VY :: Volume #1

#22: The term examination approaches

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Over time, day approaching of even more term examination. 随着时间的流逝,大考的日子愈发的临近。 But in this about over half a month time, Zhou Yuan is the moment has not relaxed, every day cultivation forge dragon breathing, uninterrupted charging veins, the view thinks simultaneously every night Chaos Spirit Sharpening Visualization Art, disciplines Divine Soul. 而在这将近大半个月的时间中,周元也是片刻没有放松,每日修行锻龙戏,不间断的一次次的冲脉,同时夜夜观想“混沌神磨观想法”,磨练神魂 As for gap time, is follows Yao Yao to consult Origin Pattern, is also training hard Dragon Step and Dragon Monument Hand. 而至于间隙的时间,则是跟着夭夭请教源纹,同时也在苦练着“龙步”与“龙碑手”。 Is facing the so substantial and very intensive practice, even Zhou Yuan, finished when every day aches all over, the spirit is exhausted, what well is, after every night cultivation Chaos Spirit Sharpening Visualization Art, 2nd day Zhou Yuan jumps for joy, energetic. 面对着如此充实与高强度的练习,即便是周元,在每日结束时都是浑身酸痛,精神更是疲惫不堪,但好在的是,当每一夜修炼了“混沌神磨观想法”后,第二日周元又是活蹦乱跳,精力充沛。 But at this time, Zhou Yuan just now feels, benefit that this Chaos Spirit Sharpening Visualization Art provides. 而此时,周元方才感觉到,这“混沌神磨观想法”所带来的好处。 But very intensive cultivation is difficult, but after insisting, fruit that bears, similarly is also makes Zhou Yuan jump for joy, because, when that term examination also has the final two days time, he made a connection with 2nd vein finally... 而高强度的修炼虽然艰苦,但当坚持下来后,那所结出来的果实,同样也是让得周元欢欣雀跃,因为,在那大考还有最后两日的时间时,他终于是打通了第二脉 ... In garden. 花苑中。 The Zhou Yuan step revolves, the figure has meaning of the misty, is seemingly careless, however the speed is actually extremely quick, under several, already appear(ance) beyond ten several feet. 周元步伐运转,身形有着一丝飘渺之意,看似漫不经心,然而速度却是极快,数步之下,就已出现在了十数丈外。 Meanwhile, his fist palm fluctuates, every fist, is one time slow and heavy, when but his fist falls, has the sound of broken wind to get up faintly, obviously contains the extremely tyrannical strength. 与此同时,他拳掌变幻,每一次的出拳,都是缓慢而沉重,但当其拳落时,却隐隐有着破风之声响起,显然是蕴含着极为强横的力道。 This obviously is Dragon Step and Dragon Monument Hand. 这显然就是龙步龙碑手 Dragon Step misty, Dragon Monument Hand is heavy, the foot quick slow in work, both coordinate, is quite actually good. 龙步飘渺,龙碑手沉重,脚快手慢,两者配合起来,倒是颇为不俗。 Thump! 咚! Zhou Yuan that glittering the fist of light gloss, retaking suddenly in the institute on a rockery, the rockery was shaking immediately, sees only cracks to spread, finally of bang, the rockery crashes directly. 周元闪烁着淡淡光泽的拳头,忽的重拍在了院中一座假山上,顿时假山一震,只见得一道道裂纹蔓延开来,最后轰的一声,假山直接崩塌下来。 . 呼。 Zhou Yuan deep puts out one group of white qi, he is looking at a crushed stone of place, in the eye actually is completely the color of satisfaction. 周元深深的吐出一团白气,他望着一地的碎石,眼中却尽是满意之色。 Dragon Monument Hand has 3-layer, one is Smashing the Mountain, two are Splitting the Earth, three are Breaking the Heaven, at present relied on my Two Vein strength, can only display Smashing the Mountain merely.” Zhou Yuan talked to oneself. 龙碑手三重,一为碎山,二为裂地,三为破天,眼下凭我这二脉的实力,仅仅只能施展出碎山。”周元自语。 After over half a month self-torture, he to this Dragon Monument Hand is also understanding, this technique has 3-layer, naturally, this realm name was Zhou Yuan takes, is completely scary, after all by his Two Vein strength, this Dragon Monument Hand cultivation to pinnacle, cannot destroy a mountain even. 经过大半个月的苦修,他对这龙碑手也是更为的了解,此术有三重,当然了,这个境界名字是周元自己取的,完全是唬人之用,毕竟以他这二脉的实力,就算将这龙碑手修炼极致,都不能将一座山打碎。 After all regardless of profound Origin Technique, needs the vigorous Origin Qi support to play the might, but his Origin Qi, was too thin. 毕竟不论再高深的源术,都需要雄浑源气的支撑才能够发挥出威力,而他自身的源气,还是太稀薄了一些。 If can achieve Heaven's Pass Realm realm, Origin Qi is vigorous, aspirates can the disruption mountain. 而若是自身能够达到天关境境界,源气雄浑,吐口气都能碎裂山岳。 However, the might of Zhou Yuan to Dragon Monument Hand is very even satisfied, these opponent that after all he this level must face now, is not much stronger. 不过即便如此,周元龙碑手的威力已经很满意了,毕竟他现在这个层次所要面对的那些对手,也并不是强得不可思议。 Term examination drew near, this time must enter first ten, entered First Institute, otherwise, light/only by Youwei one person, feared that was hard to keep in balance Qi Yue.” Zhou Yuan vision glittering, King Qi Palace covets the Great Zhou Palace Palace Lord position, but Qi Yue time is their energy was. “大考快到了,此次必须进入前十,进入甲院,不然的话,光靠幼微一人,怕是难以制衡齐岳。”周元目光闪烁,齐王府觊觎大周府府主的位置,而齐岳就是他们这一次的底气所在。 The Great Zhou Palace Palace Lord position is too important, once falls to the hand of King Qi Palace, that King Qi will clean surely, turns into the Great Qi mansion this Great Zhou Palace in secret. 大周府府主的位置太重要,一旦落到齐王府的手中,想必那齐王必定会有所清洗,暗中将这大周府变成大齐府。 Then has the fatal attack regarding their Imperial Family, Zhou Yuan will not make it work, therefore, year-end Palace Exam, he in any event, he must Palace Exam first, keep First Institute. 那对于他们皇室会有着致命般的打击,周元绝不会让其得逞,所以,年底的府试,他无论如何,他都必须将府试第一,留在甲院 Zhou Yuan inspires, the look gradually becomes swift and fierce, naturally, before that he first guarantee through the following term examination, smooth entry First Institute. 周元吸了一口气,眼神渐渐变得凌厉,当然,在那之前,他还是先得保证通过接下来的大考,顺利的进入甲院 ... When on the day of the term examination approaches, since fish-belly white when the horizon raises, the Great Zhou Palace atmosphere appears extreme boiling and liveliness. 当大考来临这一日,自鱼肚白自天边升起时,大周府的气氛就显得极为的沸腾与热闹。 Any freshman/newborn that enters Great Zhou Palace, cultivation one year later, will conduct the term examination, then according to the result, chooses Palace Institute , to continue the deep level cultivation. 凡是进入大周府新生,在修炼一年后,都会进行大考,然后按照成绩,选择府院,继续深层次的修行 Therefore, term examination in this Great Zhou Palace importance, without a doubt. 所以,大考在这大周府的重要性,毋庸置疑。 When Zhou Yuan arrives at training grounds of term examination, this place a babel of voices, numerous young boys young girls are crowding around, each other talked, each one was the look is anxious and excited. 周元来到大考的演武场时,此地早已是人声鼎沸,众多少年少女簇拥着,彼此交谈,个个都是神色紧张而兴奋。 In that most crowds, Zhou Yuan found Su Youwei, she without doubt is there core, appears some all the stars cup themselves around the moon, after all the latter not only the person attractively, but also the talent is also astonishing, in addition the temper is strong, therefore Su Youwei without doubt is in this rookie most noted. 在那最多的人群中,周元瞧见了苏幼微,她无疑是那里的核心,显得有些众星捧月,毕竟后者不仅人长得漂亮,而且天赋也是惊人,再加上性子坚强,所以苏幼微无疑是这一届新人中最受瞩目的。 Zhou Yuan is looking at this, smiles slightly, he still still remembers, one year ago just knew the Su Youwei's time, that time she, but also is only dirty little girl, however now, is actually just like the transformation general, not only tender and beautiful moving, but also is emitting the self-confident gloss, making numerous how many years adore. 周元望着这一幕,也是微微笑了笑,他犹自还记得,一年之前刚认识苏幼微的时候,那时候的她,还只是一个脏兮兮的小丫头,然而如今,却是犹如蜕变一般,不仅娇艳动人,而且散发着自信的光泽,令得众多少年为之倾慕。 All these changes, actually depend upon she, but Zhou Yuan, but showed a way to her. 这一切的改变,其实都是依靠她自身,而周元,只是给她指了一条路而已。 In the crowd, is smiling had been detecting with Su Youwei that the people spoke, lifted charming face, the line of sight and Zhou Yuan to bumping together, immediately the smile of lip angle was thorough bloomed, the instant brilliance, made surrounding youngster is the vision one bright. 人群中,正微笑着与众人说话的苏幼微似是有所察觉,抬起俏脸,视线与周元对碰在一起,顿时唇角的笑容便是彻底的绽放出来,霎那间的光彩,令得周围的少年都是眼光一亮。 However has not needed they attentive, Su Youwei is the politeness smiles to them, withdraws from the crowd, the small hand at the back of behind, the double pupil just like crescent moon, the lip angle holds the happy expression, slow leisurely trend Zhou Yuan. 不过还不待他们更加的殷勤,苏幼微已是礼貌冲着他们一笑,退出人群,小手背着身后,双眸犹如弯月般,唇角噙着笑意,慢悠悠的走向周元 Opened Four Veins?” Zhou Yuan is staring at Su Youwei, can the faint feeling Origin Qi of her whole body fluctuate as if grown stronger, immediately the heart moves, said. “开四脉了?”周元盯着苏幼微,能够隐隐的感觉到她周身的源气波动似乎变强了,当即心头一动,道。 Has opened, but you had not come Great Zhou Palace for serveral days, therefore does not know.” The Su Youwei bright eyes winked winking, tone is the somewhat spooky say/way. “早就开啦,不过你这些天都没来大周府,所以不知道罢了。”苏幼微明眸眨了眨,语气似是有些幽幽的道。 Looks at her vision, Zhou Yuan cannot help but awkward smiles, said: I also in self-torture.” 瞧得她的目光,周元不由得尴尬一笑,道:“我也是在苦修呢。” What kind of? Has confidence?” In the Su Youwei bright eyes somewhat worries about the color, she does not know Zhou Yuan already the Opening Veins matter, therefore also when only Zhou Yuan can only draw support from Origin Pattern. “怎么样?有把握吗?”苏幼微明眸中有些担忧之色,她并不知道周元已经开脉的事,所以还只当周元只能借助源纹 Zhou Yuan selected nods with a smile, said: Relax, this first ten I entered.” 周元笑着点了点头,道:“放心吧,这前十我可是进定了。” Looked at his self-confident smile, Su Youwei felt relieved, small head nodded. 瞧得他的自信笑容,苏幼微也是放心了一些,螓首微点 In Zhou Yuan and Su Youwei chatted, on the stair of that not far away, has several vision, brings harboring evil intentions is staring at them. 周元苏幼微说笑间,在那不远处的台阶上,也有着几道目光,带着不怀好意的盯着他们。 It seems like our Your Highness also really dare to attend the term examination.” Qi Yue said with a smile, is only in that smile, mock. “看来咱们这位殿下还真是敢参加大考啊。”齐岳笑眯眯的道,只是那笑容中,略带着一些讥诮。 Thinks that studied selected Origin Pattern, was conceited, was overestimate one's capabilities.” Side Qi Yue, is that named Liu Xi young girl, her appearance is pretty, the red lip is meager, at this time is disdaining is staring at Zhou Yuan, her vision once for a while has delimited Zhou Yuan Su Youwei, in the pupil the color of passing over gently and swiftly envious hatred. “以为学了点源纹,就狂妄自大,也是不自量力。”在齐岳身旁,是那位名为柳溪少女,她模样俏丽,红唇微薄,此时正不屑的盯着周元,她的目光时不时的划过周元身旁的苏幼微,眸子中掠过嫉恨之色。 Before this Great Zhou Palace, her Liu Xi was the most noted pearl, however all these after Su Youwei appear(ance), actually changed the appearance, Su Youwei the fame in freshman/newborn was extremely not only high, even youngster of various institutes, were once for a while is mentioning her, that popularity obviously different general. 以前在这大周府,她柳溪才是最受瞩目的明珠,然而这一切当苏幼微出现后,却变了模样,苏幼微不仅在新生中名气极高,甚至连各院的少年,都是时不时的在说起她,那种人气显然不同一般。 This makes Liu Xi angry extremely, Su Youwei in her opinion is outcastes, status and noble her different, but is actually obtains to surpass her attention, is really makes people angry. 这让得柳溪极为的恼怒,苏幼微在她看来不过是一个贱民而已,身份与高贵的她天差地远,但却是获得超过她的关注,实在是让人愤怒。 Lin Feng also stands near Qi Yue, his unemotional is looking at Zhou Yuan and Su Youwei chats, in eye passing over gently and swiftly cool color. 林枫也是站在齐岳边上,他面无表情的望着周元苏幼微谈笑,眼中掠过冷色。 Qi Yue looks at the Lin Feng look, cannot help but patted his shoulder with a smile, said: Don't worry, all arrange today, each, I arranged best opponent for our Your Highness.” 齐岳瞧得林枫的眼神,不由得笑着拍了拍他的肩膀,道:“不用担心,今天一切都安排好了,每一场,我都为咱们这位殿下安排了最好的对手。” His faint smile is staring at Zhou Yuan of distant place, said: Since he dares to come, I must make him lose face today to lose do not dare to come Great Zhou Palace to later.” 他似笑非笑的盯着远处的周元,道:“既然他敢来,那我今天就要让他丢脸丢到以后再不敢来大周府。” Hears this words, Lin Feng and Liu Xi looks at each other one , is smiles to make noise, it seems like today's term examination, having the good play can look. 听到此话,林枫柳溪对视一眼,也皆是笑出声来,看来今天的大考,有好戏可以看了。
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