VY :: Volume #2

#139: Acting

p > works as the 2nd day approach, entire Saint Vestige City was boiling. p>当第二日来临的时候,整个圣迹城都是沸腾了。 Especially when that six ray of light rainbows depart from City Lord's Mansion, when toward the Saint Vestige Land direction goes, in the city, countless chosen child also foot treads Origin Qi, violently shoots, the hiding the sky and covering the earth appearance, just like the locust is ordinary. 特别是当那六道光虹自城主府飞出,直往圣迹之地的方向而去时,城市中,无数骄子也是脚踏源气,暴射而出,铺天盖地的模样,犹如蝗虫一般。 We also walk.” Zhou Yuan is looking at that magnificent one, turns the head to Yao Yao, Lu Luo also has that Zuoqiu Qingyu to say with a smile. “我们也走吧。”周元望着那壮观的一幕,也是转头对着夭夭,绿萝还有那左丘青鱼笑道。 Zuoqiu Qingyu has sauntered in the Yao Yao whole body for serveral days, Yao Yao is disinclined excessively to explain, but Lu Luo is hugging purely the mentality of watching the good play, therefore she does not know, the handsome man who she picks, is actually west one cowrie shells... 左丘青鱼这些天一直都是在夭夭周身转悠,夭夭是懒得过多解释,而绿萝则是纯粹抱着看好戏的心态,所以她一直都不知道,她相中的这个美男子,其实是一个西贝货... Yao Yao and the others naturally do not have the objection, therefore the group also leave, speeds away to go to the direction that Saint Vestige Land is. 夭夭等人自然没有异议,于是一行人也是动身,对着那圣迹之地所在的方向疾驰而去。 Saint Vestige Land from the Saint Vestige City several hundred li (0.5 km), group full speed, without the flowered too much time, then arrives in the destination. 圣迹之地距离圣迹城数百里,一行人全速之下,没花太多的时间,便是抵达目的地。 The Zhou Yuan vision looked out into the distance, sees only the end of that line of sight, appear(ance) a basin that could not see the end, sky over the basin, has the mist to cover, in the mist, was faint is sending out the strange fluctuation, made the person palpitation. 周元目光远眺,只见得那视线的尽头,出现了一座看不见尽头的盆地,盆地上空,有着雾气笼罩,雾气之中,隐隐间散发着奇异的波动,令人心悸。 But under the mist, is giant incomparable rivers, rivers glittering the gloss, cannot result in slightly the mighty waves tranquilly, but actually gives people an immeasurably deep feeling. 而在雾气之下,便是一条巨大无比的河流,河流闪烁着光泽,平静得不起丝毫波澜,但却又给人一种深不可测的感觉。 To come to this rivers, is that saint river of encirclement outside Saint Vestige Land. 想来这条河流,就是环绕在圣迹之地外的那条圣河 A countless form falls, the enormous and powerful visible end, some actually many people does not know. 无数道身影落下来,浩浩荡荡的看不见尽头,不知道究竟有多少人。 Outside that Saint Vestige Land, has six huge incomparable stone platform, but at this time then has the person's shadow to fall on above unceasingly. 在那圣迹之地外,有着六座巨大无比的石台,而此时便是不断有着人影落在上面。 Zhou Yuan one group, also sought stone platform to fall. 周元一行人,也是寻了一座石台落下。 In six stone platform sky, has six powerful Origin Qi to howl, just like six storms, in that has six person's shadows, faintly discernible is sitting cross-legged. 在六座石台的上空,有着六道强悍源气呼啸,犹如六道风暴,在那之中,有着六道人影,若隐若现的盘坐着。 „Is that Six Saint Sects' envoy?” Zhou Yuan asked in a low voice. “那就是六圣宗的使者吗?”周元低声问道。 Lu Luo nodded, said: Un, it is said these six envoy, steps into Divine Palace Realm expert.” 绿萝点点头,道:“嗯,据说这六位使者,都是踏入神府境强者。” Six Divine Palace Realm.” Sigh that Zhou Yuan cannot bear, expert of this rank, places on Boundless Continent, perhaps is Top Rank. “六位神府境。”周元忍不住的感叹一声,这种等级的强者,放在苍茫大陆上,恐怕就是顶尖级别 „Our stone platform head that came from Saint Palace's envoy it is said.” The Zuoqiu Qingyu white hands build at present, smiling say/way. “我们这座石台头上那位,据说是来自圣宫的使者。”左丘青鱼玉手搭在眼前,笑盈盈的道。 Saint Palace...” Yesterday the Zhou Yuan look congealed, listening to that barefooting uncle who met saying that as if Saint Palace's envoy, has picked Wu Huang, so long as the latter this time displayed prominently in Saint Vestige Land, can be received Saint Palace, henceforth reached the sky in a single bound. 圣宫...”周元眼神微凝,听昨天遇见的那位赤脚大叔说,似乎圣宫的使者,已经相中了武煌,只要后者此次在圣迹之地中表现突出,就能够被收入圣宫,从此一步登天。 But in the Zhou Yuan state of mind rotates, his raised the head, looks suddenly to the distant place, sees only there, the golden person's shadow crosses the hands behind the back to stand together, imposing manner is vigorous, a pressure sends out from his within the body, made all around chosen child, does not dare to approach. 而就在周元心绪转动间,他忽然抬起头,看向远处,只见得那里,一道金色人影负手而立,气势雄浑,一股威压从他体内散发出来,令得四周的骄子,都是不敢靠近。 That pressure, naturally then came from Wu Huang. 那股威压,自然便是来自武煌 Wu Huang is also is at this time excessive, the vision of no emotion has swept Zhou Yuan, then. 武煌此时也是偏过头来,毫无情感的目光扫过周元,然后顿了顿。 Divine Soul stepped into Void Realm late stage unexpectedly.” In the Wu Huang's eye passed over gently and swiftly wipes the fluctuation, this Zhou Family's wasted dragon, actually a little ability. 神魂竟然踏进了虚境后期。”武煌的眼中掠过一抹波动,这个周家的废龙,倒是有点能耐。 Really is the troublesome fly.” Wu Huang muttered, in the eye had the different light to reappear suddenly together. “真是麻烦的苍蝇。”武煌喃喃道,眼中忽有一道异光浮现。 But also in this flickers, the Zhou Yuan whole body fine hair but is actually suddenly vertical, an indescribable danger felt, well ups. 而也就是在这一瞬,周元忽然浑身汗毛倒竖,一股无法形容的危险感觉,涌上心头。 His vision, locked Wu Huang stubbornly. 他的目光,死死的锁定了武煌 At this time the latter is the uphold palm suddenly, the five fingers grips tightly unexpectedly, then distant to direction that he is , a fist rumbles. 此时后者竟是忽然的抬起手掌,五指紧握,然后遥遥的对着他所在的方向,一拳轰出。 Bang! 轰! crimson Origin Qi, howls, just like a round manic hot sun, if quickly bolt of thunder is coming to Zhou Yuan. 赤红源气,呼啸而出,犹如一轮狂躁烈日,快若奔雷的对着周元呼啸而至。 Wu Huang, you went too far!” Lu Luo, Zuoqiu Qingyu had detected, immediately upbraids makes noise, vigorous Origin Qi erupts suddenly. 武煌,你太过分了!”绿萝,左丘青鱼都是有所察觉,当即怒叱出声,雄浑源气陡然爆发。 Yao Yao was also in the pupil passed over gently and swiftly wipes the chill in the air, bright and clean forehead Divine Soul surged. 夭夭也是眸子中掠过一抹寒意,光洁眉心神魂涌动。 Tun Tun in bosom, exuded the low roar. 怀中的吞吞,也是发出了低吼声。 However, in they are going to intend to stop, suddenly has an indescribable constriction to drop from the clouds, unexpectedly Origin Qi that their whole body surges, suppressed all. 不过,就在他们将要出手阻拦时,忽然有着一股无法形容的压迫感从天而降,竟是将他们周身涌动的源气,尽数的压制了回去。 Saint Palace envoy?!” Lu Luo, Zuoqiu Qingyu charming face changes, because of that constriction, impressively from that Saint Palace envoy that in the sky sits cross-legged. 圣宫使者?!”绿萝,左丘青鱼俏脸一变,因为那股压迫感,赫然是来自天空上盘坐的那位圣宫使者 But also in their obstructed flickers, that crimson fist light, had arrived in front of Zhou Yuan's together, the power and influence of that fist, Heaven's Pass Realm late stage expert(s), felt even fears intent. 而也就是在她们被阻扰的一瞬,那一道赤红拳光,已是抵达了周元的面前,那一拳的威势,就算是天关境后期高手,都感到了惧意。 „The fellow died.” The surroundings have chosen child to say after a sigh, who didn't expect, Wu Huang unexpectedly sudden making a move, moreover disregards another's feelings, obviously is planned that a fist killed Zhou Yuan directly. “那家伙死定了。”周围有着骄子感叹道,谁都没想到,武煌竟然会突然的出手,而且还是这么不留情面,显然是打算一拳直接杀了周元 scarlet light floods the Zhou Yuan's eyeball, that aggressive fluctuation that sweeps across to come, naturally is also makes his pupil reduce, but so critical juncture, he actually not panic, instead fierce trod half step. 赤光充斥周元的眼球,那股席卷而来的凶悍波动,自然也是让得他瞳孔紧缩,不过这般危急关头,他却并没有惊慌失措,反而是猛的踏出了半步。 His both arms intersect before the body, sees only on the arm to have light pattern to reappear. 他双臂交叉在身前,只见得手臂上有着光纹浮现出来。 3rd Rank Origin Pattern, Great Tortoise Shell Pattern!” 三品源纹,大龟甲纹!” With the Zhou Yuan heart calls out, sees only its arm front, light pattern interweaves, formed roughly several chi (0.33 m) dark grey tortoise shell unexpectedly, tortoise shell is motley, as if can resist Smashing the Mountain to hit hard. 伴随着周元心中一声暴喝,只见得其手臂前方,光纹交织,竟是形成了一道约莫数尺的暗灰色龟甲,龟甲斑驳厚重,仿佛能够抵御碎山重击。 Bang! 轰! crimson fist light, with that tortoise shell heavily collision together, among scarlet light turbulent surges, tortoise shell was appear(ance) the crack, finally supported several breaths by strenuous efforts, exploded to break to pieces unexpectedly directly. 赤红拳光,与那龟甲重重的碰撞在一起,赤光一个汹涌翻腾间,龟甲便是出现了裂纹,最后苦苦支撑了数息,竟是直接爆碎开来。 Remaining crimson fist light, was the bombardment on the Zhou Yuan both arms. 残余的赤红拳光,则是轰击在了周元双臂上。 Bang! 砰! His body such as was hit hard, pours to shoot, the both feet applied the long trace in that ground, the mist and dust filled the air. 他的身躯如遭重击,倒射了出去,双脚在那地面上搽出了长长的痕迹,烟尘弥漫。 A countless line of sight looked, many people are the frowned heads, this Wu Huang's behavior, is really somewhat ugly, strength by far Zhou Yuan, must use this method obviously unexpectedly. 无数道视线都是看了过来,不少人都是皱了皱眉头,这武煌的行为,真是有些难看,明明实力远胜周元,竟然还要使用这种手段。 That should Zhou Yuan, be killed directly?” Numerous sounds resound, then looked that to place that mist and dust fills. “那周元,应该直接被打死了吧?”众多声音响起,然后看向那烟尘弥漫的地方。 In a that farther place, Xiao Tianxuan as well as Gu Ling and the others were looking at this, is smiles to make noise, this Zhou Yuan that cannot bear, is annoys Wu Huang is not pleasing to the eyes finally. 在那更远的地方,萧天玄以及古灵等人望着这一幕,都是忍不住的笑出声来,这个周元,总算是惹到武煌不顺眼了。 The Wu Huang's look is still faint, as if previous achievement, but patted an annoying fly conveniently. 武煌的神色依旧淡漠,仿佛先前的作为,只是随手拍死了一只烦人的苍蝇而已。 Mist and dust divergence gradually, a countless line of sight is staring there, again then, their complexion are suddenly changes. Sees only there, the form, still straight standing erect, his flagstone is disrupts together, intersects on the present both arms, hidden has the azure scale to reappear, but these scales are disrupt at this time. 烟尘渐渐的散去,无数道视线盯着那里,再然后,他们的面色都是忽的一变。只见得在那里,一道身影,依然直直的矗立,他脚下的石板都是碎裂开来,交叉在眼前的双臂上,隐有着青色鳞片浮现,不过此时这些鳞片都是碎裂开来。 Has the blood to drop following the arm. 有着鲜血顺着手臂滴落下来。 A Zhou Yuan's look tranquility, killing intent that but in that surges, almost must flood. 周元的神色一片平静,只是那眼中涌动的杀意,几乎是要满溢出来。 This time, if did not rely on he is prepared early learned defensive-type 3rd Rank Origin Pattern, perhaps in addition the defense of Profound Python Scale, Wu Huang this fist, really can kill him directly. 这一次,如果不是凭借着他早有准备的学会了一道防御型三品源纹,再加上玄蟒鳞的防御,恐怕武煌这一拳,真的能够直接打死他。 Zhou Yuan, are you all right?!” 周元,你没事吧?!” Yao Yao, Lu Luo, the Zuoqiu Qingyu illness/quick plunders side Zhou Yuan. 夭夭,绿萝,左丘青鱼疾掠到周元身旁。 Tun Tun leaps from the Yao Yao's bosom , the fierce emanation roaring sound, the small body rapid inflation, changes into the mysterious ominous beast, among giant mouth is sending out black light stubbornly, beast is staring at Wu Huang. 吞吞夭夭的怀中跃出,猛的发出咆哮声,小小的身躯迅速的膨胀,化为神秘凶兽,巨嘴间散发着黑光,兽目死死的盯着武煌 Its spiritual wisdom is extremely high, although usually in always shuts out Zhou Yuan, but looks like in Tun Tun, Zhou Yuan relates the best person besides Yao Yao with it, it usually bullies, but this person dares to act at present unexpectedly suddenly, is really is unforgivable. 它的灵智极高,虽然平日里总是嫌弃周元,但在吞吞看来,周元是除了夭夭外与它关系最好的人,它平常欺负可以,但眼前这个人竟然敢突然出手,实在是不可饶恕。 Surroundings these chosen child feel Tun Tun's to be maneating, hurries to draw back in abundance. 周围那些骄子感受到吞吞的凶悍,赶紧纷纷退开。 Nearby that Yao Yao's charming face also becomes the incomparable ice to be cold for the first time, the white hands grip tightly, light pattern of forehead, unexpectedly is a flood beginning fluctuation, elegant eye of ice cold. 在那一旁,夭夭的俏脸也是首次变得无比的冰寒,玉手紧握,眉心的光纹,竟是泛起点点波动,俏目凌冽 Do not impulse!” “不要冲动!” Zhou Yuan stretches out fully is the palm of blood, held on the Yao Yao's small hand, gripping of effort, he remembers, Master Cang Yuan has said that cannot make the seal of Yao Yao forehead become less crowded. 周元伸出满是鲜血的手掌,拉住了夭夭的小手,用力的握住,他可是记得,苍渊师父说过,不能让夭夭眉心的封印松动。 Yao Yao looks to Zhou Yuan, usually has cleanliness/mysophobia her, this time has not cared about the blood of Zhou Yuan that full hand actually, she a little rebukes oneself, lets that Wu Huang unexpectedly in her front, nearly really killed Zhou Yuan. 夭夭看向周元,素来有着洁癖的她,这次倒是没有在意周元那满手的鲜血,她有点自责,竟然让得那武煌在她的面前,险些真的杀了周元 Stop!” “住手!” At this time has the low and deep drinking sound to drop from the clouds, that Saint Palace's envoy, the vision overlooks, the Divine Palace Realm expert pressure covers, is suppresses Tun Tun is unable to move. 此时有着低沉的喝声从天而降,那圣宫的使者,目光俯视下来,神府境强者的威压笼罩而下,将吞吞都是压制得无法动弹。 Saint Vestige Land is going to open immediately, can not cause the tumult in this!” Saint Palace envoy solemnly said. 圣迹之地马上将要开启,不得在此引起骚动!”圣宫使者低沉的道 Lu Luo gas channel/angrily said: „Didn't you prevent Wu Huang previously?!” 绿萝气道:“那你先前不阻止武煌?!” Zuoqiu Qingyu is also the small mouth casts aside, said: This envoy may really not know what to fairly.” 左丘青鱼也是小嘴一撇,道:“这位使者可真是不知晓何为公平。” How at this time they are not clear, this Saint Palace envoy, previously obviously suppressed them intentionally, keeping them from helping Zhou Yuan. 此时她们还如何不明白,这个圣宫使者,先前明显是故意的压制了她们,让得她们无法帮助周元 Obviously, this Saint Palace envoy is shielding Wu Huang. 显然,这位圣宫使者在袒护武煌 Surrounding chosen child also discusses spiritedly, this Saint Palace envoy achievement, is some are not indeed just. 周围的骄子也是议论纷纷,这圣宫使者的作为,的确是有些不公道。 In the sky, that Saint Palace envoy complexion is some are unattractive, coldly looked at Zhou Yuan their eyes, without speech, but shouted: Since you have the opinion, that do not enter Saint Vestige Land.” 天空上,那名圣宫使者面色也是有些不好看,冷冷的看了周元他们一眼,没有说话,只是喝道:“既然你们有意见,那就不要进圣迹之地了。” Lu Luo, Zuoqiu Qingyu charming face is somewhat ugly, this scoundrel envoy. 绿萝,左丘青鱼俏脸都是有些难看,这个混账使者 However, in the Saint Palace envoy sound falls, in the sky of that distant place, similarly together in the radiant light group, seems together the person's shadow revolutions to glance at the light, looks to this direction, the sound that mocked together, conveyed. 不过,就在圣宫使者的声音落下时,在那远处的天空上,同样一道璀璨光团中,似有一道人影转过目光,看向这个方向,一道讥诮的声音,随之传来。 hehe, Zhao Pan, you are also representing Saint Palace, can the countenance should not be so ugly?” 嘿嘿,赵盘,你好歹也是代表着圣宫,嘴脸能不能不要这么难看?” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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