VY :: Volume #2

#135: Zuoqiu Qingyu

the p > sudden sound, lets everyone is raise one's head looks to not far away that is backing on the wall, the both arms hold black skirt young girl of chest, but takes a quick look around, many eyes shone. p>突如其来的声音,让得所有人的都是抬头望向不远处那背靠着墙壁,双臂抱胸的黑裙少女,而第一眼看去,不少人眼睛都是微亮了一下。 That black skirt young girl is red jade foot, white jade fine foot on bare, but also is hanging one string of silver bells, under the foot seems has the light mist to linger, making her throughout not moisten the tread, her appearance also extremely attractive, fills feeling that a monster is flattering, just like attracting small alluring woman. 那黑裙少女赤着玉足,白玉般的精致脚裸上,还挂着一串银色的铃铛,足下仿佛是有着淡淡雾气萦绕,令得她始终未曾沾着地面,她的容颜也是极为的漂亮,充满着一种妖媚的感觉,活脱脱一个魅惑的小妖精 That Xiao Tianxuan is looking at this black skirt young girl, the look was actually dignified, said: Zuoqiu Qingyu.” 萧天玄望着这黑裙少女,眼神倒是凝重了一些,道:“左丘青鱼。” Surroundings these chosen child looks also concentrate, obviously heard regarding this name. 周围那些骄子眼神也是一凝,显然对于这个名字都是有所耳闻。 Zuoqiu Family that Zuoqiu Qingyu?” The Zhou Yuan look also moves slightly, it is said this, is one on present Boundless Continent top chosen child. 左丘家的那位左丘青鱼么?”周元眼神也是微动,据说这位,也是如今苍茫大陆上的顶尖骄子之一呢。 Lu Luo is also opening the big eye, curious is staring at present this small alluring woman black skirt young girl, latter's reputation she has naturally also heard, but now is also first meeting. 绿萝也是睁着大眼睛,好奇的盯着眼前这位小妖精般的黑裙少女,后者的名声她自然也是听说过,只不过如今也是第一次见面。 However, regarding that numerous vision, that named Zuoqiu Qingyu young girl is just like has not actually heard, her to peach blossom double pupil, but stares on Yao Yao's. 不过,对于那众多的目光,那名为左丘青鱼少女却是犹如未闻,她那对桃花般的双眸,只是盯在夭夭的身上。 Her figure suddenly moves, seems the clear bell sound to get up, but her form, was just like demon appear(ance) before the Yao Yao's body. 她身形忽的一动,似有清脆的铃铛声响起,而她的身影,便是犹如鬼魅般的出现在了夭夭的身前。 Good quick speed!” “好快的速度!” Presenting almost all people are one startled, that speed, they even looking have not seen clearly. 在场几乎所有人都是一惊,那种速度,他们甚至连看都没看清楚。 Hi, what did you call? I called Zuoqiu Qingyu, became friends!” Zuoqiu Qingyu with a smile is looking at Yao Yao, in that bright and intelligent pupil, full is the curious color. “嗨,你叫什么?我叫左丘青鱼,交个朋友吧!”左丘青鱼笑吟吟的望着夭夭,那水汪汪的眸子中,满是好奇之色。 At present this person, actually lives generally is attractive with her! 眼前这个人,竟然生得跟她一般漂亮呢! Moreover, the one who most makes Zuoqiu Qingyu curious is Yao Yao that makings, then to the eye, seems thorough and elusive, previously when her appear(ance), other person is shocking of face, only has him to seem like the least bit sound not to have. 而且,最让得左丘青鱼好奇的是夭夭那种气质,那对眼目,仿佛是透彻而空灵,先前她出现时,别的人都是一脸的惊艳,唯有他似乎半点动静都没有。 Zuoqiu Qingyu can feel, Yao Yao does not install, but is not really interested in her. 左丘青鱼能够感觉得出来,夭夭并不是装的,而是真的对她不太感兴趣。 Yao Yao looks at Zuoqiu Qingyu that approaches, poured was also startled, but she recovers at once, present she, seems like the man to dress up. 夭夭瞧得靠近过来的左丘青鱼,倒也是怔了下,不过旋即她回过神来,现在的她,似乎是男子装扮。 Zhou Xiaoyao.” However Yao Yao has no interest in explaining anything, is only the optional say/way. 周小夭。”不过夭夭也没兴趣多解释什么,只是随意的道。 Hee hee, the name and I am equally of pleasant to hear.” “嘻嘻,名字和我一样好听呢。” Nearby Zhou Yuan pulled out the corners of the mouth, this Zuoqiu Qingyu actually a little narcissism, but she also has this qualification. 一旁的周元抽了抽嘴角,这个左丘青鱼倒是有点自恋,不过她也有着这种本钱。 Yao Yao has not paid attention to Zuoqiu Qingyu, her looks at Xiao Tianxuan with that Gu Ling, said: Remembers my previous words, wants to bring back the thing, entered Saint Vestige Land to snatch, plays these useless small methods, could not amount to something.” 夭夭则是没理会左丘青鱼,她看着萧天玄与那古灵,道:“记住我先前的话,想要拿回东西,进了圣迹之地就来抢,玩这些没用的小手段,上不了台面。” Her voice is light, does not have the slight anger, but has ice cold makings that made one not dare to refute. 她声音清淡,不带丝毫怒气,但却自有一股令人不敢反驳的凌冽气质。 The voice falls, she is turns around to go, leaves behind one pile by her being mad place shock and awe young boys young girls. 话音落下,她便是转身而去,留下一堆被她气场所震慑的少年少女 Zhou Yuan and Lu Luo caught up to follow close on, that Zuoqiu Qingyu eyeball transferred the revolutions, was following suddenly. 周元绿萝赶紧跟了上去,那左丘青鱼眼珠子转了转,也是忽的跟上。 Xiao Tianxuan looks at the form that they are departing, the handsome face is somewhat ugly, today's matter, by his Saint Vestige City Young City Lord face, can make that Zhou Yuan give back to Gu Ling Gu Family supreme treasure with ease. 萧天玄望着他们离去的身影,英俊的面庞有些难看,原本今日的事情,凭借他圣迹城少城主的面子,能够轻松的让那周元古家至宝还给古灵 At that time he is still thinking, after recaption treasure, wanted this Zhou Yuan to apologize to Gu Ling again, where finally expected, others root originally has not planned to give him this Young City Lord half a point face countenance. 当时他还在想,取回宝贝后,是不是再要这个周元古灵赔礼道歉,结果哪料到,人家根本就没打算给他这个少城主半分颜面。 Now the thing not only do not come back, instead was also shocked one by others unrestrained/no trace of politeness. 如今东西不仅没要回来,反而还被人家毫不客气的震慑了一通。 Nearby Gu Ling, in the long and narrow pupil was also the color of passing over gently and swiftly chill/yin cold, on her face actually could not see anything, but smiled bitterly to Xiao Tianxuan, said: Really wasted Young City Lord pains, thought to be able the peaceful settlement.” 一旁的古灵,狭长的眸子中也是掠过阴寒之色,不过她的脸上却是看不出什么,只是冲着萧天玄苦笑一声,道:“真是白费少城主一片苦心了,原本以为能够和平解决的。” She is so saying, Xiao Tianxuan is actually in the heart even more angry, sinking sound said: Snort, although that person is Reality Realm Divine Soul, but rather was also too insolent, Divine Soul tyrannicalally how, if not carefully approaches , is also a matter of blade.” 她这般说着,萧天玄却是心中愈发的恼怒,沉声道:“哼,那人虽然是实境神魂,但也未免太张狂了一些,神魂强横又如何,若是不小心被接近了,也就是一刀的事。” Other these chosen child also spoke to echo, specializes in Divine Soul, no doubt can rely on the Origin Pattern strength, but oneself actually extremely frail, was not careful, did not say that was fleshly body is destroyed. 其他的那些骄子也是纷纷出言附和,专修神魂者,固然能够借助源纹的力量,但自身却是极为的脆弱,一个不小心,说不得便是肉身被毁。 And...” “而且...” In the Xiao Tianxuan eye the passing over gently and swiftly cold glow, said: I heard, that Great Zhou Dynasty's Zhou Yuan, with Great Wu Dynasty's Wu Huang, gratitude and grudges.” 萧天玄眼中掠过寒芒,道:“我可是听说,那个大周王朝的周元,与大武王朝的武煌,还有一段恩怨呢。” I want to take a look actually, if Wu Huang must kill Zhou Yuan, that person, can protect Zhou Yuan by Divine Soul?” “我倒是想看看,如果是武煌要杀周元,那个人,又能够以神魂护住周元吗?” Gu Ling hearing this, elegant eye immediately one bright. 古灵闻言,俏目顿时一亮。 The Wu Huang's prestige, in present Boundless Continent younger generation, can in comparison, few, after all others by the Heaven's Pass Realm late stage strength, cut to kill Absolute Beginning Realm expert. 武煌的威名,在如今苍茫大陆年轻一辈中,能够与其相比者,屈指可数,毕竟人家可是以天关境后期的实力,斩杀过太初境强者的。 That appearance delicate and pretty man, no doubt has Reality Realm Divine Soul, but if meets Wu Huang, perhaps as before being able to flatter place. 那个长相俊美的男子,固然拥有着实境神魂,但如果遇上武煌,恐怕依旧讨不了好处。 In Saint Vestige Land fills mysteriously, what matter will happen, that person is unable to protect Zhou Yuan frequently, so long as they separate, must kill that Zhou Yuan, easy as pie.” 圣迹之地中充满玄奥,什么事情都会发生,那个人也无法时刻护住周元,只要他们分开,要杀那周元,易如反掌。” Xiao Tianxuan looks to Gu Ling, said: Therefore does not use anxiously, a Cultivating Qi Realm boy, but also cannot turn what spray to come.” 萧天玄看向古灵,道:“所以说不用急,一个养气境的小子,还翻不出什么浪花来。” Gu Ling smiles, looks to the Xiao Tianxuan vision, seemed becomes gentle. 古灵浅浅一笑,看向萧天玄的目光,仿佛都是变得温柔了许多。 Tomorrow Six Saint Sects' envoy will arrive at Saint Vestige City, wants to come Saint Vestige Land also to open quickly.” Xiao Tianxuan saying suddenly. “明日六圣宗的使者就会来到圣迹城,想来圣迹之地也很快要开启了。”萧天玄忽的说道。 Gu Ling as well as other chosen child hearing this, are the reveal happy expression and hope. 古灵以及其他骄子闻言,都是眼露喜色与期盼。 That Saint Vestige Land, was surrounded by huge saint river, the water of that saint river, even if it is said the leaf falls to sink, but sky over saint river, then died at the age of the lingering mist. 圣迹之地,被一条巨大的圣河所环绕,那圣河之水,据说即便是叶子落上去都会沉下去,而圣河上空,则是终年萦绕雾气。 That mist also extremely strange, enters, will lose the direction, could not do well one to shift crashed in saint river directly, was drown to death while still alive. 那雾气也是极为的古怪,一进入其中,就会迷失方向,搞不好一个转向就直接冲进了圣河中,被活活的淹死了。 However what fortunately is, every other years, that mist can become pale, but at this time, so long as there is expert to act, then can rip open a channel, delivering. 不过所幸的是,每隔一些岁月,那雾气会变淡,而这个时候,只要有强者出手,便是能够撕开一条通道,将人给送进去。 But expert of so-called that rank, on Boundless Continent does not have, therefore, only then Six Saint Sects has this ability, they will send out envoy, comes to assist, is guaranteed to be able when Saint Vestige Land finished, chosen child income respective disciple that first will emerge. 而所谓那种等级的强者,苍茫大陆上没有,所以,就只有六圣宗有这个能耐,他们将会派出使者,前来协助,同时也是保证能够在圣迹之地结束时,第一时间将其中脱颖而出的骄子收入各自门下 But arriving of Six Saint Sects envoy, explained that everyone long-awaited Saint Vestige Land, will soon open. 六圣宗使者的来到,也说明所有人梦寐以求的圣迹之地,即将开启。 ... ... Irritated me, this bastard Xiao Tianxuan, if met in Saint Vestige Land, I wanted him to be attractive surely!” All the way, Lu Luo, has not been feeling well that Xiao Tianxuan to dare not to give her angrily obviously unexpectedly the face. “气死我了,这个混蛋萧天玄,如果在圣迹之地里面遇见了,我定要他好看!”一路上,绿萝还气鼓鼓的,显然不爽那萧天玄竟然敢不给她面子。 Zhou Yuan smiles, did not say on this, although some twists and turns, but after all and Vermilion Blood Grass did Nether Soul Fruit, tonight he with the aid of two Origin Material, can absorb a drop of Divine Soul source, when the time comes can break through to Void Realm late stage inevitably. 周元笑了笑,不在这上面多说,虽然此次有些波折,但终归是将“冥魂果”和“朱血草”搞到手了,今夜他借助两道源材,就能够将一滴神魂本源吸收,到时候必然可以突破到虚境后期 He somewhat helpless turning the head, looks suddenly to Yao Yao there, sees only that Zuoqiu Qingyu grinning unceasing speech: Brother Xiaoyao, where are you from?” 他忽然有些无奈的转过头,看向夭夭那里,只见得那左丘青鱼正笑嘻嘻的不断说话:“小夭兄,你是哪里人啊?” I thought you, although does not have Origin Qi, but Divine Soul is actually extremely powerful, could a group team, entered Saint Vestige Land also to take care.” “我看你虽然没有源气,但神魂却是极强,说不定可以组个队,进了圣迹之地还有照应呢。” Yao Yao was being entangled by her, is somewhat aerobic is also funny, she is disinclined to explain anything, therefore can only not pay attention. 夭夭被她缠着,也是有些好气又好笑,她又懒得解释什么,所以只能不理会。 Was hungry, first eats meal.” Yao Yao was saying to Zhou Yuan. “饿了,先吃饭吧。”夭夭对着周元道。 Everyone meets is the fate, I treat, the good food of this chosen child building, is Saint Vestige City one certainly!” Zuoqiu Qingyu said with a smile. “大家相见就是缘分,我来请客,这骄子楼的美食,可是圣迹城一绝呢!”左丘青鱼笑吟吟的道 Yao Yao is disinclined to pay attention, Lu Luo hears the good food is the big eye shines, Zhou Yuan naturally also indifferent, although at present this Zuoqiu Qingyu is a little strange, but the strength is very indeed strong, many friend matters, Zhou Yuan will not reject. 夭夭懒得理会,绿萝听见美食则是大眼睛放光,周元自然也无所谓,眼前这个左丘青鱼虽然有点怪,但实力的确很强,多个朋友这种事,周元并不会拒绝。 Therefore group then under the Zuoqiu Qingyu warm leadership, on direct the tall building in chosen child building, but, is mounting that flash of this building, the Zhou Yuan's footsteps solidified suddenly. 于是一行人便是在左丘青鱼热情的带领下,直接上了骄子楼的高楼,不过,就在登上此楼的那一瞬间,周元的脚步忽然的凝固了下来。 He resembles a feeling raised the head, looked to this building direction, in the there place by the window, a form that wore golden robe, Zheng'an however sat, in its whole body, the position was empty, because of astonishing imposing manner, lingered in its whole body, making one dread. 他似有所感的抬起头,看向了此楼最右侧的方向,在那里靠窗的地方,一名身着金袍的身影,正安然而坐,在其周身,位置空荡荡的,因为一股惊人的气势,萦绕在其周身,令人忌惮。 Buzz! 嗡! Zhou Yuan looks at that to say the golden robe form, Heavenspan Profound Python Qi in within the body, in this time uncontrolled revolution, as if exuded the angry roaring sound unexpectedly. 周元望着那道金袍身影,体内的通天玄蟒气,竟是在此时不受控制的运转起来,仿佛是发出了愤怒的咆哮声。 In his palm, Resentful Dragon Toxin that occupies is also sends out to howl, is faint has the severe pain, spreads from the palm. 在其掌心,盘踞的怨龙毒也是发出嘶啸,隐隐间有着剧痛,自掌心蔓延出来。 The mood on Zhou Yuan's face, little restraining, the eye stared at that to say the golden robe person's shadow, moves also motionless. 周元的脸庞上的情绪,一点点的收敛了下来,眼睛盯着那道金袍人影,动也不动。 But that said the golden robe person's shadow, had detected, teacup slightly in hand, then turning the head slowly. 而那道金袍人影,也是有所察觉,手中的茶杯微微一顿,然后缓缓的转过头来。 Two people vision, in this moment, looked at each other one. 两人的目光,在这一刻,对视到了一起。 Entire Heaven and Earth seemed peaceful. 整个天地仿佛都是安静了下来。 Bang! 轰! In two people bodies, has the stuffy thunder crack, the blood gets up in this time boiling. 两人的身体之内,有着闷雷炸响,血液都是在此时沸腾起来。 In that flash, they almost knew the status of opposite party as if by prior agreement. 在那一瞬间,他们几乎是不约而同的知晓了对方的身份。 Great Zhou, Zhou Yuan. 大周,周元 Great Wu, Wu Huang. 大武,武煌 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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