WhenZhou Yuanboth eyesnarrow the eyeslightly, Su Youweialsofindsthatjade treefaces the windat presentyoungster, immediatelywillow eyebrowsslightlypressed, thenshows the smile, said: „OriginallyisYoung Master Lin, butfearstodaydoes not have the time.”
在周元双目轻眯起来的时候,苏幼微也是瞧见了眼前那玉树临风般的少年,当即柳眉就微蹙了一下,然后露出微笑,道:“原来是林公子,不过今日怕是没有时间。”Listens toSu Youweithatgentlerejection the meaning, Lin Fengnot to see the least bitto be depressedactually, insteadis smilingnodded, said: „Such being the case, that can only next.”
听出苏幼微那温婉拒绝的意思,林枫倒是不见半点沮丧,反而是笑着点点头,道:“既然如此,那就只能下次了。”Hehas not clung to for dear lifeis difficultto hit, appearspolitecourteous.
他也没有死缠难打,显得温文有礼。Howeverpreciselythisattitude, insteadletsin the Su Youweihearthelplesssighedone, thisperson, is harder to deal with.
不过正是这种态度,反而让得苏幼微心中无奈的叹了一声,这种人,才更难缠。NearbyZhou Yuanhas not saidanything, butsmiledtoLin Fengpale, thenwalkedwithSu Youwei.
一旁的周元也没说什么,只是冲着林枫淡笑了一下,然后就与苏幼微走了出去。Lin Fenglooks at the form that two peopleare going far away, thattemperatefacejust nowbecamesomegloomy.林枫望着两人远去的身影,那温和的脸庞方才变得有些阴沉了一些。„Hehe, it seems likeyourhopeis not big.”Lin Fengbehind, has the chucklesoundto transmitsuddenly, hehas turned the head, thenseesQi Yue of white clothing.
“呵呵,看来你的希望不大啊。”林枫身后,忽有轻笑声传来,他转过头,便是见到一身白衣的齐岳。„Young Prince.”Lin Fengrestrained the look, raises slightlyslightly.
“小王爷。”林枫收敛了神色,微微欠身。Qi YuestandssideLin Feng, the visionlookstoZhou Yuan, the direction that Su Youweideparts, said with a faint smile: „Our Your Highness, althoughcannotOpening Veinscultivation, butafter allstatus there, moreoveroncehad had the kindnesstoSu Youwei, youfeareddoes not havemanyopportunity.”齐岳站在林枫身旁,目光看向周元,苏幼微离去的方向,似笑非笑的道:“咱们这位殿下,虽然不能开脉修行,但毕竟身份在那里,而且曾对苏幼微有过恩惠,你怕是没有多少的机会。”SomeLin Fengeye pupilhiddens in the shade, the lipsipstightly, obviouslyisextremelyunwilling.林枫眼瞳有些阴翳,嘴唇紧抿,显然是极为不甘。„Did youalsoreallymovetoSu Youwei?”Cannot help butlooks at his appearance, Qi Yuesays with a smile.
“你对苏幼微还真动心了?”瞧得他这模样,齐岳不由得笑道。„Su Youwei, althoughis onlycivilians, butshehasto changeall thesequalifications, shein the future, canbe separated from the dustsurely, noticeable.”Lin Fengsaid.
“苏幼微虽然只是一个平民,但她却有着改变这一切的资格,她未来,必定是能够脱离尘埃,受人瞩目。”林枫说道。Qi Yuenods, sighedgently: „Indeed, by the Su Youwei'stalent, the riseissooner or latermatter, thisYour Highness Zhou YuanalsoreallyhasDestiny, picks a personto come backcasually, will turn intogenius.”齐岳轻轻点头,感叹道:“的确,以苏幼微的天赋,崛起是迟早的事情,这周元殿下还真是有气运,随便捡一个人回来,都会变成天才。”Lin Fenglookeven moreblazing, slowly said: „ThereforeIwill not give up.”林枫眼神愈发的炽热,缓缓的道:“所以我更不会放弃。”Qi Yueshows a faint smile, said: „Youand our Your Highnesscompare, is actually not weak, hewas more than a Your Highness'statusyou, withoutthis, hemakesyoulook that qualificationsdo not have.”齐岳微微一笑,道:“你和咱们这位殿下比,其实并不弱,他只是比你多了一个殿下的身份,若是没有这个,他连让你多看一眼的资格都没有。”Lin Fenghas not spoken, butamongthatlooksisto actually reappear a pride, because in his opinion, ifZhou Yuanis notGreat Zhou'sYour Highness, perhapsbythisis unable the Opening Veinsphysical state, really unable to enterhiseye.林枫没有说话,但那神色间却是浮现一丝自傲,因为在他看来,如果周元不是大周的殿下,以这无法开脉的身体情况,恐怕还真是入不了他的眼。„IhopeactuallyyoucanSu Youwei, Ibe short ofonein that casegreatlytroublesome.”Qi Yuesmiles, said: „BeforeIhad also looked forher, openedmanyconditions, is unable to makeherjoinSecond Instituteafter the term examination, it seems like, shetoYour Highness Zhou Yuan, but also is really the affectionaterighteousnessis heavy.”
“我倒是希望你能够得到苏幼微,那样的话,我就少了一个大麻烦。”齐岳笑了笑,道:“之前我也找过她,开了很多条件,都无法让得她在大考后加入乙院,看来,她对周元殿下,还真是情深义重。”Lin Fengcomplexionwas uglier.林枫面色难看了一些。„Ihave a methodactually.”Qi Yuesound, said: „A month is the term examination, Zhou Yuanwill also participateagain, if he disastrous defeatat the term examination, thistohisstatusring of light, shouldhave a bigattack.”
“不过我倒是有个方法。”齐岳声音一顿,道:“再有一个月就是大考,周元也会参加,若是他在大考上惨败,这对他的身份光环,应该会有不小的打击。”Lin Fengeyes flash, Great Zhoucultivationbecomes common practice, byWu Liguo, even ifZhou YuanisYour Highness, ifnoachievement, will bring inas beforediscusses spiritedly, at that time, Su Youweishouldsee clearly, discardingYour Highness, actuallystillhas nothingto be worthleaning on.林枫目光一闪,大周修炼成风,以武立国,就算周元是殿下,如果没有什么成就,依旧会引来议论纷纷,那时候,苏幼微应该也能够看清楚,一个废掉的殿下,其实也没什么好值得倚靠的。„Meaning of Young Prince?”
“小王爷的意思?”Qi Yuesaid with a smilepale: „Atterm examination, Iwill get up totricks, makingZhou Yuanmeetyou, howwhen the time comesto doto be ablehisstatusring of lightto suppress, youshouldbe clear.”齐岳淡笑道:“大考上,我会做点手脚,让周元碰见你,到时候怎么做才能够将他身份光环打压下去,你应该清楚。”Lin Fenghearing this, somewhathesitates, said: „Heafter all is Your Highness, ifdoesruthlessly...”林枫闻言,有些犹豫,道:“他毕竟是殿下,若是做得太狠…”„Undercompetition, the fists and feetdoes not have the eye, no onecould sayanything.”Qi Yueshakes the head, said: „YourLin Family, sincestoodourKing Qi Palace, even ifthere is a matter, wewill still protect and sustain.”
“比试之下,拳脚无眼,谁也说不得什么。”齐岳摇了摇头,道:“你们林家既然都站到了我们齐王府,就算有事,我们也会护持。”Lin Fengvisionglittering, after the moment, isclenching teethruthlessly, saidin a low voice: „Good, Iunderstood, if the term examinationmeets, Iwill let our Your Highness, the way to mostlose faceis defeated.”林枫目光闪烁,片刻后,也是狠狠的一咬牙,低声道:“好,我明白了,若是大考遇见,我会让得咱们这位殿下,以最丢脸的方式落败。”Hisraised the head, looks at the form that Zhou Yuanis going far away, in the eyeflashes through the viciouscolor, wasteYour Highness, wantsto snatchhisLin Fengwoman, such being the case, can only giveyouto select the sufferingto eatwhen the time comes.
他抬起头,望着周元远去的身影,眼中闪过狠毒之色,一个废殿下,也想抢他林枫的女人,既然如此,就只能到时候给你点苦头吃了。Qi Yueshows a faint smile, ifZhou Yuanis dirty, hemaylook forSu Youweiagain, thisgirlmustbe ableto distinguish the clearstrong and weak, so long asshecaninvestSecond Institute, thenthisPalace Exam, no onecanbe threateningagaintohim, thenthisGreat Zhou Palace, mustfallto the hand of theirKing Qi Palace.齐岳微微一笑,若是周元灰头土脸,他就可再去找苏幼微,这个女孩应当就能够分辩得清强弱,只要她能够投入乙院,那么此次府试,就再无人能够对他有威胁,那么这大周府,就要落到他们齐王府的手中了。But the student who in the future, thisGreat Zhou Palacegoes out, will gettheirKing Qi Palaceimprint, perhapsat the appointed time, thisGreat Zhou Dynastyshouldtrade the day.
…„ThisLin Feng, feared that is Qi Yuegangs up withtogether.”Zhou YuanandSu YouweiwalkbetweeninYuanlang, said: „Could not say that thisis the Qi Yuescheme, could not win overyouvisibly, causedpretty boy plan.”
“这林枫,怕已是和齐岳勾搭在一起了。”周元与苏幼微行走于院廊之间,道:“说不得这还是齐岳的计谋,明着拉拢不了你,就使一个美男计。”Su Youweihearing this, hasill-humoredshaking the head, said: „Your Highnessfelt relieved,pretty boy planis uselesstome.”苏幼微闻言,只得没好气的摇摇头,道:“殿下放心,美男计对我没用。”At onceshe, somewhat worried said: „Your Highness must be careful, the outstanding candidates in thistheseup-and-comers, mostlywon overbyQi Yue, Iworried that theyatterm examination, causesobstructtoyou.”
旋即她顿了顿,有些担忧的道:“不过殿下也要多小心,此次那些新人中的优秀者,大多都是被齐岳所拉拢,我担心他们在大考上,给你使绊子。”By the Zhou Yuan'sstrength, wantsto enter the term examinationfirstten, originally is very difficult, ifalsosomepeoplecauseobstruct, isdifficult.
以周元的实力,想要进入大考前十,本来就挺困难,若是还有人使绊子,更是难上加难。Zhou Yuansmiles, said: „Relax, Ihave the discretion.”周元笑了笑,道:“放心,我有分寸。”Heaspirateslightly, slowly said: „King Qi Palacestrength, but is really abundant.”
他轻吐了一口气,缓缓的道:“齐王府的实力,可真是雄厚啊。”Qi Yuewins over the person, the condition that pledgesisto let the personis hardto reject, thisfinancial resourceare not even weaker than Imperial Family, it seems likeRoyal Fathersaidright, behindthisKing Qi Palace, shouldbeGreat Wu.齐岳去拉拢人,开出的条件都是让人难以拒绝,这种财力甚至不比皇室弱,看来父王说的没错,这齐王府后面,应该就是大武了。Thinks ofhere, in the Zhou Yuaneyethenflashes through the cold light, thisKing Qi Palace, is really theirGreat Zhou'smalignant tumor.
想到此处,周元眼中便是闪过寒光,这齐王府,真的是他们大周的毒瘤。Presentthey, but alsowantsto bribeGreat Zhou Palace, onceGreat Zhou Palacefalls into the control of King Qi Palace, it can be imaginedtoImperial Familyis the bigattack, therefore... cannotmakethemwork.
如今的他们,还想染指大周府,而一旦大周府落入齐王府的掌控,可想而知对皇室是多大的打击,所以…绝不能让得他们得逞。Naturally, at presentis more important, musthurryOpening Veins, tocope the forthcomingGreat Zhou Palaceterm examination.
…In the followingseveral days, Zhou Yuanhas keptinRoyal Palaceactually, in the morningtrains hard98typeforge dragon breathing, conducts charging veinsfourtimes, in the evening is cultivation„Chaos Spirit Sharpening Visualization Art”, tempersDivine Soul.
在接下来的数日,周元倒是一直留在王宫中,清晨苦练九十八式锻龙戏,进行四次冲脉,晚上便是修炼“混沌神磨观想法”,锤炼神魂。Shortseveral days, the Zhou Yuan'sprogressisbig, 1st veinbecoming less crowded of even morewithin the body, frommakes a connectionthoroughly, has been expected, butDivine SoulalsoconsolidatedinVoid Realmsmall accomplishment.
短短数日,周元的进步已是不小,体内的第一脉愈发的松动,距离彻底打通,已是可望,而神魂也是稳固在了虚境小成。Thisall sorts ofprogress , is to make Zhou Yuanexcited, cultivationgets up, diligent.
又是一日。Ding!叮!Zhou Yuangraspedsmalliron hammerto shiverbeast soul crystal, extendedHeaven Primal Brush in hand, brush bristlesrolled up and pushed along, thenwent to the beast soulabsorption.周元手持小铁锤敲碎了一颗兽魂晶,将手中的天元笔伸了进去,毫毛卷动,便是把其中的兽魂吸收而去。Buzz!
嗡!But in the Zhou Yuanpreparationshiversnextbeast soul crystal, Heaven Primal Brushsent out the slightvibrationsuddenly, has the differentlightslowlysends outfrom the penon.
而就在周元准备敲碎下一颗兽魂晶时,天元笔忽然发出了细微的震动,同时有着异光缓缓的自笔身上散发出来。Zhou Yuanseesthis, firststares, thencomplexiongreat happiness.周元见到这一幕,先是一愣,然后面色大喜。Becauseheseeson the Heaven Primal Brushpen, thatfirstancientOrigin Pattern, inthis timethoroughis bright, is bloomingmysteriousradiance.
因为他见到天元笔笔身上,那第一道古老的源纹,在此时彻底的明亮起来,绽放着神秘的光芒。Obviously, afterhisthese dayswarm and nourish, thisHeaven Primal Brush, finallyrestoredsomeintelligence and strengths.
显然,经过他这些天的温养,这支天元笔,终于是恢复了一些灵性以及力量。„MasterandSister Yao Yaosaid,wantsand otherHeaven Primal BrushfirstOrigin Patternto lighten, canknowitsmystery, Imusthave a lookactually, thisonceSaint Origin Weapon, hadwhatuniqueness!” The Zhou Yuaneyeis shining, is staring atHeaven Primal Brush in hand.
“师父与夭夭姐都说,要等这天元笔第一道源纹点亮,才能够知晓其奥妙,我倒是要看看,这曾经的圣源兵,有何奇特之处!”周元眼睛放着光,盯着手中的天元笔。RegardingthisHeaven Primal Brush, hehas been full of the curiosityobviously.
对于这支天元笔,他显然早就充满着了好奇心。HishandgraspsHeaven Primal Brush, both eyesshuts, onHeaven Primal Brushradiancesurges, hastogether the obscureinformation, swamped into hismind.
他手握天元笔,双目微闭,天元笔上光芒涌动,同时也是有着一道晦涩的信息,涌入了他的脑海之中。„Heaven Primal Brush, 1st pattern, numberWriting and Martial.”
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