的一笑,祝岳没来的话,一个祝峰,还翻不起什么浪花。 Shen Wanjin regarding Zhou Yuan this indifferent appearance, is actually very anxious, after all Zhu Feng, although is not considered as that the new ten big outer mountain disciples, but was also among the best in the first-grade disciple absolutely, before its strength not, that Han Shan may compare. 沈万金对于周元这幅无所谓的模样,倒是忧虑得很,毕竟祝峰虽然不算是刚出炉的十大外山弟子,但也绝对在一等弟子中名列前茅,其实力远非之前那个韩山可比啊。 When they spoke, the mountain stream mouth place, has the say/way to point out frankly the wind sound/rumor to resound, then Zhou Yuan was saw that ten counted the ray of light shadow to plunder, fell on stream bank not far away. 在他们说话的时候,山涧口处,已是有着道道破风声响起,然后周元便是见到十数道光影掠来,落在了溪畔不远处。 That leads one person, impressively is that Zhu Feng. 那领先一人,赫然便是那祝峰 But this time Zhu Feng, is complexion bad is staring at Zhou Yuan, cold sound said: Zhou Yuan, I do not know that you used what honeyed words to trick Junior Sister Hongyi, but I urged you not to play tricks well again, otherwise harmed Junior Sister Hongyi, you could not pay that responsibility!” 而此时的祝峰,也是面色不善的盯着周元,冷声道:“周元,我不知道你用什么花言巧语忽悠了红衣师妹,不过我劝你最好别再装神弄鬼,否则误了红衣师妹,你付不起那个责任!” Gu Hongyi hearing this, the charming face ice is cold immediately, upbraids said: Zhu Feng, my where does cultivation close your what matter? Gives me scram!” 顾红衣闻言,顿时俏脸冰寒下来,怒叱道:“祝峰,我在哪里修行关你什么事?给我滚开!” Her bright eyes swift and fierce looks to Zhu Feng and the others, but is facing her power and influence, Zhu Feng and the others imposing manner is also one weak. 她明眸凌厉的看向祝峰等人,而面对着她的威势,祝峰等人气势也是一弱。 However Zhu Feng had not retreated in fear, braces oneself saying: Junior Sister Hongyi, our is for hello/you good, do not believe the honeyed words of this boy.” 不过祝峰还是没有被吓退,硬着头皮道:“红衣师妹,我们这是为了你好,你不要听信这个小子的花言巧语。” The Gu Hongyi anger smiles extremely, said: Honeyed words? Your these idiots know that I did follow his cultivation Void Transformation Technique, what level the present to?” 顾红衣怒极而笑,道:“花言巧语?你们这些蠢货知道我跟着他修行化虚术,现在到了什么层次吗?” I have made a connection with 25 acupoint now, if follows the Zhu Yue study, perhaps now including 15 not to have?!” “我现在已经打通二十五道窍穴,若是跟着祝岳学,恐怕现在连十五道都还没有吧?!” Zhu Feng complexion changes, other disciples are incredible are also looking at Gu Hongyi, calls out in alarm makes noise: 25? How possibly?!” 祝峰面色微变,其他的弟子也是不可置信的望着顾红衣,惊呼出声:“二十五道?怎么可能?!” However they know, with the Gu Hongyi's temper, feared disdained to tell the lie with them radically. 不过他们又知道,以顾红衣的性子,怕是根本不屑与他们说假话。 Does Zhou Yuan really have this skill? 难道,周元真的有这本事? Zhu Feng is also the look fluctuates, at once he contemptuously looks to Zhou Yuan, said: „The Junior Sister Hongyi talent, we are know that even if she can short several days cultivate/repair this step Void Transformation Technique, we are not accidental/surprised.” 祝峰也是眼神变幻,旋即他轻蔑的看向周元,道:“红衣师妹的天赋,我们都是知道的,所以就算她能够短短数天就将化虚术修到这一步,我们也不算意外。” „Perhaps if must this merit replenishment to your head, you not have this qualifications.” “但如果要将这种功劳加注到你的头上,恐怕你还没这个资格。” His implied meaning, is thinks to be able obviously cultivation to this step, because the Gu Hongyi talent is astonishing, with the relations that Zhou Yuan and has no, Gu Hongyi said that but wants to speak for Zhou Yuan. 他言下之意,显然就是认为能够修炼到这一步,只是因为顾红衣天赋惊人,跟周元并没有任何的关系,顾红衣如此说,只不过是想为周元说话而已。 Other person of hearing this, is secret nods, feels the approval actually. 其他人闻言,也是暗暗点头,倒是感到赞同。 After all, they rather believe that the Gu Hongyi talent is astonishing, is not willing to believe a Absolute Beginning Realm 1-layer Heaven boy, will have this ability unexpectedly... 毕竟,他们宁愿相信顾红衣天赋惊人,也不太愿意相信一个太初境一重天的小子,竟会有这种能力... Gu Hongyi has been mad to does not know that said what was good, these bastards can the brain make up. 顾红衣已经气到不知道说什么好了,这些王八蛋太能自己脑补了。 She must upbraid, but actually put out a hand to stop by Zhou Yuan. 她还要怒叱,不过却是被周元伸手阻拦了下来。 You rubbish again many with them also useless.” Zhou Yuan helplessly said. “你跟他们废话再多也没用的。”周元无奈的道 Gu Hongyi stared Zhou Yuan one, if not to help him spoke, how she becomes may talk too much. 顾红衣瞪了周元一眼,若不是为了帮他说话,她怎么可能会变得这么多嘴。 Meets this person, why to say...” “遇见这种人,何必多说...” Zhou Yuan smiles to Gu Hongyi, in the pupil has anything slowly in climbs up, he said: What did you say my a moment ago? Said me like the man old before his time?” 周元冲着顾红衣笑了笑,眸子中似是有着什么东西在缓缓的攀爬出来,他道:“你刚才说我什么?说我像个小老头一样吗?” „It is not the sharp qi, I have...” “不就是锐气嘛,我也有...” His vision, turned to Zhu Feng and the others, the smile of corners of the mouth was in full bloom, having one to just like the blade edge coldness. 他的目光,转向了祝峰等人,嘴角的笑容盛开,带着一丝犹如刀锋般的冷冽。 You walk, does not want to stir up trouble...” “你们找上门来,不就是想挑事么...” Come, one crowd of waste, my hits your one crowd, your one crowd hits my one...” “来,一群废物,我一个打你们一群,还是你们一群打我一个...” Is casual you to select.” “随便你们挑。” When the last character falls, the Zhou Yuan's face thorough ice is cold, wild Origin Qi, just like the storm is ordinary, from its within the body, erupts suddenly loudly. 当最后一个字落下的时候,周元的面庞彻底的冰寒下来,狂暴的源气,犹如风暴一般,陡然自其体内,轰然爆发出来。 Behind that Gu Hongyi looks at that shortly imposing manner is becoming incomparably swift and fierce, aggressive Zhou Yuan, in the beautiful eye is also has to wipe the extraordinary splendor to reappear. 在那后方,顾红衣望着那顷刻间气势变得无比凌厉,咄咄逼人的周元,美目中也是有着一抹异彩浮现出来。 This time Zhou Yuan, with usually teaches her temperate youngster, as if changed a person general. 此时的周元,与平常教她的那个温和的少年,仿佛是变了一个人一般。 ( Today goes to Hangzhou to manage the ID card, in the evening hurries back to Shanghai, now writes one chapter, today one chapter. (今天去杭州办身份证,晚上又赶回上海,现在才写出一章来,今天就一章吧。 What is most essential was ran for a day, the ID card has not handled, I must spit blood.) 最关键的是跑了一天,身份证也没办好,我也是要吐血。)
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