VY :: Volume #15

#1488: Biggest ambition

In dark(ness), the Saint God will and Absolute Divine Curse Poison twine mutually, corrosion, wears down, just like two huge ships mutual is engaging in factional strife. 黑暗之中,圣神意志与绝神咒毒互相缠绕,侵蚀,消磨,宛如两座巨轮般互相的倾轧着。 With the lapse of time, the aspect of two strong opposition gradually started appear(ance) some changes. 只是,随着时间的推移,渐渐的这种两强对立的局面开始出现了一些变化。 In somewhere, there that two strengths twine does not know when transmitted some changes, the Saint God will and Absolute Divine Curse Poison strength when passing through there, is towering vanishes does not see. 在那两股力量所缠绕的某处,那里不知何时传来了一些异动,圣神意志与绝神咒毒的力量在经过那里时,皆是突兀的消失不见。 This situation initial is quite slight, may follow after some time, in dark(ness) suddenly appear(ance) wisp of profound light, that profound light just like stars in profound starry sky, although radiance is not intense, but actually conspicuously. 这种情况初始还比较细微,可伴随着一段时间后,黑暗中突然出现了一缕玄光,那玄光宛如是深邃星空中的一颗星辰般,虽然光芒并不强烈,但却显眼之极。 If the vision can penetrate in that profound light, is obviously in radiance, has form static sitting cross-legged together, in its body, is faint has ancient Dragon's roar to spread, is sending out the special pressure. 而若是目光能够穿透的于那玄光之中,则是可见光芒内,有着一道身影静静的盘坐,在其身躯内,隐隐间有着古老的龙吟声传出,散发着特殊的威压。 But the Saint God will and Absolute Divine Curse Poison strength, from its crown of the head continuous flooding into, was built up by the dragon cauldron of its within the body finally, changes into oneself to have. 圣神意志与绝神咒毒的力量,自其天灵盖源源不断的涌入,最后被其体内的龙鼎所炼化,化为己有。 profound light in the unceasing enhancement, starts to invade domain that belongs to the Saint God will and Absolute Divine Curse Poison. 玄光在不断的增强,开始侵占着属于圣神意志与绝神咒毒的地盘。 But pressure that person's shadow in that profound light, its within the body sends out , at an exceptional pace unceasing increases... 而那玄光内的那道人影,其体内所散发出来的威压,也是在以惊人的速度不断的攀升... Saint God will and Absolute Divine Curse Poison at first not cares about the ants between this crevices, in their eyes, only then opposite party grade of archenemy. 圣神意志与绝神咒毒起初都并未过于的在意这夹缝间的蝼蚁,它们的眼中,只有着对方这等大敌。 But with the lapse of time, when does not know gets up, when the Saint God will and Absolute Divine Curse Poison detected is not right, they discovered suddenly, before that like the ants small and weak different kind , had not be ignored strength unexpectedly. 但随着时间的推移,不知何时起,当圣神意志与绝神咒毒察觉到不对劲的时候,它们猛然间发现,那之前如蝼蚁般弱小的异类,竟是不知不觉间,拥有了不可小视的力量。 Moreover the source of that strength, came from them unexpectedly! 而且那种力量的源头,竟然是来自它们! Therefore, as the strength of that different kind constantly grows stronger, they actually in gradually was weakened! 所以,随着那异类的力量不断增强,它们却是在渐渐的被削弱! Absolute Divine Curse Poison not spiritual wisdom, but pure relies on the instinct to handle affairs, but this Saint God will occupies the countless year in this dark(ness) together, similarly among the chaos, in addition here is close, even if Saint God regains consciousness, cannot induce to here takes back temporarily this will together, therefore Absolute Divine Curse Poison or the Saint God will, is all following the instinct, but this, gave the Zhou Yuan opportunity is not missed without doubt. 绝神咒毒并无灵智,只是单纯的凭借着本能行事,而这一道圣神意志在这黑暗中盘踞无数年,同样是处于混沌之间,再加上此处封闭,即便是圣神苏醒,也暂时未能感应到此处将这一道意志收回,所以不论是绝神咒毒还是圣神意志,皆是在遵循着本能,而这,无疑就给了周元可趁之机。 He in both confronts, is stealing their strength, is expanding itself, when the thing of two big terrifying detect him, his time strength, is starts to have the strength of contending. 他在两者对峙间,偷取着它们的力量,壮大着自身,而等到两大恐怖之物察觉到他时,他此时的力量,已是开始具备了抗衡之力。 Therefore, when Absolute Divine Curse Poison and Saint God will is discovered when thief different kind that his has expanded, suddenly does not have the direct unscrupulous attack unexpectedly, because of this time Zhou Yuan, the ants that no longer erases at will. 所以,当绝神咒毒圣神意志皆是发现他这个已经壮大起来的小偷异类时,一时间竟是没有直接肆无忌惮的进攻,因为此时的周元,已不再是随意抹除的蝼蚁。 The original two-pole opposition, because of the insertion of third party, actually turned into the confrontation among three forces at this time. 原本的两极对立,此时因为第三者的插入,却是变成了三足鼎立。 But in this confrontation among three forces, Zhou Yuan's steals the action not to stop as before, is drawing support from Ancestral Dragon Scripture refining up as well as that together Spiritual God material the neutralization, he as in continuous is stealing the Saint God will and Absolute Divine Curse Poison strength. 但在这种三足鼎立间,周元的偷取行动依旧没有停止,借助着祖龙经的炼化以及那一道神灵物质的中和,他依旧在源源不断的盗取着圣神意志以及绝神咒毒的力量。 He can detect that his strength is growing stronger at an unthinkable speed, if present he can choose to depart, its strength, compares favorably with Three Lotus Realm sufficiently. 他能够察觉到自身的力量在以一种匪夷所思的速度增强着,如果现在的他能够选择离去的话,其实力,足以与三莲境相媲美。 But Zhou Yuan has not chosen, because this strength, although is strong, has not actually been able to satisfy his ambition. 周元没有这么选择,因为这种力量虽强,却还并不能满足他的野心。 Also must stronger... stronger... be strong, strides in that realm!” “还要更强...更强...强到,跨入那个境界!” Low twittering the sound resounds in this Blue Profound Heaven most core place, the next quarter, Zhou Yuan within the body erupts the terrifying the suction, saw only that Saint God will and Absolute Divine Curse Poison strength forms counted in hundred thousand huge funnel vortex, but a head of vortex, is then connecting the Zhou Yuan crown of the head place. 低低的呢喃声在这苍玄天最核心处响起,下一刻,周元体内爆发出恐怖的吸力,只见得那圣神意志与绝神咒毒的力量形成了数十万里庞大的漏斗漩涡,而漩涡的一头,便是连接着周元天灵盖处。 Two strengths enter like the torrent irrigation, Zhou Yuan is the look vicious enters within the body their swallowing all, revolution Ancestral Dragon Scripture, refining up crazily. 两股力量如洪流般的灌注而进,周元则是眼神凶狠的将它们尽数的吞入体内,运转祖龙经,疯狂炼化。 Swallowed you, I can tread that step!” “吞了你们,我就能踏出那一步!” Detected that Zhou Yuan's intention, at this time that Absolute Divine Curse Poison and Saint God will is also the vigorous resistance, their didn't expect this in their eyes just like the ants different kind, had previously presumptuously thought to start to insatiably greedy actually at this time unexpectedly, moreover swallows, is two heads! 察觉到周元的意图,此时那绝神咒毒圣神意志也是激烈的反抗起来,它们倒是没想到这个此前在它们眼中宛如蝼蚁般的异类,此时竟然已经妄想到开始蛇吞象了,而且一吞,就是两头! The terrifying strength shake erupts in this dark(ness), what kind of struggling but regardless of Absolute Divine Curse Poison and Saint God will, is hard to get rid of Zhou Yuan's to swallow to attract, moreover Ancestral Dragon Scripture refining up, just can restrain them. 恐怖的力量震荡于这黑暗中爆发,但不论绝神咒毒圣神意志如何的挣扎,都是难以摆脱周元的吞吸,而且祖龙经的炼化,刚好是能够将它们所克制。 Therefore, in that time lapses, the volumes of thing of two big terrifying is reduction gradually, but reviews profound light that Zhou Yuan within the body erupts, is actually more and more radiant. 于是,在那时间推移间,两大恐怖之物的体积便是渐渐的缩小,而反观周元体内爆发出来的玄光,却是越来越璀璨。 Gradually, even starts to reduce and solve dark(ness) of this Blue Profound Heaven core place. 渐渐的,甚至开始化解这苍玄天核心处的黑暗 The indescribable terrifying power, washes out in Zhou Yuan's all the limbs and bones, that strength, had exceeded the Zhou Yuan's cognition. 无法形容的恐怖力量,冲刷于周元的四肢百骸,那种力量之强,已是超越了周元的认知。 Present he, should reach the Three Lotus Realm peak. 现在的他,应该达到了三莲境的巅峰。 However, the issue also started appear(ance) in this time, after the strength was this degree, Zhou Yuan discovered that his fleshly body some have not been able to hold and withstand. 但是,问题也是在此时开始出现了,当力量达到这个程度之后,周元发现他的肉身已经有些无法容纳与承受了。 As if this strength, has reached the accommodation limit of this body. 仿佛这种力量,已经达到了这具身躯的容纳极限。 If he must insist the enhancement strength of no brain, then the result, that is fleshly body and Divine Soul is only supported to explode. 如果他还要坚持无脑的增强力量,那么只会有一个结果,那就是肉身神魂皆是被撑爆。 How can like this...” “怎么会这样...” „Has this strength reached the limit?” “这种力量已经达到极限了吗?” Why is unable to tread that step, touches realm in that legend?!” “为何始终无法踏出那一步,触及那传说中的境界?!” The so sudden accident, making Zhou Yuan surprised and angry, he wrestles this opportunity by the life at first, is not only for Three Lotus Realm! 这般突如其来的变故,让得周元惊疑而愤怒,他最初以命来搏这个机会,可不是只为了一个三莲境 But the present aspect, making Zhou Yuan fall into a hard place, as the Saint God will and Absolute Divine Curse Poison strength was inspired, he does not have the escape route, if he as soon as drew back, will then unite corrosion to write off by the Saint God will and Absolute Divine Curse Poison. 但眼下的局面,让得周元陷入了进退两难的境地,随着圣神意志与绝神咒毒的力量被引动,他已经没有了退路,如果他一退,那么就会被圣神意志与绝神咒毒联合侵蚀抹杀。 He must march forward courageously, the strength absorptions of all thing of these two terrors, changes into oneself to use! 他必须勇往直前,将这两道恐怖之物的力量尽数的吸收,化为己用! But, his fleshly body reaches the limit , to continue to absorb, oneself are also unbearable! 可是,他的肉身达到极限,继续吸收,自身也难以承受! Why... why?” “为何...为何?” At this moment, Zhou Yuan, in the innermost feelings was wells up even some hot tempered, but he suppressed quickly this mood, at present what because most needs was the solution, rather than incompetent wild with rage. 此时此刻,即便是周元,内心中都是涌上了一些暴躁,不过他很快将这种情绪压制下去,因为眼下最需要的是解决方法,而不是无能狂怒。 The Zhou Yuan calm combing mood, however boosts to spread out itself, deepening that as this pushing spreads out, some moment, his brow wrinkle gradually. 周元冷静的梳理情绪,然后推衍自身,而随着这种推衍的加深,某一刻,他的眉头渐渐的皱起。 Why will feel that lacked a point anything...” “为何会感觉缺少了一点什么...” Is this point flaw, prevented my road of being enthralled?” “就是这一点缺陷,阻止了我的入神之路?” What is that?” “那是什么?” Zhou Yuan unceasing muttering, in the mind raises the countless thought that in an instant was pressed to extinguish. 周元不断的喃喃自语,脑海中升起无数的念头,转眼间又被按灭。 He has a sensibility, that the thing of defect, can make his body withstand a stronger strength, subsequently attacks that so-called god boundary by this. 他有着一种感悟,那所缺失之物,能够让得他的身躯承受更强的力量,继而以此来冲击那所谓的神境。 If Zhou Yuan wants to tread being enthralled boundary, then this thing is essential, moreover this thing cannot replace by every thing. 如果周元想要踏入神境,那么此物必不可少,而且此物也不能以凡物来取代。 Zhou Yuan thoughts like electricity, the strength, then in within the body accumulating also starts becomes more and more terrifying, on his fleshly body, starts to have the bloodstain to split, flesh and blood starts gradually becomes must boiling, the sign of melting. 周元心思如电,而那在体内积累的力量也开始变得越来越恐怖,他那肉身上,开始有着血痕裂开,血肉都开始渐渐的变得沸腾,融化的迹象。 This is will soon arrive in the limit the indication. 这是即将抵达极限的征兆。 Zhou Yuan even started to feel the countdown of death. 周元甚至开始感觉到了死亡的倒计时。 That flickers, Zhou Yuan heard oneself that like beating a drum the heartbeat, then, his vision went to within the body that together Spiritual God material again. 那一瞬,周元听见了自己那如擂鼓般的心跳声,再然后,他的目光投向了体内那一道神灵物质。 He silent several breaths, then in the eye had the resolute and ruthless color passed over gently and swiftly. 他沉默了数息,然后眼中有果决与狠色掠过。 Since is the dead end, that wrestles again! 既然已是死局,那就再搏一搏吧! Roar! 吼! Zhou Yuan raises head suddenly, cries loud and long like the thunder, shakes in this close Blue Profound Heaven core , his full power stimulates to movement Ancestral Dragon Scripture, erupted the most terrifying suction. 周元猛然仰头,长啸如雷,震荡于这封闭的苍玄天核心之中,紧接着,他全力催动祖龙经,爆发出了最为恐怖的吸力。 Bang! 轰隆! At this moment, the Saint God will or Absolute Divine Curse Poison received inspiring, then the strength of that vast terrifying then like tidal current falling in torrents, but, all pours into the Zhou Yuan's body. 这一刻,不论是圣神意志还是绝神咒毒都是受到了引动,然后那浩瀚恐怖之力便是如潮流般的倾泻而至,尽数的灌入周元的身躯之中。 Kacha! 咔嚓! In his body, fissure spread fast, extremely fierce fearsome. 他的身躯上,裂痕飞快的蔓延出来,极为的狰狞可怖。 Instead Zhou Yuan actually does not pay attention, he feels that to crash in the boundless strength in within the body, face instead gradually becomes must be gentle, both eyes also in this time closing slowly. 反而周元却并不理会,他感受着那冲进体内的无边力量,面庞反而是渐渐的变得平和起来,双目也是在此时缓缓的闭拢。 He spreads out both hands, whatever the body is falling to dark(ness). 他摊开双手,任由身躯对着黑暗中坠下。 Hope... can be useful...” “希望...能够有用吧...”
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